There’s a world out there, but there’s a county right here with so much to discover! The Hello Hillsborough podcast dives into all things Hillsborough County. Join hosts and County employees, Hilary and Tyler, as they say “hello” to the people who are passionate about our community. You’ll learn everything from hurricane prep and starting a new business, to information on our local events and activities. Whether you’re a lifelong resident or just planting roots, the Hello Hillsborough podcas ...
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Welcome to the Hillsboro School District's weekly Hot News podcast. We are the fourth-largest public school district in the state of Oregon with 35 schools serving more than 20,000 students from preschool through twelfth grade. Now you can listen to the District’s top news on your phone, in your car, or wherever is convenient for you.
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We believe the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God and it is preached and taught in every program and ministry we offer. We are located on the corner of Pleasant Green Rd and Ebenezer Church rd in Hillsborough, NC.
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We are Hillsborough Junior FC, based in Lisburn Northern Ireland. Welcome to our Podcast! Our club caters for over 600 registered members, we are the 'original football for all' proving provisions for boys and girls of abilities as well as our established men's sides including our over 35s section the Hillsborough Knights and the most recently formed Hillsborough Crusaders Disabled Football section. Join us as we take a closer look at the inner workings of our club, from our history to our f ...
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Ninety-six football fans never came home from a match in 1989. This is the full story of the Hillsborough disaster. What started as a FA Cup football match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield ended as one of the worst days in British sporting history. Grace Mailey and Tony Snell guide you through the full story, with interviews and audio from BBC Radio Merseyside’s archive over the last 30 years. Produced by Steve Coleman, David North and Christia ...
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My previous podcasts focused on securities law. Now that I'm running for Judge, this podcast is the first in a series of podcasts that will explain why I'm running for Hillsborough County Circuit Court Judge, and how, if elected, I will help to prevent tyranny while enhancing the rule of law by basing my decisions on the law, the facts, and the Constitution.
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 20 de enero de 2025 - Febrero es el Mes de la Historia de la Raza Negra
Febrero es el Mes de la Historia de la Raza Negra, y si bien estudiamos y celebramos la diversidad y las contribuciones de las personas de raza negra/africana/afroamericana durante este tiempo, estas conversaciones y lecciones no se limitan al mes de febrero sino que se llevan a cabo durante todo el año. Cuando la diversidad de nuestros estudiantes…
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February is Black History Month, and while we do study and celebrate the diversity and contributions of Black/African/African Americans during this time, these conversations and lessons are not limited to the month of February - they take place throughout the entire year. When our students’ diversity is appreciated and visible, they all thrive from…
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HSD HR High Five Podcast January 2025 - HSD After Dark
Lire Plus Tard
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In this episode we hear all about the work that goes on behind the scenes to support our district at night! These great staff work around the clock, literally, to keep the district running smoothly. Let’s take a look into what happens around the district after dark and celebrate the accomplishments of our employees who fulfill the duties of these u…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 13 de enero de 2025 - Encuesta del Plan Estratégico
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Un componente fundamental de nuestro Plan Estratégico 2023-2027 es la incorporación de las voces de nuestros constituyentes. Hemos trabajado arduamente para asegurarnos de que las oportunidades para compartir opiniones y comentarios sean variadas, significativas e impliquen un alcance intencional a los grupos focales identificados y poblaciones his…
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A key component of our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is the incorporation of constituent voice. We have worked hard to ensure opportunities to share thoughts and feedback are varied, meaningful, and involve intentional outreach to identified focal groups and historically underserved populations. This includes our annual student survey in the spring, mee…
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Hiking in Hillsborough with Mikah and Alison
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Hilary and Tyler sit down with Alison from Conservation & Environmental Lands Management and Mikah from Parks & Recreation. They chat about the Hiking Spree, an annual challenge to hike at least eight nature trails, the opportunities to connect with nature right here in Hillsborough County, and how people of all ages and skill levels can get starte…
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¡Enero es el Mes de Agradecimiento a la Mesa Directiva! Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer sinceramente a nuestros siete miembros electos de la Mesa Directiva por su servicio voluntario al distrito y a la gran comunidad de Hillsboro: la presidenta Ivette Pantoja, el vicepresidente Mark Watson y los directores See Eun Kim, Erika…
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January is School Board Appreciation Month! We’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our seven elected School Board members for their voluntary service to the District and to the greater Hillsboro community: Chair Ivette Pantoja, Vice Chair Mark Watson, and Directors See Eun Kim, Erika Lopez, Patrick Maguire, Nancy Thomas, and Monique …
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HSD HR High Five Podcast December 2024 - Don’t take it for GRANTed
