En podcast om hvordan minimalisme kan hjælpe os til at leve det gode liv, med færre ting, lavere udgifter og mere tid til det vigtige.
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Minimalism Made Simple is a podcast about simple living, intentional lifestyle, and minimalism. Tune in to catch new episodes.
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If minimalism seems too extreme -- but you know you want to get rid of the mess -- this is the podcast for you. Feel like you're decluttering alongside your best friend as Shannon Leyko helps you get past those tough mental road blocks that keep you from letting go of what you don't need, and enjoy casual conversations with guests who give practical tips and mindsets for intentional living. Instagram: @paring_down
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Minimal-ish is a podcast hosted by Desirae Endres about striving to live with less of the things that don't matter, more of what does, and pursuing intention in every area of our everyday lives and motherhood. We'll talk about a realistic version of minimalism, family life, motherhood, work, caring for ourselves, budgeting and intentional finances, and everything in between.
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En "Open", abrimos negocios, personas y vidas con total transparencia y cercanía. Conversamos con autónomos, creativos, inversores, diseñadores, influencers y empresarias, con el único objetivo de aprender y desarrollar un pensamiento propio y crítico. Dirigido por Pepe Martín García y patrocinado por Minimalism Brand.
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¿Cómo sería la vida de las personas que nos rodean si les compartimos nuestros mayores aprendizajes? ¿Cuántas oportunidades podríamos crear gracias a transmitir ese conocimiento? ¿Y cuántas vidas podríamos transformar para bien? Así inicia el podcast de mi marca personal… un espacio íntimo y apto para todo público, con lecciones que he aprendido a través de mis experiencias como hijo, estudiante y emprendedor en mi búsqueda por crear oportunidades de valor para las personas y llevarles paz a ...
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In diesem Podcast geht es um Minimalismus, Selbstentwicklung und Achtsamkeit.
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Catholic Minimalism
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▪️MINIMALISMO ▪️MOTIVACIONAL Deixe este podcast salvo no seu player e venha conosco tomar algumas decisões na vida. Acesse mais conteúdo pelo https://www.instagram.com/decisum Encaminhe suas perguntas, elogios e sugestões de conteúdo pelo https://www.twitter.com/decisumtweet
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Das Thema Minimalismus bekommt immer mehr Zuwachs und nehmende Aufmerksamkeit. Ich persönlich wurde zu Beginn allerdings mehr als abgeschreckt, bevor ich die vielen Vorteile wirklich erkannt habe.
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Le RG podcast Minimalism apporte un nouvel état d’esprit Contacte-moi pour toutes demandes ☎️ http://www.rgminimalism.cloud/contact/ Et uniquement sur Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rgminimalism/ Bien à toi Richard RG
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Short readings and conversations from the writers at Minimalism Life.
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Willkommen zur Minimalismus-Sprechstunde mit Jasmin! Im Rahmen der Minimalismus-Sprechstunde beantworte ich gerne alle eure Fragen rund um Minimalismus als Lebensstil. Ich bin Jasmin Mittag, Mein Motto ist "Minimalismus JETZT!" Bist du dabei? In den ersten beiden Staffel des Podcasts habe ich euch an meinem minimalistischen Weg teilhaben lassen. Nun ist es Zeit, eure Fragen zu beantworten. Schicke mir gern eine E-Mail mit deiner Frage. Support: https://paypal.me/jasminmittag Mail: jasmin@min ...
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Aprendiendo sobre el minimalismo y aplicándolo a las distintas facetas de la vida: trabajo, deporte, relaciones de pareja y familiares, organización, etc.
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Living Light In A Heavy World.
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Embracing Minimalism NZ is all about living MORE with LESS. Join us as we journey towards embracing Minimalism New Zealand based, world focused.
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Through connected conversations Observed gets to the root of human limits, contentment and calls to adventure. People are smarter than they think, lets talk, let's build and find what we all have to offer. Our communities need us.
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Hello, it's Ola, just kidding. Its your host Muyayi and this is my all minimalism podcast where I impose minimalism on Gen Z and why I believe if each millennial was a minimalist, the world would be a better place. Also I'm starting out on this journey so I choose minimalism everyday and speak on the subject, how it's going, what I'm learning and what you need to know. So join me on this mini trip buckle up and enjoy the show, hosted by "Me" Muyayi. XO
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Vous souhaitez devenir minimaliste et adopter un mode de vie slow? Dans ce podcast on parle de minimalisme, d'organisation, de désencombrement, de slow life, de voyage, de bien être et de tout ce qui peut nourrir notre essence positive et nous permettre de devenir la meilleure version de nous même.
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Entrepreneur français dans le digital, partiellement nomade et en quête d'une vie plus simple et plus minimaliste. Je suis aussi mari et papa de 3 enfants. On en parle ?
