Die langjährige Radiomoderatorin Tanina Rottmann und der aus dem TV bekannte Patientenanwalt Peter Gellner schildern auf verständliche Art und Weise echte Fälle ärztlicher Kunstfehler und geben wertvolle Tipps aus der Insiderperspektive. +++ Dieser Podcast wird vermarktet durch die Ad Alliance: audio-sales@ad-alliance.de +++
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Paranormal, Metaphysics, PSI, UFO, Afterlife. Anything is possible. Blog. (https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/)
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Zwei Wendekinder schicken sich Westpakete für die Allgemeinheit. Ein inklusiver Austausch der persönlichen Natur nach dem Motto...Das Mittelmaß ist das Rückgrat der Gesellschaft.
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Wendy Bell is a Wife, Mom, a Proud American and a Radio Broadcast Host. She shares common sense, conservative values Monday through Friday. She provides Real Facts, the Stats, the Science and the Data. Everything you will need and want to make the best decisions for you and the ones you love.
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A Variety Show that covers an array of interests in the minds of many. Visit www.WenzWorld.com for Complete Access to Video Versions! Thank you to Show Supporters! You make this possible! Have a suggestion? Want to be a guest? Email: Wenzworldradio@gmail.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/joey-wenzler/support
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Tantra aan de keukentafel - podcastserie van Wendy (Bliss Your Body)
Wendy Doeleman (Bliss Your Body)
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The Visibly Fit with Wendie Pett podcast is a show that shares healthy insights and tips to assist in your best health in mind, body, and spirit. From whole-food plant-based nutrition, how to use your body as your gym, mindset renewal, how to glorify God through your daily choices, and more. The ripple effect of how you take care of your health matters. You were created with greatness in mind, it's time to live like it!
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Desarrollo de actividad
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Zwei mit Schuss - der etwas andere Business Podcast mit Stefan Wenzel und Ruppert Bodmeier
Stefan Wenzel und Ruppert Bodmeier
Stefan Wenzel und Ruppert Bodmeier vereint viele Jahre in der digitalen Szene. In ihrem Podcast diskutieren sie gemeinsam Themen aus der digitalen Echokammer - fein-derb aus Hamburg. Alles darf, nichts muss. Nicht immer diplomatisch, nie ohne Prise Salz. Wer die beiden kennt, weiß, dass sich das Reinhören und Abonnieren lohnt – loved by K5!
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Wendy Goes Deep is a multi-faceted podcast that explores the full spectrum of human experience. Wendy sits down with pioneering thinkers, experts, and disruptors to engage in curiosity-driven conversations that uncover hidden truths, dismantle old paradigms, and reveal actionable strategies for a more joyful, successful, and deeply fulfilling life. Whether you’re seeking to expand your business, explore your sexuality, or navigate the challenges of neurodivergence, this podcast invites you t ...
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Krijg een frisse blik op online leadgeneratie, marketing en ondernemen. Vol wake-up calls, behind the scenes stories en inspirerende interviews met Conscious Leaders die hun geheimen prijs geven over hoe zij nieuwe leads en klanten aantrekken. Abonneer je direct en mis geen aflevering. Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn Ondernemen, Marketing Strategie, Leiderschap, Leadmarketing & Sales. Ik wil met deze podcast jou inspireren om je business en leven naar een hogere standaard te ...
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A podcast about making art for you, because you love the way you feel when you are creating and you just want more of that feeling.
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Are you a sensitive, intuitive, empath or leader looking to understand more about how you experience life? Listen as Wendy takes you on a deep dive through topics including intuitive energy healing, spirituality, living a deep inner connection, meditation, personal growth, spiritual growth, mindfulness and more!
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Podcastshow en coaching voor mensen die veel en intens (over)denken, intens voelen en (dag)dromen, zich vaak anders of eenzaam voelen, een verlangen hebben naar connectie. Ze vervelen zich snel, moeten uitgedaagd worden en stoeien soms met overprikkeling versus onderprikkeling. Hoewel veel mensen helemaal niet in de gaten hebben dat het veelal om onderprikkeling gaat. Veel van mijn klanten zijn/blijken een hoogsensitief, (hoog)begaafd, high sensation seeking en creatief brein te hebben. Het ...