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In this episode we hear from employees who have creatively utilized grant funding to support their work at HSD. Did you know that HSD manages around 150 grants in an average year? There are many interesting ways that these resources provide for services throughout our district and we definitely don’t take it for granted. We are excited to share sto…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 16 de diciembre de 2024 - Subvenciones del Plan para el Éxito Estudiantil
La Ley para el Éxito Estudiantil de Oregón de 2019 estableció las Subvenciones del Plan para el Éxito Estudiantil (SSP, por sus siglas en inglés) para abordar las disparidades educativas y promover el éxito entre los estudiantes históricamente marginados. Estas subvenciones apoyan programas diseñados para mejorar los resultados educativos de grupos…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News December 16, 2024 - Student Success Plan Grant Awards
Oregon’s 2019 Student Success Act established Student Success Plan grants to address educational disparities and promote success among historically underserved students. These grants support programs tailored to improve educational outcomes for specific student groups, including African American/Black, Native American, Latino, and Native Hawaiian/P…
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Holiday Recycling with Danny
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Tune in to hear Hilary and Tyler test their recycling knowledge and learn how to keep the holidays eco-friendly. Danny will also share what actually happens to your recyclables, how to properly recycle holiday items, and even a little bit of recycling ASMR!Par Hillsborough County
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 9 de diciembre de 2024 - Resúmenes de los perfiles escolares y del distrito
El jueves, 21 de noviembre, el Departamento de Educación de Oregón publicó los resúmenes de los perfiles escolares y del distrito para el año escolar 2023-2024. Esta publicación está diseñada para proporcionar un conjunto consistente de datos a nivel de escuela y de distrito para las comunidades locales. Contiene datos de evaluaciones previamente p…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, December 9, 2024 - School and District Report Cards
On Thursday, November 21, the Oregon Department of Education released At-A-Glance School and District Profiles for the 2023-24 school year. The Profiles are designed to provide a consistent set of school and district level information to local communities. They contain previously released assessment data for last school year, previously released gr…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 2 de diciembre de 2024 - Pronóstico de ingresos estatales al mes de diciembre y paquete de fomento legislativo
El miércoles, 20 de noviembre, Oregón publicó su pronóstico económico y de ingresos del mes de diciembre. El pronóstico mostró aumentos significativos que se prevé generarán $982.5 millones adicionales netos en recursos del fondo general y de la lotería para el bienio 2023-25, en comparación con el pronóstico de septiembre de 2024. La bonificación …
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, December 2, 2024, December State Revenue Forecast & Legislative Advocacy Packet
Oregon released its December Economic and Revenue Forecast on Wednesday, November 20. The forecast showed significant surges that are projected to generate an additional $982.5 million in Net General Fund and Lottery Resources for the 2023-25 biennium, compared to the September 2024 Forecast. The projected personal kicker jumped to $1.792 billion (…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana. 25 de noviembre de 2024 - Entrega de cascos para bicicleta en la Escuela Primaria Lincoln Street
Recientemente, se entregaron cascos de bicicleta nuevos a todos los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Lincoln Street, gracias a una colaboración entre la maestra de Educación Física de Lincoln Street, la Sra. Saguchi, el grupo de liderazgo de la Escuela Preparatoria Glencoe, WashCo Bikes, el Departamento de Policía de Hillsboro y los enfermeros es…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, November 25, 2024, Bike Helmet Giveaway at Lincoln Street Elementary School
Recently, brand new bicycle helmets were given to all students at Lincoln Street Elementary School, thanks to a collaboration between Lincoln Street P.E. teacher, Mrs. Saguchi, Glencoe High School Leadership, WashCo Bikes, the Hillsboro Police Department, and trauma nurses from Legacy Health. The donation was made in memory of a Lincoln Street 6th …
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HSD HR High Five Podcast November 2024 - Internal Pathways (Part 2)
Lire Plus Tard
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This is the second of two episodes focused on discovering internal growth pathways for employees at HSD. Employee growth is a broad topic and it can include participation in degree programs that help elevate you to new positions and access to funding opportunities to support your goals, but it can also encompass unique employee directed initiatives…
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¡Del 18 al 22 de noviembre se celebra la Semana de la Educación Estadounidense! ¡Este es un momento en el que destacamos y celebramos el rol fundamental que desempeñan todos los miembros del personal de HSD al brindar una experiencia educativa en la que cada estudiante sea conocido, valorado y empoderado para que logren alcanzar sus sueños! Durante…
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November 18 through 22 is American Education Week! This is a time where we highlight and celebrate the critical role all HSD staff members play in providing an educational experience in which every student is known, valued, and empowered to achieve their dreams! Over the past few weeks, we have been asking students to share information about who th…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 11 de noviembre de 2024 - Aprendizaje positivo: El Laboratorio de Cuidado Animal de Hilhi empodera a futuros expertos en cuidado animal
Los estudiantes del programa de Ciencias Veterinarias de Hilhi pusieron en marcha recientemente un innovador Laboratorio de Cuidado Animal bajo un modelo de empresa escolar como parte de su nuevo curso de Laboratorio de Cuidado Animal. Diseñado para emular un salón de acicalado profesional para mascotas, el laboratorio permite a los estudiantes apl…