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Are you a busy mom juggling the demands of family, work, and life, feeling suffocated by clutter and overwhelmed by endless cleaning tasks? Do you find yourself yearning for a simpler, more intentional lifestyle? If your answer is yes you are in the right place! "123 Minimize - Easy Minimalism for Busy Moms" is the podcast that understands the challenges of modern motherhood and the desire to live with less chaos and more purpose. Join us as we embark on a journey to help busy moms. In each ...
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268: 4 Things I've Learned about Habit Building (from completing a 75 day challenge)
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23:20Sponsors: Calm: for listeners of our show, Calm is offering an exclusive offer of 40% off a Calm Premium Subscription at calm.com/minimalish. Hungry Root: get 40% off your first box PLUS get a free item in every box for life at hungryroot.com/minimalish Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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10 CLAVES para que TU MARCA dure 100 AÑOS.
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43:22En el episodio de hoy, hablo con Isma Barros, CEO y cofundador de Soluble Estudio. Es *especialista en branding, haciendo que las empresas buenas parezcan tan buenas como son. Hoy te contamos lo que puedes hacer (y aquello que necesitarás) para tener una marca (de lo que sea) que dure y perdure.Linkedin de Isma Minimalism Brand (marca de Pepe): C…
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77: What If I Regret Getting Rid of It?
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44:26What-if items tend to be the biggest culprits of clutter! We are worried we'll need it some day, so we hold on just in case. In this episode, I walk through 5 helpful ways to combat this battle with "what-if??" so that we can become more discerning about what's worth keeping and what we need to let go. Paring Down Instagram: @paring_down Paring …
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267: Monthly Experiment #2: Moving Past a Failed Experiment + January Experiment Update and a PCOS Chat
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28:15Today I’m bringing you the next Monthly Experiment where I’m reflecting on this past month’s journey to tackle our families budget. Spoiler alert: it did not go as planned. But I’m sharing a lot about how I’ve been reframing my mindset around “failed goals” in this season and reflecting on why it didn’t go well and how we’re moving forward. I’m als…
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Does your online cart often fill up during late-night scrolls? Or maybe you’ve brought home a “great deal” that you didn’t really need? You’re not alone, and this episode of Minimalism Made Simple is here to help! I’m diving into how to break free from the cycle of mindless buying and start making intentional, value-driven choices. Here’s what you’…
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76: Is Celebrity Self-Help Advice Useful? with Jim Oliver
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1:01:16Introducing my brother, Jim Oliver!! We talk about losing our mom 12 years ago, and what that has meant for both of us in terms of living our lives with clear intention - even though that intentionality looks different between the two of us. Jim also shares about his fascinating career as a booking agent for celebrities and major motivational speak…
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De Tirar Cañas a Facturar 53M y 1000 empleados: La Historia de Jose Luis Cogolludo | Afianza
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1:08:34En el episodio de hoy (que sin duda está entre los mejores de este podcast) hablo con Jose Luis Cogolludo, CEO de Afianza, una Asesoría-Consultoria que ofrece servicios de Big4 enfocados a Pymes. Con una facturación récord, casi 1.000 empleados y adquiriendo cada vez más empresas, las historias de Jose Luis y Afianza son atípicas (y sorprendentes).…
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Frugal Friday er en fejring af de små og store valg, vi har foretaget i løbet af ugen og som, på den ene eller anden måde, har sparet på ressourcerne. Enten de fælles ressourcer i form af vores miljømæssige aftryk, eller ressourcer i form af tid, penge og energi i vores egen lille familie. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190…
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Episode 96 Om at regne baglæns
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13:31Når en situation går mindre efter planen end ønsket, så er det smart at regne baglæns for at se, hvordan vi kan undgå det en anden gang. Det bruger jeg til alt fra at bekæmpe madspild til at undgå wrestlingkampe i min entre, og her deler jeg hvordan. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190353119 Instagram: https://www.instagram.…
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The beautiful part about intentional living is that we get to decide what resonates with us and what doesn't. Not all advice is for everyone, and that's A-okay. In that spirit, there seem to be some generally-accepted viewpoints in the minimalism and decluttering world that I, personally, disagree with. So here are some of my hot takes! From sparki…
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Episodio 035 - Entrevista Julian Betancourt - Fundamentos del Marketing que genera Ventas
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1:03:49Envíame un mensaje! En este episodio, entrevisto a Julián Betancourt, experto en publicidad digital y optimización de procesos, quien ha ayudado a cientos de emprendedores a multiplicar sus ventas con estrategias probadas. Además de ser una persona que admiro mucho por su talento e inteligencia, Julián también se ha convertido en un gran amigo con …
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5 CLAVES para crear una Marca de ZAPATILLAS y no FRACASAR en el intento.
