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Exploring the teachings of Jesus? Trying to determine whether God even exists? Or perhaps you’re a committed Jesus-follower looking for practical, relevant perspectives on Christ’s teachings and the Bible? Whatever your thoughts on church, whatever your beliefs about God, these weekly messages are for you.
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show series
Was the United States founded as a "Christian nation?" Can any nation be a "Christian nation?" Is the concept of a "Christian nation" any more realistic than a "Christian bicycle" or a "Christian breath mint?" Exploring the teachings of Jesus and the history of "Christian" imperialism, we'll discuss the incompatibility of the way of Jesus and the w…
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"I can't." "I should." "Nobody likes me." "I'm such an idiot." "I'm a dumpster fire." For many of us, the negative talk in our lives is focused less on other people and more on ourselves. While it's healthy to understand our strengths and weaknesses, constantly disparaging ourselves can become a self-fulfilling indictment and a confidence killer. H…
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The way we see and experience others reveals less about them than it does about us. And when we “call it like we see it,” what we say is a reflection of our soul. We can laugh at ridiculous one-star reviews, but don’t we all fall into the trap of spreading negative gossip sometimes? How can adjusting our mindset change the words we say and restore …
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Our words hold surprising power to shape our identity, our environment, and our friends. We get to decide whether to wield that power well or to wield it haphazardly. The words we choose, the tone we use, and even our body language can intentionally or inadvertently build up or tear down. So, how do we become people who are filled with words of gra…
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Jesus was compassionate toward the outcasts of society and brutal toward highly respected religious leaders. He disrupted their religious festivals, called them snakes, and warned their followers to avoid modeling their lives after them. Why does Jesus seem outraged by the most revered of religious leaders rather than the greatest of sinners? Serie…
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Jesus invites a man to follow him and then seemingly refuses to let him bury his own father. Is Jesus being unreasonable? Does he lack compassion for this man's family? What do we learn about the mission of Jesus as we discover the mindset of Jesus? Series Overview: When we think of Jesus, we often think of his kindness, gentleness, and tenderness.…
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Jesus wasn't fair. How does His radical unfairness offer a surprising example of how we should act toward others? Could unfairness be a model for how we can make the world better? Series Overview: When we think of Jesus, we often think of his kindness, gentleness, and tenderness. We think of his graciousness toward sinners, his generosity toward th…
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A Gentile woman asks Jesus for help. He first ignores her, and then seems to insult her. What's going on here? Why does Jesus seem so...un-Jesusy in this story? Series overview: When we think of Jesus, we often think of his kindness, gentleness, and tenderness. We think of his graciousness toward sinners, his generosity toward the poor, and his hea…
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The church is called to step boldly into the future, working toward the renewal and reconciliation of all things. This must never devolve into an end-times-oriented, doom-and-gloom, ejection theology, but should rather be a hope-filled vision of what could be if more people chose to attach themselves to the Kingdom of God. Series overview: Througho…
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As we grapple with the call of the church to live out the great commission and the great commandment, how are individual Christians - and the Church as a whole - uniquely positioned to unleash radical generosity as a blessing in our communities and around the world? Series Overview: Throughout history, the Christian church has occasionally lost its…
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In the second week of our series about the Church as the Bride of Christ, we'll explore how churches serve as missional communities. What do we mean by "mission," and how do we differentiate the good things a church CAN do the missional things a church MUST do? Series Overview: Throughout history, the Christian church has occasionally lost its way,…
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Throughout history, the Christian church has occasionally lost its way, becoming distracted or obsessed with money, political power, or cultural relevancy. But at its best, the church has been a beacon of grace, acceptance, and holiness — a spiritual refuge for the broken-hearted and a light illuminating the way to God for those far from Him. How c…
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This week: Many Christian leaders and spiritualists have written about the two halves of life available to us. The first half is largely about identity and personal security while the second half becomes more about contributing and shedding your ego. So how do people scale this second mountain? How do we follow the pattern of Jesus in giving our li…
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Our worldview, values, and religious beliefs don't typically change until our current paradigms don't work for us anymore. We encounter suffering, grief, or cognitive dissonance and we realize that our way of understanding the world doesn't hold explanatory power for our experiences. How do we make sense of the world when the world stops making sen…
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The human ego prefers just about anything to suffering, changing, or dying. In fact, many people adopt a religious tradition in hopes of avoiding such painful experiences. But the way of Jesus has always understood this terrifying and liberating truth: resurrection can only come after death. Jesus told us we would experience trouble in this world (…
