E 189: Understanding How to read the Book of Revelation
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If you have ever tried to read the book of Revelation to understand John’s vision, you like many others, have probably struggled to understand all the players and events described within.
In full disclosure, mark and I are NOT masters of anything of note, but we are devoted to learning as much as we can about God, Jesus, His plan, His vision and His promises for each of us.
This past week, Mark and I attended a multi-evening seminar entitled “Discovering Revelation,” presented by a well educated, highly credentialed Theologian of Bible Prophecy, Pastor and Doctor of Ministry, Rodlie Ortiz.
Rodlie Ortiz, Dr. of Ministry, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Theology, a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University, and earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, and we are grateful for his insights as we explore Revelation.
I think its safe to say, that most folks who venture into the deep writings of John, are on a quest to discover who the Antichrist is and possibly find a clue as to when will these End of Days arrive. But the insights and connections within the book of Revelation offers much more understanding, as Pastor Ortiz says, IF we allow, the Bible to interpret itself.
But first, let’s address an age old question straight away. Can we really understand the vision, the cast of characters and associated prophecies? Who could possibly understand it first and foremost, and secondly, are we even suppose to try?
2 Peter 1:19 teaches that we should “take heed” to what prophecy is teaching us. (19): So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you would do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.” This passage also indicates in verse 20 that “no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation”…which means that understanding Bible prophecy is NOT just for a privileged few…but God intended for everyone to understand it.
In Revelation 1:3, God promises a blessing on those who read the book of Revelation and keep the things that are written in it. The angel also instructs John in Revelation 22:7-10 that the book of Revelation is NOT TO BE SEALED, for the time is near.
Did you know that nearly two-thirds of the book of Revelation is composed of language borrowed from other parts of the Bible? I didn’t either.
With that intro, let’s get started. Tool number one. Let the Bible interpret itself. I thought this was a good visual from Pastor Ortiz. When you come to scripture or reference that’s unclear, ZOOM out a chapter to see if there’s a cross reference. You might even have to ZOOM out further, to find a cross reference in a completely different book or even refer to a different testament.
Example: Revelation 16:12 - “And the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates; as its water was dried up, so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east.” What does that mean? In Daniel 5, we learn the story of Belshazzar (grandson to Nebuchadnezzar) who’s throwing a wild blasphemous party to reassure the citizens of Babylon that their city was indestructible. They needed reassuring because a massive “army from the east” - the Medo-Persian army - was just outside the city walls. Cyrus the Persian King could not break through the walls, so he decided to go under them, by redirecting / draining the Euphrates River which happened to run right through the city. You can read more about this fulfillment of prophecy found in Isaiah 44:27-45:1, which was written more than 100 years before Cyrus was even born. While the party raged within the Persians made their way inside the city through the gates along the river. The city fell in one night (see Daniel 5:22-30).
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