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36:10Enlace a la zapatillas Minimalism: https://minimalismbrand.com/products/zapatillas-barefoot-minimalistas En este video, junto a Manel García Prats, cofundador de Ohne Project, te damos las claves que necesitas para lanzar una marca de zapatillas con éxito. Hablamos poniendo sobre la mesa el proceso de creación y lanzamiento de las nuevas zapatillas…
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74: Removing the Chaos from Our Email Accounts & Desktops with Shawn Lemon
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1:05:44Ready for some truly practical help that will change your daily life? Shawn Lemon of The Digital Organizer delivers just that in today's episode as he shares with us practical steps we can take to make our email accounts, desktop, and digital storage less chaotic and far more streamlined. I personally was so motivated after our conversation that I …
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EMPRENDER: ¿Qué hay detras del humo en RRSS? Carlos Ortiz
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58:40En el podcast de hoy hablo con Carlos Ortiz de Lucas, uno de los founders de "Aloha Poké", con 35 estalecimientos y un ARR de más de 13M€. Carlos también es fundador de XQuad, el primer Board of Advisors as a Service para Startups. En este episodio charlamos de su trayectoria, aprendizajes y errores, creación de contenido, falsos profetas del empre…
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Are you ready to uncover the most authentic version of yourself? In this episode of Minimalism Made Simple, I’m diving into how embracing a simpler lifestyle can help you cultivate profound self-awareness. I’ll share my personal journey of moving from overwhelm to clarity by decluttering my home, simplifying my schedule, and creating space for mind…
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73: Avoiding Vacation Clutter: Souvenirs & Vacay Wardrobe
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42:30Spring Break is right around the corner, and it's very tempting to buy new wardrobes for vacation or bring home plenty of souvenirs. (Especially if it means avoiding a toddler breakdown in the middle of public.) So let's talk about ways to avoid all that vacation clutter -- both in shopping ahead of time, and while we're there! Paring Down Instagra…
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266: Changing Our Shopping Habits (February Replay)
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42:58Sponsors Hungryroot: Get 40% off your first box plus a free item in every box for life at hungryroot.com/minimalish Wildgrain: Get 30$ off your first box plus free Croissants in every box at wildgrain.com/minimalish Manscaped: Get 20% off plus free shipping at manscaped.com with code MINIMALISH at checkout Learn more about your ad choices. Visit me…
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No sé como titular esta tertulia con un amigo empresario | Tertulia Open Podcast
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1:08:07Mas que un podcast al uso, lo de hoy es una tertulia con Iñaki Arriaga, ingeniero informático de formación y generalista de profesión. Amigo, emprendedor exitoso (fundador de Acumbamail, vendida dos veces) y buen tipo. Hablamos de nuestras empresas, de la influencia de la suerte, el humo (empresarial), exits, dinero y mucho más.Link a su canal: @ig…
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Welcome to Minimalism Made Simple, the podcast where I help you create a more intentional and peaceful life. In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on The Hidden Costs of Clutter—and trust me, it’s more than just messy drawers or piles of clothes. Clutter sneaks into your life in ways you might not expect, draining your time, energy, and eve…
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72: Reclaiming the Sacred: Does Money Make Us Happier? with Jeff Golden
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59:37Defining what is "sacred" is to determine what truly matters and to recognize the beautiful intersection of every living thing. In this realm, Jeff Golden has spent 30 years and won multiple awards for his work regarding the connection (or lack thereof) between money and happiness so that we can better reject the things that are NOT sacred. On the …
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In this episode of Minimalism Made Simple, I dive into the essential topic of setting boundaries to live more intentionally. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by commitments, struggled to say “no,” or found yourself running on empty, this episode is for you. I share a personal story and a three-step process for creating boundaries that protect your t…
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71: How Growing Up in a Cult Made Me More Intentional
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59:38Whew, I kind of can't believe I'm pressing publish on this one. I grew up in a high control religious organization, and today I'm sharing my story after a lot of interest came in after I mentioned it in a reel! I know this is.a bit off the subject of decluttering, but it ties in beautifully with the bigger message of intentional living. I hope this…
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En el vídeo de hoy reflexiono sobre la importancia de ser consciente de que, a nivel macro, no le importamos a nadie. Ojalá te ayudeMinimalism Brand (marca de Pepe): https://minimalismbrand.com/ Libro de Pepe: https://libros.com/go/oqW0DKTPatrocinio de hola Fly 5%: Openholafly. Aplicable en: https://esim.holafly.com/Redes sociales de Pepe:Instagram…
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265: Monthly Experiment #1: Healthier Habits
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30:52In this solo episode, I’m reflecting on my first monthly experiment in intentional living—focusing on healthier habits. At the start of the year, I was inspired by my conversation with Tyler Moore of Tidy Dad to approach New Year’s goals differently, leading me to start this Monthly Experiments series. Instead of setting rigid resolutions, I’ve bee…
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2 millones de visualizaciones al día y CÓMO empezar un NEGOCIO ONLINE Rentable en 2025. Tengo un Plan.
