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大家好! 我們是好同志! 台灣好同志 Jay Jay 與 英國好同志 Kai 在倫敦,每週跟大家分享及討論有關LGBTQ+的新聞與話題 We are GoodGays Jay Jay and Kai, bringing you LGBTQ+ related discussion and content every week. Based in London, we share our views from Taiwan and the UK on everything fabulous! Have a Gay day
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由於JayJay跟Kai 近期工作忙碌.於是決定要休息一陣子,從第一集開始至今也經過了20個月.非常感謝各位聽眾的陪伴,很感動你們的故事與分享,在這惡意滿滿的世界仍有相同信念的伙伴在世界各地.第一季將在這裡畫上句點,之後將變成不定期更新,仍會在instagram持續關注LGBTQ+議題.當你覺得只剩自己獨自面對困境時,聽聽之前的集數,也可以跟我們來信取暖.謝謝大家,我們下次見 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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看到一則二月新聞,一位跨性別女性因為非"天生女性",被選美單位取消資格,於是控告選美組織,但美國法官裁定選美可以禁止跨性別女性參加.於是JayJay跟Kai要來討論選美概念的荒謬以及台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟的變更性別 取消強制手術連署,大家快去簽起來!!! Note: Judge rules beauty pageant can ban trans women. On the same day the Equality Act passed the House, no less 伴盟變更性別取消強制手術連署書 台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟文章 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast…
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來大力推薦Channel 4 推出的同志影集《 It's A Sin》,並談談HIV測試的恐懼與汙名.(大量劇透,請小心服用) Note It's a Sin | Official Trailer It’s A Sin has sparked a surge in HIV testing and a new dawn for awareness It's A Sin and HIV in the 1980s: 'By 25, I'd lost 50 friends to Aids' Test yourself for HIV 同志新劇《It’s a Sin》題材不新但精采絕倫 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: good…
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消失才是真正的存在,今天Jayjay不在,由阿威跟Kai要來討論天橋上的魔術師裡LGBTQ+(大量劇透請小心服用) Note: 阿派在唐先生的西裝店 第六集 影子 預告 小八在屋頂片段 獻給超出性別框架之愛情的影片 feat 楊雅喆 親愛的漢人看天橋上的魔術師之原住民角色 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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倫敦同志遊行組織(Pride in London)顧問團全部離職,指控組織對義工歧視與霸凌,今天要來討論,同志遊行被商業綁架以及弱勢族群對弱勢族群的歧視 Note: Entire Pride of London advisory board quits and demands London Mayor investigate ‘hostile environment’ Stonewall chief calls for Pride in London bosses to stand down over ‘disturbing’ racism and bullying claims The events of the last few days - UK Black Pride full st…
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JayJay幾天前看到一則加州新聞-多重伴侶關係成功登記為小孩的父親.想跟Kai一起來聊聊什麼是多重伴侶關係?跟開放式關係有什麼不一樣? Note: A gay throuple have opened up about their incredible legal battle to be legally recognised as their children’s fathers. Agreement reached: Dutch children can have four parents 我有兩個情人,多重伴侶關係可能存在嗎? 無性生活、BDSM、多重伴侶關係?帶你窺探現代人的非典型性愛關係 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodg…
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最近JayJay經歷親人過世,於是開始思考LGBTQ+的喪禮.想跟Kai討論這個議題,那你有開始思考喪禮的事嗎? Note: 同志喪禮的殯葬自主與性別尊重問題 為亡者蓋上一條彩虹被 Collaboration with The Corpse Project 輕輕搖晃 Lilting 電影預告 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay邀請身在教育現場的同志友善老師-妙嗚,分享教育現場LGBTQ+的故事與觀點,同志教師面臨的議題和困境以及如何面對因性別氣質不同被霸凌的學生. Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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JayJay有事告假,Kai與阿崴今天要來聊幾個新聞-寒冬同志戶外做愛違反封鎖規定,警察該如何反應才不會重演以前歧視歷史,HIV倡議團體提供幾個想法來度過非常時期及夜店即將重開但須戴口罩與社交距離. note: Same-sex couple caught breaching lockdown to have outdoor sex at 2am on coldest night in 26 years Don’t hook up during the COVID-19 lockdown Police fine men cruising for gay sex on London’s Hampstead Heath for breaking coronavirus restrictions …
