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show episodes
Welcome to Her Story Podcast. Expect nuggets of wisdom, candid conversations, and be inspired by the women who share the 'extraordinary' of their ordinary daily lives. Son Histoire à Elle Un balado bilingue qui met en valeur non seulement le succès des femmes du Québec, mais aussi leur vies de tout les jours.
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Le podcast qui vous fait réfléchir et approfondir les sujets qui font l'actualité, de la politique à la culture, en passant par l'environnement au sport. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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show series
Dans son dernier film, The Fabelmans, Steven Spielberg nous raconte son enfance, et sa découverte du cinéma. Véritable lettre d'amour au cinéma, ce film illustre également la magie de l'art. Voilà alors un texte inspiré de ce film, autour de l'art et de ses effets. ----- Épisode écrit, réalisé et produit par Dorian Vidal. Retrouvez le texte origina…
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Dans un système politique qui pousse à l'affrontement les Démocrates et les Républicains, quelle place pour ceux qui se disent "indépendants" ? Retour sur la décision de Kyrsten Sinema, Sénatrice au Congrès, et sur la réalité, et complexité, politique des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. ----- Épisode écrit, réalisé et produit par Dorian Vidal. Retrouvez le …
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En 2020, le monde entier était choqué par les morts de Breonna Taylor, et de George Floyd. En réponse, et partout dans le monde, des citoyens sont descendus dans les rues pour affirmer leur colère, et leur soutien aux victimes. Le mouvement Black Lives Matter faisait alors les unes des journaux, et l’on se voyait espérer du changement. Malheureusem…
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À 35 ans, Kendrick Lamar fait déjà partie des grands noms de la musique, accumulant succès populaire et succès critique. Son dernier album, Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers, nous plonge dans son intimité, et nous fait réfléchir. Le poète californien réussie une nouvelle fois à trouver les bons mots pour aborder les maux de la société contemporaine. Ép…
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À 38 ans, et après 20 saisons au plus haut niveau, LeBron James est le nouveau meilleur marqueur de l'histoire de la NBA. Voilà alors un épisode inspiré par son tir, désormais historique, et son exploit, digne des grands noms du sport moderne. ----- Épisode écrit, réalisé et produit par Dorian Vidal. Retrouvez le texte original et les sources sur l…
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A year into this pandemic, we look ahead and we realize that there is still a long way to go. I can’t help to think about the front line workers and how much they’ve been carrying on their shoulders. If you’re anything like me you’ve been curious about how they’ve been coping, how they’ve been continuing on. I’ve wondered a lot about the situation …
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Pendant plus d'un mois, je me suis coupé des réseaux sociaux (Twitter, Instagram et Snapchat). Dans ce nouvel épisode du podcast, je vous explique pourquoi et quelles sont les conclusions que je tire de cette expérience. Essayez de rester jusqu'à la fin pour une petite surprise ;) Le lien du transcript et des suggestions : https://lebreaksite.wordp…
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In this episode I invited my dear friend Benita Bailey up to the mic and she stepped up brilliantly. Benita is a an actor in theatre, film/tv and also the creator and host of a new show called Yell It! that is gaining momentum across Canada and Germany. I was so delighted to be able to have her on the show, nestled in between trips to Germany and m…
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My next guest needs no introduction. But I’m going to introduce her anyways cause that’s what I do here on the show. If you’ve been in Montreal for long enough you’ll recognize her voice as a broadcaster on CBC’s the Bridge and the Arts and Culture contributor on Daybreak. She’s a regular panelist on like, every panel in town, she’s a hip hop artis…
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Hair. It's political, it holds power, trauma, our little girl memories in it's coils as tightly as we hold our identities to our hearts. That's why talking with Abisara Machold was such an exciting experience for me, especially being the owner of one of my favorite places in Montreal. She is a queen, and I definitely had a fan girl moment interview…
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I had so much fun in this one. Dayane and Aiza Ntibarikure joined me and shared some wise life tips and how to live big celebrate the sh*t out of everything. If you haven't heard yet singer/songwriter Aiza is pretty much a Canadian star in the music industry and Dayane has worked across Canada, onscreen and onstage as a director, actor and creator …
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Actress, singer, producer, mentor, creator, and mother Mariah Inger joins me on the podcast as part of the Black Voices Matters series. Mariah has a very strong voice & screen presence and had some very poignant thoughts about racism, and how it has been affecting her and her community. We go deep into representation in media and how important this…
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Depuis les morts de Breonna Taylor et George Floyd, qui ont choqué le monde entier, le mouvement Black Lives Matter est revenu au centre de l'actualité. Partout sur le globe, des manifestations importantes ont pris place, et ce mouvement lancé il y a maintenant sept ans est devenu récemment le plus important de l'histoire des États-Unis. Ce qui est…
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Shanice Nicole is back. Go back and listen to my first interview with her on the SEX series. This time we are talking about coming back to the body in times of crisis. Some of the ways she does it may delightfully tickle you! Shanice Nicole Website Facebook Page Notes: Marcia Thomas of MarZen: Pre-Order her book : D…
