A Therapeutic Dose - A prescription-strength Reality TV podcast that explores the intersection of TV and therapy, with hosts Ramona Ramirez and Margee Magee.
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Erfolgreich im Gesundheitsmarkt als Therapeut, Heilpraktiker, Arzt & Coach.
Podiom | Philipp Domsch
Die steigende Zahl an chronischen Erkrankungen und die Bedeutung der Vorbeugung erfordern dringend unsere Zusammenarbeit. Wir unterstützen Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte und Coaches dabei, ihre Selbständigkeit oder Praxis aufzubauen, damit sie frei und selbstbestimmt anderen helfen können, ohne ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zu vernachlässigen. Dank über 800 Kunden wissen wir genau, was die konkreten Schritte sind, um deine Selbständigkeit oder Praxis zum Erfolg zu führen. Host: Philipp Domsch, ...
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Podcast by Willem Blok
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A Deeper dive into vulnerability!
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Opvoeding psychologie welzijn
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more of a personal kinda therapy but hopefully you kan give advice or just rel8 in some way
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As a Faith-Based Mental Health Advocate, Dr S. Regina Pierre-Robertson developed a weekly interactive session called Therapeutic Thursdays "Where Mental Health & Spirituality Merge". This space and place is not only about healing trauma, but is also about helping people re-build a positive, compassionate self-image that's rooted and grounded in both mental and spiritual wellness.
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Therapeutic Food Solutions-Therapeutic Diet, Chronic Illness, Autoimmune, Food Solutions, Go Paleo, Gluten-Free, Disease Management
Marian Mitchell, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Meal Plan Mentor
Food and Therapeutic Diet Solutions for Women with Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness. Are you a woman with autoimmune disease or chronic illness? Are you so tired of feeling tired and going to doctor after doctor and trying the different naturopathic methods, all the different diets, and literally nothing sticking? Nothing is helping you? Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness are difficult to navigate and you’re often doing it on your own. Doctors can test, maybe diagnose, and medicate ...
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In de Therapeut podcast wekelijks openhartige gesprekken met therapeuten over hun professie, patiënten en zichzelf. Luister mee naar bijzondere, schrijnende en grappige verhalen uit de behandelkamers. Vrije gesprekken aan de hand van anekdotes en de ervaringen die ze hebben opgedaan. Denk aan fysiotherapie, psychotherapie, psychiatrie.
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A podcast that leverages geek culture to help eliminate communication barriers, improve conversations in everyday life and understand cognitive perspectives all through the lens of geek therapy.
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A psychoeducational podcast featuring therapists Britney Cirullo, Chase Harshbarger, and Olivia Clark from Alternative Therapeutics, a counseling practice in northeast Ohio. Episodes include tips and tricks to optimize mental wellness and dive deep into a variety of therapies such as Neurofeedback, EMDR, and more.
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Unintentionally therapeutic is two friends (and special guest) having real life conversation about everyday day ups & downs of being adults while learning and discovering more about themselves and life along the way. Cover art photo provided by Mink Mingle on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@minkmingle
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Don Mitchell hosts the worst podcast on the face of the earth, which may or may not be flat. Apparently, it’s still up for debate. Therapy is optional. Nonsense is mandatory.
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We are a community of people who have a desire to be life giving forces in the world around us. Therapeutic Reality will offer alternate viewpoints to our life experiences that are grounded, warm, humorous, and, of course, therapeutic. Join us! You can reach us on Instagram @TherapeuticReality and on Twitter @FaithsReality Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/TherapeuticReality/support
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Mental health work sucks… and yet we love it! Join Ben and Ellie on Wednesday’s to laugh, connect, and learn from those working the front lines of the mental health field. Whether you're new to the field, a 20-year veteran, or are curious why your best friend is suddenly talking constantly about someone else's kid in a vague, HIPAA compliant way - this podcast is for you!
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Spécialiste en thérapies brèves depuis plus de 15 ans à Colomiers (31), Montpellier (34) et dans le reste du Monde (en visio), je vous aide dans toutes vos problématiques où seule la volonté ne suffit pas.