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今天Kai 跟阿崴aka老闆要一起來推薦一本英國LGBTQ+的漫畫.就在我們錄音完沒多久後Netflix就宣布要改編這一系列的漫畫!讓我們一起期待吧! Note: Netflix to adapt beloved gay graphic novel Heartstopper into live action series Read Heartstopper on Tumblr Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信…
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幾週前英國保守黨要諮詢民眾意見,內容大意就是不喜歡跟不同性別的人一起用廁所, 希望男女廁所分開!這一切太荒謬,所以Kai跟JayJay要來討論性別友善廁所的重要性! note: Tories accused of ‘excluding and alienating’ trans folk with bizarre gender-neutral toilet review Technical review on increasing accessibility and provision of toilets for men and women 如果你推崇親子廁所,為什麼要排斥「性別友善廁所」? To those who oppose gender-neutral toilets: they’…
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最近部分LGB團體公開反對跨性別,Kai想跟JayJay討論現在是不是 LGB 跟 TQ+要分開了嗎? 歡迎告訴我們你的想法 Note: Boyz magazine editor whines he’s being ‘punished’ for ‘debating’ trans issues Proud lesbians share defiant photos after LGB Alliance bizarrely claims they’re ‘going extinct’ Why Gay Rights and Trans Rights Should Be Separated Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast…
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JayJay回來囉!! 隔離期間看了Kai推薦的Netflix紀錄片-書本馬戲團 Circus of Books.今天他們要討論這個紀錄片碰觸到LGBTQ+的歷史,家庭與宗教議題.不知道大家看了沒?快去看! Note: Circus of Books | Official Trailer | Netflix Why I Made Circus of Books | The Story Behind The Documentary Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 各收聽連結 歡迎來信…
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今天JayJay依舊在隔離中,鄰居還是很吵.所以Kai邀請好同志老闆一起來討論新出爐的美國總統-拜登,到底是不是LGBTQ+的朋友? Note: The good, the bad and the sometimes ugly history of Joe Biden and LGBT+ rights Kamala Harris’s controversial record on criminal justice, explained Pose star Angelica Ross believes Kamala Harris ‘holds herself accountable’ on her uneven trans rights record Kamala Harris’ compli…
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今天JayJay在台灣隔離中,因為鄰居玩馬力歐太大聲,無法加入錄音,但Kai邀請老公的兩個妹妹一起來聊聊身為LGBTQ的兄弟姊妹是什麼感覺,以及分享如何支持LGBTQ的手足. Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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JayJay跟Kai終於有機會在Netflix 看了去年台灣很紅的電影《刻在你心底的名字》.我們要來談談《刻在你心底的名字》議題概念蠻有趣的,但為什麼覺得有點失望?也歡迎來信告訴我們你的想法 Note: 《刻在你心底的名字》 - Trailer 《藍色大門》 - Trailer Langit Budak Biru - Trailer Malaysian director seeks to raise awareness of LGBT issues Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信…
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來討論由LGBTQ+組成家庭面對的迷思,來聽聽我們怎麼回答這些問題. Note: 因「同志不該領養孩子」所以反對同婚?收養是個大議題,但真的無關父母的性向 同志可以收養小孩嗎?我可以, 我們不行! 同志家庭對孩子的成長有負面影響嗎? 從科學研究角度看5個常見問題 同性家庭養的小孩長大會變同性戀?西班牙同婚合法14年後...6個孩子現身說法 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來分享阿根廷跨性別足球員Mara Gómez 和英國跨性別足球員Sammy Walker的新聞.討論跨性別足球員得到隊友與對手支持卻得面對網路上霸凌 Note: Trailblazing trans footballer bursts into tears after rival team’s beautiful display of acceptance Trans footballer signed to women’s FA league reveals horrific abuse she’s received before even stepping on the pitch 'I represent a breaking of the binary', …
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JayJay跟Kai今天要來討論有些同志在面對家庭以及社會壓力下,選擇進入異性戀的婚姻,而同志的形婚到底行不行呢? Note: LGBT Asians turning to marriages of convenience 徐志雲/同婚一週年後,沒改變的事──「我們」共同面對的性別困境 未必是單選題:曾經步入異性婚姻的老年同志們 「我是女同志,我嫁給了一個男人」 不能出櫃的中國,形式婚姻正好 INSIDE THE CHINESE CLOSET Trailer 牽手相伴數十年,卻發現丈夫早已愛上男人…《叔.叔》演出最痛婚內失戀:每個人都是受害者 強迫同志進入異性婚姻,造就了多少悲劇?《誰先愛上他的》讓我們看見無愛的婚姻有多不幸 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Ins…
