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Comment recentrer nos bâtiments sur le bien-vivre ? 2050, une ville 100% circulaire ? Dans 30 ans, la neutralité carbone aura-t-elle mis toute l’industrie mondiale d’accord ? Découvrez Le Pouvoir caché des matériaux, le podcast de Saint-Gobain qui explore les enjeux et solutions pour construire un avenir durable. Is Net Zero Building an achievable goal? Are Prefab Homes the Future of Housing? How to fight against thermal sieves in France? How to rehouse 30 million people in Brazil? Discover ...
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Eloïse Armary

Chaque mois
A podcast about language and travels by the anthropology student Eloïse Armary. Series 1: Bilinguisme in Montreal Series 2: Solo travels . Un podcast sur les langues et les voyages par l'étudiante en anthropologie Eloïse Armary. Saison 1: Bilinguisme à Montréal Saison 2: Voyages solos
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Highline est une agence de recrutement mondiale qui se concentre sur l’architecture, la construction et l’immobilier. Établie à Londres en 2015, l’organisation a depuis étendu ses activités à la France, avec son bureau central situé au cœur de Paris. Nos équipes bénéficient d’un modèle de travail hybride polyvalent et d’un accès global aux espaces de travail, ce qui leur permet d’opérer depuis n’importe quelle partie du monde
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“Welcome to "A New Wind Podcasts", your ultimate destination for discovering how to unlock the wealth-building opportunities in West Africa. Whether you are a member of the African diaspora looking to invest back home, an entrepreneur eager to explore new markets, or an investor seeking to diversify your portfolio, this podcast is your go-to resource for navigating the dynamic investment landscape of West Africa. Hosted by Marguerite, the founder and CEO of ANW Co LLC. We bring you expert in ...
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show series
🚧 October Podcast Special 🚧Ever struggled with delays or miscommunication when working with builders in Africa? You're not alone! Tune in to our new 4-part series, "10 Common Frustrations Customers Face When Contacting Builders in Africa", in collaboration with Ets Fara Mendy, one of Senegal’s top construction companies.🎙️ Expert insights💡 Practica…
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Vous souhaitez construire au Sénégal, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y retrouver dans les réglementations complexes en matière de construction ou comment sécuriser un terrain ? Écoutez notre discussion avec M. Fara Mendy, propriétaire des Établissements Fara Mendy, l'une des principales entreprises de construction du Sénégal. Nous nous penchon…
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Avez-vous déjà eu du mal à trouver un constructeur fiable pour la maison de vos rêves en Afrique ? Écoutez l'histoire inspirante d'Afoule Gomis sur la façon dont elle a surmonté de nombreuses frustrations et a finalement trouvé le succès avec Ets Fara Mendy pour la construction de sa maison au Sénégal. De la mauvaise communication aux coûts inatten…
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Why You Should Listen to A New Wind Podcasts? Comprehensive Coverage: Learn about the most lucrative investment opportunities in West Africa, including real estate, agriculture, technology, and infrastructure. Expert Insights: Gain access to industry experts, local business leaders, and successful investors who will share their knowledge and experi…
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Willkommen bei Highline, wo wir die dynamische Welt der Designmöglichkeiten an der Spitze des Luxus erkunden. In dieser Folge gehen wir auf die wichtigsten Aspekte des Highline - Offre D Emploi Architecte D Intérieur. Entdecken Sie die einzigartigen Herausforderungen und kreativen Perspektiven, die mit der Gestaltung von High-End-Räumen einhergehen…
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According to Jean François Goulet Avocat, copyright registration provides significant benefits and protection for creators. It strengthens your legal position, provides statutory benefits and remedies, acts as a deterrent against infringement, and enables you to exploit your work commercially.Par jeanfrancoisgouletavocat
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While a large part of the population lives in highrise-buildings in Thailand, the construction sector is currently looking for solutions to build more sustainable towers. That is what Bundit Pradabsook explains to us. He is Commissioner of The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour…
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At the time of global warming, Mexico is looking for solutions to build buildings that are both sustainable and comfortable despite very high temperatures. That is what Ernesto Infante Barbosa explains to us. He is the Coordinator of the ESG committee at the National Compliance Commission A.C. of Mexico. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez…
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Today, in South Africa the prevailing construction methodologies are still very much traditional material focused and the sector is looking for alternative solutions to accelerate the transition to sustainable construction methods and the use of lighter materials. We are listening to Mlondolozi Hempe. He is a building performance specialist, and hi…
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Singapore city-state is in the process of renewing a large part of its housing stock and the sector is trying to find how to articulate those constructions with sustainability. That is what Joy Gai explains to us. She is Asia Pacific Programmes Head for the World Green Building Council. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'infor…
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After the pandemic, office districts were left abandoned in the United Kingdom. How can these workspaces be converted to be used for other purposes? Can these offices become housings or event spaces? Guillermo Guzman – an architect and assistant professor at the University of Nottingham – talks to us about the issues at stake. Hébergé par Acast. Vi…