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Why is travel so good for us? Is there a way we can make it better for our well-being and the world? I frequently have these thoughts and conversations while travelling...so I thought I'd share them with more people to get you thinking! Enjoy :)
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Balance Psychotherapy: let’s tap, chat and meditate together! are created and recorded by an experienced London based psychotherapist. For mental heath, for balance, to navigate the internal world fluently and to feel joy again!
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Du hast den Schritt gewagt und Dich als TherapeutIn selbstständig gemacht. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Und jetzt? Welche Herausforderungen erwarten Dich jetzt als Dein/e eigene/r ChefIn? Wie haben es andere TherapeutInnen geschafft, mit ihrer Praxis erfolgreich zu werden? Wie funktioniert das mit den Steuern? Und ist es sinnvoll einem Berufsverband beizutreten? In diesem Podcast erzählen Dir erfolgreiche KollegInnen, WIE sie es geschafft haben ihre Praxis zum Laufen zu bringen und was Du dafür w ...
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This podcast is being brought to you by the Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma and we are committed to providing people living and working with child trauma with proven strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes for families.
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An exploration of self-enlightenment and self-improvement. Thinking out loud, tough conversation, owning your own stuff... nothing is out of bounds on this entertaining mental health podcast network.
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Podcasts for students in my AT 414 course at Chapman University. The purpose of creating and utilizing these podcasts is to allow students to learn breadth of content outside of class and to allow the class to learn depth of content during class time.
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Welcome! These podcasts address some of the common questions people have about animism, shamanic journeying, shamanic healing, the links between shamanism and psychotherapy (including things like Internal Family Systems Therapy), depth psychology, anthropology, ecotherapy, environmentalism, and more. The first two episodes are introductory ones. The first explores what shamanism is, how it differs from animism, how psychotherapy can contribute, and why we desperately need shamanic practices ...
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Therapeutic Life Healing: anxiety, anxiety relief, therapy, wellbeing, mental health
Eidit Choochage
Welcome to Therapeutic Life Health the podcast show that will be a guide for you on your healing journey in life. Here you will find topics related to mental health, personal development and wellness. I am a Psychotherapist, but more than that I too am a person that has experienced clinical depression, anxiety and know grief and loss all too well. I created this podcast to make healing more accessible for people just like you and I on their healing journey. Here you will find advice to help ...
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🌍 Ortsunabhängig als Heilberufler – diese 3 Bedingungen sind erfolgsentscheidend!
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10:27Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=dreibedingungenPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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137. Hope for PANDAS/PANS with Ethan Pompeo
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32:26PANDAS/PANS is a horrible disorder that is greatly misunderstood and missed in the medical community. It's sudden onset, often in kids but can happen in adults as well, leaves doctors stumped and medications are usually not helpful. Ethan joins Marian to share his story with developing PANDAS, journey trying to manage symptoms, and now his current …
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#90 RHOBH: S14E16 - Full Hyps Sink Ships
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1:28:59RHOBH delivered a real Team Nobody episode this week! It was a Masterclass in projection through picking fights, being defensive, and delivering/accepting/rejecting apologies. Kyle’s still annoying, Kathy’s no longer needed, and Sutton was polarizing as ever and straight up ice cold when she dismissed Garcelle & brushed off Jennifer Tilly. Time to …
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136. Spring Cleaning Must-Do's For a Healthy Home When You Have Chronic Illness
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13:18When you have chronic illness this list of things to do is endless but you can prioritize what will have the biggest impact and that's what I'm sharing with you in this episode. ~Marian Connect with Marian: www.roadtolivingwhole.com www.instagram.com/mairmitchell Coaching with Marian: https://www.roadtolivingwhole.com/therapeuticfoodframework/…
