This is the podcast of Kerrigan Skelly. In it you will find audios of Kerrigan teaching the Bible, open air preaching at college campuses, street preaching, witnessing, etc.
Would you like to help Kerrigan continue to preach the gospel? Have you been edified by Kerrigan's preaching? Prayerfully consider giving financially towards the work of the Lord in PinPoint Evangelism: PayPal - Cash App - $PreacherKerrigan Venmo - @Kerrigan-Skelly Patreon -…
Would you like to help Kerrigan continue to preach the gospel? Have you been edified by Kerrigan's preaching? Prayerfully consider giving financially towards the work of the Lord in PinPoint Evangelism: PayPal - Cash App - $PreacherKerrigan Venmo - @Kerrigan-Skelly Patreon -…
Would you like to help Kerrigan continue to preach the gospel? Have you been edified by Kerrigan's preaching? Prayerfully consider giving financially towards the work of the Lord in PinPoint Evangelism: PayPal - Cash App - $PreacherKerrigan Venmo - @Kerrigan-Skelly Patreon -…
Would you like to help Kerrigan continue to preach the gospel? Have you been edified by Kerrigan's preaching? Prayerfully consider giving financially towards the work of the Lord in PinPoint Evangelism: PayPal - Cash App - $PreacherKerrigan Venmo - @Kerrigan-Skelly Patreon -…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the Christian Marriage & Family. This is the fourth teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Christian Marriage & Family: -The Point of Parenting -Parenting 101 -Parental Tips/Principles This video is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship http://www.refiningfi…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the the Christian Marriage & Family.This is the third teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Christian Marriage & Family: -The Proverbs 31 Women -Foxes in the Vineyard (Things that can DESTROY a Marriage) -Single/Unmarried Christians: -Courting vs. Dating -In…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the the Christian Marriage & Family.This is the first teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Christian Marriage & Family: -What are the roles of the wife? -What is a Godly wife? -What are the roles of a Godly husband? -What is a Godly husband? This teaching i…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the the Christian Marriage & Family.This is the first teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Christian Marriage & Family: -The Breakdown of the Family -The Importance of the Family as God's 1st Institution -The Different ways that Christian adults can have ch…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness/Perfection.This is the third teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness/Perfection: -Responds to these Proof Texts "against" Biblical Holiness: 1 Kings 8:46, Job 15:14-16, James 3:1-12, Isaiah 64:6, …
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness/Perfection.This is the second teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness/Perfection: -What is Sin? -Responds to these Proof Texts "against" Biblical Holiness: 1 John 1:8, Romans 3, Philippians 3:12, …
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness/Perfection.This is the first teaching, in this Foundation. In this teaching, Kerrigan discusses these issues, regarding the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness/Perfection: -What Biblical Holiness/Perfection Isn't -What Biblical Holiness/Perfection Is -Does God Command It & Expect It Fro…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on the Atonement. This is the fifth teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on the Atonement. This is the fourth teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on the Atonement. This is the third teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on the Atonement. This is the second teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on the Atonement. This is the first teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on Soteriology, the Doctrine of Salvation. This is the fourth teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The …
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on Soteriology, the Doctrine of Salvation. This is the third teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The B…
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on Soteriology, the Doctrine of Salvation. This is the second teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The …
Pastor Kerrigan Skelly, teaching on Soteriology, the Doctrine of Salvation. This is the first teaching, in this Foundation. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The B…
In this teaching, Kerrigan looks at many different things, concerning Anthropology and Hamartiology: -Unintentional Sins-Sins of Ignorance-Sins of Omission-1 John 1:8-1 John 5:16-17 - Sins to Death and Sins Not to Death This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series …
In this teaching, Kerrigan properly interprets Romans 7:14-25. In doing so, he answers these questions, among others: -Is Romans 7 referring to a converted Christian or a convicted sinner?-Did Paul "struggle with sin" after he was converted?-Did Paul continue to be the "Chief of Sinners" after he was converted?-Is Romans 7 the normal Christian life…
In this teaching, Kerrigan teaches on things like:What is sin?Who are sinners?When do people become sinners? This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctri…
In this teaching, Kerrigan teaches on: What happened when Adam fell?How did that fall, effect every other human?A look at Genesis 3, 4 & 5A look at Romans 5 & 1 Cor. 15 This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundationa…
In this teaching, Kerrigan teaches on what it means to be made in God's image and not, and whether or not man, to this day, is still made in God's image or not. This teaching is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctri…
Kerrigan Skelly teaching on Hermeneutic Principles for Interpreting the Scriptures, Part 2. This video is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-The Doctri…
Kerrigan Skelly teaching on Hermeneutic Principles for Interpreting the Scriptures, Part 2. This video is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-The Doctri…
Kerrigan Skelly teaching on Hermeneutic Principles for Interpreting the Scriptures, Part 1. This video is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-The Doctri…
Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the Reliability, Uniqueness and Trustiworthiness of the Scriptures. This video is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-The Do…
Kerrigan Skelly teaching on the Inspiration of the Scriptures. This video is a part of the Refining Fire Fellowship "Foundation Series". It is a series of teachings, going through some of the foundational doctrines of the Church: -The Trinity-The Bible-The Doctrine of Sin-The Doctrine of the Atonement-The Doctr…
This is the audio of a formal debate on the doctrine of Original Sin between Kerrigan Skelly and Calvinist Pat Necerato. This debate was on the radio show that Kerrigan used to be a co-host on: Refining Fire Radio.Par Kerrigan Skelly
In this teaching, Kerrigan Skelly takes a look at one of the Calvinistic proof texts for the doctrine of "sinful nature" - Ephesians 2. He shows what it really means and what it really is saying.Par Kerrigan Skelly
In this teaching, Kerrigan Skelly talks about the doctrine of original sin. Specifically, he focuses on the "Fall of Mankind" and the free will of Adam and Eve's son, Cain.Par Kerrigan Skelly
Calvinism thrives on misdefining words. If you submit to their definitions of words, you will most likely end up becoming a Calvinist. This teaching is on "Imputation" & "Propitiation".Par Kerrigan Skelly
In this teaching video, Kerrigan discusses the lie that is taught in most of modern day Christianity, that babies are born with a "sinful nature", due to the sin of Adam in the garden of Eden.Par Kerrigan Skelly
Does God "hate" sinners in an unconditional way, from eternity past? Or does He have a love for them as well, a genuine and benevolent love?Par Kerrigan Skelly
In this teaching, Kerrigan shows what Consistent Calvinism would teach - Double Predestination. Some Calvinists want to be inconsistent and teach that God only positively predestines the elect to His Kingdom and that He doesn't predestine sinners to Hell. Such a position is NOT consistent.Par Kerrigan Skelly