Restoration is a Messianic Synagogue in Seattle. Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Yeshua. Find more info about Restoration at or on the Restoration Seattle App (iOS, Android, Windows & Amazon).
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God is always with us, even when we can't see or feel His presence. And sometimes, the difficult and painful experiences we go through can lead us to greater joy and growth in the end. It's like God is throwing a party for us, inviting us to embrace all of life's ups and downs and celebrate the journey. This Purim, amidst the chaos of the world, we…
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Yeshua is both King and High Priest, like Melchizedek—fulfilling both roles in one person. He didn’t replace the Levitical system but revealed its heavenly pattern. By His blood, He opened the way for us to approach God’s throne with confidence. Watch High Priest of Heaven to understand Yeshua as Priest and King! Link: https://restoration.subspla.s…
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God has always desired to dwell with His people—not from a distance, but as a neighbor. From the tabernacle to His indwelling Spirit today, His invitation remains the same: to live in His presence as He dwells in yours. Watch Won’t You Be My Neighbor? and discover how God wants to be at the center of your life. Will you welcome Him in? Link: https:…
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Chris Manginelli, Pastor of Mill Creek Foursquare Church and friend of Restoration, shares an encouraging word from the New Testament book of Philippians and how to apply Paul's words to our lives today! Link: #RestorationSeattlePar Chris Manginelli
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The Ten Commandments begin with “I am the Lord your God” and conclude with “Your neighbor.” They summarize the rest of the Torah for Israel, highlighting our unique identity as a holy nation and God’s special treasure. Since the Exodus, being God’s treasured possession has involved being holy and distinct. How can we live as part of a chosen people…
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In wilderness situations, it’s common to feel stuck and to complain. However, God encourages us to move forward. Complaining can trap us in resentment, while lamenting allows for growth. If you're going through a difficult season, remember that God isn't judging you; instead, He wants to draw you closer to Him. The Lord will accompany you in the wi…
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Passover marks the beginning of the year, both liturgically and agriculturally, symbolizing new creation and the start of God's people. Through the Exodus, God saved and redeemed us, fulfilling His promises to the patriarchs and matriarchs. Passover serves as a memorial and reenactment of the Exodus, inviting us to actively participate, not just as…
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God revealed Himslef to Israel and to Egypt in the Exodus. This event marks a significant moment in world history, as God promises to make Israel His people and to be their God. Our desire is to know God and to make Him known as the God who keeps His promises. At Restoration, we encourage people to embrace four key promises from Exodus: Know God, F…
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You can fulfill the purpose God designed for you and embrace your true self! Even if you feel lost, you can be found in Him. Remember, you are not self-made; we all struggle with understanding who we are and who God is. The key point is this: God sees you, hears you, and knows you better than you know yourself. Allow Him to define your identity. Yo…
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Joseph died in Egypt and made his descendants promise to take his bones to the Promised Land. While he didn't see all of God's promises fulfilled in his lifetime, he trusted in God's faithfulness, right down to his very bones. If God doesn’t answer your prayers as you wish, remember that His goodness isn’t determined by your circumstances—He is goo…
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A "Vayigash" moment (Hebrew for "he approached") presents us with a choice: to draw near to God or to retreat. These moments cannot be created by us; only God can bring them into our lives. If you feel distant from God, ask Him for a Vayigash moment so you can feel His presence. He desires closeness with you. The same principle applies to our relat…
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The book of Ruth concludes with a genealogy that traces the lineage to King David. For a thousand years, the people of Israel awaited a figure who would sit on David's throne forever. The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes David's significance and reveals that Yeshua, his descendant, is the One for whom Israel had been waiting. The King has finally arriv…
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God is The Source of Blessing
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29:03Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Throughout the Scriptures, He is known as our Goel, or Redeemer. Blessings are not based on whether you deserve them; instead, they are available to everyone from any nation who surrenders to the God of Israel and recognizes that all blessings come from Him. Be sure to watch "God is the Source of Bless…
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We don’t wrestle with God; we wrestle with fear. You need to stop wrestling with fear because if you don’t, God may show up and punch you in the groin, just like He did with Jacob! Instead of fighting fear, trust that while you wait for God to change your circumstances, He is also working to change you. We often resist change and try to protect our…
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The model we are meant to emulate—the original image of God—is Yeshua, our Messiah, who is also the King of Israel. He is a true Israelite, descended from Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah, Judah and Tamar, David and Bathsheba, and Joseph and Miriam. Yeshua represents the connection between heaven and earth in human form. He stan…
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Many people are familiar with only a sanitized, children's version of the Bible, which often omits themes like murder, deception, sex, and jealousy. When we compare ourselves to biblical heroes, we forget they are human too, reflecting our own sins and need for God. Watch "Expectant Patience" to learn the significance of waiting for the Lord to act…