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Some older people inspire the young people who know them, and some serve as a cautionary tale. How do we become more kind, generous, and patient as we age? How do we avoid becoming cynical, embittered, or resentful? Series Overview: Your life can dramatically change for the better, but there is no silver bullet. It’s a pathway to walk rather than a…
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This week: The shepherds were near the bottom of the socio-economic ladder of first-century Jewish society. The wise men were likely wealthy gentiles, perhaps astrologers or kings. These two groups of men could not have been much more different than they were. And yet both groups needed Christmas so much that the angels themselves proclaimed the ar…
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Whether you’re a “glass is half-full” or “glass is half-empty” kind of person, Christmas comes every year just the same. And underneath the shiny trappings of another holiday season, we can find ourselves feeling oddly empty, unfulfilled, and even disappointed. But what if the birth of Jesus was actually world-changing for optimists, pessimists, an…
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Every generation thinks that the generation behind it is the worst generation ever. There are significant psychographic and value-driven differences between different generations that lead them to listen to different music, vote differently, watch different television shows, and purchase different products. But Boomers, Xers, Millennials, Gen Z, an…
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This week: As disciples, we choose to be with Jesus, learn from Jesus, and ultimately - become like Jesus. The final message of our Jesusy Life series explores the power and beauty of a life lived like Jesus. Series overview: The way of Jesus isn’t primarily something you believe but someone you become. So how do we become the people Jesus invited …
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This week: Most of us have a favorite life hack (or two!) because we're all looking for easy ways to make our lives better. Following Jesus seems harder than most of those hacks... But what would it actually look like for Jesus' teachings to totally transform our lives? What if we could learn from Jesus how to have true rest, peace, and joy? Series…
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This week: From free overnight shipping to on-demand entertainment, we’re immersed in an age of seemingly inescapable expectations of speed and efficiency. As followers of Christ, how can we adopt a set of low-tech, ages-old spiritual practices that hold the key to a more productive relationship with God and others? Series overview: The way of Jesu…
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Week 1: We make plans for all kinds of things: working out, saving for our kids' college tuition, accomplishing work goals, binge-watching Netflix shows. But while many of us would like to develop our spiritual lives, few of us make a plan to do so. What if there were a proven way to become more shaped by Jesus? Series overview: The way of Jesus is…
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Week 4 The Gospels are full of stories where Jesus heals people: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed. These miraculous healings continue in the book of Acts and throughout the ministries of the Apostles. Are these stories credible? And if so, does God still heal today? Series Overview Dragons, sea monsters, fairies, gods, and… Jes…
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Week 3 The New Testament speaks of spiritual gifts that God has given to his Church: evangelism, teaching, serving, leadership, wisdom, administration, healing, and many more. How are these spiritual gifts different from our natural talents? What is the expectation of individuals and churches to use these gifts? And what are some of the dangers and…
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Week 2 Christians believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But what does that mean? And how are we to understand the Holy Spirit? Who is he, and what does he do? And what does it mean to be "filled with" the Spirit? Series Overview Dragons, sea monsters, fairies, gods, and… Jesus. How can our modern sensibilitie…
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Week 1 Not long ago, much of the world believed in dragons, sea monsters, fairies, and gods. The earth was filled with mystery: dark forests, endless oceans, unexplored lands. Today, these notions feel foreign to our modern sensibilities and endearing in their naivety. We have explored the globe, we have unlocked the human genome, and we have launc…
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This is part 1 of 2 of a discussion of the message from Sunday, September 17: The Dark Knight. For copyright reasons, we cannot livestream or publish these services, so through September we’ll share discussions like this about the movies and messages. Perhaps the most thought-provoking superhero film ever made, The Dark Knight was released in the a…
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This is part 2 of 2 of a discussion of the message from Sunday, September 17: The Dark Knight. For copyright reasons, we cannot livestream or publish these services, so through September we’ll share discussions like this about the movies and messages. Perhaps the most thought-provoking superhero film ever made, The Dark Knight was released in the a…
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This is a discussion of the message from Sunday, September 10: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. For copyright reasons, we cannot livestream or publish these services, so through October we’ll share discussions like this about the movies and messages. Weirdly enough, Ferris Bueller's Day Off mostly isn't about Ferris Bueller, but about his friend Cameron. …
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This is a discussion of the message from Sunday, September 3, which highlighted Ford v Ferrari as part of the At the Movies series. For copyright reasons, we cannot livestream or publish these services, so through October we’ll share discussions like this about the movies and messages. At its core, Ford v Ferrari is the story of how friendship can …