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來討論什麼是非二元性別 (Non-Binary),又有哪些國家承認非二元性別呢? Note: What is Non-Binary? Things Not To Say To A Non-Binary Person Gender X Passports Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來討論這些支持LGBTQ+的盟友長輩(?)-台灣最強戰友前立委尤美女,甘道夫最好朋友演員Patrick Steward以及改變立場的廚師Nigella Lawson. Note: 曾被要求「放過民進黨」,尤美女的「婚姻平權」漫漫長路逾30年 12 times Sir Patrick Stewart was the best LGBT ally Nigella Lawson apologises for 1993 comments on person’s choice to have gender surgery Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram: goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gm…
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英國最高法院拒絕Freddy McConnell上訴成為孩子的父親.今天JayJay跟Kai要來討論跨男懷孕分娩生子,孩子出生證明的訴訟.也來談談跨性別成為一個雙親(parent)的困境. Note: UK’s highest court rejects trans man’s appeal to be named his child’s father. But the fight is far from over 當跨男懷孕分娩生子,孩子的出生證明該如何稱呼TA? Trans parents and legal parenthood Transgender Parent in Japan Banned from Changing Legal Gender Seahorse: The Dad…
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JayJay跟Kai要來討論大企業的Rainbow-washing,到底是好還是不好?以及BBC前幾周上層希望員工不要參加抗議活動,那同志遊行是慶典還是抗議? Note The Problem With the 'Rainbow-Washing' of LGBTQ+ Pride Have You Been Tricked by Rainbow Washing? London Pride 2019: Are businesses taking advantage? BBC LGBT+ network demands director general Tim Davie clarify whether staff can go to Trans Pride BBC news website as…
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智利(Chile)與孟加拉(Bangladesh)在今年與去年都成立跨性別學校.今天JayJay跟Kai要來聊聊什麼是safe space 與設立跨性別學校的優點與可能會面臨的困難. Note: 智利開先河 出現拉美首座跨性別學校 Transgender in Bangladesh: First school opens for trans students Inside Chile's Amaranta school for transgender children Bangladesh makes history with first-ever Islamic college for transgender Muslims Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast In…
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倫敦SOHO區知名夜店-G.A.Y,面臨倒閉狀況,決定控告英國政府.JayJay跟Kai要來討論在SOHO的LGBTQ+酒吧跟夜店等.在COVID19疫情下,是否即將消失? Note: How can queer nightlife survive the coronavirus pandemic? The Future of the UK's Queer Clubs Is More Precarious Than Ever Fears for the Gay Village's future as Tier 3 calls time on most of its venues Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎…
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最近"鬼滅之刃"電影上映加上Kai前陣子終於把"進擊的巨人"追完,而JayJay前陣子看完"異獸魔都",於是想來討論前陣子疫情時追的動畫LGBTQ+呈現 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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JayJay 前陣子看了"青春未知數" ( The Half of it) ,Kai上周也看了,今天要來談談"青春未知數" ( The Half of it) 這部電影與劇本No Exit 的關係.也來聊聊在主流媒體上的華人與LGBTQ+的呈現.如果你也看了這部Netflix的電影,歡迎來跟我們一起討論 Note: 這是你最大膽的一筆嗎?台裔導演伍思薇談同志電影《青春未知數》的創作靈感 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay與Kai邀請策展人Wang Yi來介紹東亞酷兒影展,以及今年焦點台灣系列裡有哪些有趣的選片,並談談疫情下辦英國影展的甘苦. Queer East Film Festival 東亞酷兒影展 Queer East website 片單預告在這裡 有金曲天后阿爆加持,還不快去買票! Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay跟Kai想來談談什是無性戀,並在LGBTQ+族群裡看到多元性與包容性. Note: 認識無性戀-會愛人,但性是自己的 無性戀者的告白:像我這樣的人,是性別教育存在的理由 無性戀的她:不接吻、不做愛,只渴望精神戀愛 Six ways to be an ally to asexual people Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay跟Kai想來討論,身為一個LGBTQ+的一份子,看見在生活中跟網路上的不平與歧視,是否有責任挺身而出或出櫃?你的想法是什麼呢?歡迎跟我們ㄧ起討論 Note: 10 Ways to Be An LGBTQ+ Ally Harvey Milk: you must come out Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天Kai與JayJay要一起討論LGBTQ+有毒的男子氣概身體意象,從分享跨男身體經驗與生活困境並且談到為何有些男同志害怕陰道?男同志的陽具崇拜,雞雞大小真的有這麼重要嗎?有沒有跟大不大,其實真的沒有這麼重要! Note Why (Some) Gay Men Won’t Date Transmen 是什麼令60%跨性別者想過自殺? A TRANS GUY’S GUIDE TO THE GAY SEX SCENE Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天Kai跟JayJay分享了三本LGBT+兒童繪本 -《國王與國王》, 《一家三口》,《Are you A boy or are you a girl 》,並且Kai分享英國幼教老師教學LGBT+繪本的第一線經驗. Note: 《國王與國王》作者斯特恩:我們想畫一本快樂的繪本,慶祝各種形貌的愛情 《國王與國王》繪本爭議 新北市圖加提示語 KING & KING audiobook AND TANGO MAKES THREE audiobook Are You A Boy or Are You A Girl author interview Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信goodgaypodcast@gm…