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In China, the number of people over the age of 65 has reached 190 million, and will increase rapidly to 390 million in 2050. To respond to the social challenges this situation involves, the country is currently building new types of multi-functional and inclusive care institutions for the elderly. Sima Lei is an architect and associated professor a…
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Cet été nous partons à la découverte d'entrepreneurs pertinents et ambitieux qui font bouger leurs secteurs d'activités tout en valorisant le savoir faire "made in Africa". OUmy Sall Diaar Yemou Invest Fondatrice et Présidente du Club Inspirant – plate-forme et hub de réseautage et d’entrepreneuriat qui promeut le leadership féminin de la diaspora …
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In order to compensate the lack of housing, Germany will have to build 300,000 dwellings a year over the coming decade. Helmut Köttner is Technical Director of the Sentinel Haus Institute and he explains to us the different health and well-being challenges to which these dwellings will have to respond. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez p…
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During Swedish winters, temperatures can drop to almost -25 Celsius degrees, and rise to 30 during the summer. How can these differences be managed? How to design buildings that are both sustainable and comfortable, whatever the temperature? Let's listen to what Monica von Schmalensee – an architect and Senior Advisor – has to say. Hébergé par Acas…
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Earthquakes are a major challenge for Türkiye and the country is currently considering the best solutions to deal with this issue. How is it possible to make buildings strong enough to withstand them? How can existing buildings be reinforced? We asked these questions to Alper Ilki, a consultant and professor of structural and earthquake engineering…
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Egypt will need to relocate 100 million inhabitants by 2050 and to do this, it is currently building entire cities. Doctor Hend Farouh is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Architecture & Urban Development at Egypt’s Housing and Building National Research Center. She is also the national project manager of grid-connected small-scale PV in Egypt.…
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The Netherlands are currently facing a double challenge in terms of both housing and the environment. As such, the country is exploring new solutions such as prefab or modular constructions. Thijs Asselbergs is an architect and engineering professor at Delft University of Technology. He explains to us the importance of all parties working together …
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A new concept of the hotel and real estate sector has emerged in Spain over the last few years: hybrid spaces. Carlos Hernandez Carrillo is an architect who works at ESTUDIOB76 in Madrid, and he explains to us exactly what these new spaces are, and the huge potential of hybrid buildings. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'info…
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In Italy, 45% of the country’s total waste comes from the construction sector. What challenges must be met for construction sites to implement circular economy principles? How can the circular economy be first and foremost an economic advantage for the construction sector? We put these questions to Giuseppe Giuliano, architect and founder of Studio…
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What will the Polish cities of tomorrow look like? Kacper Nosarzewski is a board member at the Polish Society for Future Studies and he and his team have developed scenarios on how the cities of tomorrow will work, to enable those who build them to better anticipate future needs. He shares some of his predictions with us in this episode. Hébergé pa…
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Cet été nous partons à la découverte d'entrepreneurs pertinents et ambitieux qui font bouger leurs secteurs d'activités tout en valorisant le savoir faire "made in Africa". Fatimata DIAW est la Co-fondatrice MUNNGANO, une plateforme de mise en relation d'affaire entre la France et le Sénégal nous parle d'elle, de son business et nous donne des cons…
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While the natural resources required to make construction materials are increasingly rare in the United Arab Emirates, optimizing these resources is a key local issue. How is it possible to set up circular economies that can respond to both performance and sustainability issues in terms of construction? In this episode, we discuss the question with…
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While real estate prices are climbing high in the United States, how can we design new types of individual houses that are affordable, sustainable and comfortable? We asked Mark Laliberte, an architect and president of the company Construction Instruction. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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There are a number of dilapidated and poorly insulated collective apartment buildings in the Czech Republic, and they are responsible for more than 40% of the country's carbon emissions. Why is thermal renovation so complicated, and what are the solutions? We put these questions to Simona Kalvoda, the Executive Director of the Czech Green Building …
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Brazil must build 30 million homes by 2030 for precarious families who live in poorly built housing. How to design buildings that are both sustainable, comfortable and accessible? In this episode, we discuss the question with Felipe Faria, CEO of the Green Building Council Brazil, an organization that has accelerated the ecological transition of Br…
