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Uma iniciativa que resgata e valoriza a história dos atletas e pessoas que vivem o esporte. Cada episódio leva o ouvinte a uma viagem no tempo, com um enfoque único e curioso a respeito das origens, histórias e motivações dos convidados. Aqui os convidados ficam à vontade para falar livremente sobre os temas mais importantes das suas vidas e carreiras. Vou atrás dos fatos que formaram o caráter e forjaram esses seres humanos a se tornarem grandes campeões da vida. Pura inspiração!
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Bogafjell kirke

Chaque mois
Lytt til taler og undervisning fra gudstjenester og studio i Bogafjell kirke. Vurder gjerne å rangere oss, og del episoder du liker med venner. For mer informasjon om menigheten vår, se kirken.no/bogafjell.
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Bogart baila con lobos

Radio Vitoria (EITB)

Chaque semaine+
Joseba Fiestras y Arantza Lalinde nos ofrecen toda la actualidad cinematográfica con los estrenos de la semana, ¡Entérate qué se está rodando!. ¡Escucha las entrevistas a los actores o directores de cine y consigue premios participando en nuestros concursos!
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THE BOGART EFFECT: A Wealthy Wisdom Podcast is the official podcast of Bogart Wealth, featuring founder and CEO James Bogart, CFP®, ChFC® and his team of financial advisors and special guests having candid conversations about everything related to personal finance. Each will share personal stories and experiences, with the goal of taking a fresh look at what saving and planning for the future looks like. Tune in for insightful takeaways that you can apply to your own financial life! The audi ...
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Bine te-am găsit! Sunt Mihai Constantinescu, gazda podcastului EducatsiBogat, locul unde găsești informații care te vor ajuta în drumul tău către properitate și către independența financiară! Vei găsi conversații cu persoane experimentate despre Educație Financiară, Economisire, Investiții, Psihologia Banilor și Antreprenoriat! Audiție plăcută!
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Tous les jours+
Obrolan ini terjadi di sebuah kamar rusun yang di sewa per tiga bulan di daerah Jakarta Pusat, mungkin sore itu pikiran kita berdua lagi sama... mikirin orang yang belum tentu mikirin kita. tanpa pikir panjang ambil handphone+record+edit(seadanya)+upload. Guys.... BOGACI - Bodoh Gara-gara Cinta
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Aleksandr Ogorodnik fue un diplomático soviético reclutado por la CIA en Colombia durante la década del 70. En esta serie de tres episodios, conoceremos la historia de este espía, desde su reclutamiento en un baño turco en Bogotá hasta su trágica muerte en Moscú. También, descubriremos la historia de amor que se forjó entre operaciones peligrosas y la obsesión de una mujer por armar el rompecabezas sobre la figura enigmática de un padre considerado como un traidor. Esta fue la primera serie ...
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Grupo de Oración de carácter Laical-Católico Carismático: Ayuno e Intercesión; Encuentro Carismático; Santo Rosario a María Rosa Mística, e intimidad con el Señor Jesucristo mediante la vivencia de la Palabra de Dios.===_____====_______________==_____===Miércoles de Victoria 10:am Ayuno e Intercesión; 2:00pm. - Encuentro Carismático;-Santo Rosario a María Rosa Mística.====__No tengo los derechos de autor de las alabanzas.
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The Khristine Bognot Show

Khristine Bognot

Chaque mois
Welcome to the Khristine Bognot Show where we will talk about all things empowerment, wellness and healing. I am a certified life coach and reiki master teacher. My mission is to help people heal and transform through their pain by creating a life filled with love, happiness, wealth, success and vitality.
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Københavns Biblioteker

Chaque mois
BogDate er en blanding af forfatterinterview, reportage og anbefalinger fra værten Claus Vittus og bibliotekarer og litteraturformidlere fra Københavns Biblioteker.
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The Bogle Story

The Bogle Family

Tous les jours+
The Bogle Family Wine Collection has a rich history, from its origins with Captain A.J. Bogle in the 1870s to its present-day success. The Bogle family, now in its sixth generation, continues to farm and produce wine with a deep commitment to family values and quality. Jody Bogle and her brothers Warren and Ryan, each play a role in the day-to-day operations and are proud to carry on this family legacy. Jody Bogle, alongside her brothers and team, takes us through the pivotal moments and con ...
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Podcast Bogatej Duszy

Justyna Warzocha

Chaque mois
Cześć, tu Justyna, mentorka Twojej kobiecej duszy. Zapraszam Cię do wyjątkowej podróży odkrywania siebie. Intencją tego podcastu jest inspirowanie Cię do osiągania obfitości zarówno w sferze duchowej, jak i materialnej. Będziemy tutaj poruszać tematy boskie i bogate, takie jak zarabianie w kobiecej energii, wyjście z mentalności braku, przebaczenie, uzdrawianie relacji i wiele więcej. Gotowa sięgnąć po więcej? Zaczynamy!
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The Brad Bogner Show

