Arabic Voice of Hope - (صوت ألرجـاء العربيّ)
Manage series 3622753
برنامج العائلة العربيَة من راديو3zzz خلال الأربعة والعشرين سنة الأخيرة : 1- أهداف لتحقيق الحياة المسيحية من خلال تعاليم واضحة سامية وعن طريق التأملات الكتابية والترانيم.
2- أهداف لتطبيق الحياة الإجتماعية السليمة والعائلية بمناقشة العلاقات الزوجية السامية وكل ما يختص بالصحة والتغذية والإدمان.
The Arabic Family Program on Radio 3zzz, over the last 24 years, has been presenting important details in support of
1. Christian Issues
Moral values from a clear Christian perspective. Christian messages and hymns and music relevant to family life.
2. Family and Social Issues
Discussions about family relationships and problems relating to family life; also regarding
health, dieting, drinking, smoking....etc.
The Arabic Family Program is now re-named to "Arabic Voice of Hope" (صوت ألرجـاء العربيّ). We look forward to sharing more exciting news with you all soon such as a brand new website which will integrate all things "Arabic Voice of Hope " related.
We will continue to constantly be updating our catalogue weekly with more and more episodes.
13 episodes