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Daylight Meditations

CFO North America

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This Daylight podcast, from CFO North America, offers a daily time of focused listening and silence. Worship God and let his Holy Spirit guide your heart to a place of rest and restoration.
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Such amazing truths about death! Without God's love and gift of dying for us, we would never see life as He intended for us to see nor experience the life He died to give to us. The author of Hebrews says it clearly, ""By embracing death Jesus sets free those who live their entire lives in bondage to the tormenting dread of death."" Daylight Medita…
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Today’s meditation is Psalm 20. This Psalm is a blessing for you. May our great God hear and answer you, keeping you safe and strengthening you in times of trouble. May He grant your heart’s desires and answer all your prayers. With these blessings, may all of us cheer when we hear of it all. Ours are stories of rescue, of redemption and of great v…
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One of the definitions for 'glory' is: magnificence or great beauty. Such is the description of God, and yet it falls short. We don't have words to describe the majesty, the immense beauty of God Almighty. Perhaps the Passion Translation of the Bible offers us a fresh glimpse of how we might view our Beloved Father"" ...""may the glory of your name…
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Today’s meditation is Psalm 16. Listen closely to the ways the writer of this Psalm identifies God’s involvement in their life. From our inheritance to our destiny, from the privileges to the wisdom given from following God’s way we are not alone, always guided on life’s path and can live in peace and joy no matter the circumstances. God is with us…
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What do we seek in life? For many of us, it is comfort and opportunity. Perhaps adventure is at the top of our lists. Can we honestly say it is to walk in wisdom and to discover our purpose? Verse 21 goes on to claim that these empower us! Of course, they do, when we think about it… to gain experience and insight into living well and to know why we…
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Today’s meditation is Psalm 25:12-22. Over and over we read – you are my shelter, you are my only hope, you only can save me. Our lives are full of these stories – where our feet were freed from traps and the sorrows of our hearts overwhelmed us. Yet, God… yet, God… was there in it all, with us. Our circumstances don’t always change – but our heart…
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Wisdom is defined as “the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight”. Verse 17 in this third chapter of Proverbs sums it up nicely: The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. That is what our hearts seek – to be whole, to live in that…
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Today’s meditation is based on selected verses from Proverbs 8. Much of the book of Proverbs is focused on the purpose of wisdom, and is told to us as if Wisdom could talk. Perhaps we discredit Wisdom in thinking otherwise? If the power of life and death is in the tongue, in the words spoken, might Wisdom’s words be speaking into life into us, if w…
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What are the rewards for seeking wisdom? In Proverbs 3, we’re told it is a satisfied life. That being faithful to what we learn, shapes integrity into our souls. It is from our souls that we live. It is there where our character is formed. It is there that our loyalty and values are shaped. With wisdom we can pursue the best God has for us, bringin…
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Today’s meditation is taken from Psalm 25. Three times in this Psalm reference is made to God’s ‘unfailing love’. It is a promise, a reminder that God’s love for us won’t fail, it won’t be less than all that we need – every moment. When others intend harm, and insult, God leads us in truth. He point the right way to go. A heart turned toward God wi…
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Those who rule may advance against you but God will demonstrate His love for you as your protector. He Himself is the fortress, the impenetrable wall of safety behind which you rest. Know that He will not let you down. Worship Him and trust Him to keep you safe – regardless of what you face. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North Am…
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Today’s meditation is Psalm 15. The privilege of dwelling with God is experienced when our hearts are aligned with right thinking and a posture of humility toward others. Daily we choose what we will say to and about others, how we will respond when rumors fly and to what end will we fulfill our promises? Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a …
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The earth belongs to God. The kings of the earth belong to God. Consider the implications of this truth as you listen to this Psalm. As His people, we are given seats of royalty – not to mistreat or misuse our position, but to bring honor to our great God of all creation, of all rule, of all the universe. May be live as those who are humbled by His…
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Today’s meditation is Psalm 8. This Psalm reminds us to look up. To stand for a few minutes in awe of the skies and nature. To realize the Creator of it all, made us to rule with Him! He entrusted us with this world. It should make us stop and wonder – who are we that the God of the universe would care, would bother with us! Dear Father, forgive us…
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Introducing a new show from CFO North America! Lamplight is a podcast featuring insightful messages and conversations from real people pursuing hope and change. Lamplight is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, or you can find it here: https://anchor.fm/pod/show/cfo-north-america Please visit CFONorthAmerica.org to learn more about our ret…
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Scripture tells us ‘No weapon formed against us will prosper’ and in this Psalm we are reminded that it is our great God who breaks the bow and shatters the spear. We are told to ‘be still’ and allow Him to be exalted. It is not our efforts that save us from attacks. It is His presence. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America…