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=haeufigstefehlerwebsitePar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=luegenerzaehltPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=rechtlicheaspektePar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=weiterempfehlungenPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=barbara-luescher-kurzes-interviewPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=hanna-herder-kurzes-interviewPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=PrognosePar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=PositionierungPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=90europroPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=topheilberuflermindsetPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=megatrendsPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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#89 RHOBH: S14E15 - Mau-rgan Wade-mansky
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1:21:43On RHOBH, we learn Kyle has laid out some ridiculous rules – speak freely of Mau kissing a young babe, but say nothing about Morgan Wade! While Sutton is fine to abide, we’re with Garcelle – this is weird and annoying! Classic Kyle. Meanwhile, Lael is the most centered & mature teen we’ve ever seen, St. Lucia is as gorgeous as the gal she’s named a…
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#88 RHOBH: S14E14 - Fashion Weak
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1:24:11Sutton’s sustainability fashions were fine. Erika’s new décor is also fine. Everything was just fine. This episode of RHOBH was a study in anti-climactic outcomes, and that was fine by us! Time to coif your tendrils, chug a vodka grapefruit on a nauseous tummy, and tune into this week’s A Therapeutic Dose!…
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135. Histamine Intolerance: What Causes It & How To Resolve It
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16:33Histamine Intolerance is frustrating in all kinds of ways. Your body responds to food and environmental factors randomly, without rhyme or reason, and diagnosing it is difficult without a doctor who will listen and trust what you share. Yet...there is so much within your control when you know what to do. Let's talk about what histamine does for the…
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#87 RHOBH PART 2: S14E13 - Champagne B*tches & Caviar Means
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1:00:54Sutton brings her pocketbook to a principles fight and comes out looking real gross. But not to be out-grossed, Kyle whines to her Therapist/Life Coach about Mauricio living his best life while poor Kyle is left behind to… oh wait, Kyle did it first! She’s fine! Nothing is the matter! She just wants her Morgan, and to eat her Mauricio, too! Meanwhi…
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#87 RHOBH PART 1: S14E13 - Champagne B*tches & Caviar Means
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1:20:25Sutton brings her pocketbook to a principles fight and comes out looking real gross. But not to be out-grossed, Kyle whines to her Therapist/Life Coach about Mauricio living his best life while poor Kyle is left behind to… oh wait, Kyle did it first! She’s fine! Nothing is the matter! She just wants her Morgan, and to eat her Mauricio, too! Meanwhi…
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134. The Gut-Mood Connect and The Dangers Of Allowing Your Disease to Become Your Identity with Sylvia Hall
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48:37There is little connection to the body when it comes mental wellness yet our microbiome plays an integral part in it! The type of probiotic matters and Sylvia Hall shares with us what they are and has a solution for you to get you started. We also talk about the dangers of allowing your chronic illness diagnosis to become your identity. You do not …
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#86 RHOBH: S14E12 - Red, White, and Booze
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1:21:57ON RHOBH, Kyle complains some more, Kathy is crazy as ever, Dorit is unraveling before our eyes, Sutton is defensive about the “myth” of her problem drinking, Garcelle stumbles into the party and through her defense of Sutton, Erika obsesses about her annual hot dog, and Boz is a most welcome voice of reason in this deranged “sisterhood.” Time to p…
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#85 RHOBH: S14E11 - Crab Cakes and MUSTARRRRDDDDDDDD!
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1:40:21TW - We discuss suicide as it pertains to this week's episode of RHOBH. Sutton became undeniably sympathetic in this episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Kettle One & Ocean Spray might have a hold on anyone who’d been through what she’s been through! In Augusta, Garcelle shows up as the friend we all would want, while Kyle demonstrates,…
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133. Struggling with Insomnia? Fall asleep faster by doing these 3 things starting tonight
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18:06Falling asleep shouldn't be as difficult as it is. Surprisingly, there are things we are accidentally doing that are sabotaging our body's ability to get tired and fall asleep quickly once in bed. In this episode, I'm sharing with you 3 things you can do starting tonight to fall asleep faster and wake up more energized. xoxo, Marian Connect with Ma…
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Neugierig? Buche jetzt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=flexibelarbeitenPar Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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#84 RHOBH: S14E10 - A-Reba! A-Reba!
