Podcasts for GCSE & A-Level Religious Studies.
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Crucifixion Judgement and Life After Death (with particular reference to beliefs about Hell) YOU ALSO NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BIBLE Hajj (The Pilgrimage to Makkah - the final Pillar of Islam) Sawm (Fasting during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan) YOU ALSO NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SHI'A FESTIVAL OF ASHURA…
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Christianity (Beliefs and Teachings)
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14:32Christianity (Beliefs and Teachings) The Nature of God The Problem of Evil The Trinity Creation Jesus The Crucifixion The Word and the Spirit in Creation The Ascension The Resurrection Salvation Atonement Interpretations of the Creation Story Eschatological Beliefs Judgement
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Religious Language and the Falsification Principle
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10:07Flew, Mitchell, Hare, invisible gardeners, paranoid students, and La Resistance...
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Religious Language and the Verification Principle
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17:40Wittgenstein, AJ Ayer, The Vienna Circle, John Hick, a Celestial City, and whether or not that's a duck, or a rabbit... https://i2.wp.com/www.learningspy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/duck-rabbit.jpg Open the image at the link above and have it handy for when you're asked to look at the Duck-Rabbit, please. :-)…
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The Idea of God - from where do philosophers say humanity might have got our idea of the Divine?
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33:58The Idea of God - from where do philosophers say humanity might have got our idea of the Divine?
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This Podcast considers the nature of the Qur'an and its place in Islam as a source of authority. It includes thoughts about the way in which The Revelation was compiled into the physical book which we know today, how The Qur'an acts as a guide for Muslim worship, and the way in which The Qur'an is interpreted in order to identify Allah's will and i…
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For BMS Students this Podcast relates to the content of a previous GCSE Course (so the unit numbers, 1.1, 1.2, etc. don't mean anything), but the content is still valid and useful for your understanding of how Islam works.
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Introduction to the 5 Pillars of Islam
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18:23Introduction to the 5 Pillars of Islam
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God, Angels, Prophets, and Judgement.
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13:12Some more complex ideas about some of the Six Articles of Faith in Sunni Islam.
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Problem of Evil - A means to an end: Ivan Karamazov's final protest.
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Problem of Evil - Swinburne and Hamilton
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Problem of Evil - The Best Possible World
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Problem of Evil - Irenaeus and John Hick
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Problem of Evil - Alvin Plantinga and the Free Will Defence
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The Problem of Evil - Resolving the Problem
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The Problem of Evil - Pain and Suffering
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The Problem of Evil - an Introduction
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The Design Argument - Arguments from Probability (Swinburne, Mackie, and Tennant)
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The Design Argument - a Defence of the Argument
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The Design Argument - Darwin's Theory of Evolution
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Design Argument - The Principle of Causality
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Hume's Critiques of the Design Argument
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The Argument from Design - an Introduction
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Malcolm's modern version of the Ontological Argument and an overview of the topic
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Frege's response to the Ontological Argument regarding existence as a property
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Kant's objections to the Ontological Argument
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Descartes and the Ontological Argument
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Another response to Gaunilo - in defence of Anselm
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An introduction to the Ontological Argument
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Anselm and Gaunilo - Objections and Counter-objections to the Ontological Argument
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Gaunilo's Perfect Island objection to St Anselm's Ontological Argument.
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Introduction to St Anselm's Ontological Argument
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An overview of the 7 Christian Sacraments.
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Introducing worship in Christianity: Liturgical, Informal, and Individual forms of worship.
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Shari’ah Law for BMS A-Level Ep:2
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32:56Discussion of the sources of Islamic Law, the tools used to develop human understanding of Allah’s will, and the Schools of Law (Madhabs).
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Shari’ah Law for BMS A Level - Ep:1
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25:28An overview of the scope of the Shariah, and comparison with secular (non-religious law), and initial discussion of the sources of Islamic Law.
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RS GCSE Component 3 - Islam, Practices
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17:24Revision notes for Component 3 - Islam (Practice). Key and other useful words; Shahadah; Salah; types of worship; Zakah; Sawm; Hajj; Greater and Lesser Jihad.
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Capital punishment The punishment of death for a crime Conflict A disagreement between ideas or people Deterrence The prevention of criminal behaviour through fear, especially of punishment Human Rights Rights which are believed to belong to everybody Jihad The spiritual struggle within oneself against sin and in defence of Islam Just War A war tha…
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AgeismPrejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's ageCivil RightsThe rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equalityGood SamaritanA compassionate person who unselfishly helps others, especially strangersDiscriminationActs of treating groups of people, or individuals differently based on prejudiceEqualityThe state of bei…
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Supernatural - Something that cannot be explained by natural lawsAbortion - The removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive on its ownDeath - The irreversible loss of lifeDouble Effect - If doing something morally good has a morally bad side-effect it's ethically ok to do it providing the bad side-effect wasn't intendedEuthanasia - A …
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Ahimsa The principle of non-violenceAtman The eternal soulAvatar A earthly form of God Dharma The duties every living thing hasKarma The actions which affect rebirth/The law of cause and effectMandir A Hindu temple/place of worshipMoksha The goal of every Hindu/Breaking the cycle of samsaraMurti A representation of a god or goddessPuja Worship of a…
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EDUQAS GCSE RS Component 1: Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World: Themes 1-4 keywords
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Study of Religion Keywords
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