show episodes

Something Human

Isaac N.C.

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The podcast where Evan and Isaac talk about whatever they feel like. It's just an authentic slice of life. We read a lot and think a lot and laugh about it all. Music by Flamingosis.
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Talking Bull Podcast

Talking Bull Podcast

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Talking Bull Podcast is an artful space for interviews that gives expression to Durham, NC and its amazing inhabitants, both visible and invisible; that reveals something beautifully human and honest; that investigates serious issues and delivers real stories in a critical, yet fun way.
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show series
Though the first few chapters of Acts are filled with baptisms and miracles, the pivotal point of the book—the stoning of Stephen—shows how God uses ordinary believers to display his power and accomplish his mission amidst persecution. In this week's message from Acts 7 and 8, Pastor J.D. encourages us to consider how God might be calling us to adv…
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We all face situations in our lives that seem impossible to navigate, where we simply lack the wisdom to make the best decision. It is in these moments where we might be tempted to think that if we only did enough research or talked to enough people, we would have the discernment needed. In reality, true wisdom comes from God alone, and he invites …
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Faith often takes different shapes and forms throughout your life. Sometimes it means believing God for a miracle, while at other times it looks like trusting that God is good even when the miracle doesn't come. In this week's message, the finale of our Hebrews 11 series, Pastor J.D. encourages us with the truth that no matter where we find ourselv…
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The beauty of faith is often found in its simplicity. You don't have to possess a wealth of theological knowledge to be captivated by the truth of the gospel. Maybe, like Rahab, you've simply heard what the Lord has done and you believe. In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor J.D. explains how the faith of a Gentile prostitute changed the c…
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When you think of Joseph, you may think of the famous "coat of many colors," or even of his bizarre dreams or his prominent position as Pharaoh's second-in-command. But you probably don't think of the instructions that Joseph gave for his own burial. In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor Curtis shows us how throughout Joseph's life, whethe…
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It’s tempting at times to read the Bible through a human-centric lens, as though we are the main character in each narrative. But in so doing, we’re in danger of missing the larger point of stories like Joshua and the city of Jericho. In this week’s message from Hebrews 11, Pastor J.D. shows us how this key moment in Joshua’s life holds a valuable …
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“A life of more.” This phrase likely has different connotations depending on who is speaking. To the world, “a life of more” may look like more money, more possessions, or more recognition. But to the Christ-follower, it means a kind of satisfaction and contentment that is found in Jesus alone. In this week’s message from Hebrews 11, Pastor Bryan s…
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Though we may not realize it, our choices often reveal what we truly value. How we choose to spend our time, what we choose to do with our money—these things are a reflection of what we hold dear. In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor Curtis explains how choices made by Moses and his parents revealed the value they placed on faith in God, …
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There is something in each of us that cries out for acceptance, that longs for blessing. And while the culture around us strives for this acceptance to the point of exhaustion, the gospel says that God's acceptance of us is strictly a gift of grace that can't be earned. In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor J.D. shows us how this truth cam…
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We all build our lives on something. For many, it's the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. For others, it may be the allure of a successful career or the comfort of relationships. But these things were never meant to bear the weight of our faith. In this week's message from Mark 5, Pastor John takes us through the story of two healings performed by Je…
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What Abraham faced in his final test from God was incomprehensible, and yet he knew that God would remain faithful no matter the outcome. How was Abraham able to display such trust when met with the thought of sacrificing his son? In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor J.D. explains how ultimately, this story is not about Abraham's obedienc…
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Have you ever felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, whether regarding your career, marriage, or simply life in general? In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor Bryan highlights this experience in the life of Sarah, a woman whose barrenness led her to take matters into her own hands. But what Sarah learned was that her only hope of seeing …
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A man often regarded as the "father of faith," Abraham was faced with numerous tests throughout his life. Called by God to an unknown land, Abraham had to decide if obeying God was worth leaving everything that was familiar and comfortable. In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor J.D. invites us to consider what made Abraham regard what he w…
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Though widely known, the story of Noah and the ark is one that tends to be misinterpreted by many in today's society. Far from being a tame bedtime story, it gives us a glimpse of the response of a holy God to the depravity of sin. In this week's message from Hebrews 11, Pastor J.D. explains how Noah's faith led him to act on God's command, without…
