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Gadget Professor Don Baine brings you the latest Gadget News and Information.
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Cześć! Mam na imię Joanna i nagrywam na spontanie. Bez agendy, cięć, dubli i poprawek oraz bez zapędów moralizatorsko-edukatorskich (chyba). Za to z wieloma błędami, na które dla dobra eksperymentu postanowiłam sobie pozwalać. Jestem... i tu powinno nastąpić wyliczenie tego, kim jestem z zawodu i jak określa mnie moja pasja. Wiem, ale nie powiem. Bo nie muszę, a najbardziej na świecie lubię nie musieć. Czekam na Wasz feedback: instagram.com/co.ona.gada
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Nokon må gå er ein podkast om politikk og kvardagsliv. Kommentatorane i Bergens Tidende tar for seg vekas mest engasjerande saker. Dei spør også kva dei eigentleg driv med på Austlandet.
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We cover all your favorite tech gadgets that find their way into your home!
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First United Methodist Church of Gadsden welcomes you. Join us on Sunday morning live with Pastor Sam Hayes at 11:20 am for Sundays sermon. Sermons will also be available on our website or through your sermon.net app
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Awakening Women Founder and Goddess Keeper, Chameli Gad Ardagh invites us to listen deeper, awaken senses below the senses; perceive the ordinary, and messy with mystic eyes so you can remember the knowing behind all knowing: that your life is sacred. Through Goddess mythology, wisdom teachings, and intimate sharings from her daily practice and contemplations, Chameli illuminates the Shakti Keys stitched into the fabric of our daily lives and inspires us to reclaim a pulsating intimacy with ...
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Gadget Professor Don Baine brings you the latest Gadget News and Information.
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Vairs nav tie laiki, kad latvietis sevi par latvieti varēja saukt tikai savā tēva sētā. 21. gadsimtā latvieši ir visā pasaulē. Vai tie būtu vecie trimdinieki, jaunie emigranti, pasaules slavu guvušie vai vienkārši sevis meklētāji. Mēs stāstām par latviešiem visā pasaulē. Tiekamies Latvijas Radio 1 pirmdienās pēc ziņām trijos. Ieraudzīsim pasauli caur diasporas acīm!
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Radio Ga Ga – nova generacija vsak petek dopoldan razkriva aktualno družbeno-politično dogajanje pri nas in v svetu ter vam postreže s pestrim naborom unikatnih imitacij. S svojo duhovitostjo in ostrim pogledom prinaša zabavo, smeh in razmislek o dogodkih poslušalcem vseh generacij. Bodite del petkove zabave na Prvem.
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BJ Gaddour is the former fitness director for the Men’s Health brand, the author of Your Body Is Your Barbell and The Ultimate Pushup Guide & the creator of the best-selling SpeedShred & MetaShred DVDs. He was also the first personal trainer to grace the cover of Men’s Health, the world’s largest men’s magazine. Since leaving Men’s Health in 2017, BJ’s main focus has been TheDailyBJ.com, providing at-home fat loss & muscle gain programming for busy parents & professionals. Follow him on all ...
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Rozmowy o psychologii, psychoterapii i zdrowiu psychicznym: prosto, rzetelnie i na temat. Bo wszyscy mamy zdrowie psychiczne, ale nie wszyscy wiemy jak o nie zadbać. Spotkajmy się na GG, wysłuchajmy co i jak Gutral Gada! Joanna Gutral - psycholożka, psychoterapeutka, psychoedukatorka & podcasterka
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We cover all your favorite tech gadgets that find their way into your home!
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Anchor Faith Church is advancing the Kingdom in Valdosta, Ga.
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Church of the Apostles- Dawsonville, GA
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Podcast by HOP Blairsville
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Sermons and Bible studies from First Baptist Church, Waynesboro, Georgia.
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Gadis santuy bukan sampul.
