The Podcast Where I Will Delve Deep Into Fitness, Health And Beauty A Journey Filled With Body Mastery, Selfcare And Personal Growth. I Am So Excited To Share This Journey With You! Remember, Stay Fit, Stay Curious, And Keep Unveiling Your Truth. Love Always, Gyda
Do you ever find yourself in a situation and you’re thinking “I can’t be the only one”. So, you go tell your friends, your family, your dog, your boo thang and they all look at you sideways? And you‘re thinking, “wow, I guess these things just happen to me”, well that’s where Meg comes in. Join Meg, a 20something year old who has no clue what she‘s doing with her life but now has a whole college degree. Each week she‘ll talk about situations she always seems to get herself into and the rando ...
Thea is a woman. Cassidy is a man (with an extra X chromosome). After several rounds of invitro fertility treatments, they are proud to announce the birth of Oh Hey Guys, an Uhh Yeah Dude fancast.
Comedy mini series following a hapless Digital Marketing startup in the London/Essex borders. Starring Hattie Hayridge, Peter Holland, Kenny Cumino and Danny Hughes. Written and directed by Geoff Westby.
A look back at the movies from our youth. The movies from the 80s and early 90s that defined a generation. Are they still awesome? Do they hold up for modern audiences? Was there a video game? Does the movies' legacy live on? All these questions will be answered and much more.
Send us a text The 4th and final part of our 'Revisit' season of podcasts is here, and this week, we look back at 1987's cult classic, The Monster Squad. One of the better kids movies of the decade, or is this just a poor man's, The Goonies? Listen in to what we think via the link in the bio.Par Liam and Wez
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Some of us scroll through social media and see a certain aesthetic, so let's dive into a predicted 2025 trend...The Fisherman Aesthetic #trends #2025trends #fishermanaesthetic #summerPar Megan Melanson
In Today's Episode, We Share Stories, Strategies And Insights On How To Breakthrough The Barriers To Achieve Success In Your Career. Whether You're Looking To Gain Confidence, Build Your Career, Or Start Your Own Business, This Episode Is Packed With Actionable Advice To Help You Lead With Purpose And Thrive In All Aspects Of Your Life. My Guest To…
Send us a text The third part of our 'Revisit' season of podcasts is here, and this week, Liam and Rob look back at Arnold Schwarzenegger's, 1987 action classic, Predator. Does it hold up? Is it one of the greatest genre movies of all time? How highly does it rank on the Arnie scale? Find out via the link in the bio.…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's popping'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Some of us collect some little items often referred to as trinkets. But what are they and why do we collect them? #trinkets #hobby #collections #collectingPar Megan Melanson
Send us a text The latest Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and for the second part of our 'Revisit' season, we look back at John Carpenter's truly incomparable, Big Trouble in Little China. Is it one of Carpenter's finest? Is it one of the best movies of the 80s? Is the second half a tad too messy for it to be considered a true classic? Oh, and why di…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Some of us walk into a coffee shop and order a bright green drink known as matcha, but what is it? #matcha #teaPar Megan Melanson
In Today's Episode, We Explore Practical Tools And Inspiring Stories To Guide You On Your Path To Loving Yourself Fully And Authentically. From Building Confidence To Overcoming Self- Doubt, We Dive Into The Practices That Help You Create A Deep, Lasting Connection With Yourself. Whether You Are Looking To Heal, Grow Or Simply Nurture Your Well-Bei…
Send us a text Episode 201 is here, and for the first part of our 'Revisit' season of podcasts, we will be looking back at one of the most important movies of our youths, 1985's, The Goonies. Does it remain the gold standard for kids adventure movies? Is nostalgia required to enjoy this Richard Donner classic in 2025? Is the Cyndi Lauper music vide…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Every February 14, some of us celebrate Valentine's Day. A day meant for love but actually has some dark legends behind it. #valentinesday #legends #traditions #funfactsPar Megan Melanson
In Today's Episode, We Deep Dive Into The Transformative Power Of Changing Your Thoughts, Beliefs, And Habits To Create The Life You Desire. Joining Me Today Is Expert Tai, A Shaman And Coach Helping Queer Folks, Bipoc, and Allies Feel Better, Accomplish Goals & Navigate Challenges Via Coaching, Energy Reading And Psychic Readings. Don't Forget To …
Send us a text Episode 200 is here, and naturally, we celebrate this auspicious occasion by looking back at 1989's, Robot Jox. A movie both Liam and Rob loved as kids, and one that, despite it's cult status, proved to be a surprisingly influential movie. The question however remains (as is always the case on the Hey You Guys Podcast) - does this mo…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! I talked to an AI and they picked the topic of this episode...maximalism! #ai #aitechnology #maximalism #trends #trendingPar Megan Melanson
In Today's Episode, We Explore The Journey Of Recognizing, Embracing, And Nurturing Your Self-Worth. We Dive Deep Into The Power Of Acceptance, The Importance Of Setting Boundaries, And How To Break Free From The External Pressures That Define Our Value. Joining Me Today Is Kelly Love, A Female Entrepreneur Who Will Share Her Personal Stories And I…