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1:43:49On RHOBH, Sutton’s mom, Reba, was as unimpressed by a Saks scarf as she is by her own daughter. Dorit received a 7-page declaration of war. But it was Kyle who wore stupid camo cosplay to handle a firearm and then cry in her ex’s (tattooed!) arms. Time to put on your PJs, quietly curse PK, say a prayer for divorcées, and tune into this week’s A The…
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Für Therapeuten, Heilpraktiker, Ärzte & Coaches Buche hier Dein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch: https://www.podiom.de/?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=praxiserfolg2025Par Podiom | Philipp Domsch
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132. From An Accountant in Healthcare to Improving Lives with Fitness & Nutrition with Ariana Hakman
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43:36From accounting in the healthcare system to improving people's health with fitness and nutrition, Ariana Hakman of LunaFit shares her story and mission. Connect with Ariana: Website: lunafitapp.com / https://www.lunafit.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lunafitofficial Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lunafitchallenge/ Connect with Mari…
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#83 RHOBH: PART TWO S14E9 - Filet of the Minion
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56:39While Kyle proclaims herself to be a butter-less baked potato having a menty-b, most of her RHOBH castmates would characterize her as more of a lying liar who lies, and also a ridiculous hypocrite! And give the editors their flowers for the most satisfying exposé of a liar/victim/martyr we could ever have asked for! Time to get yourself an extra ho…
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#83 RHOBH: PART ONE S14E9 - Filet of the Minion
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1:15:43While Kyle proclaims herself to be a butter-less baked potato having a menty-b, most of her RHOBH castmates would characterize her as more of a lying liar who lies, and also a ridiculous hypocrite! And give the editors their flowers for the most satisfying exposé of a liar/victim/martyr we could ever have asked for! Time to get yourself an extra ho…
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131. Peptides: A New Approach to Help Autoimmune Disease, Hormone Support, & Weight Loss With Dr. Scott Edwards, MD
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56:14While peptide therapy isn't new, peptides are the new up and coming therapy to help your body reduce inflammation from autoimmune disease, help your body naturally balance your hormones, and even assist with weight loss without losing your muscle mass. Dr. Scott Edwards, MD joins Marian to talk about this exciting tool to improve health. Meet. Dr. …
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Therapeutic Thursdays: Removing the Mask
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1:01:12Featuring Ingrid McNair Campbell as she comes to speak to DR. Robertson about Mental health and Spirituality.Par Dr S. Regina Pierre-Robertson
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#82 RHOBH: S14E8 - The Tao of Dorit
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1:49:11The Sisterhood Serenity Soirée on RHOBH brought us Manly Handz, “mehmes” (Tilly for “memes”), Dorit’s newfound wisdom, and Kyle’s pathological tantrum. Boz continues to drop perfectly timed “oop!”s, and Erika may be decorating her house, but she has made a home up Kyle’s ass. Time to get cozy in a belted dress with a plunging neckline and tune into…
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Therapeutic Talks Ep.8 The Art of Letting Go
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13:26On this Episode we talk about letting go of loved ones!Par Demond Lawhorn
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#81 RHOBH: S14E7 - Boz Knows
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1:44:54This episode of RHOBH proved that Kyle and Liar are synonyms. It also proved that Boz is 100% the Goddess her name proclaims her to be! Chuck E. Cheese hosted a divorcée/gay panic pizza party, and Martyn Lawrence Bullard blew our minds with his expert observation that real plants are better than fake plants?! Icon. Time to pour yourself a pitcher o…
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Therapeutic Thursdays: The LA Fires
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1:01:14Therapeutic Thursdays welcome Brettney Perr, a life coach, actress, and empath, who will share powerful and truthful insights on how you can overcome your hurdles after hearing her stories. Brettney Dives deep into all that's happening with Dr Robertson and how it has been affecting everyone in it.Par Dr S. Regina Pierre-Robertson
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Therapeutic Thursdays: New Year Reflection
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59:54As a Faith-Based Mental Health Advocate, Dr S. Regina Pierre-Robertson developed a weekly interactive session called Therapeutic Thursdays "Where Mental Health & Spirituality Merge". This space and place is not only about healing trauma, but is also about helping people re-build a positive, compassionate self-image that's rooted and grounded in bot…
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Therapeutic Thursdays: Sound Therapy Speaks Out
