Instead of listening to us blather on about godknowswhat this week, we wanted to do what we could to help amplify black voices. So this week, we are airing a recent speech by Kenyona "Sunny" Matthews. Sorry about some of the audio quality and jumps in volume. This was recorded outdoors from multiple sources and edited together. Used with permission. Kenyona “Sunny” Matthews is an engaging motivational speaker who speaks passionately on the issues of diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism. She also uses her platform to discuss general topics like self-esteem and reaching personal goals. Sunny has mastered the art of sharing in a way that captivates and includes her listeners. Her dynamic energy is inviting and personable even as she fearlessly pulls away the layers of our culture’s biggest struggles. She is a University of Akron School of Law graduate who focused on civil liberties. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Guilford College where she majored in Political Science, Philosophy, and African American Studies. Sunny continues to speak with various organizations throughout Northeastern Ohio including: TedX, Indivisible, Big Love, Women’s March on Washington, as well as several local elementary and high schools. For booking inquiries, please email…