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1:29:12Los invitados del podcast de hoy no necesitan introducción, pero aún así: Sergio y Juan son los artífices, entre otros proyectos, de "Tengo un Plan" el podcast de negocios y desarrollo personal mas escuchado en España. Hoy descubriremos su lado más humano, cómo han evolucionado durante estos años, qué se siente al alcanzar el éxito y muchas cosas m…
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In this episode of Minimalism Made Simple, we’re exploring how to take back control of your days and live with intention. If you’ve ever felt stuck in the cycle of busyness, reacting instead of creating, this one’s for you. I’ll walk you through a simple, three-step blueprint to design your ideal day and align your daily habits with what truly matt…
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70: Is Decluttering Just for the Financially Secure? with Aubrey High
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59:40Avoiding difficult subjects isn't something I want to do on Paring Down. Yet I want to make sure I approach them with humility, positivity, and an open mind - and I hope that tone comes through on today's episode. I'm so grateful to have Aubrey High from The Reclaimed Home alongside me as we talk through insights she's gained while working with peo…
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¿Por qué solo potenciaré el contenido largo?Minimalism Brand (marca de Pepe): Libro de Pepe Redes sociales de Pepe: Instagram: Linkedin: Patrocinio de hola Fly 5%: Openholafly. Aplicable en: https://esim.holafly.com/En este vídeo reflexiono sobre las diferencias entre el contenido largo y el contenido corto, y te ayudo a entender dónde radica el ve…
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Episode 95 Spørg minimalisten
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16:04"Spørg minimalisten" er brevkassen, hvor jeg besvarer de spørgsmål I stiller om minimalisme & købestop, så flere kan bruge svaret. Send gerne spørgsmål via Instagram, så kommer de med i de næste episoder herinde. Facebook-gruppen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102379190353119 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/projecthandmade/…
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264: Disconnecting to Reconnect with Carlos Whittaker
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51:16In this episode, I am honored to sit down and speak with author and speaker Carlos Whittaker to chat about his latest book, Reconnected, and his eye-opening 7-week experiment living in a monk community—completely off screens. We dive deep into what he learned about solitude, slowing down + savoring, being present, and finding true connection (and b…
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Decluttering isn’t just about tossing things in a donation bin—it’s a journey that touches our hearts, memories, and even our identities. In this episode of Minimalism Made Simple, Rebecca dives into the emotional side of letting go and shares how to release the guilt, overwhelm, and nostalgia tied to our stuff. You’ll learn: ✨ Why decluttering fee…
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69: The Best Principles to Guide Your Decluttering
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48:55Finding a decluttering method that works for you is great, but identifying principles that can apply to any decluttering decision is even more powerful. In this episode, I share 10 principles -- or established truths about life -- that can help guide our processes and decisions as we decide what should stay and what should go in our homes, schedule…
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Episodio 034 - Entrevista a Dany Muñoz - Productividad Consciente
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1:01:43Envíame un mensaje! En este episodio tuve el placer de entrevistar a Dany Muñoz, diseñadora gráfica, experta en productividad consciente y emprendedora colombiana con una visión inspiradora. En esta conversación, exploramos su trayectoria profesional, cómo ha creado un negocio alineado con su propósito y los productos físicos y digitales que ha des…
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En el vídeo de hoy hago una reflexión muy importante: Por qué, aunque nos cueste entenderlo, no somos nuestro negocio, ni nuestras visitas ni nuestras ventas diarias.Minimalism Brand (marca de Pepe): https://minimalismbrand.com/ Libro de Pepe: https://libros.com/go/oqW0DKTPatrocinio de hola Fly 5%: Openholafly. Aplicable en: https://esim.holafly.co…
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263: Change Your Relationship with Your Phone with Joey Odom (January Replay)
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1:06:35Sponsor: Wildgrain: Get 30$ off your first box and free croissants with ever boxy when you go to Wildgrain.com/MINIMALISH or use promo code Minimalish at checkout. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesPar Cloud10
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Cuando Emprendes y sale TODO MAL | La cara B
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1:03:33En el podcast de hoy hablamos con Álvaro Pérez Redondo. Patrocinadores oficiales: - Mi nuevo libro: Todo lo que me hubiera gustado saber antes de ser autónomo. - Minimalism Brand: Ropa básica fabricada de forma consciente con algodón orgánico en España y Portugal. *Pedidos B2B aquí - Holafly: Esim para viajar por el mundo con el código: Op…
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