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JayJay最近遇到困難無法分辨對方是否是同志,今天要跟Kai一起討論同志雷達的事情. Note: 科學研究顯示同志雷達根本不存在 New AI can guess whether you're gay or straight from a photograph The invention of AI ‘gaydar’ could be the start of something much worse The Science of “Gaydar”: How Well Can We Detect Other People’s Sexual Orientation? This psychologist’s “gaydar” research makes us uncomfortable. T…
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來聊小時候最喜歡的歐美卡通,從降世神通,飛天小女警,X戰警,辛普森家庭,海綿寶寶到亞瑟小子等,一起看以前的LGBTQ+呈現 Note: SpongeBob is part of the LGBTQ community, Nickelodeon confirm Most. Problematic Simpsons Moments. Ever! ‘Arthur’ Opens Season With a Same-Sex Wedding and a Cake Arthur - Theme Song Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信…
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今天Kai跟JayJay要來推薦 Netflix 紀錄片- Disclosure (揭開面紗:好萊塢的跨性別人生).由許多知名好萊塢電影及電視節目切入,探討媒體從以前如何形塑跨性別形象至今,以及帶給人們的影響. Note: Actor and Activist Laverne Cox: 'We Need to Change Power' 《揭開面紗:好萊塢的跨性別人生》:如果我覺得不好笑,還是笑話嗎? Disclosure | Official Trailer | Netflix Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信…
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網路新聞媒體與網紅,對於JK羅琳的跨性別爭議,紛紛表達看法,強調政治正確與取消文化還有言論自由.卻沒有人真正關心跨性別議題!反而創造出更多仇恨言論的平台!難道這就是網紅們所謂的溝通? JayJay跟Kai今天也想討論,藍甲或支持非友善同性戀政黨的同志,他們到底在想什麼呢? Note: An open letter to J.K. Rowling The 2020 LGBT Vote 「藍甲沒資格討論政治」這種說法,傷害了所有女性與同志 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信…
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我們今天要來談談在社群媒體上出現的LGBTQ仇恨言論,該如何採取行動,以及社群媒體對LGBTQ社群的影響 Note: Facebook refused to take down posts threatening to murder queer people because they ‘didn’t contradict standards’, say LGBT+ activists Companies Pull Ads From Facebook to Combat Racist, Homophobic Speech Wiley apology for tweets 'that looked anti-Semitic' after Twitter ban Facebook:好同志 Good…
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不知不覺一年了,JayJay跟Kai今天要來回答大家的問題.感謝大家一路來的支持,GoodGayTeam會繼續努力!記得在2020年8月15日前去當集Instagram留言告訴我們,你最喜歡的好同志是哪一集呢?我們將會在抽出六位得獎者. 獎品非常豐盛喔!你在哪裡我們就會努力送到你手上! Note: 片頭音樂 Pamgaea by Kevin MacLeod Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎合作來信goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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Kai終於看完第一季的庫洛魔法使(Cardcaptor Sakura),立刻迫不及待想跟JayJay討論他的感想.一起來聽聽JayJay跟Kai討論庫洛魔法使與LGBTQ的關係吧! Note Why Cardcaptor Sakura Was The Most Queer Inclusive Anime For Kids Ever Made 多元成家、禁忌之戀?你沒想過的庫洛魔法使 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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JayJay跟Kai 整理了最近的LGBTQ+新聞,看看哪些新聞被埋沒在最近的新聞. Note: The BBC quietly dropped four LGBT+ charities from its transgender support page. Now, it’s empty Not even the BBC’s Pride network knows why the broadcaster quietly dropped vital charities from its transgender support page Poland’s president Andrzej Duda just vowed to ban same-sex marriage, gay adoptio…
