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Small Things Big Difference: Thoughts
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Listen as pastor Russell Falls off of a Hover board while trying to preach! Then, we begin the discussion of the small things in our life that can have big impact on our day to day life. Meditate on God and his plans for your life. Don't focus on your own sometimes negative view of yourself.
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What can God add to your life if you subtract something else?
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Kaleo ordains five men to have new leadership positions in the church, and looks at the biblical definition of church leadership found in Titus.
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We are all working to become who we are meant to be, leaving the ways of our old life and moving to the new being God has created us to become. Changing from the dragon that were into the compassionate person he can make us into.
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This week at Kaleo we kick off our new Series, "I Heart my Church" with the question; Do you simply love God or are you in love with him?
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Bad things happen and we realize we aren't good enough. No one knows what to do until we realize ...but God. He is always there with his plan and purpose to save us from our own mistakes.
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The advantages of the christian faith are explained here by Paul as the being those entrusted with the oracles of God. What does this mean though, and how do we go about being responsible with this honor?
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Nature of Condemnation Continued
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Romans 2:12-29 shows the introduction of the "all have sinned and fall short of God" concept. Then, it brings in the true redemption source in our lives.
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We are called to live together in community. This means that we must truly show ourselves to one another. Are we putting on a show on the outside but truly hurting to live the way we are called? Today we look at how to use the judgement of God to Realize our Faults and Repent of our sin.
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Our culture is filled with all types of sin and suffering that we must combat in some way but it is not our job to throw stones, we are called to love all people. As the church we have failed. Hate and judgement have become what Christians are known for and this must stop.
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Gods Righteous Wrath Revealed
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Romans 1:18-23 Gods revelation of his divine nature to all people, and looking at how this affects our beliefs and actions.
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The necessary beliefs to our faith in Jesus Christ. We must not be ashamed of our faith, we must simply accept it and proclaim it!
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The second sermon in the Romans series. Focusing on Romans 1:8, and the idea of a great church.
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It is ok to not be ok, its just not ok to stay that way! Jesus has called us to something better than the way we are.
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Guest Preacher Rick Julian shares what it is like to be on the outside looking in.
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The invitation of the church is not to come and be like us but to come and see Jesus.
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Chosen to serve, called to a party, invited into the family. No better invitation exists than the call of God to His people.
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Those closest to the King are not the guests but those who do His will. He is inviting us into a deeper relationship that outsiders.
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How would you respond if you were invited to the biggest party of all time? Jesus describes the kingdom of God as a party that we are invited to. Listen to how you can join the celebration God has planned.
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All you take from this life is the love you give while here. How do we invest in the one thing that matters for eternity?
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Life will throw many things in your way to keep you from God's agenda. Listen as we discuss two common obstacles and the One solution.
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Foundational teaching of who Jesus is.
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The Bible teaches that Jesus is currently doing two things, building His church and praying for you.
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The gospel is about God choosing mankind to be part of His forever family. Knowing your identity helps to set the Father's agenda.
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God's plan for our lives involves uniting ourselves with others. How are your gifts, skills and areas of enthusiasm helping others grow toward God?
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What will you do with what God has entrusted to you?
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God holds those called by His name to a higher standard. Together we can follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit to bring the glory of Jesus to all people without showing partiality.
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God is a good Father and a great King. The way relate to Him in obedience and sacrifice show how we think of Him. Learn with us how to make the Lord famous in all the Earth.
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Return: The Love of the Lord
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The message of all the prophets continues to be Return to The Lord. Together we can learn to give Jesus the honor and glory He is due.
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Who has permission to help you make wise choices. We all need people in our lives who can call us on our sin and stooped decisions.
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The people you call friend have the most influence over the direction of your life. Don't be stoopid, choose your friends wisely.
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Sometimes there are places wisdom keeps us from going. Learn how to draw wise boundaries before temptation moves you toward immorality.
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Stoopid Part 2: Musical Chairs
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The author of proverbs warns against the simple, the fool, and the mocker. God has challenged us to go beyond what everyones does and be wise!
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Stoopid Part 1: The new standard
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We have all done some stupid things. God desires us to be wise. join us as we explore Proverbs and learn about God's new standard for our lives.
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Sometimes we allow past mistakes to define our current relationships. Jesus teaches us we are not rejected because of our past but loved because He writes our future.
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How to win and keep a Spouse
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God's word has some very specific examples of how to succeed in finding a mate. Once you found them keep following these examples to keep the love alive.
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God has given us the power to influence those around us with our words. The words you speak into your marriage will either build it up or tear it down.
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All Christians are called to connect people to their Heavenly Father. The words of Jesus give us a model for sharing our faith as well as the motivation.
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2014 is not time for resolutions, it is time for a revolution. A time for all of us to look at what God has called us to do and throw off anything that would impede our calling. 2014: Live Like You're Called!
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All families look different but the thing we have in common is we all fight and experience conflict. The Bible gives us the solution to solving conflict in our lives and it is not as difficult as you might think.
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