Sales Wounds™ are a set of 6 self-limiting beliefs - what I call Primary Sales Wounds™ - that take us off our path of being fully and authentically our selves. They are a description of the ways in which forces outside of ourselves have, throughout our lives, made us feel unseen, unsupported and even unsafe; and the coping mechanisms we’ve developed in response. Each Sales Wound™ has a different set of symptoms, or a characteristic pattern of how it shows up in our business or in our life. T ...
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The core self-limiting belief of The Visibility Wound™ is “If I succeed, people will SEE me, perhaps for the first time. And I’m obviously not ready for that.” The fear that drives this wound is a deep, generalized anxiety of not being good enough - and all the horrible, ego-destroying consequences that you’re afraid would result if you put yoursel…
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This wound is by far the darkest; and because of that I feel I need to offer a trigger warning right now. If you’re somebody who feels deeply resentful about the things that you’ve been forced to do - or that others have been - because of systems that are broken, unequal, prejudiced, toxic, etc - then please listen to this episode with some caution…
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Sales Wounds 3 and 4: The Selling Wound™ and the Anti-Selling Wound™
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11:45In this episode, we’re talking about two wounds that are closely related to each other because they exist on a continuum. They are Sales Wound #3 the Selling Wound™, and Sales Wound #4 the Anti-Selling Wound™. The Selling Wound™ is about the urge to force yourself on your customers, whereas the Anti-Selling Wound™ is about the utter refusal to do a…
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In this episode, we’re talking about Sales Wound #2, which is the Love & Money Wound™. The core self-limiting belief of this Wound is, “Love & money are wrapped up together in many of my most intimate relationships, both present and past. So money is never just about money, and love is never just about love. To get one, especially in abundance, I m…
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The core self-limiting belief of the Money Wound™ is, “I want money – or the things money can buy – but I’m also pretty scared of it. So I’m just not going to think about money, or deal with it in any way.” If you suffer from this Wound, you fear money itself (either having it, or not having it). Or at least, you fear the power that this super powe…
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Sales Wounds™ are a set of 6 primary self-limiting beliefs that take us off our path of being fully and authentically ourselves. They are a description of the ways in which forces outside of ourselves have - throughout our lives - made us feel unseen, unsupported, and even unsafe. As well as the coping mechanisms that we have developed in response.…
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