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Rivkah, a Gentile from a non-chosen people, was called to leave her familiar life to help perpetuate Abraham's family and share in the blessing. She recognized her source of help. In times of hopelessness, remember that the ultimate helper, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, is always there. Stay open to the unexpected ways in which help can come. Watc…
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God prepares us for success by guiding us through failure, as seen in His relationship with Abraham during the Binding of Isaac. Abraham's struggles strengthened his faithfulness as God's covenant partner. While God is committed to His plans for us, we often distract ourselves by trying to create our own versions of Eden. Instead of trying to contr…
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God's first speach to Abraham includes a promise to make him a great nation while his wife is barren. God is the only one who can speak things into being! Life from non-life. He has already done it many times from Creation, to the flood, to the tower of Babylon, to the family of Abraham and he wants to do speak life over you with an invitation into…
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We are all human, created in God's image and infused with His breath. Humanity is unique, designed to bring goodness into a world filled with darkness and chaos. Understanding the image of God is crucial in our study of the Torah, as it influences how we treat everyone. Watch this week’s message to learn how to balance our beliefs with compassion, …
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On Sukkot’s final day, all nations will celebrate Yeshua as King. Worshipers in Jerusalem will be blessed with rain, while others will go without. Water is vital for life, and God controls it. The river of the water of life is free for all who are thirsty. We can joyfully draw from it, assured that our King, Yeshua the Messiah, provides what we nee…
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In life, we strive to let God's provision guide us. While we can rely on our gifts and determination, it’s essential to recognize God as the King of our lives. He understands the past, present, and future. He knows when markets fluctuate, who will win elections, and when storms will come and go. He has numbered all the days of our lives. Therefore,…
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On Yom Kippur, we read the book of Jonah and fast to open ourselves to spiritual renewal through repentance, confession, and atonement. It's about dying to self to find new life in Yeshua. We must let go of pride, arrogance, and unhealthy relationships. This process is not about physical death, but about allowing God to create new life within us. W…
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The Saturday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is called "Shabbat Shuvah" or "The Sabbath of Return." It's a time for everyone to return to God. Jewish people return to the God of our Fathers, while Gentiles return to the God of Israel. As we return, we're amazed by God’s loyal love in our relationship with Him and how it affects our relationshi…
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As followers of Yeshua, let's prioritize living with godliness, respect, and integrity. Let's aim to be known for our character, excellence in work, love for our families, and care for others. We must acknowledge that we are sinners and seek repentance, redemption, and forgiveness. We are a congregation of “great, desperate sinners” leading other “…
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Unconditional Meaningfulness
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27:40Life is not meaningless; it is like "vapor." Finding meaning is challenging, but your life, work, relationships, and impact all matter. Watch "Unconditional Meaningfulness" and let us show you how to stop trying to control the things you cannot control and how to enjoy all that God has given you! Link: #thehap…
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Every Setback is a Chance to Comeback
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28:21David is known as "a man after God's own heart" not because he never sinned, but because he always repented. True repentance leads to real change in your life. It means being open to correction and taking responsibility for your actions. Watch "Every Setback is a Chance to Comeback" and learn how you can be a person after God's own heart! Link: htt…
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As the High Holy Days approach, we reflect on how God established a place for us in His space and how Yeshua took on human form to enter our space. Join us in preparing for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, and watch the message "Know God & Be Known By God." Link: #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messiani…
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In Judaism, Shabbat was the first thing made holy by God. This month, we prepare for the High Holy Days: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. These are days that we treat as holy, just like Shabbat. Join us as we focus on Teshuvah, the act of returning to God, and allow us to guide you towards these important "Cathedrals in Time." Link: https://r…
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It can be difficult to accept that we have both good and bad within us. Embracing this mix inside of us helps us accept it in others, especially in our friendships. We all need real, lasting friendships that help us navigate life and faith. Watch "Living Wisely with Friends" to learn more about the importance of friendship! Link: https://restoratio…
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Living Wisely with Correction
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30:51A mark of wisdom is the ability to receive and consider correction. A fool rebukes correction and hates the one who brings it instead of facing what needs to be corrected in ourselves. Watch "Living Wisely with Correction" and learn how to be open to the kind of correction that is painful and healing at the same time. Link: https://restoration.subs…
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Our words have a powerful impact, and it's essential to use them wisely. Gossip and slander are forms of evil speech, which Yeshua and the Talmud emphasize as significant sins. By being mindful of our words and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can learn to be more careful with our words. We would love to show you how in this week’s message, "Li…
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Living Wisely With Conflict
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35:00We all need wisdom in navigating life, relationships, finances, our words, and how to receive instruction. In Part two of our series Living Wisely, Pastor Trent Siverson, helps us learn how to navigate conflict with wisdom from Proverbs. Link: #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #Jew…
