Last summer, something monumental happened. One of Uncuffed's founding producers, Greg Eskridge, came home after more than 30 years in prison. In this episode we’ll bring you back to that emotional day last summer when he walked out of the San Quentin gates, free at last. Our work in prisons is supported by the California Arts Council, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, independent foundations, and donations from listeners like you. Learn more, sign up for Uncuffed news, and support the program at Follow us @WeAreUncuffed on Instagram and Facebook Transcripts are available within a week of the episode coming out at…
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《香港家书》 星期六 09:00-09:20 a.m.
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监制:陈燕萍 制作:香港电台公共事务组 声音更立体 意见更多元 1872311 始终如一 制作:香港电台公共事务组 赞好Like「RTHK 香港电台公共事务组」Facebook专页 Podcast重温
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