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Dr. Wendy Walsh is America's thought leader on relationships and the authority on love, sex and romantic relationships.
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C&I Cover art photo provided by NordWood Themes on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nordwood
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NegInt Cover art photo provided by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@pawel_czerwinski
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Consumer journalist Wendy Knowler joins Pippa Hudson to provide useful insights and tips on how to make the most of your buying power.
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Travel with Wendy shares travel tips, hacks and really cool interviews with travel professionals, authors, small businesses and more! Visiting 32 countries and counting, I am a perpetual adventure seeker, hiker, and explorer AND I love to share. If I learn, you'll learn.
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Welcome to wendys, where amazing things happen.
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Wenzlaff.de - Rund um die Programmierung mit Java, Eclipse, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, Arduino, SDR und Bitcoin
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Podcast by Wennberg & Blennå
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Today where going to talk about what a wendigo is and what it looked like
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Wendy’s drive thru...wide??
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Wendie + Wendy = Wendyienator! Wij delen ons ondernemersavontuur ter inspiratie en vermaak! voor onszelf :-) en als jij er ook wat aan hebt is dat mooi meegenomen. This is a dutch podcast of 2 girls (Wendy & Wendie) who are working there way through live and online business. They share their adventures weekly.
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What's up party people? i hope yall enjoy listening to my wonderful life((:
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Educación inicial
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Journey of an unprepared youth!!! Lets share our funniest ....cringiest ...most touching encounters that we as a youth were not prepared for ...
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Wendeltreppe ins Nichts ist eine Filmkritik-Quizshow mit Christiane und Jan, bei der Filme anhand von Rezensionen erraten werden.
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Wenz World is Atlanta's #1 Variety Show! Tune in every Tuesday @ 8pm eastern...
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Die Energiewende, die Mobilitäts- und Rohstoffwende – der Wandel hin zu einem nachhaltigen Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil ist in vollem Gange. Er muss zügig und konsequent erfolgen, wollen wir die natürliche Tragfähigkeit unserer planetaren Grenzen nicht gefährden. Im Podcast „Wenden bitte!“ des Öko-Instituts beschreiben wir für solche „Wenden“ und weitere drängende Umweltthemen, wie gangbare Wege beschritten werden können. Wir interviewen Wissenschaftler*innen des Öko-Instituts und fragen, wo ...
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En este podcast trabajaremos para encontrar la mejor versión de Ti
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Guionismo Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Fannibal and absolute freak, Ray, talking about cannibalism, murder, and all that good stuff.
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Welcome to Tyler Wenzel, where amazing things happen.
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10x Life!
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Kelly Wendlandt's podcast is focused on meeting interesting guests on different journeys, who have lead, followed, and are working on always getting better, learning and working to inspire themselves and those around them. Business Leaders. Musicians. Parents. Advocates. And the occasional free spirit.
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#PHSMath2 #SanchezP3
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Zwölf Polizisten, sechs Schüsse, ein toter Schwarzer Jugendlicher: Mouhamed Dramé. Demonstrationen gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt. Was ist im August 2022 in Dortmund passiert? WDR-Reporter suchen nach Antworten - am Tatort, im Senegal und vor Gericht.
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How do I attract more customers to my store? How do I get more sales? How do I book out my shop’s events and workshops? How do I do retail marketing and social media for my store? These are the questions that creative retail business owners ask Wendy Batten, creative retail coach and mentor. Wendy works with creative shop owners all over the world and with industry leaders. Her speciality is working with creative retailers to get control over their brick and mortars to avoid burnout and over ...
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Ondernemer leer de regels van het Ondernemerschap ... en Breakthrough your Barrieres... www.arnoudwennekus.nl
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In deze podcast inspireer ik mensen het leven te leiden zoals zij dat willen, leer ik mensen over stress en burn-out en deel ik mijn eigen ervaringen.
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Der zuper lustige Podcast 🎙️ mit Themen die eh nur uns jucken! Aber hey hört trotzdem zu, weil ist lustig ... 🎧 Achso, wir heißen Timo und Malte ... ist aber eigentlich auch egal. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wen.juckts.podcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WenJuckts_Pod
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I’m here to give insight on different perspectives of music.