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Membre d'un gouvernement de coalition depuis octobre 2017, Jacinda Ardern est sans doute aujourd'hui une des cheffes de gouvernements les plus suivies et louée. Supportée par une majorité de la population, elle a mis en place un programme progressiste, social et écologiste. C'est notamment sa réponse à l'attentat de Christchurch et sa gestion de la…
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Depuis 2016, Rodrigo Duterte dirige les Philippines d'une main de fer. Élu avec 39 % des suffrages, et aujourd'hui supporté par plus de la majorité de la population, il a mis en place une politique controversée. Même s'il prône des mesures sociales, progressistes et environnementalistes, le "Punisher" est plus caractérisé par son langage cru, ses d…
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Les vacances estivales débutent aujourd'hui, il y aura donc une baisse dans la production des podcasts. Ce petit épisode bonus me permet de vous souhaiter de bonnes vacances, surtout de bien vous reposer mais aussi de bien prendre soin de vous. On devrait revenir en grande forme dès août, et on espère que vous serez au rendez-vous. Bonnes vacances …
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Depuis l'irruption du covid-19 dans le monde et de la pandémie mondiale causée par ce virus, le sport est mis en pause à l'échelle globale. Si le foot reprend peu à peu en Europe, c'est plus compliqué pour les sports étasuniens, et c'est notamment le cas pour la NBA, la ligue nationale de basket, dont le retour potentiel est controversé. Avec la co…
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🎥 | Après Do The Right Thing, Malcom X ou encore BlacKkKlansman, Spike Lee nous délivre un nouvel excellent film, Da 5 Bloods. Si le Vietnam est choisi comme scène, le message est encore le même, et est plus que jamais, en lien avec l'actualité. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 🌐 L'articl…
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Dans ce 5e épisode du podcast, nous revenons sur les mouvements qui ont suivi la mort de George Floyd. Ces manifestations ne faiblissent pas depuis deux semaines maintenant, dans la plupart des villes mondiales, et des changements semblent arriver. Mais, avec la remise en question de la présence de statues et symboles du passé raciste de notre soci…
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La colère contre le racisme est maintenant prédominante, et les rues de la plupart des villes du monde en sont le théâtre. Le meurtre de George Floyd commis par un officier de la police aura été la goutte de trop, dans un verre qui était déjà bien rempli. Voilà le sujet du nouvel épisode du podcast, "Le meurtre de trop". Bonne écoute -> lebreaksite…
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Si la justice française a réussi à faire plier Amazon pendant cette crise, et ainsi forcer le géant à suspendre ses activités jusqu'à maintenant, la gestion n'est pas la même globalement. Et aux Etats-Unis, de nombreux employés ont été licenciés pour avoir voulu se faire entendre. Retrouvez l'article complet :…
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Si le confinement prend officiellement fin ce 11 mai en France, il est tout de même conseillé de rester chez soi – si possible – et de limiter ses sorties au minimum. Puisque la crise sanitaire est bien loin d’être passée, il est préférable de rester chez soi. Et pour mieux passer le temps, nous avons décidé de vous conseiller des œuvres pour vous …
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Le coronavirus, virus devenu pandémie mondiale en l'espace de quelques mois, est en train de bouleverser l'organisation mondiale, que ce soit au niveau humanitaire, politique ou économique. Il est clair aujourd'hui que nous ne sommes pas tous égaux face à la maladie, et la gestion de certains dirigeants peut soulever des questions. C'est notamment …
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In the entertainment industry there is a certain position that is highly underrated, unrecognized in all the award ceremonies and no one really gives out major accolades to, yet people who are in this position have the ability to change someone’s life, overnight. The casting director. They are somewhat of the intermediate between the actors & produ…
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*Cet épisode est bilingue * This episode is bilingual in French and English Do you know about the business of death here in Quebec? Connaissez-vous la procedure, qui vous devez contactez apres la mort de quelqu'un. Connaissez vous vos droits en tant que parenté de la personne qui est morte. I had no idea about the legislation of death until Marie-P…
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In certain lineages of Buddhism one important meditation is that if death. Meditating on death can be an albeit peculiar way of appreciating this earthly life. I’ve been wanting to talk more deeply about the subject for a very long time perhaps as a way to prepare for the inevitable, perhaps as a way to find some succour and beauty in the greatest …
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Welcome to the 2nd season of Her Story! We are kicking off 2020 with a series on Death & Dying. In certain lineages of Buddhism one important meditation is that if death. Meditating on death can be an albeit peculiar way of appreciating this earthly life. I’ve been wanting to talk more deeply about the subject for a very long time perhaps as a way …
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Welcome to The Travel Issue! HerStory travels. I happened to be in New Zealand** accompanying my latest guest PL Summersett Patricia Summersett on her comicon journey. If you don't know by now, Patricia voiced the iconic Nintendo videogame character of Zelda. This is huge because it is the first time ever that Zelda has had a voice so to speak. Pat…
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I was thrilled to have my friend Emily Gan on the podcast. Emily is a filmmaker who recently made some waves at the Hot Docs Festival. She won the Emerging Canadian Filmmaker award with her documentary Cave Birds and will be screened here in Montreal next week. The film follows her father who invested in a swiftlet bird nest business in Malaysia (r…