Send us a text Episode 199 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and this week, Liam and Rob look back at 1992's, Kuffs. Is it a good movie? Well, no, not really, but it is an entertaining one. Kuffs proves a tonally inconsistent, unambitious mess of a movie, but one that, for reasons we discuss on this week's episode, remains oddly entertaining. Oh…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Some of us go about our day and fall into the same routine, but what if we pause and start appreciating the small things in life? How do we romanticize our life? #romanticizeyourlife #romanticize #trendPar Megan Melanson
In Today's Episode, We Delve Into How Prioritizing Wellness Not Only Boosts Your Energy, Mindset, And Productivity But Also Plays A Crucial Role In Building Sustainable Wealth. My Guest Today Is Nicole Valenzuela, A Financial Coach And She Teach Us About Fitness, Mental Health And Money Management. We Will Show You How To Optimize Both Your Body An…
Send us a text Episode 198 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and this week we take a look back at turn of the century classic, Fight Club. One of the most iconic and memorable movies of the 90s, but does David Fincher's defining Gen X movie hold up? Well, we appear to have split the room with this one. One would argue that it remains a stone col…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Every year we experience trends that come and go. So what are some 2025 trends that we might see? #trends #2025 #pinterest #trendingPar Megan Melanson
In This Episode, We Dive Into Practical And Easy-To- Follow Strategies For Staying Active While Traveling. Whether You Are On A Business Trip, Vacation Or A Weekend Getaway, Maintaining Your Fitness Routine Doesn't Have To Be A Challenge. From Quick Hotel Workouts To Maximizing Your Time Outdoors, I'll Be Sharing Tips And Tricks For Fitting In Exer…
Send us a text Join Rob and Liam this week as they discuss Tron Legacy which astonishingly is now 15 years old. Is Tron Legacy any good, are there any saving graces? can we really forgive that clu de-aging? and finally can you really recommend a film just because part of it is actually good? listen now and find out?…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Every year some of us create a vision board to manifest the new year, but how did this start? #visionboard #manifest #newyearPar Megan Melanson
Welcome Back To Another Episode Of The "Hey Guy's It's Gyda" Podcast. Today We Get To Talk About LOVE. Yes, It Get's Real!!! What Does LOVE Mean To Me??? You're About To Find Out... We Talk About Trauma Bond, Letting Go Of The Past, And Moving On So Can Meet The Love Of Your Life. I Also Touched On Online Dating, And I Share Strategies On How To Be…
Send us a text The Hey You Guys Podcast returns, and this week, we take a look back at 1990's, Men at Work. Is it an action movie? A thriller? A comedy? All of these things? None of these things. It's a hard movie to pin down. What we can all agree on though, is that you should never touch another man's fries. Download and subscribe via the link in…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to Season 11 of the podcast!!! Every New Year some of us develop new habits, so let's ring in the New Year with A.I and see what we should be doing! #newyear #ai #aitechnologyPar Megan Melanson
Official trailer of Season 11 of "Hey Guys, It's Meg". Join Meg, a 20something year old who has no clue what she's doing with her podcast, so she talks to herself in her closet about anything and everything! Listen every Monday starting back up January 6, 2025 at 9am EST anywhere you can find podcasts and follow heyguysitsmeg_podcast on I…
Send us a text Episode 195 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and for the final part of our Christmas season of podcasts, we are taking a look back at Renny Harlin's Die Hard on a plane, otherwise known as Die Hard 2: Die Harder.....also bizarrely known as John Hard 2 and Hard Nut 2. Does it hold up? Is it definitively the third best Die Hard mov…
Send us a text The third part in our season of non-traditional Christmas movie podcasts is here, and this week, we are looking back at Renny Harlin and Shane Black's 1996 festive neo-noir classic, The Long Kiss Goodnight. Does it hold up? Should it become a regular on the Christmas movie calendar? Does it have one of the best explosion in cinema hi…
Feeling Like You're Always On A Diet Especially During The Holidays Can Be Super Annoying!!! Join Me Today As I Share Some Practical And Enjoyable Ways To Navigate The Holiday Season. Tune In And Discover How To Enjoy The Magic Of The Holidays While Feeling Great In Your Body. Let's Make This Holiday Season The Healthiest One Yet.…
Send us a text Episode of 193 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and in our ongoing season of non-traditional Christmas movies, we take a look back at 1983's seminal comedy classic, Trading Places. Is it a Christmas movie? Well, as much as a movie about trading on orange juice futures can be. Yes, it does have Dan Aykroyd in a Santa suit, and the…
Staying Motivated At The Gym In This Festive Season Is Not Easy At All! What's Easy Is To Let The Holiday Cheer Sidetrack Your Fitness Goals. Join Me As I Share Some Practical Tips On How To Maintain Your Motivation And Keep Your Fitness Routine On Track During The Holidays. Whether You're A Gym Newbie Or A Seasoned Fitness Enthusiast, This Podcast…
Send us a text Episode 192 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and for the first week in our Christmas season of podcast we are looking back at, well, we're looking back at a Thanksgiving movie.....albeit one with a lot of snow. Close enough? Whatever the case, we were just looking for an excuse to revisit John Hughes' oddball comedy classic, Plan…