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Healthy Eating Habits with Brian
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Hilary and Tyler speak with Brian, a registered dietician from Hillsborough County Aging Services. Brian shares which foods can support brain health and boost energy levels and how to balance holiday meals through the plate method. Plus, Brian chimes in on simple ways to stay active amid the holiday hustle and improve holistic health and longevity.…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, November 11, 2024, Pawsitive Learning: Hilhi’s Grooming Lab Empowers Future Animal Care Experts
Students in the Veterinary Science program at Hilhi recently launched an innovative grooming lab in a school-based enterprise model as part of their new Animal Care lab course. Designed to emulate a professional pet salon, the lab allows students to apply their classroom knowledge in a practical, hands-on environment, moving from theory to real-wor…
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It’s election week, as we have all been reminded multiple times by political ads, flyers, emails, texts, and front porch visits. Everyone who is eligible to vote is encouraged to do so by the deadline of 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5. We are also aware that political divides are deep and have led to contention around the country. As much as we may …
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Noviembre es el Mes de la Herencia Indígena Estadounidense, un momento para celebrar la belleza de las culturas indígenas. No sólo reconocemos el importante impacto positivo de los pueblos indígenas en este país, sino que también recordamos el maltrato a sus comunidades que aún continúan luchando por obtener el reconocimiento, la igualdad y la paz.…
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November is Native American Heritage Month - a time to celebrate the beauty of indigenous cultures. Not only do we recognize the tremendous positive significance of Native people in this country, but we also remember the mistreatment of Native communities that continue to fight for recognition, equality, and peace. We recognize that parts of the Hi…
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Del 20 al 26 de octubre de 2024 se celebra la Semana de Escuelas Seguras en Estados Unidos. Durante este tiempo, destacamos el extenso sistema compuesto por adultos, elementos estructurales, esfuerzos educativos y protocolos en HSD que trabajan en conjunto para asegurarse de que nuestros estudiantes, miembros del personal y escuelas estén lo más se…
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October 20-26, 2024 is America’s Safe Schools Week. This is a time where we highlight the extensive system of adults, structural elements, educational efforts, and protocols at HSD that work together to ensure our students, staff, and schools are as safe as possible. One thing to highlight is the significant work that was done through our 2017 capi…
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The next two episodes will be focused on discovering internal growth pathways for employees at HSD. Employee growth is a broad topic and it can include participation in degree programs that help elevate you to new positions and access to funding opportunities to support your goals, but it can also encompass unique employee directed initiatives. You…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 14 de octubre de 2024 - Situación presupuestaria y abogacía a nivel legislativo para 2024-25
Lire Plus Tard
Lire Plus Tard
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A mediados de mayo de este año, los distritos escolares de todo el estado recibieron la conciliación final del Fondo Escolar Estatal (SSF, por sus siglas en inglés) para el año escolar 2022-23 y el presupuesto modificado para el año escolar 2023-24. Para poner en contexto y simplificar un sistema que es bastante complejo, las escuelas públicas de…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, October 14, 2024 - Budget Situation and Legislative Advocacy
In mid-May of this year, school districts across the state received the final State School Fund reconciliation for the 2022-23 school year and revised assumptions for the 2023-24 school year. For context, and to simplify a system that is quite complex, public schools in Oregon build their budgets on two primary things: Revenue - money they project …
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 7 de octubre de 2024 - Obras teatrales de otoño de las escuelas preparatorias
Comienza esta época del año, ¡la temporada de obras teatrales de otoño! Por favor, marque su calendario para venir y apoyar a nuestros actores de las escuelas preparatorias mientras muestran sus muchos talentos y semanas de arduo trabajo. El grupo teatral y cinematográfico de Glencoe le da la bienvenida al público y lo invita a su producción Trap, …
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It’s that time of year again - fall play season! Please mark your calendars so you can come out and support our high school thespians as they showcase their many talents and weeks of hard work. Glencoe Theater + Film welcomes audiences to its production of Trap on October 25, 26 and 31, and November 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m. Liberty Theatre presents Rid…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 30 de septiembre de 2024 - Octubre es el Mes Nacional para la Prevención del Acoso Escolar
El comportamiento amable y respetuoso es esperado y fomentado durante todo el año, pero lo enfatizamos aún más durante el Mes Nacional para la Prevención del Acoso Escolar que se celebra en el mes de octubre. El acoso escolar es un comportamiento repetitivo, no deseado y agresivo en el que alguien usa su poder, real o percibido, para lastimar a otr…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, September 30, 2024 - October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Kind and respectful behavior is expected and encouraged all year long, but we pay special attention to it in October during National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying is repeated, unwanted, and aggressive behavior where someone uses their power, real or perceived, to hurt someone or make them feel bad or intimidated. There are many different type…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 23 de septiembre de 2024 - Última convocatoria para presentar ideas para el Plan Hillsboro 2035