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We all need wisdom in navigating life, relationships, finances, our words, and how to receive instruction. What we will find in the book of Proverbs is that anyone can become wise, and it begins by searching for wisdom. In part 1 we talk about how to live wisely with money! Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #r…
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In Part 5 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Aybars Uckun talks about the Torah portion Pinchas in a message called “The Zealot.” Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattlePar Aybars Uckun
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In Part 4 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Aybars Uckun talks about the Torah portion from Numbers 22 in a message called “The Prideful Prophet.” Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattlePar Aybars Uckun
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In Part 3 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Jevon Washington encourages us with a message called “When You Return.” Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattlePar Jevon Washington
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The Wisdom of Words & Wonder
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34:42In Part 2 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Jevon Washington shows us “The Wisdom of Words & Wonder.” Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattlePar Jevon Washington
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In Part 1 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Aybars Uckun shows us how we can "Keep Calm & Trust God." Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattlePar Aybars Uckun
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The book of Ruth ends with a genealogy that leads to King David. For 1000 years, Israel waited for someone who would come and sit on David's throne forever. The Gospel of Matthew highlights David's importance and shows that Yeshua, his son, is the One Israel was waiting for. The King has finally arrived! Watch "Filled Full," the final message in ou…
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God is the Source of Blessing
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27:44There is nothing that can keep you from the love of God. This is why He is referred to as our Goel (redeemer) throughout the Scriptures. Blessings don’t come because you do or don’t deserve them. Blessings are available to everyone, from any nation, who surrenders to the God of Israel and acknowledges that all blessings come from God. Watch part 5 …
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What if instead of trying to make plans to protect and care for yourself, you commit yourself to the One who can care for you much better – Yeshua your Messiah? God has been directing your steps all throughout your story, and it is time to submit yourself to His timing, not your own. Watch "Man Plans & God Directs" part 4 of Ruth today! Link: https…
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Work As Worship - Ruth Part 3
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31:56Every job and project offers opportunities to worship God through our work, to enjoy His blessings, and to give thanks for all the good that comes from our work. Do not worry, and do not be afraid. The King has given us His Kingdom, and when we work for the glory of God, He will provide everything we need in this Tov Meod (very Good) creation. Watc…
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Conspiracy of Kindness - Ruth Part 2
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24:37There are two types of Chesed (loyal love) in the Bible: Chesed in relationship to God and Chesed in relationship to other people. We often desire kindness and mercy for ourselves, but justice for other people. There is nothing God wants more than to pour out His Chesed on those who know they don’t deserve it. When you know you don’t deserve it, an…
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Famine to Fullnes - Ruth Part 1
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34:58The Book of Ruth is not a fairy tale. The characters are not one-dimensional moral characters in a fairy tale. It's not a romantic comedy. Instead, it's a real, painful, sorrowful story that follows the tragedies of the book of Judges and leads to the story of King David, and ultimately to Yeshua our Messiah, a perfect savior who comes through a br…
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Nothing New Happened in Acts Chapter Two
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29:33Christians often believe the "Church" began in Acts 2, but it started at Mt Sinai when Israel gathered to receive the Torah. Acts 2 is the fulfillment of God's promises to the Jewish people twice, on Shavuot, 1500 years apart, with the giving of the Torah and the Holy Spirit. To learn more, watch "Nothing New Happened in Acts Chapter Two!" Link: ht…
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In 1 Timothy 6, Paul advises the rich to accumulate wealth through good deeds, generosity, and sharing. He warns against trusting in riches and encourages them to trust in God who provides everything so that we can share it with others. Our last message in our series "The Good Fight" might just change your life if you tune in! Link: https://restora…
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To understand the death and resurrection of Jesus, you must understand the sacrificial system and the Passover Lamb. This Passover, discover how Yeshua is our Passover Lamb. Link: #Passover #Pesach #PassoverLamb #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle…
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Passover & A God Who Keeps Promises
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29:06"Promise" refers to something that will happen in the future. It is not possible to promise something that has already taken place in the past. Unfortunately, we have had experiences with broken promises. However, we know that God never breaks His promises. He made promises to our ancestors, and although they did not always see the fulfillment of t…
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Restoration presents this free Video Messianic Passover Guide which is now available on the Restoration App, Facebook, and YouTube. You can use it at your home and share it with your friends. It is the third-best seder ever, after Moses and Yeshua, and it will take less than an hour! Passover begins at sundown on April 22 and ends sundown on April …
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