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If you are a job seeker, you may or may not know there is an automated system standing in between you and that next great job. The Applicant Tracking System, or ATS. However, what most people don't understand is exactly what the ATS is, how it works, and what you need to do so you make it through this stage of the process and move on to human revie…
Furlough Scheme and Unfair Dismissal: Handley v Tatenhill Aviation Ltd No obligation to furlough employees as an alternative to redundancy. The employment tribunal held that the employer's decision to make a flight instructor redundant during a cash flow crisis, rather than keep him on furlough, was fair.…
Solicitors Tribunal: Lying during a job interview. A solicitor who lied to an agency and a prospective employer about her previous job has been struck off the roll and ordered to pay £2,000 costs.
Dismissal for Social Media, Misuse: Spence v Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd. The tribunal decisions concerning the dismissal of employees for social media activities.
Dismissal For Social Media Misuse: Livesey v Slater and Gordon (UK) 1 Ltd The tribunal decisions concerning the dismissal of employees for social media activities.
If you are considering the different type of law firm for your training contract we have broken these down into 4 main types: Regional / National Magic Circle High Street US & Transatlantic
Could you lose your job for having an Onlyfans account? Recently Hollyoaks star Sarah Jayne Dunn has had to leave the soap after launching her #OnlyFans account. For those who have been living under a rock. OnlyFans, is a subscription-based website where people pay money to view content, and has become well known across the internet since the start…
This year terms such as flexible working and hybrid working have become increasingly more attractive ways of working to employees. But what in particular does hybrid mean and what does it mean to employees and employers?
With changes coming into place from 2021 in the way solicitors qualify. Information on applying for Training Contract's (TC's) is still relevant despite the introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE). Many firms will still want their trainees to complete a significant period of work experience. Initially both the new and current system wi…