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Amadea Kezar runs the ASK Physiothérapie clinic on Green and St-Catherine's in Montreal and she invited me to her office so that we could talk about all things pelvis. The pelvis is essentially at the receiving end of the brain and nervous system so there is no wonder that our pelvic muscles and organs, genitals and evacuation system are entirely a…
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You know when you've just sat down to have a conversation with someone and very shortly into the conversation you realize you're in the presence of someone so knowledgeable and really cool and you wonder where you put the cocktails cause you know the conversation is going to be mind-blowing? Well, as soon as Shanice Nicole came in, I had a feeling …
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I had a very informative conversation with Jennifer Drummond aka JD who is the coordinator Concordia University Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC). The work that her and her colleagues are doing is elemental, especially in a university setting. She answered my questions on the kind of counselling they do for victims of sexual assault and harassm…
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The Parlour Project has made it's grand debut in Montreal and the woman behind this multi-media performance is one of the most open hearted women I have encountered. Artist Amber Dawn pours her heart out with all honesty and beauty sharing with us her experience building this massive art project, from the ground up, inspired by her past as a sex wo…
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When I sat down with Dawn Mauricio, I thought: ''wow, I could just hang out with this woman forever.'' She's the type of woman with boundless energy but knows exactly where to direct it and how to harness it. From a basketball playing bigger brother pleasing little girl to a woman who has built a business teaching yoga and meditation pretty much al…
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Let it be said, Kimberley Manning has coined the term "The Politics of Presence" on this podcast! As we speak Kim is running for Liberal Nomination in Montreal's West Island. This woman is on fire with bright ideas; there seems to be no end to her passion for public policy, progressive change, activism and advocacy. She spoke about her role of prin…
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THE Jessica Lanyadoo was so kind and generous with her time in Montreal and sat down with me to answer some questions about astrology but mainly questions about herself and how she navigates this big bad world. She spoke openly about how she communicates with the dead, and how once she surrendered to her gifts as a medium and psychic was she able t…
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Elena Jennifer Montecalvo was my last guest in the Her Story Mother's Day Series where all month I have been speaking with mothers who have shared the ups and downs, their fears and hopes, the details of their fatigue & their triumphs, basically their lives inside and out of motherhood. After years of knowing that her son was autistic, Elena spiral…
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Cette semaine je parle avec Catherine Bérubé...oui! LA Catherine Bérubé qui a joué dans Sophie Paquin, 19-2, District 31, Les Jeunes Loups, etc. But we are not really talking about her illustrious career as an actor, we are broaching the less glamorous subject of being a new mother and the seesaw ride of wanting to be at work but also needing to be…
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This week I sat down with the mother of all mothers, my mom, Diana Greig Stavert. Diana Greig Stavert has over 30 years of mothering experience and at 70 years old, sure has a story to tell. We went on a journey from learning how to produce maple syrup in her back yard in the 1950's to the challenges of being a working woman in the 60's and deliver…
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Ceci est le premier épisode de la série de la fête des mères. Durant le mois de mai je parlerai avec des mamans de tout les âges. On this episode I sat down with Alba Gil, filmmaker, yoga teacher, mother to a 4 year old boy. Alba created the successful Family Yoga program at Naada Yoga in Montreal's Mile End. We talk about her immigration to Canada…
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I really want you to listen to this one. Pour your bevvie of choice, lay/sit down, and listen up! Liz has some stuff to stay and it is empowering, inspiring and surprisingly optimistic. Liz is a writer, director, producer, & founder of Dépanneur Films. She also works with a local social organization doing street work with youth. I was blown away by…
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In this episode I speak with Joy Ross Jones. Besides being a theatre educator, performer, activist she is incredibly eloquent, intelligent and nuanced. Her Venezuelan upbringing gives us first hand insight on the crisis and how growing up in Venezuela has influenced her creative process. Joy was beautifully vulnerable about the notions of beauty an…
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We go madly off in all directions in this one...Katharina is a force! From the moment we begin to the end, Katharina speaks candidly about her career as a model and model booking agent. She gives us a glimpse into the fashion world that can sometimes seem so confounding but Katharina is honest and refreshing. We veer off into topics like bullying, …
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If you need a little inspiration and encouragement on how to stay motivated and inspired in an artistic career, this episode is for you. Dayane Ntibarikure talks about her mentorship work, trusting yourself and being ok with not being ok. Elle partage avec nous ses habitudes de vie qui la gardent bien ancrée et positive. La conversation a aussi tra…
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I spoke with actress, creator and trans-rights activist Pascale Drevillon. We talked about her experience with body dysphoria as a young child and adolescent to how she got to where she is now. Her trajectory is anything but ordinary. Pascale nous raconte son expérience à Cannes, et pourquoi c'est important pour elle d'explorer l'au-delà de sa femi…
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