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There is an answer to the hopelessness, anxiety, and depression that you have encountered. Andrew and Wendy Palau have experienced the pain of loss and guilt but have had their lives restored by God. Now they want to share with you the joy and peace they have found in Jesus Christ. Hope with God offers daily reminders of the good things that can be yours too. Hope with God is a podcast from the Luis Palau Association’s digital outreach, hopewithgod.com. Hope with God exists give everyone on ...
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Podcast by Wenning Strength
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Tatort Krankenhaus - Die geplatzte Wärmflasche
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Auch wenn man an sich davon ausgehen sollte und auch darf, dass eine Wärmflasche niemals platzen kann, hat Monika leider eine andere Erfahrung gemacht und sich übel verbrannt. Ein ärztlicher Gutachter sah in der sich anschließenden dermatologischen Behandlung einen Fehler. Vor Gericht bekam sie aber dennoch nicht Recht. Wie konnte das passieren? Da…
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Hour 1: Disgraced Joe Biden Pardons Criminal Son Hunter
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As a wave of outrage spreads across America after Joe Biden grants a full and sweeping pardon of Hunter (retroactive to 2014 when Hunter's biolab company Metabiota started looking for coronaviruses in Ukraine and when Hunter "joined the board" at Burisma), President Trump's choice of Kash Patel as FBI Director sends shock waves through the Deep Sta…
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Hour 2: Media's Pile-On Of Kash Patel Fails Spectacularly
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In this hour, we play several audio clips from Trump's FBI head pick Kash Patel and several from the media reacting to Patel's nomination. Do you hear their two justifications that Patel not be confirmed? Whom do you trust more? Democrat strategist James Carville drops a bombshell that Kamala's campaign must be audited to account for the $1.5 BILLI…
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Hour 3: Kash Patel Is A Threat to Bureaucracy
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Elon Musk doubles down on his dare to any Republican senator who opposes President Trump's cabinet picks with one word: Don't. Musk's promise to financially support competing candidates to primary out RINOS appears to be on. Are Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins listening? A wave of Hollywood people flee X as "the lists" seem poised to drop imminent…
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Episode 172: Unleash Your Full Potential: Transform Your Health with Visibly Fit 7-Week Accelerator Program
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Are you ready to unleash your full potential? In this episode, I discuss the keys to breaking free from self-sabotage and becoming the healthiest version of yourself. Drawing inspiration from the story of Samson and practical wellness strategies, I connect biblical insights with actionable tips for achieving mental clarity, physical vitality, and e…
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238. Behind the Counter: Building Community Through Beautiful Spaces with Lisa Wrixon
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With host retail coach Wendy Batten https://wendybatten.com/podcast-intro/ In This Episode: What would happen if you built a business centered entirely around what you love and what you believe your community is currently missing? We’re about to find out! In this truly inspiring episode of the Creative Shop Talk Podcast, I’m sitting down with Lisa …
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Culture - Thomas Isle avec Natasha St-Pier
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Thomas Isle et sa bande vous font vivre toute l’actualité culturelle, entre invités et décryptages, le tout dénué d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance.