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Today’s meditation is based on selected verses from Proverbs 4. If we remembered nothing else from the Bible, the words we will speak from Proverbs chapter 4, might well be some of the most important that we ever hear. We are to fill our thoughts with God’s words, taking time to unwrap them so they ‘impart true life and radiant health into the very…
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We cannot escape death, regardless of our social status. We cannot buy our way out of the final decree of life – that death is our physical destiny. Yet… God opened a way for us to live – to escape the totality of being dead forever by sacrificing His own life on our behalf. The result is life beyond the grave. God has redeemed us so we can move fr…
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Today’s meditation is based on selected verses from Proverbs 4. Through the haze of today’s standards, we choose every day to live with integrity. To not compromise. To listen intently to the voice of wisdom. Not reason. It is only through wisdom that we can finish the race before us, holding to our deep, unspoken dream of finishing well. We get up…
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This Psalm speaks powerfully about the relationship between our trust in God and His response to our trust. When we look to Him for relief, for protection and safety, we exercise a hope and belief that He hears us and will respond and defend us. We wait in silence. Our heart is quiet because we know He is near and sees what we need. God is compassi…
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Today’s meditation is based on selected verses from Proverbs 2. There are many places in the Bible where God promises to instruct us and teach us in the way we should go (Ps. 32:8). This second chapter of Proverbs is a clear passage of purpose for anyone wishes to know what to do to live well. Verses 3-5 gives us permission to ‘train your heart to …
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As you listen, consider what God tells us continually throughout the scriptures –He says, “Recognize that I am God, and I care about you. Be quiet and let Me be Your salvation. Let me fix the broken parts of your life. Understand that I, God, can do anything and all that I do, is breathtaking! Surrender your anxiety and trust Me to take care of you…
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Understanding goes hand in hand with wisdom and knowledge. Each has a purpose and each supports the other. I love this saying from Proverbs: “People’s thoughts can be like a deep well, but someone with understanding can find the wisdom there.” Patience and self-control make room for comprehension to assess the challenges they we face every day. Tak…
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Rise up. Wake up. Be alert. Think carefully about the call on your life to live with intention, to made wise decisions, to accept the challenges of living in a fallen world. We must be sober about life while at the same time we love well and in joy. We are instructed to bless those who curse us, give to those who want even more from us. Living in G…
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Hope is an expectancy for change, for relief, for better results. Life is truly short and often we cling to the things we acquire instead of our God who always supplies what we need. It is the gladness, joy and hope that makes life worth living. God, would you open our eyes to Your hope for us, Your joy in us and Your path which gives us purpose an…
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It is no secret that hope is that one aspect of life that keeps us going. The proverb nails it: When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. How true it is! Yet… as the Psalmist says, “my only hope is to hope in you alone!” And that, friends, is where we must land – hoping in God, the one who cares for us more than anyone…
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The Psalmist reminds us once again, that no matter the situation, our God reigns. He is the one who brings joy to us. He is the one who defends and protects us. The earth might shake, the ocean waves might overwhelm us, but we are secure and safe with Him. As you listen today, remember He is the Lord of the Angel Armies. Put your trust in God. Dayl…
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Knowing God is knowing peace. If we can still the thoughts in our minds, we can hear the whisper of God to our souls - Be still and know that I am God. It is then we also know that God can handle what we cannot. He will rescue our minds. He will guard our hearts. He will hear us – every time we call to Him. As you listen to these well-known scriptu…
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The Psalmist speaks from an honest and broken heart – addressing the brevity of life. It is a painful and sobering thought. Yet this prayer is to know how limited our time is. It is a cry for truth, even though it isn’t something we like to think about or confront. As we listen today, will this cause us to live with purpose, knowing every moment is…
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Jesus, the blameless One, could have judged fairly, instead He chose not to judge, but to love each person He met. When we understand the full impact of who Love is and what Love does, only then will we trust God with the outcome. Judging means we’re afraid “they will get away with it”. Jesus says, “leave it to Me, let Love make the ruling.” Daylig…
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God knows we wonder who He is, who we are, and how this all fits together. The scriptures reference ‘the created order’ of living things, the questions are asked about ranks and priorities to rulings and purpose. Engage God with your questions. He’s waiting for you. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONor…
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May our prayers today be for true justice - where there is no color line, no judgement of another's value based on their beliefs or religion, no disrespect of another's position in life. May we embrace God's values and see through His eyes, that we may love others as we love ourselves. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America.…
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There are days when we pour out our heart to God, when our pain is great and we need to know, really know that there is someone greater who listens and cares, who can do something for us. Let today’s meditation remind you of your personal, most loving God, who cares about every details of your life. He is with you in it – every moment. Daylight Med…