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Legacy Church Ga. Has two campuses in Marietta and Canton Georgia. This podcast is a recording of our previous weeks message. Our hope is that these messages allow God to bless and enrich your life. You can find more about Legacy Church at lcga.info
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Ascolta ogni giorno, sette giorni su sette, il podcast Mister Gadget Daily che in 3 minuti ti aggiorna sulle ultime tech news, le novità e le curiosità tecnologiche da ogni angolo del mondo. Un podcast quotidiano dedicato alla tecnologia, all'innovazione e all'eletronica di consumo, prodotto da MisterGadget.Tech e condotto da Luca Viscardi. Se ti è piaciuto e vuoi saperne di più vai su www.mistergadget.tech.
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First Baptist Church, Thomson, GA seeks to help people love God, love each other, and serve the world together. Our worship and sermons are designed around those three core values.
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Everything awesome in the world of technology, social media, and entertainment! Join us as we discuss the latest gadgets, web sites, and talk with people doing awesome things in tech! www.AwesomeCast.net
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Weekly sermons from Cedar Street Baptist Church.
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A show of geeks disscuing passions from technology and video games. To firearms, design, history, and testing.
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A steady stream of encouragement to help you persevere. This is our gift to you. We hope it’s helpful.
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Wanna explore the wonderful indonesia, let’s enjoy this podcast guys🌴💦🐟
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Magyarország egyetlen és piacvezető gadget, gastro, pornó, travel, bringa, környezettudatosság, BBQ, sorozat és film podcastja.
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Sermons from the pulpit of Sovereign Grace Church in Woodstock, GA.
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In deze relaxte podcast praten schrijfster Lale Gül en wetenschapper Ömer Uyar over onderwerpen die ze bezighouden. Het gaat over zaken uit het nieuws, irritaties, onzintheorieën die ze ontkrachten, over wat hun zorgen zijn, de toekomstverwachtingen, de hypes, ophef op Twitter en natuurlijk wat er drastisch moet veranderen om als mensheid vooruit te komen. Steun ons op: https://ikgaleven.backme.org Lale Gül: www.instagram.com/laaalegul Ömer Uyar: https://instagram.com/omer34 Luister ook Lale ...
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This podcast contains the sermon audio from the weekly worship services of Trinity Baptist Church in Danielsville, Ga.
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Medienfrau Doris Schulz
Warum Frau ins Weltall soll? Was können wir aus diesen Erkenntnissen ableiten? Die Astronautin Claudia Kessler berichtet darüber.
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W tym miejscu znajdziecie podkasty z różnych serii tworzone przez ekipę Lewackiego Pitolenia. Pierwszym z nich jest Lewackie Pitolenie. To nazwa trochę ironiczna - takimi słowami oburzeni prawicowi czytelnicy podsumowywali kiedyś artykuły w prowadzonym przez Maćka i Tomka portalu. Choć jednak serca mamy bardziej po lewej niż po prawej, to załoga podkastu różni się w swoich poglądach, co pozwala nam toczyć dyskusje i spory które - mamy nadzieję - są interesujące również dla naszych słuchaczy. ...
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Making your favorite fictional technology a reality
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En svensk podcast om gäddfiske. Bilder till avsnitten finns på Instagram: @gaddpodden
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Welcome to the Ericphilps Gadaffi podcast, where amazing things happen.
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my opinions & concerns about what's happening around us
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Di sini kita akan bahas hal hal yang berhubungan dengan teknologi , berbagi pengalaman, dan cerita
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This is a Flagship Podcast by Tech Gadget, also a place for those who hates to read ultra crazy long articles (from us, of course). The main host, aka founder of Tech Gadget, ZY will leads talking ideas, stuff and tons of just-everything Tech things every week - along with special guests every episode. So, this is Vocals... by Tech Gadget.
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Our purpose as a church is everyone, everywhere, experiencing Jesus. We are proud to be a catalyst for people to experience our Savior - not just in this church, but in our community and world as well.