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The story of all life is told through the Bible. Most stories are written by human authors, but the story of our world was written by God. It’s a true story—the Bible! And not only that, the author of our story wrote Himself right into the plot and became the very character that changed everything! Luke 2:11 says this… The Savior—yes, the Messiah, …
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@DrWendyWalsh is talking the mating marketplace and conservative politics. (12/01) Hour 1
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Dr. Wendy is talking the mating marketplace and conservative politics. It is affecting our dating. She is also offering her Wendy wisdom with her drive by makeshift relationship advice. It's all on KFIAM-640!Par KFI AM 640 (KFI-AM)
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@DrWendyWalsh talks best tips for family happiness over the holidays, (12/01) Hour 2
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Dr. Wendy talks best tips for family happiness over the holidays, and proposing over the holidays. What NOT to do. How to make your relationship reciprocal. PLUS fun facts of love psychology. It's all on KFIAM-640!Par KFI AM 640 (KFI-AM)
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Navigating Success and Core Values with Joey Chandler
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In this episode of "Wendy Goes Deep," host Wendy delves into the potent connection between personal success and the grounding force of core values with guest Joey Chandler, a seasoned business coach. They explore how true success is defined not just by achievements but by how closely those achievements align with our deepest values and principles. …
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Cultivating Safe Spaces in Psychedelics with Linden Schaffer
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In this premiere episode of Wendy Goes Deep, host Wendy dives into a profound conversation with Linden Schaffer, an award-winning wellness entrepreneur, bestselling author, and advocate for safe psychedelic practices. Together, they explore the intricate nuances of creating safe and supportive spaces for psychedelic experiences, particularly for wo…
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Westpaket 46 - Der Torpedo-Traum und die Kunst des politischen Abstiegs
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Einmal träumte ein Politiker von einem Torpedo, der seine Karriere in die Luft jagte. Er hatte sich in den höchsten Kreisen der Macht etabliert, doch ein einziger Fehltritt ließ ihn tief fallen. Der Traum erinnerte ihn daran, dass politische Macht flüchtig ist und dass der Weg nach oben oft von der Kunst des Abstiegs begleitet wird. Manchmal ist es…
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#186 - Leading from within - Hoe je je business bouwt om je leven heen, in plaats van andersom
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Wat zou er gebeuren als jij meer vanuit je innerlijk leiderschap de leiding neemt over je leven en business? In deze podcast deel ik mijn eigen reis en vertel ik meer over de geboorte van het Wealthy Expansion Event op 16 januari 2024. Als jij voelt dat je hierbij wilt zijn, reserveer dan nu je kaartje.…
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A major change is washing across America as President Trump's re-election signals an end to crazy. Not before Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff share a super weird Thanksgiving message to America, of course. Speculation runs wild that Hillary is going to run in 2028 and the Republican response is glorious. Gavin Newsom tries to outdo Kamala in the Bad …
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Hour 2: Transgender Reality Check
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The L's, G's and B's push back against transgender crazy as new (common sense) polling shows trans rights land squarely at the bottom of the American voter's priority list. Delta's CEO is banking on President Trump to restore regulatory sanity in the skies as Big Government starts to sweat the possibility that Trump may carve $1.4 trillion out of t…
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Hour 3: Making America Wholesome Again
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All 50 states moved to the right in the 2024 election in a strong statement that the country has grown tired of woke. Vladimir Putin calls out the crazy left for putting President Trump in so much danger and Christians make a significant return to the polls as a new era of normal family values spreads across the country. Good News takes us to Iowa …
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Culture - Thomas Isle avec Lara Fabian
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Thomas Isle et sa bande vous font vivre toute l’actualité culturelle, entre invités et décryptages, le tout dénué d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance.
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Médias - Thomas Isle avec Fred Garson et Jean-Louis Pérez
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias. Toute l’actualité des médias, de la t…
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Are you exhausted by conflict? Maybe you’ve experienced the corrosive stress of feuding within your family, or in the culture at large, at work, and you feel the damaging effects of frustration and anger, and anxiety and it’s seeping into your heart. You don’t have to let strife rule in your heart. Colossians 3:15 directs us in this way… …let the p…
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Hour 1: Winner Winner Turkey Dinner
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Happy Thanksgiving to our Wendy Bell Radio Army! Telling the truth rarely takes a day off and today we dig into some significant pendulum swings. With just 53 days until President Trump's inauguration, Mexico's president is willing to make a deal as (GASP) a Ukrainian lawmaker nominates Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. Liberals admit hate is pretty…
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Hour 2: Elon Says He Will Audit The IRS
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It's time to audit the auditors, and that's what's coming with DOGE. After Joe Biden aggressively expanded the IRS, Elon and Vivek plan a deep dive into the bureaucracy's bottom line. Mark Zuckerbucks genuflects at Mar-a-Lago and a New York state lawmaker wants the empire state to secede to Canada. As Joy Reid encourages other lefties to boycott th…
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Hour 3: New Polls Show MAGA Fever is Sweeping the Country
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New data suggests America isn't just supportive of President Trump's agenda, we OVERWHELMING want it to be successful. More female volleyball players boycott Boise State's team over its transgender player and CNN finds itself in an awkward spot with a $1 BILLION defamation lawsuit. What's worse? Being sued by a wronged patriot or having conservativ…
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JM DeBord, Dream Dictionary, Reddit Dream Interpreter - Rated PG/Contemporary Issues
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Your complete reference source for dream interpretation "The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings." Your all-in-one guide to dream interpretation, encyclopedia of key concepts, and dictionary with clear and thorough explanations. What is the difference between a metaphor dream and a visitation dream? There are some clues to…
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Culture - Thomas Isle avec Étienne Daho
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Thomas Isle et sa bande vous font vivre toute l’actualité culturelle, entre invités et décryptages, le tout dénué d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance.