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While the work world has seen unprecedented upheaval in recent years, how is India reinventing its offices and what will tomorrow's workplaces look like? We listen to Mili Majumdar, Managing Director of Green Business Certification Institute (GBCI). Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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While France has embarked on a vast thermal renovation plan for its housing, why is the insulation of buildings not only an environmental but also a social issue? How to fight on a large scale against thermal sieves? Let's listen to Antoine Hervé, engineer and consultant in energy renovation on this topic. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez…
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De la France au Brésil, de l’Espagne aux Émirats Arabes Unis, de l’Inde à la République tchèque… Protection des ressources, consommation énergétique, urbanisation galopante, coûts des logements, bien-être des occupants… Explorez les grands défis des pays pour construire mieux à travers le monde. Découvrez Home(s) sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute…
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Mon partenariat l'ONG Stand for Africa vous offre une série de 20 interviews video et podcasts qui seront publiées tous les Samedis et Mercredis a partir du 24 Avril 2021. SFA organise son 1er Sommet International du 5-8 Aout 2021 à Houston au Texas, USA. Aujourd'hui, je recois Ndery Gueye qui est a la tete de SFA Mauritanie, une elite africaine qu…
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C’est partie! 1er interview avec Roger Bossy: Président et Fondateur de l'ONG SFA! Nous préparons le Sommet de Houston 2021 qui va regrouper l'élite du Continent and celle de la Diaspora Africain y compris les Caraïbes. Nous avons une série de 15 interviews qui vont suivre ou vous aurez l'opportunité de faire connaissance des leaders de l'ONG Stand…
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What can 2 podcasts hosts discuss about? How about the The value of positive language and lifestyle! Such a beautiful and genuinely connected conversation. Please enjoy and share!! ****Fizzy Marie and I are working on more podcasts to come for your enjoyment!! Stay tuned and follow her @ Check out my website fo…
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Les questions éthiques n’ont jamais été aussi présentes dans le débat public et la crise sanitaire semble même renforcer leur poids, qu’il s’agisse de nos choix économiques, environnementaux ou sociétaux. Mais comment les entreprises peuvent-elles concilier l’ensemble des injonctions, alors même que leur liste ne cesse de s’allonger ? Devront-elles…
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Concevoir des véhicules respectueux de l’environnement, sûrs, high-tech et confortables est une chose ; les rendre accessibles au plus grand nombre est une tout autre problématique. Sources d’énergies alternatives, développement de nouveaux modes de déplacements comme les véhicules autonomes et partagés, transformation des transports collectifs…Com…
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La révolution digitale du travail, ce n’est pas que le télétravail. C’est aussi et surtout de nouvelles façons de créer et de piloter les projets, de faire travailler ensemble les différents acteurs d’une même chaîne de fabrication, de concevoir ses produits et ses services avec ses clients, de faire collaborer l’homme et la machine. Comment tirer …
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Modes de fabrication, origine des matériaux, impact sur l’environnement, conditions de travail des salariés... Les consommateurs n’ont jamais eu accès à autant d’informations sur ce qu’ils achètent. Et beaucoup s’en servent pour orienter leur choix vers des produits durables conçus par des entreprises responsables. Cette dictature de la transparenc…
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Le monde industriel est aujourd’hui sensibilisé aux questions environnementales et à la responsabilité qui lui incombe. Mais relever le défi de la neutralité carbone ne peut se faire que de façon globale, avec l’ensemble des acteurs de la chaîne de valeur. Comment créer ce mouvement et embarquer dans un même souffle institutions mondiales, pouvoirs…
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A l’heure où nombreux sont ceux qui vivent, travaillent, étudient et se font même soigner dans des bâtiments mal isolés et inconfortables, la question de la rénovation des lieux de vie est devenue une priorité. Comment transformer l’existant pour créer des espaces confortables, dans lesquels les occupants ne seront gênés ni par les températures ni …
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The Black History is celebrated in reminiscence of the injustice the Black communities has to go through daily. What can we take out of it? Is this a way to offer folklore and not address the core issues that Black people are fighting for - JUSTICE & EQUALITY for all humans? I address this matter with passion and open mindfulness. From a personal a…
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Davier M. Mosby is an African Investment Facilitator working with A New Wind. He is the creator and owner of the Global African Network. You can follow his work: On Instagram: Victor Osioh mission statement is to 'Help Diasporans who want to MOVE to Africa Lear…
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Checky Blaze est un rappeur franco-sénégalais, un panafricain et une référence du hip hop urbain Sénégalais et de la diaspora Africaine. Checky Blaze présentement enregistre son second album qui va inclure des titres comme Baye Niass et Assagi. Artiste très talentueux et engagé, Checky Blaze dénonce dans sa musique les maux de nos sociétes Afro qu'…
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Coumba Gawlo Seck is a globally recognized singer, griot and philanthropist who put her life and voice at service for the African causes. With more than 10 albums on her own, Gawlo is extremely committed to the cause of women and children. She started singing at 14. Some of her most awarded songs in gold and platinum records are: Yo Malé, Pata Pata…
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