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1:43:24SueZee Finley also known as “SueZee Sound” is on a mission to help people discover the amazing effects sound can have on your health . If you are suffering from anxiety, depression or chronic fatigue, sound therapy can snap you out of it ,make you feel joy and peace again and boost your energy and immunity in the process. SueZee is the owner of Aco…
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Therapeutic Thursdays: Going Private with Dr. Sonia
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1:04:08Apostle Dr. Sonia B. Elliott is no stranger to New Dimensions Global. She is an author, entrepreneur, and educator dedicated to helping individuals achieve the best version of themselves. Her diverse speaking, teaching, and training programs uniquely integrate spiritual growth with professional and personal development. By leveraging biblical princ…
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Therapeutic Thursdays: Unforgiveness The Final Frontier
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1:04:01Alouds Men, Korey Campbell Is a license real estate agent with a passion for THE WORD. My Friday night men's Bible study is about picking apart the word and having venerable conversations that help build strong brotherly bonds. I have a passion for teaching and encouraging others.Par Dr S. Regina Pierre-Robertson
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Avoiding Negativity! Therapeutic Talks #7
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17:19Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿Par Demond Lawhorn
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The Urgency to Succeed! Therapeutic Talks Ep.6
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21:13Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please subscribe, like, comment, share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿 Y’all go follow our special guest Chanon https://www.instagram.com/chanon25x/profilecard/?igsh=c3U4dDRwZGJxcGQ1Par Demond Lawhorn
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Chasing Perfection! Therapeutic Talks Ep.5
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25:07Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please subscribe, like, comment, share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿 Y’all go follow our special guest Rell!! https://www.instagram.com/rellzz.x/profilecard/?igsh=MTd1cHR3bDQ3NnUwdA==Par Demond Lawhorn
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Exploring Your emotions! Therapeutic Talks Ep.4
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15:29Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please subscribe, like, comment, share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿 Y’all go follow our special guest Chano!! https://www.instagram.com/chanon25x/profilecard/?igsh=c3U4dDRwZGJxcGQ1Par Demond Lawhorn
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Taking accountability! Therapeutic Talks Ep.3
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31:21Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please subscribe, like, comment, share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿 Y’all go follow our special guest Rell!! https://www.instagram.com/rellzz.x/profilecard/?igsh=MTd1cHR3bDQ3NnUwdA==Par Demond Lawhorn
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#80 RHOBH: S14E6 – Meme Girls-Girl
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1:32:06We dedicate this episode to our beloved Los Angeles. Forever and ever. Kyle was on screen for all of 15 minutes in this week’s RHOBH and she shat the bed in every single one of them. Dorit is done with her and so are we. Sutton needs to tell the Board of the American Ballet Theatre to be on the lookout for Phoenix Kemsley! And Boz brings us Keely o…
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Learning how to trust again! Therapeutic Talks Ep.2
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31:21Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please subscribe, like, comment, share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿 Go follow Najae!! https://www.instagram.com/itzreally_naj/profilecard/?igsh=ZnlpemdndjZheng4Par Demond Lawhorn
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Accepting what’s for you! Therapeutic Talks Ep.1
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30:19Thank y’all for sitting down with us and If you enjoyed please subscribe, like, comment, share, and drop a like for ya boy🤙🏿 Go follow King Poseidon! https://www.instagram.com/kposeidon3x?igsh=MTBiNnhodTV0NW9rdg==Par Demond Lawhorn
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130. Ozempic: Mitigating Side Effects and Helping the Weight Loss Last
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13:19Ozempic and other GLP-1's are a widely used weight loss and blood sugar management medication and many people are experiencing unwelcome side effects. Are GLP-1's actually helpful and worth the risks associated with them? Can you get on them short term to help jumpstart your health goals? Do you have to stay on them for life? Here's what I've learn…
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#79 RHOBH: S14E5 - PART 2! Homemade Water into Whine
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1:04:39Kyle’s Denim & Diamonds party was the centerpiece of RHOBH, and Camille was the cheap party favor nobody wants. Dorit “made” water, Dr. Jenn made progress with Erika, and Sutton made an absolute ass of herself. Uh oh, Cher’s clock is ringing! Time to put on 4,500 dollars of doll clothes and tune into this week’s A Therapeutic Dose! Bravo Real House…
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