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Médias - Thomas Isle avec Mika
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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Have you noticed that almost every movie and song is about love? From the beginning of time, God told us it is not good to be alone, but pain and suffering come when that person lets us down, when they aren’t who we thought they would be. And we lift our heads and realize they really aren’t fulfilling us the way we imagined. Our soul is created for…
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Wie gewinnen wir die Menschen für Klimapolitik?
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Wenden bitte! Der Podcast zu Wissenschaft und nachhaltigen Transformationen Wir fragen Dirk Arne Heyen: Wie blickt die Gesellschaft auf Klima- und Umweltschutz? Warum polarisieren manche Themen der nachhaltigen Transformation so stark? Wie begegnen wir den Sorgen und Ängsten der Menschen? Wann ist Klimapolitik sozial gerecht? Wie sollten Klimaschut…
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Hour 1: Do Liberals Hear Us Now?
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There's a major shift in public opinion sweeping across America. Woke, liberal policies are being rejected. Politicians who put immigrants ahead of citizens are being canceled. Woke DEI policies and programs are being repealed. And America's great reset, signaled by President Trump's re-election, is spreading to other countries, too. But there's on…
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Hour 2: It's Do Or Die For Mainstream News
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MSNBC tries to distance itself from the Kamala/Al Sharpton scandal and says it had no idea her campaign made a $500,000 "donation" to Sharpton's "nonprofit" just a few weeks before her sit-down interview on the network. As democrat mayors dare to defy President Trump's mass illegal immigrant deportation plan, Tom Homan emerges as the huevos of the …
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Hour 3: Groundbreaking DEI Study Shelved By Liberal Media
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Why did Bloomberg and the New York Times shelve a major story on the deleterious effects of DEI? CNN's data geek explores polling showing there's been a monster drop in the percentage of Americans who care about company commitments to DEI as Canada appears ready to reject Justin Trudeau and toxic, crazy liberalism. Gavin Newsom proves his petty sid…
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Consumer Talk: Timeshare update
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Pippa speaks to consumer journalist Wendy Knowler who gives an update on the timeshare industry today. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Par CapeTalk
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#552 Te weinig richting en focus? Weet je niet precies wat je wilt?
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Heb je te weinig richting en focus? Voel je je af en toe een beetje doelloos, richtingloos of ben je snel afgeleid? Gaat het vaak alle kanten op? Weet je niet precies wat je wilt? Luister dan deze podcast en/of doe het persoonlijke waardenonderzoek: https://www.wendyborst.nl/product/als-je-niet-weet-wat-je-wilt-bepaal-dan-eerst-je-richting/…
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Culture - Thomas Isle avec Alain Boublil et Ladislas Chollat
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Thomas Isle et sa bande vous font vivre toute l’actualité culturelle, entre invités et décryptages, le tout dénué d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance.