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Dialog seru berupa curhat, cover lagu, review, tips dan motivasi. Pokoknya heboh bareng deh✌
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Reach out to us directly for a faster response to purchase this or any course with discounted price. Email - Courses24site@gmail.com Whatsapp - +62895391432806 Telegram - https://telegram.me/Courses_24 Visit - https://Courses24.site You can check here our all available courses list and course proof here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oymdmvk-Szg-coyUAc_HhBLKCU1Lrtla71TC_RMF56U/edit?gid=0#gid=0 We have access to over 100TB of courses and have closed more than 2000 sales, developing ...
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The State of the Church
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Matthew 8:1-17 | Jesus Heals
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manuscript videoPar FBCWaynesboro
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"Growing in the Awareness of God" - Psalm 100:1-5
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Will you pray with me in 2025 that together we will grow in the awareness of God? Copyright Disclaimer: All media in this production is used by permission & under copyright by its owners: shiftworship.com, epidemicsound.com, CCLI 20811957 / CVLI 20811964, Artlist.io. This production is not being monetized in any way. Thanks for listening. Be sure t…
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#176 Jade Anna, Selma Omari, supplementen & sociale druk
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Steun ons op: https://ikgaleven.backme.org Telegram groep: https://t.me/+GfCzzTOU-kkxZmRk Lale Gül: https://instagram.com/laaalegul/ Ömer Uyar: https://instagram.com/omer_34/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/ikgalevenpodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ikgaleven TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ikgalevenpodcast…
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Deeper SeriesPar Robby Brown
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Par Jason Cook
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Great Truths to Start a Great Year - Audio
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My hope is that this sermon series can help us do more than just make New Year Resolutions that we just give up on in a few weeks. God desires you to become better, to become more Christlike, to become healthier, holier, and even happier. How we plan to get there is what makes all the difference. Let’s begin 2025 the right way, by looking at some g…
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Sermon from Aaron Anderson on January 5, 2025Par Sovereign Grace Church
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01/05/25 - Tom Miller: The Transfiguration
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Pastor Tom emphasizes the importance of companionship in achieving personal goals, drawing a parallel to the story of the transfiguration where Jesus reveals His glory to Peter, James, and John. He highlights the need for an inner circle, encouraging believers to seek out mentors and accountability partners for spiritual growth. Pastor Tom urges th…
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Our life is a result of what we give our attention to.Par Mark Brady Jr
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Zadnjo oddajo letošnjega Radia Ga Ga – Nova generacija bosta prevzeli dve voditeljski legendi, Štefančič in Slak, ki ju bomo tokrat prvič slišali skupaj. V studiu bosta gostila "prave" slovenske dobre može, od Boscarola do Pečečnika, Hana, Jožeta Potrebuješa in Kanglerja, ki bo zbrane tudi nagovoril. Spremljali bomo športni prenos božične zakuske s…
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Advent 4 | Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father - Audio
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Church of the Apostles- Dawsonville, GAPar J.P. Morris
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Advent Week 4: Waiting in the Darkness (by Rich Perez)
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Sermon on Luke 2:36-38 (by Rich Perez) on Sunday, December 22, 2024.Learn more about Cornerstone Church: https://cornerstoneatl.org/ To give: https://cornerstoneatl.org/give/Par Rich Perez
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im Gespräch mit Marketing-Expertin Alexandra Furthner
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Es sind die Geschichten, die Unternehmen einzigartig machen. Content braucht man nicht erfinden. Er ist da. In jedem Unternehmen. Daher reden wir heute mit Marketingexpertin Alexandra Furthner, warum Content der neue USP ist. Sie ist geboren am Weltfrauentag im schönen oberösterreichischen Innviertel. Dem Bereich Marketing hat sie sich zu einer Zei…
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2024 blir et år for historiebøkene
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I årets siste episode ser vi tilbake på et turbulent politisk år. Folk har mistet all tro på at økonomien blir bedre. Frp er nå Norges største parti. I USA er Donald Trump bare én måned unna å bli president. Men ett sted har det gått bedre enn vi hadde trodd.Produsent: Henrik Svanevik
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