JAXA's Space Education Center provides two types of Podcast: the "Seven Wonders Series," compiled of seven one-minute interviews in multiple languages, and the "JAXA Space and Astronautical Science Podcast series," which features fun and informative long-form interviews to scientists and other key JAXA staff in English. The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of JAXA as an organization.
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The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets
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The Seven Wonders of Planetary Defense
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Il più vicino è un esopianeta che orbita intorno alla stella Proxima Centauri.La luce, che è la cosa più veloce nell’universo, impiega 4 anni ad arrivare aProxima Centari. I nostri razzi viaggiano molto più lentamente della luce equindi, con la tecnologia di oggi, impiegheremmo 135,000 ad arrivare aProxima Centauri. Abbiamo bisogno di razzi più vel…
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Le risque d’impact d’astéroïde est en fait un sujet fascinant. Pas tellementangoissant, puisque pour l’instant nous n’avons aucune menace, maisfascinant, parce qu’il porte sur des objets qui sont absolument excitants pourles scientifiques : ils évoluent dans un environnement qui est très différentde celui de la Terre et qui défie encore notre intui…
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Comme tous les sujets qui portent sur une menace, la communication estextrêmement importante. On peut dire très vite n’importe quoi et il faut faireattention à ce que le public comprenne ce que l’on dit et puisse comprendresi la menace est réelle ou pas. Tout ça n’est pas facile, donc nous nousentrainons à communiquer avec le public cette notion de…
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Le risque d’impact d’astéroïde est un problème qui concerne le monde entier.Pour l’aborder, il faut avoir une réponse internationale coordonnée à ceproblème. C’est pour cela que l’on a mis en place, sous l’égide de l’ONU,des groupes de travail qui s’intéressent à définir une réponse coordonnée.Si un objet nous arrive dessus, qui va monter la missio…
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Se protéger de l’impact d’un astéroïde nécessite que l’on puisse faire en sorteque si un objet nous arrive dessus il évite la Terre. Pour ça, il faut définir destechniques qui permettent de dévier la trajectoire d’un astéroïde qui nousarrive dessus. Il y a plusieurs méthodes qui marchent sur le papier, certainessont d’ailleurs très élégantes, mais …
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Pour se proteger du risque d’impact, comme on dit il vaut « mieux connaitreson ennemi ». Meme si les asteroides sont plutot nos amis, mais comme iciils nous menacent on va les considerer comme un ennemi. Pour le connaitreil faut le caracteriser, c’est-a-dire comprendre quelles sont les proprietesphysiques qui constituent ces objets. Est-ce que ce s…
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Pour pouvoir se proteger du risque d’impact, il y a d’abord une chose a faire,c’est de decouvrir ces objets et de predire leur arrivee sur Terre. Cela n’estpas simple car ce sont de tous petits objets qui emettent une tres faibleluminosite, donc cela necessite une tres grande couverture du ciel. On le faitdepuis la Terre avec telescopes, et on a re…
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Je suis Patrick Michel, astrophysicien, directeur de recherche CNRS àl’Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur en France.Voici les sept merveilles de la défense planétaire.Le risque d’impact d’asteroide est l’un des moins probables mais il a dehautes consequences. Il a un avantage : c’est le seul que l’on peut predire eteviter avec des moyens raisonnabes et…
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Il più vicino è un esopianeta che orbita intorno alla stella Proxima Centauri.La luce, che è la cosa più veloce nell’universo, impiega 4 anni ad arrivare aProxima Centari. I nostri razzi viaggiano molto più lentamente della luce equindi, con la tecnologia di oggi, impiegheremmo 135,000 ad arrivare aProxima Centauri. Abbiamo bisogno di razzi più vel…