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One of the most inspiring chapters in the Bible is Hebrews 11, often referred to as the "Great Hall of Faith." But while the stories contained there are indeed powerful, we shouldn't regard the people in them as perfect or their faith as unattainable. In this week's message, Pastor J.D. begins our series through Hebrews 11 by helping us see what fa…
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While the issues at the front and center of American politics in 2024 are different from those that the religious leaders highlighted during Jesus' day, they certainly aren't any less contentious. In this week's message from Mark 12, Pastor Bryan shows us how Jesus navigated stormy political waters with grace—and how we can do the same. When we rec…
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With six months to go until Election Day, the rhetoric from news outlets and social media is likely to become increasingly combative. For Christians, one thing is certain: Our political engagement should look different than that of the world. In this week's message, the first of a two-part series, Pastor J.D. examines Mark 1 and Luke 2, drawing out…
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These days, it's not exactly popular to claim the existence of absolute truth. It's even less popular to claim that such truth is embodied in the person of Jesus, the one who is the only way to salvation. In this week's message from John 14, Pastor J.D. shows us the importance of what is perhaps Jesus' most controversial "I am" statement: "I am the…
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It doesn't take an expert gardener to know that a branch that isn't connected to the vine won't survive for very long. In this week's message from John 15, Pastor Bryan explores the next of Jesus' "I am" statements, helping us understand what it means to abide in Jesus, the "true vine." Many other things—often good things—vie for our time and atten…
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Without shepherds to care for them, the threats posed to sheep run the gamut, from losing their way to being attacked by other animals. Simply put, sheep thrive under the guidance and protection of their shepherd. In this week's message from John 10, Pastor J.D. takes us through Jesus' claim to be the "good shepherd." What is so remarkable about th…
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Given the choice between soda and water to quench extreme thirst, surely we would all agree on which to choose. The difference, of course, is that one truly satisfies and the other doesn't. When it comes to spiritual thirst, we can be tempted to turn to things that don't fulfill us instead of to the one who offers living water: Jesus himself. In th…
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If we're honest, most of us have probably experienced disappointment with God at some point in our lives. We question why God didn't cure our friend's cancer, or why he didn't provide for us financially when we really needed it. This Easter, Pastor J.D. walks us through Jesus' claim to be the "resurrection and the life," from John 11. In Jesus' res…
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Doors and gates are things that we likely don't give much thought to until they are in need of repair—and while the truth is that they are usually constructed to keep people or animals out, they can also certainly be opened to let them in. In this week's message from John 10, Pastor J.D. explains perhaps the most overlooked of Jesus' "I Am" stateme…
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No matter what side of the "daylight saving time" debate we find ourselves on, we all have to at least acknowledge that light is essential for life, for a myriad of reasons. So Jesus' declaration that he is "the light of the world" was truly a bold claim. In this week's message from John 8, Pastor J.D. shows us how Jesus' light is one that doesn't …
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As humans, one of our most basic needs is food—when we don't have it, we experience discomfort, irritability, or even sickness or death. And yet, as unbearable as physical hunger can be, it is our spiritual hunger that we often neglect to address, to our own detriment. As we begin a series looking at the seven "I am" statements made by Jesus in the…
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It's often easy to dwell solely on the joys of discipleship, but what about the costs? We can't divorce forgiveness from repentance, communion from confession. If we do, we are left with what Dietrich Bonhoeffer so aptly referred to as "cheap grace." In this week's message from 2 Timothy 4, Pastor John shows us how following Jesus comes with a cost…
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When individualism is prized above all, it can be difficult to communicate to others that there is truth that is not subjective, not up for debate—namely, the Word of God. In this week's message from 2 Timothy 3, Pastor Bryan highlights why it is vitally important to look to the Bible, rather than looking inward, to remind ourselves of truth. If th…
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As followers of Jesus, we wouldn't disagree with the need to make disciples. But the reality is that it requires both intentionality and a significant investment of time—one that we may feel we simply don't have, at least according to our busy calendars. In this week's message from 2 Timothy 2, Pastor Bryan shows us the importance of prioritizing d…
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For many of us, fear rules much of our lives. We worry about our finances, our health, our relationships—and yet, the solutions we seek are often unhelpful at best. What's more, this fear tends to spill over into our spiritual lives, making us less likely to share the gospel. So how can we walk with courageous, unashamed faith? As we begin our seri…
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When you hear the phrase "The Great Commission," what is your initial reaction? There can be a tendency in the church to relegate the carrying out of this command to those who are "called," or perhaps to those of a certain personality type. But if we follow Christ, the command to make disciples applies to us all—to the introvert as well as to the e…