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This is a discussion of the message from Sunday, August 27, which highlighted Cars (2006) as part of the At the Movies series. For copyright reasons, we cannot livestream or publish these services, so through October we’ll share discussions like this about the movies and messages. Released in 2006, Pixar’s Cars gives us insight into our egos: how t…
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This week: At some point in your life, you likely encountered the Bible. You took a literature class in college and were assigned a few chapters to study. Or you grew up going to church and often heard passages read from its pages. Or a parent or relative gave you a copy of the Bible as a gift. Or you saw a shirtless man at a football game who had …
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This week: The Bible is a library of books. But how did we get it? Who wrote these things down? How was it assembled? And what does any of that have to do with the way we live and practice our faith? Series overview: Though the Bible is perhaps the most influential religious text in human history, even Christians often know very little of its origi…
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This week: Maybe you were taught every verse in the Bible has one clear meaning. Or maybe you were taught nothing in the Bible is literal and every story finds its meaning in allegory. No matter what, to engage with the Bible at all is to interpret the Bible, and for the past two thousand years, people have had diverse views on Biblical interpretat…
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This week: Jesus called us to “bear much fruit,” but in the face of our modern, fast-paced, complicated lives, how do we live that out? It turns out the secret to cultivating more good fruit in our lives is simple and sweet. Series overview: Any of us who have walked through a difficult season know that “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” i…
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This week: Most people seem wired to resist change, and yet from ancient times, people have grappled with the irony that “change is the only constant in life.” Why is that? When God doesn't change our circumstances in the way we might want, how can Jesus' example help us see our lemons as an opportunity to embrace the new thing God’s trying to do o…
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This week: When life gives us lemons, is "making lemonade" really the best solution? How can faith help us respond in a better way? The Bible is filled with amazing examples of how God loves being extra – more loving, more powerful, more merciful than we could possibly imagine. Here are five helpful tips for how you can respond when you face unexpe…
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This week: Mindset matters. When circumstances aren’t in our favor, we can still control our outlook and take responsibility for our actions/reactions. Do we grumble about the conditions we face, or do we see obstacles as an opportunity to grow in our faith or our relationship with God? Guest speaker David Crain considers the Bible story of three m…
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This week: A few weeks ago (June 18) we spent time talking about the idea of blessing: we will typically bless people to the extent that we feel blessed in our inner being. In this online-only message, Josh further explores the story of Jacob, discusses the four reasons we often don’t feel blessed, and reminds us that God is often present where we …
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This week: Jesus said in Mark 10 that anyone who gives up a house or their family for his sake would receive 100 times more houses and family members. And not in some distant future: he said we would receive that now. The key to discerning what Jesus intended by this saying seems to be understanding the kind of community he was inviting us into. Se…
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This week: You were young and impressionable and still figuring your life out. And someone said an unkind thing to you. And it was years ago, and it was really no big deal, and you’ve totally moved on. Except that you kind of haven’t. Because all these years later: you still remember the thing they said. We have the power to curse people in ways th…
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This week: The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over the course of their life time. That’s 90,000 hours of labor, projects, meetings, TPS reports, KPI reports, strategy sessions, and hard conversations. So how does a follower of Jesus think about their relationships at work and their relationship to work? If we’re not thoughtful, our …
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This week: Great Britain recently appointed a “Loneliness Minister.” The U.S. Surgeon General released a warning in May of 2023 that loneliness poses risks as deadly as smoking. It feels like we’re more connected and more isolated than we’ve ever been before. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. Series overview: Since 1938, Harvard Medical S…
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This week: Where and how you start the story determine the kind of story you are telling. But they don’t determine how that story will conclude. What did Jesus say about the end of our lives and the end of the world? Where is all of this leading and how do we determine our purpose in the midst of it? Series overview: One of the most unchallenged be…
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This week: Why does the Christian church exist? What is its purpose? Why belong to one? Wouldn’t it be easier and less mess to simply invest in a more individualistic faith? It turns out that Jesus had a bold, beautiful plan for the church that we’re invited to execute. Series Overview: One of the most unchallenged beliefs in Western culture is tha…
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The Bible is not a guide to parenting. While it contains principles for raising children, it never attempts to give step-by-step instructions for how we should pour into the next generation. There is, however, much to be learned about parenting from the examples of Jesus and countless other Christian leaders who have spent their lives raising up fu…
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