Send us a text Episode 191 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is on the way, and this week, Liam, Rob, and special guest, Dave, take a look back at 1982's, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Beloved by fans of the franchise and seen by many as the finest of the Star Trek movies, but does it hold up in 2024? And what of non-Trek fans? Does Wrath of Khan work…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the Season 10 Finale!!! Some believe we are connected by a string to a certain person or people, that it is destined we meet. So what is The Red String Theory? *Season 11 will be back January 6th, 2025! #finale #season10 #theredstringtheory #theory…
Send us a text Episode 190 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and this week, Liam and Rob look back at 1994's anime-inspired cult classic, Guyver: Dark Hero. Is it well directed? Probably not. Is the script and acting any good? Hmmmm, that's probably a no too. Is it loads of fun? Yes.....yes it is. Guyver: Dark Hero is far from perfect, but with …
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Is pasta really from Italy? Do French fries come from France? Are Swedish meatballs from Sweden? Let's talk about some food origins!!!! #food #funfactsPar Megan Melanson
Welcome To Another Episode Of The Hey Guy's It's Gyda Podcast. I'm Your Host, Gyda Loveres And Today We Get To Talk About "The Law Of Attraction," Whether You're New To The Law Of Attraction Or Looking To Deepen Your Understanding, This Episode Will Cover The Basics So You'll Know Where To Begin. Tune In As I Unlock The Secrets To Creating A Life F…
Send us a text Episode 189 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is here, and this week, Liam and Rob take a long overdue look back at 1982's seminal family favourite, Steven Spielberg's, E.T the Extra-Terrestrial. Has this revisit made them both converts? Is E.T cute of creepy (or both)? Just how good are the core three child performances? Should there have…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Whenever a clock shows 11:11 some of us say "make a wish!", but where did this come from? #1111 #angelnumbers #wishPar Megan Melanson
Join Me Today As We Explore Something Very Personal. My Guest Today Is A Published Author, Janine Hernandez. Behind Every Strong Woman Is A Story... Listen And Take Notes. I'm About To Blow Your Mind.
Send us a text Episode 188 of the Hey You Guys Podcast is ready to download, and this week, Liam and Rob look back at 1993's, Falling Down. Is it as relatable as you remember? Is Duvall just as important to the movie as Douglas? Just how sweaty is Falling Down? Listen in to find out. Subscribe and download via the link in the bio.…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the podcast!!! Many of us scroll on social media and see people with decorated hand bags, but where did this bag charm trend come from? #bags #bagcharm #bagcharmtrend #trendsPar Megan Melanson
Join us Today as we uncover the intricate connections between mental clarity, physical health, and spiritual fulfillment. Today's episode will feature enlightening conversations about psychology, fitness, nutrition, and spirituality, offering practical insights and techniques to help you achieve balance in your life. From mindfulness practices and …
Send us a text Episode 187, and the last part of our Halloween season of podcasts is here, and this week, we are looking back at 1987's, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. The best of the sequels? One of the most imaginative horror movies of the 80s? Does it hold up in 2024 though? Download and subscribe via the link in the bio to find ou…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to the last episode of SPOOKTOBER this season!!! Every spooky season we hear of spooky superstitions, so what are some people believe in? #spooktober #spooky #superstitions #halloweenPar Megan Melanson
In This Episode, We Talk About... One Word, Dating. Listen And Learn Because I'm About To Shed The Truth On What Dating In 2024 Looks Like And Trust Me When I Say This... It Aint Pretty. There Is Always An Exception To The Rule, So This Episode Is Not To Make You Lose Hope, It's About You Understanding Human Emotions Better So That Can Find Your Pe…
Send us a text Episode 186 is here, and for the fourth part of our Halloween season of podcasts, we are looking back at cult horror favourite, Leprechaun. Is it any good? Was it even any good? Does it actually matter? Leprechaun might well be a victory of charm over objective quality, but there is a reason that this movie has spawned....wait, what?…
Hey Guys, It's Meg!!! What's up? What's poppin'? Welcome to another episode of SPOOKTOBER!!! Every spooky season some of us go through haunted houses and get a good scare! But how did this all start? #spooktober #spooky #halloween #hauntedhousesPar Megan Melanson
Today's Episode Is SPECIAL... Whether It's Pursuing Your Career Goals, Improving Your Health, Or Nurturing Your Relationships, We Believe That Everyone Has The Potential To Rise Above Their Limitations. Our Guest Today Us The One And The Only B.S.T.Y.E. Tune In For Though- Provoking Discussions, Actionable Tips, And A Supportive Community That Enco…
Send us a text Episode 185, and the third part of our HUGtober season of Halloween podcasts is here, and this week, Liam and Rob are looking back at 90s cult classic, The Craft. With its memorable cast, wonderfully 90s fashion sense and utterly unforgettable star turn from Fairuza Balk, The Craft proved hugely popular with a certain brand of teenag…