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God's concern for how we treat each other is clear: look after orphans and widows, defend the rights of the poor and needy. He invites us to join Him in caring for and about others in ways that can change lives and bring justice. Father, would you open our eyes to the injustice in our towns, in our neighborhoods? Would you give us the courage to sp…
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There are days when we pour out our heart to God, when our pain is great and we need to know, really know that there is someone greater who listens and cares, who can do something for us. Let today’s meditation remind you of your personal, most loving God, who cares about every details of your life. He is with you in it – every moment. Daylight Med…
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Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:24). What a contrast to the image we tend to attribute to justice – a scale with weights hanging in balance. God’s words ring clear throughout the Scriptures – do right, defend the oppressed, give to the poor. Justice and right-living go hand-in-hand. Daylight Medi…
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We want God to hear us. He wants us to hear Him as well. Great conversations come from respecting and listening to each other. Loving God and being loved by Him is our experience, developed in trust and honesty. The Psalmist opens his heart, and is open to hearing God's heart for him as well. May we also spend time with God this way today. Daylight…
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Psalms 89:14 (NIV) says, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.” God’s justice is based on truth. Our hearts envy and stubbornly hold onto ‘our rights’. This divides our hearts and prevents us from grasping the truth that God’s love for all of us is the same and is deeper than we know. Sho…
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Faith is hoping for what we can't see. It is knowing God hears us. It is taking ahold of HIs hand, listening to His whispers of encouragement and letting Him know of our fears, loves and hopes. Let faith in Him, guide your prayers today as you listen. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONorthAmerica.org t…
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Scripture tells us: Don’t repay evil for evil. Share in others’ sorrows. Do what is just and right. Might living with and in humility help us form the attitude of not seeking our own good, but another’s? To be like Jesus, is to take these words seriously, choose to love, choose to forgive, choose to do the right thing – every time. Daylight Meditat…
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Talking with God is our privilege, an honor that we often overlook. To be with Him, to have His attention is a priceless gift He pours into us life and love as we take time to be in His presence. Let today's scriptures remind you of these truths. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONorthAmerica.org to lea…
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God’s anger is always directed toward that which robs us of living in the life and blessing of God. What makes us angry is very telling. Anger can come from a frustration in our lives when we are not dealing with something that needs to be taken care of. What makes you angry? Why does it make you angry? When there are things in our lives that need …
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Paul reminds the Philippians (and us!) to not fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray; encouraging us to let Jesus be the center of our life. He will also displace our worry, our fears and our doubts. When we choose to rejoice, and trust Him, He gives us a sense of belonging, of wholeness. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North Ame…
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Today's meditation continues our examination of our hearts, reminding us that our gift of freedom is through forgiveness. So, we too, must free others, no longer slaves to our unforgiveness. Let us freely give not only to others, but ourselves as well! Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONorthAmerica.org …
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As you listen to this series, Conversations with God, consider the greatest value of your best conversations. Were they not a time of getting to know someone? Did your heart find comfort in realizing someone wanted to you about you? that you in turn, were delighted to share in another’s life? This is how God sees it too. Yes, He know us. But, do we…
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Children learn from their parents. Through loving guidance they learn what is right and best. As God's children, we watch and listen. We learn how to be kind, to forgive as we have already been forgiven in Christ. This meditation reminds us that our experience of forgiveness is tied to our choice to forgive those who offend us. It releases the powe…
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Jesus said, "everyone who loves the truth will receive my words." We know that God's word is alive and we also know that words have life or death in them. As you hear this meditation, consider Jesus' words. Do we love truth? Are we unwavering in our seeking truth, listening to truth, in order to live with fidelity and freedom every day? Daylight Me…
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The theme for today’s meditation is I am Trusting You, based on selected verses from Psalm 57. God is on our side. In our troubles, we praise Him for we know He is taking care of us. Our heart is quiet and we are confident trust is in a God who will hear us. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONorthAmeric…
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In any relationship, the key to the relationship is communication. There are two important aspects to our communication with God - worship and prayer. Worship is often expressed in music, but worship is much more than being able to play an instrument or sing a song. True worship happens in our hearts. It is posture of recognition that the One who h…
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God's mercies for us are fresh each day. He knows what we need before we realize ourselves what it is. Remember you are in His care. Tell Him how you feel and trust Him to take care of you. He is your true refuge. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONorthAmerica.org to learn more about our retreats, and o…
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