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Non esistono super-Terre intorno al sole, ma sono tra gli esopianeti piùcomuni. Ci sono molti tipi di super-terre, tra cui “grosse” Terre, o “grosse”Veneri o piccoli Nettuni, ma anche pianeti più esotici come “i pianetioceano”, interamente coperti da oceani in superficie, con molta più acqua diquanta abbiamo sulla Terra.There are no super-Earths ar…
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Non lo sappiamo con certezza, e vogliamo scoprirlo nei prossimi anni.Pensiamo sia dovuto a come si formano e alla loro storia. Per esempio,abbiamo scoperto molti “Giovi caldi” che orbitano molto vicino alla lorostella, ma si sono formati lontano e poi sono migrati successivamente.We don't know for sure, and we want to find out in the coming years. …
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The Seven Wonders of Exoplanets Ep3 How long does it take for a planet to complete an orbit aroud
Dipende da quanto è distante il pianeta dalla stella. Per esempio la terra cimette circa 365 giorni. Altri pianeti nel sistema solare ci mettono molti anniperché più distanti dal sole.Alcuni esopianeti, mettono meno di un giorno per completare un’orbitaintorno alla propria stella, e sono così caldi che le rocce in superficie sonofuse.It depends on …
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Circa 5000, ma il numero di pianeti conosciuti cresce ogni giorno. I primiesopianeti furono scoperti nel 1992 intorno ad una stella “morta”, da unoscienziato polacco e uno canadese (Wolszczan e Frail). Nel 1995 fu scopertoil primo esopianeta intorno ad una stella simile al nostro sole da duescienziati svizzeri (Mayor e Queloz), che hanno recentemen…
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Il sole è una stella, come quelle che brillano in cielo la notte. Le stelle sonofatte di idrogeno, l’elemento più comune nell’universo e sono caldissime,perché al loro interno l’idrogeno viene bruciato.Negli ultimi vent’anni abbiamo scoperto che quasi tutte le stelle hannopianeti che orbitano intorno, come fa la Terra col il nostro sole. Li chiamia…
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An Interview with Dr. Masaki Fujimoto, Deputy Director General of ISAS/JAXA
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33:33This episode features Deputy DirectorGeneral of Institute of Space Astronautical Science, Dr Fujimoto on theinternational cooperation in space science missions. The interview was recordedin August 2023 as a part of JAXA Space Education Center’s internship program.
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An interview with Dr. Lori Glaze, NASA’s Planetary Science Division Director
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32:17This episode features NASA’s Planetary Science Division Director, Dr. Lori Glaze! What is her typical day like? What is her message to the Artemis generation? And what is NASA doing next? The interview was recorded in May 2023 in Makuhari, Japan.
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1.Asteroids and Meteorites 2.Why Collect Samples from Asteroids 3.Asteroids and Water 4.Asteroids and Gold 5.Star Fossils 6.Asteroids and Dinosaurs 7.DART and beyond ▶movie&script
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1.Is Mars a planet like Earth? 2.Is or was Mars like Earth? 3.Is there life on Mars? 4.Is there water on Mars now? 5.How are we exploring Mars? 6.What are the missions of the future? 7.Can humans live on Mars? ▶movie&script
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The Seven Wonders of Mars in French #1~7
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12:181.Why is mars red? 2.Is there water on Mars? 3.Did life exist on Mars? 4.Did Martians exist? 5.Active volcanoes on Mars? 6.Should human go to Mars? 7.Are we going to Mars? ▶movie
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1.Why does the Moon shine? 2.Why can we only see one side of the Moon? 3.Why does the Moon have craters? 4.Why are there footprints on the Moon? 5.Is there water on the Moon? 6.Could humans live on the Moon? 7.Did you know that the Moon is made from the Earth? ▶movie&script
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Stephane Bonardi - on the Objective of Space Robotics, the UZUME Mission and Prospective Solar Sails, Collaboration with External Fields and Robots Helping with Societal Issues, Creating Modular Robots ...