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JayJay玩完了最後生還者2(The last of us Part II),今天來跟Kai分享他的觀點.一起討論最後生還者2是LGBTQ+的豬隊友還是神助攻? BTW大家快來問好同志JayJay跟Kai問題,一周年QA開跑! Note: The Last of Us Part II condemned as ‘trauma porn’ over trans abuse plot The Last of Us Part II’s queer representation is groundbreaking. Is it enough? 《最後生還者2》為何人人喊打?從敘事公式剖析遊戲劇情 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodc…
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近10年來Kai最喜歡的電影之一Pride驕傲大聯盟(2014),JayJay終於也看了這部電影,一起來聽聽我們討論這部電影吧! 笑中帶淚快去看! Note: Pride 驕傲大聯盟 trailer Pride - Real Life Inspiration "Bread and Roses" from Pride Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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近10年來,JayJay最喜歡的電影之一Call me by your name 以你的名字呼喚我(2017),上週末Kai終於看了這部電影.來聽聽我們一起討論這部電影. (Sufjan Stevens的歌真的很好聽!快去聽) Note: Call Me By Your Name | Official Trailer HD (2017) Sufjan Stevens - Visions of Gideon Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast 歡迎來信 goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天JayJay跟Kai要來談英國的國民保健署(NHS)困境與LGBTQ+關係.全英國可從NHS拿到PrEP處方簽以及跨性別性別轉換與NHS系統. Note: In this crisis, the Tory cuts can no longer be hidden by empty gestures Life-Saving HIV Drug PrEP Becomes Available On NHS In Major U.K. Health Change Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic website Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast goodgaypodcast@gmai…
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作家 JK 羅琳在自己網站發表一篇3600多字的文章.馬上被LGBTQ+團體指出反對跨性別人權. 今天JayJay跟Kai一起來上英文課,來瞭解作家用哪些字隱晦或直接歧視跨性別以及文章開始導致LGBT人權大倒退! Note: Republican senator quotes JK Rowling’s essay on trans people to shut down a vote on LGBT+ rights Boris ‘scrapping plans’ that make changing gender easier for trans people J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and …
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WFH這段時間JayJay玩很多電玩,而Kai補齊很多動畫,他們都是屬於喜愛宅文化的同志.今天要來聊聊-為什麼LGBTQ+族群中有高達1/5,對於電玩/動漫/漫畫等宅文化如此熱愛? Note: LGBT people make up more than a fifth of the gaming industry, landmark new study reveals How female game characters helped me when I was growing up gay A Jock With Glasses Is Not a Geek Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast goodgaypodca…
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今天JayJay跟Kai 要來分享好消息,哥斯大黎加成為中美洲第一個同志婚姻通過的國家.並且一起聊聊台灣同志婚姻專法,限制只能跟同志婚姻合法國家人民結合,是否有問題? Note: Taiwan’s Same-Sex Marriage Law Yet to Fulfill Marriage Equality 台灣同性婚姻跨不過的牆:跨國伴侶 點名效法台灣,日本三大在野黨聯合提出第一份「同婚法案」 臺灣跨國同婚平權聯盟 Facebook:好同志 Good Gay Podcast Instagram:goodgaypodcast goodgaypodcast@gmail.comPar GoodGayTeam
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今天Kai要來分享他如何從出櫃(coming out)變成隱身(Stealth)到再出櫃(coming out again)的心路歷程.也跟JayJay一起討論不管是哪個決定都是可以並且必須受到尊重. Note: Look! No, don't! Transsexual men want to disappear because we are tired of being forced into categories, because we are beyond defending ourselves. Look! No, don't! Transsexual men are entering the dialogue from more perspectives, more angles,…
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今天JayJay與Kai又找了一些新冠肺炎與LGBTQ+相關的新聞. 讓我們來聽聽是那些新聞吧! Note: Education bosses in Turkey order children to stop drawing rainbows in case they turn people gay 南韓恐同潮再起!夜店爆14人確診新冠肺炎 男同志恐淪為獵巫箭靶 Finally, some good news! Instead of running 5km, you can raise money for the NHS by masturbating Medical fetish store donates entire stock of hospital scrubs to the NH…
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