Brad Bogner

Chaque mois
Brad Bogner hosts “The Brad Bogner Show�, a variety, guest based program aimed at giving listeners access to a range of figures and points-of-view. The podcast introduces listeners to an array of topics where experts in their field stop by to talk history, entertainment, politics, and sports. Among other things… Brad is also a recovering bag boy.
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DJ Matt Bogard

DJ Matt Bogard

Tous les jours+
Matt Bogard is fastly becoming a well known DJ in London for his amazing sets! Playing the best in Upfront, Bassed Up, Electro, House, his mixing is never out of time and he know how to work a room: Find him on Facebook & Twitter: Facebook: DJ Matt Bogard Twitter: @DJMattBogard
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Bogaty Programista

Sylwester Wieczorkowski

Tous les jours+
Programista to obecnie jeden z najlepiej płatnych zawodów. Zwykle zarabia wielokrotność średniej krajowej. Duże zarobki to duże możliwości. Poznaj historie programistów, którzy wykorzystali swój potencjał. Zbudowali dodatkowe źródła przychodów po godzinach i są na drodze do wolności finansowej! Bez ściemy, same konkrety z pierwszej ręki. Jak zarabiać więcej w IT? Jak płacić mniejsze podatki? W co inwestować, aby pomnażać swój majątek?
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The Bogie Film Blog makes its way to podcasting as each new episode explores the films, costars, and directors of Hollywood's greatest actor! Find us at bogiefilmblog.wordpress.com or bogiefilmblog@gmail.com!
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Brain Boggled

Brain Boggled

Chaque mois
On Brain Boggled, Bobby, Brent and Jack discuss the absurdities of life and dive deep into the weirdest, wildest stuff they can find on the internet. From the Mandela Effect, to Time Dilation, to even Scientology, BB&J will have your brain boggled!
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Bogormens Megafon

Bogormens Megafon

Chaque mois
Bogormens Megafon er en podcast, som guider dig igennem nogle af de spændende bøger og forfattere, der kommer til Literaturexchange, Aarhus Internationale Litteraturfestival. Første afsnit er ude torsdag d.12/4 og udkommer herefter hver anden torsdag op til festivalen.
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Mind Boggling!

Elisia Diaz

Chaque mois
Hey there! And welcome to Mind Boggling: The podacst that is made for Buffalo college students, by Buffalo college students. Join us each week as we investigate the ins and out of what makes up a college student and the joys and struggles!
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BuProf ile Boğaziçi Hazırlık

Hüseyin Demirtaş

Chaque mois
BuProf ile Boğaziçi Hazırlık podcasti sizinle Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İngilizce Yeterlilik Sınavı (BUEPT/BÜYES) ile ipuçları ve kaynakları paylaşan bir program. Yıllardır farklı seviyelerden öğrencilerimizle sınav hazırlık sürecinde edindiğimiz tecrübe ve derslerin tüm öğrencilere fayda sağlaması için paylaşıyoruz. Şimdiden Boğaziçi proficiency sınavınızda başarılar diliyoruz 🧿
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Boggled Docs

Dr Nik Kendrew

Chaque mois
Be prepared for patients consulting about current sizzling media issues. This is the podcast for GPs and the primary care team that uses medicine in the media as a springboard for you to know what you need to know. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram @BoggledDocs. What are you watching, listening to or reading that you’d like to tell us about, good or bad? Why not send us a voice message to give us your view? By sending us a voice message you are agreeing for it to be used in a future ...
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Bóg Cię kocha

Radio Jasna Góra

Chaque mois
Bóg Cię kocha - audycja w Radiu Jasna Góra emitowana w każdą niedzielę o godzinie 17:25 i w poniedziałek o 23:00. Czas trwania: 30 min. To audycja realizowana przez s.Kamilę Nowicką, Siostrę od Aniołów we współpracy ze Szkołą Nowej Ewangelizacji z Częstochowy. Poruszane są w niej treści dotyczące miłości Boga do człowieka. Pochylamy się nad różnymi cechami i aspektami Bożej miłości, a treści są zawsze poparte świadectwem kogoś z członków SNE. Omadlamy też słuchaczy naszej audycji, tak by doś ...
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Benjamin Bogle