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1:36:24Former JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Robotics Engineer Stephane Bonardi on the Objective of Space Robotics, the UZUME Mission and Prospective Solar Sails, Collaboration with External Fields and Robots Helping with Societal Issues, Creating Modular Robots at EPFL and MIT, and Finding Nature in Large Cities. Institute of Space and…
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Are we going to Mars?/人類は火星に行ける? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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Should human go to Mars?/人類は火星に行くべき? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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Active volcanoes on Mars?/火星に活火山? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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Did Martians exist?/火星人は存在したか? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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Did life exist on Mars?/火星に生命は存在したか? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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Is there water on Mars?/火星に水はあるのか? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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why is mars red?/火星はなぜ赤いのか? presented by Jean-Pierre Bibring ▶movie
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Can humans live on Mars?/人類は火星に住むことができるのか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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What are the missions of the future?/将来のミッションはどのようなものか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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How are we exploring Mars?/どうやって火星を探査するのか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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Is there water on Mars now?/今の火星に水はあるのか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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Is there life on Mars?/火星に生命はあるのか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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Is or was Mars like Earth?/火星は地球に似ているのか、あるいは似ていたのか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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Is Mars a planet like Earth?/火星は地球のような惑星なのか? presented by Bethany L. Ehlmann ▶movie ▶script
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The Seven Wonders of the Moon
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10:02An audio version of the short video series The Seven Wonders of the Moon by Associate Professor Elizabeth Tasker. If you would like to learn more about the work Elizabeth Tasker does at JAXA, please view Episode 2 of the JAXA Space and Astronautical Science Podcast. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Homepage: https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/…
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Adiwena - on International Employee Intake and Administration, Learning and Maintaining Four Languages, Making Money while Getting Healthy, Living with One Name in a Two Name Society, and Bicycle and Motorcycle ...
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1:57:13Tokyo Headquarters' Human Resources Administration Member Adiwena on International Employee Intake and Administration, Learning and Maintaining Four Languages, Making Money while Getting Healthy, Living with One Name in a Two Name Society, and Bicycle and Motorcycle Journeys. Article Mentioned About Only Having One Name: https://www.vice.com/en/art…
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Did you know that the Moon is made from the Earth? Have you ever wondered how the Moon was formed?
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Could humans live on the Moon? Humans have visited the Moon, but could we build a home there?
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Is there water on the Moon? Water is key to life on Earth, but is there also water on the Moon?
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Why are there a human footprints on the Moon? Humans have not visited the Moon for a long time. So why do footprints remain on the Moon's surface?
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Why does the Moon have craters? Why does the Moon have so many craters, but the Earth does not?
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2.Why can we only see one side of the Moon? No matter when you look, you can only see one side of the Moon from Earth. But why?
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1.Why does the Moon shine? The Moon does not create its own light, so why is it so bright?
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Ayumu Tokaji - on the Martian Moons eXploration Mission, Administration and Engineering, Long Commutes, Family Life Around the World, Working as an Actor on Japanese TV, Kabuki, Classical Ballet and Ballroom ...
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1:21:42JAXA Space Exploration Center Associate Senior Engineer Ayumu Tokaji - on the Martian Moons eXploration Mission, Administration and Engineering, Long Commutes, Family Life Around the World, Working as an Actor on Japanese TV, Kabuki, Classical Ballet and Ballroom Dancing. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Homepage: https://www.isas.jaxa.…
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Naoya Ozaki - on Space Mission Design, Engineering, DESTINY+ and the Comet Interceptor, Working at Three Space Exploration Agencies, Language Acquisition, Being a New Parent, Asteroids and Flyby Missions ...
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1:15:18Assistant Professor Naoya Ozaki on Space Mission Design, Engineering, DESTINY+ and the Comet Interceptor, Working at Three Space Exploration Agencies, Language Acquisition, Being a New Parent, Asteroids, Flyby Missions and more! Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Homepage: https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/ Research Paper ( Asteroid Flyby Cycle…
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Yu Zhou - on X-ray Astronomy, Dark Matter Halos, the Warm-hot Intergalactic Medium, Cryogenic Detectors, Questions without Answers, Litebird, From China to America to Japan, and Primordial Gravitational ...
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1:08:57X-ray astronomer Yu Zhou on X-ray Astronomy, Dark Matter Halos, the Warm-hot Intergalactic Medium, Cryogenic Detectors, Questions without Answers, Chandra (NASA), XMM Newton (ESA), Suzaku (JAXA), Litebird, From China to America to Japan, and Primordial Gravitational Waves Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Homepage: https://www.isas.jaxa.…
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Andrea Sansica - on the Future of Aircraft Manufacturing, Digital Twins, Machine Learning, Engineering Research Papers, Japanese Food, Making Music, Wind Tunnels, and Fluid Dynamics
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1:58:34Aviation Technology Directorate's Digitial IntegratedTechnology Team Aircraft Lifecycle Innovation Hub Research Scientist Andrea Sansica on the Future of Aircraft Manufacturing, Digital Twins, Machine Learning, Engineering Research Papers, Japanese Food, Making Music, Wind Tunnels, and Fluid Dynamics. Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical sy…
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