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Whether you make New Year's resolutions or not, you probably have areas of your life that you would like to change. But the path to change, as we all know, isn't always an easy one. It can be difficult to break old habits, make new ones, and incorporate fresh rhythms into our lives. In this week's message from John 15, Pastor J.D. helps us to see t…
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If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, you probably refer to yourself as a "Christian." But how often do you call yourself a "disciple"? In this week's message from John 15, Pastor J.D. shows us that the difference between these two words might just be more significant than we think. What's more, we may be surrounded by people who claim to b…
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"Getting back to the basics" is an oft-repeated phrase—and for good reason. Whether you've been following Jesus for 10 months or 10 years, it is always beneficial to be reminded of the essential truths of the gospel, upon which our faith is built. In this week's message, the first in our series on "The Whole Disciple," Pastor J.D. helps us unpack s…
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It's safe to say that we all desire to pray bold prayers, grounded in God's Word and fueled by his Spirit. So why is it that we often find ourselves settling for a prayer life that is characterized more by timidity than audacity? As we prepare to begin 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, this week's message from Pastor J.D. focuses on a lesser-known sto…
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In this short message from 1 Corinthians 16, Pastor Curtis provides valuable direction for us as we find ourselves on the cusp of a new year, giving us four practical steps to ensure we are making progress in our lives as Christians. While we don't know exactly what this new year will hold, we can be sure that there will be both highs and lows. But…
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Have you ever been in a place of immense darkness, literal or otherwise? If so, then you know how incredibly powerful it is when you see the first rays of light beginning to break through. In this week's message from Isaiah 9, the last in our Christmas series, Pastor J.D. shows us how Jesus is the light that the long-ago prophet spoke about. Even w…
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Christmas can stir up many different emotions. For some, it generates excitement and anticipation. But for others, particularly those who find themselves in the midst of a difficult season of life, it may feel more sorrowful than joyful. So what do we do when it simply doesn't "feel" like Christmas? This is precisely the question that Pastor Bryan …
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While Christmas has inspired the writing of many songs throughout the centuries, one song that is often overlooked is a biblical one—namely, that of Zechariah, whose words were inspired by the birth of John the Baptist. Over the next few weeks, we will examine three ordinary objects and how they can help us better apprehend the meaning of Christmas…
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While the Bible makes it clear that the demonic realm is real, it doesn't leave us in a place of despair, without instructions on how to do battle against such forces. In this week's message from Ephesians 6, Pastor J.D. returns to the issue of spiritual warfare in order to show us the importance of putting on the armor of God. The truth is that if…
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Would you describe yourself as a generous person? If not, chances are that you may be viewing the world through the wrong lens. In this week's message from Leviticus 19, Pastor J.D. shows us how seeing the world through the correct lens can propel us toward lives characterized by gratitude and generosity. Though there may not be a prescribed amount…
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Who are you, really? In a culture rife with comparison, the question of identity is one that tends to plague many of us. Is your identity anchored in things such as your accomplishments, your net worth, your social media presence—or in God's purpose and plan for your life? In this week's message from Matthew 3 and 4, Pastor J.D. explains common sna…
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When you think about the realm of the demonic, perhaps your thoughts tend toward Hollywood depictions of it rather than its real influence in the world around you. As we begin a short series on spiritual warfare, Pastor J.D. takes us through the realities of demonic activity in this week's message from Luke 11. Though the attacks and accusations of…
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The book of Jonah ends in a curious manner, with a surprising cliffhanger of a question posed to Jonah. And while we are left wondering what Jonah will do, the real question for us becomes what we will do with God's invitation to extend mercy to our enemies. As we wrap up our series through the book of Jonah, Pastor Bryan walks us through chapter 4…
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When we see Jesus for who he truly is, we can't help but respond. In this week's message from Acts 2, Pastor Curtis shows us how the crowd at Pentecost had a revelation about Jesus that led them to respond in repentance and baptism. Maybe you don't feel ready to be baptized, or you aren't sure it's really necessary in order to follow Jesus. Or mayb…
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It can be tempting to think that we've messed things up beyond repair, that surely God must be done with us this time. In this week's message from Jonah 3, Pastor Bryan explores the beautiful truth that we serve a God who delights in giving second chances, because he is rich in mercy. And it is precisely this mercy and kindness—not guilt or condemn…
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Chances are, you'll never be swallowed by a giant fish—but you may find yourself in a pit of despair, feeling as though there is no way out. In this week's message from Jonah 2, Pastor Bryan reveals the perhaps counterintuitive truth that there are blessings to be found in the pit. Indeed, God is able to use these experiences that are often unpleas…
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