Tous les jours+
I'm 17 years old, and I love to talk about government and politics. And girls. But not in this podcast. A lot of people think I don't know what I'm talking about, and neither do I. But heck, some people like listening to me talk. And so do I. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/benjaminbogle/support
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show series
Na escola, ele pouco se interessou por esportes. Os primeiros anos da vida adulta foram dedicados aos estudos e ao início de uma sólida carreira no mercado financeiro. Enquanto cursava Administração de Empresas na FGV, começou sua trajetória profissional na Indusval Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, sendo nomeado diretor dois anos depois,…
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Mike Piper is a CPA, author, and adviser. He has written several concise books dealing with various financial topics, including taxes, Social Security, estate planning, and other financial planning. His latest book, After the Death of a Spouse, Next Financial Steps for Surviving Spouses, is the topic of this podcast. Mike also created the Oblivious…
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On this episode of THE BOGART EFFECT, James Bogart, CFP®, CHFC®, is joined by Financial Advisor Misty Garza, CFP® for part 2 of our Retirement Strategies mini-series. This episode is all about strategies and tricks for Tax Planning. Call, log in, or visit to learn how we can help. 703-570-8651 www.BogartWealth.com The previous presentation by Bogar…
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Ela nasceu há 22 anos em uma pequena cidade no interior de Minas Gerais. Filha de uma família de trabalhadores do campo, cresceu ao lado do irmão gêmeo e de um irmão mais velho, vivendo uma infância típica entre a escola, o trabalho na roça e os momentos em que montava a cavalo. Em 2015, o diagnóstico de leucemia do irmão mais velho abalou a famíli…
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Ele não gostava das aulas de educação física e fazia o possível para fugir delas. Alguns anos mais tarde, seria incentivado a nadar por um primo triatleta. Pegou gosto pela modalidade e logo passou a correr também. Faltava-lhe o ciclismo, que começou a praticar quando ganhou uma bicicleta do pai. Porém, antes mesmo de participar de sua primeira com…
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On this episode of THE BOGART EFFECT, James Bogart, CFP®, CHFC®, is joined by Financial Advisor Misty Garza, CFP® to cover strategies and techniques in withdrawing from your portfolio in retirement. This episode is the first part of a multi-part series on Retirement Strategies. Stay tuned for more to come! Call, log in, or visit to learn how we can…
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Historien om Jesu møte med Marta og Maria er en perfekt tekst på en morsdag, fordi teksten løfter opp kvinnene og plasserer Maria på samme linje som de øvrige disiplene. Maria velger den gode "porsjon" står det i grunnteksten, en del av menykartet som er helt gratis. Hva ville du spurt Jesus om? Hva ville han sagt deg? Det kan koste å følge Jesus, …
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No coração do Vale do Capão, na Chapada Diamantina, nasceu um jovem que cresceria em meio à natureza exuberante, carregando consigo os valores que moldariam não apenas sua carreira, mas também sua essência como ser humano. Filho de um francês e de uma baiana, seu sobrenome tem raízes russas, compondo uma mistura de culturas tão rica quanto sua traj…
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Det går en linje av tillit. Fra Jesu handling, til offiseren i Kapernaum, helt til Roma og videre over havene til Jæren i nord og Gahna i sør, til plantasjene i Amerika til hverdagslivet på Bogafjell. En tillit som er helt avgjørende for oss, det er en kime til å gå ut og gjøre det gode - i Jesu navn. For på den måten gjenkjenner vi kongen!…
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Ela iniciou sua trajetória na natação aos quatro anos, treinando ao lado de seu irmão. Competiu pelo Clube Saldanha da Gama, destacando-se em provas de fundo e no nado borboleta. Foi vice-campeã paulista em diversas ocasiões e finalista no Campeonato Brasileiro de sua categoria. Aos 12 anos, participou de sua primeira prova no mar e, aos 16, decidi…
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Lidelse må ha en grunn, hevdes det. I Bibelen kommer hjertets gråt og fortvilelse til uttrykk, også gjennom sterke spørsmål. Vi har lett for å tro at Gud bare finnes i svaret. Han er like mye tilstede i spørsmålet. For Jesus blir spørsmålet "Rabbi, hvem har syndet, han selv eller hans foreldre siden han ble født blind?" en døråpner. På samme måte k…
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On this episode of THE BOGART EFFECT, James Bogart, CFP®, CHFC®, is for the first time joined by Bogart Wealth's Financial Planning Manager Sandra Terronez, CFP®. Together, they discuss the role that Bogart Wealth's Financial Planning team plays in helping clients plan for their goals and futures. Call, log in, or visit to learn how we can help. 70…
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Sunt entuziasmat să îți prezint un nou episod al podcast-ului Educat și Bogat, și de data aceasta am un invitat de excepție: OLGA URSU. Olga este consultant de investiții acreditat de ASF, fost broker timp de 14 ani și creator de programe de educație investițională pentru investitorii experimentați și cei hotărâți să își construiască portofolii axa…
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Sunt entuziasmat să îți prezint un nou episod al podcast-ului Educat și Bogat, și de data aceasta am un invitat de excepție: MARIUS MORRA. Marius Morra este crypto-prenor, fondatorul exchange-ului de crypto-monede Tokero, un proiect 100% românesc și lider de piață pe segmentul lui. Este un podcast valoros, în care Marius povestește, cu multă deschi…
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