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Médias - Thomas Isle avec Flavie Flament et Julien Arnaud
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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Psalm 46:10 says this: Be still, and know that I am God! What does it mean to be still? In our current culture of more, more, faster, faster, it can feel very strange to just sit still. The stillness in this verse describes not only the stillness of the body but also the stillness of your mind and your heart. It means that we are to set aside our r…
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On the heels of a whistleblower report confirming Barack Obama asked the 5 Eyes (US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada) to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in 2016 and is responsible for initiating the Russia Collusion hoax, special counsel Jack Smith drops his $35 million dollar election interference case against Trump. The American people saw t…
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The mainstream media lose their minds over Trump's pick to control Congressional spending as race baiter Joy Reid pushes MSNBC further into obscurity, alleging Trump will use the military to target American citizens and put journalists in jail. A Biden-appointed judge rules a tranny CAN play in a women's college volleyball tournament as America wai…
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President Trump issues a warning to Mexico and Canada as the Babylon Bee drops a hilarious video instructing liberals how to deal with their MAGA uncles at Thanksgiving. Rosie O'Donnell breaks down over the state of the union with Trump returning to the White House as CNN's data guru drops new polling that shows Americans are optimistic about Trump…
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Making Sense of the Divide and Leading Yourself Through It
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How do we show up at the table when we feel divided? The US election highlighted a fundamental division within the country. That core separation is a deep ache that can look like anger, blame, and fear. We all are going to be in a seat at the table at some point, whether it’s a holiday dinner table, a work table, or with friends, and we can’t tackl…
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Culture - Thomas Isle avec Frédéric Lenoir
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Thomas Isle et sa bande vous font vivre toute l’actualité culturelle, entre invités et décryptages, le tout dénué d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance.
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Médias - Thomas Isle avec Rémi Delescluse
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Toute l’actualité des médias, de la télé à la radio, de la presse écrite aux réseaux sociaux, des shows populaires aux publications les plus pointues, dénuée d’à-priori, mais non de bienveillance. Accompagné de chroniqueurs et de spécialistes, Thomas Isle décrypte chaque jour ce qui fait parler dans les médias.…
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Have you found that people let you down? Even the most amazing friends or family. Or the most loving husband, the most kind wife, the sweetest children- sometimes they let you down. They aren’t able to fully climb inside your soul and know exactly what you need. It’s an impossible and unfair expectation to put on someone. There is only ONE who know…
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Exploring Portugal & the Douro Valley
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This spring I put together a small group tour to #Portugal and the #DouroValley - We began our journey in one of my favorite European cities, #Lisbon and made our way north to #Porto. I partnered again with Riviera River Cruises. This time on the River Boat, Riviera River Cruises, The Douro Splendour as this itinerary really fit a slower more inten…
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A new poll shows a majority of Americans approve of President Trump's transition to a new administration which offers new hope for America. Just three weeks after his landslide re-election, Trump's cabinet is complete, and it is diverse. Listen to the many ideologies of his nominees AND the public's response to it as Trump considers creating a new …
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Hour 2: America's Conscious Uncoupling
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When Gwynneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced they were "consciously uncoupling" a decade ago, I actually laughed. Isn't that what we all call DIVORCE? Yes, liberal-style. America's youngest voters are doing exactly that. THEY ARE UN-LEFTING... awakening from the brain wash of angry activism to see life, President Trump, MAGA, and the possibilit…
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President Trump appears ready to medically disqualify transgender military personnel on day one of his presidency. Senator Ron Johnson lands a key oversight role in the new Congress and warns one group in particular, "I assure you, your obstruction will soon come to an end." And one young woman's un-Lefting leaves social media in a frenzy as she ex…
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Episode 171: Breaking Free from Trauma: How Forgiveness Transforms Health, Mindset, and Faith | Lynn Eldridge
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Have you ever felt weighed down by the past, unable to move forward because of trauma, distorted perceptions, or unforgiveness? In this powerful episode, I sit down with Lynn Eldridge—an acclaimed author, inner healing coach, and international minister—as she shares her raw and transformative journey from mental illness, addiction, and brokenness t…
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237. Retailer Success Series: Cindy’s Journey to Building a Thriving Bead Store
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With host retail coach Wendy Batten https://wendybatten.com/podcast-intro/ In This Episode: Do you need inspiration navigating your role as an accidental entrepreneur? This episode is for you! Like many of us, Cindy Boissonneault of Poco Inspired in Winnipeg didn’t intend on putting on a CEO hat and running a retail business. In this episode, Cindy…
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