Creado originalmente en el año 2000 como el Plan de Visión y Acción Hillsboro 2020, el Plan Comunitario Hillsboro 2035 es nuestra visión compartida para el futuro de Hillsboro y un plan de acción detallado para trabajar hacia esa meta colectiva. Las ideas del plan se basan en los aportes de miles de miembros de la comunidad, en cooperación con orga…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, September 23, 2024 - Last Call for Hillsboro 2035 Ideas
Originally created in 2000 as the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan, the Hillsboro 2035 Community Plan is our shared vision for Hillsboro’s future and a detailed action plan for working toward that collective goal. The ideas in the plan are based on input from thousands of community members in cooperation with local organizations who have agree…
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HSD HR High Five Podcast September 2024 - New Beginnings
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We are kicking off the 24/25 school year season today with the topic of “new beginnings”. We are excited to share insight and stories that encourage you all as we start a new school year, new positions, and new relationships with each other. Episode Host: Kona Lew-Williams Featured staff: Jeremy Corwin — Principal, J.W. Poynter Middle School Ivana …
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El Distrito Escolar de Hillsboro reconoce el potencial de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) para mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y aumentar la eficiencia de los educadores. La IA puede ayudar a los estudiantes en la investigación, fomentar el desarrollo de ideas y promover el compromiso con las tareas escolares. Para los educadores, la auto…
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HSD recognizes the potential of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, to enhance learning for students and increase efficiency for educators. AI can empower students by aiding research, fostering idea development, and promoting engagement with schoolwork. For educators, AI's automation of time-consuming tasks enables a greater focus on instruction, mento…
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Hurricane Preparedness with Katja
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Hilary and Tyler speak with Katja from Hillsborough Fire Rescue's Office of Emergency Management. Katja clears up misconceptions about hurricane season and breaks down the important distinction between flood zones and evacuation zones. Plus, find out about the dangers of storm surge and what you need to know to stay safe when storms approach.…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 9 de septiembre de 2024 - Celebrando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y Latina
El Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana y Latina se conmemora del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, durante este tiempo nos tomamos un momento para reconocer las contribuciones de los hispanos y los latinoamericanos a los Estados Unidos, además de celebrar su herencia y su cultura. Este periodo incluye las fechas de independencia de varios países d…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, September 9, 2024 - National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month is the period from September 15th to October 15th, where we pay particular attention to the contributions of Hispanic and Latinx Americans in the United States, and celebrate the group’s rich heritage and diverse cultures. This timeframe encompasses the independence days of several Latin American countrie…
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HSD Podcast de la Semana, 2 de septiembre de 2024 - el mes de concientización sobre la asistencia escolar
¡Septiembre es el mes de concientización sobre la asistencia escolar! La asistencia regular y puntual es esencial para la educación de los estudiantes. Demasiadas ausencias, ya sea justificadas o injustificadas, pueden dificultar el éxito de los estudiantes en la escuela y en la vida. ¿Sabía usted que faltar solo dos días de clases al mes significa…
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September is Attendance Awareness Month! Regular, on-time attendance is essential to students’ education. Too many absences - excused or unexcused - can keep students from succeeding in school and in life. Did you know that missing just two days of school per month means a student loses 10% of their instruction for the school year? Learn more about…
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¡Ha llegado el momento de comenzar un nuevo año escolar! Estamos muy emocionados de tener a los maestros de regreso preparándose para dar la bienvenida a los estudiantes la próxima semana. Visite el enlace en nuestro sitio web: para acceder a las versiones electrónicas de los paquetes informativos sobre el regreso a clase…
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Hillsboro School District Weekly Hot News, August 26, 2024 - Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year
The time has come to kick off a new school year! We are so excited to have teachers here preparing to welcome students back next week. Visit the friendly link on our website: to access electronic versions of back-to-school packets, supply lists, and more. For the academic calendar, please visit Bus…
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Back to School with Chely the Librarian
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Hilary and Tyler talk with Chely, a librarian with Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative (HCPLC). They discuss how HCPLC can help ease back-to-school anxiety, support kids with different learning styles, and how to make library outings a family activity! Plus, find out why librarians are some of the most helpful resources you can have as a…
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There’s a world out there, but there’s a county right here with so much to discover! Hello Hillsborough is our brand-new podcast that dives into all things Hillsborough County. Join hosts and County employees, Hilary and Tyler, as they say “hello” to the people who are passionate about our community. They’ll cover everything from hurricane prep and…
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