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Charles Spurgeon was a popular Baptist minister in London in mid-Victorian times; his ministry was highly influential and had a significant effect on many families in London and further afield. It was difficult to find a hall large enough to accommodate the crowd who wished to hear him. At times the Royal Surrey Gardens’ Music Hall was hired to accomodate the Sunday congregation; this could seat 10,000 but large numbers were unable to gain admittance. His world-wide heritage is very much wit ...
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HE WHO SPOKE and wrote this message will be greatly disappointed if it does not lead many to the Lord Jesus. It is sent forth in childlike dependence upon the power of God the Holy Ghost, to use it in the conversion of millions, if so He pleases. No doubt many poor men and women will take up this little volume, and the Lord will visit them with grace. To answer this end, the very plainest language has been chosen, and many homely expressions have been used. But if those of wealth and rank sh ...
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24 de outubro. Avigoram-se as árvores do SENHOR. (Salmos 104.16) Sem a seiva, uma árvore não pode florescer, nem mesmo existir. Vitalidade é essencial para o crente. Tem de existir vida - um princípio vital infundido em nós por Deus, o Espírito Santo. A simples confissão de ser crente é apenas uma coisa mortal. Ternos de ser cheios com o Espírito d…
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“Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” — Luke 22:46 When is the Christian most liable to sleep? Is it not when his temporal circumstances are prosperous? Have you not found it so? When you had daily troubles to take to the throne of grace, were you not more wakeful than you are now? Easy roads make sleepy travellers. Another …
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~ Around the Wicket Gate ~Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost Here in Chapter 4, Spurgeon demystifies the concept of faith, explaining that people mistakenly view it as something difficult when in fact it’s simple. Through relatable stories, he illustrates that faith is like accepting a gift or drinking from a fountain—it requires no effort, just […]…
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“Will ye also go away?” — John 6:67 Many have forsaken Christ, and have walked no more with Him; but what reason have YOU to make a change? Has there been any reason for it in the past? Has not Jesus proved Himself all-sufficient? He appeals to you this morning — “Have I been a wilderness unto you?” When your soul has simply trusted Jesus, have you…
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23 de Outubro. Quereis também vós... retirar-vos? (João 6.67) Muitos têm abandonado a Cristo, não mais andam com Ele. Mas, que razão têm eles para esta mudança? Há algum motivo no passado? Jesus não se tem comprovado como todo-suficiente? Ele roga a você nesta manhã: "Tenho eu sido... um deserto?" (Jeremias 2.31.) Quando a sua alma confiou de manei…
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“He shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you.” — John 16:15 There are times when all the promises and a doctrines of the Bible are of no avail, unless a gracious hand shall apply them to us. We are thirsty, but too faint to crawl to the water- brook. When a soldier is wounded in battle it is of little use for him to know that there are those …
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“I will love them freely.” — Hosea 14:4 This sentence is a body of divinity in miniature. He who understands its meaning is a theologian, and he who can dive into its fulness is a true master in Israel. It is a condensation of the glorious message of salvation which was delivered to us in Christ Jesus our Redeemer. The sense hinges upon the word “f…
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22 de Outubro. Eu de mim mesmo os amarei. (Oséias 14.4) Esta sentença é um corpo de divindade em miniatura. Aquele que entende o significado desta afirmação é um teólogo e aquele que pode mergulhar na plenitude desta sentença é um verdadeiro mestre em Israel. Esta sentença é uma síntese da gloriosa mensagem de salvação que nos foi dada em Cristo Je…
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“Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?” — Luke 24:38 “Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?” The Lord cares for all things, and the meanest creatures share in His universal providence, but His particular providence is over His saints. “The a…
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“The love of Christ constraineth us.” — 2 Corinthians 5:14 How much owest thou unto my Lord? Has He ever done anything for thee? Has He forgiven thy sins? Has He covered thee with a robe of righteousness? Has He set thy feet upon a rock? Has He established thy goings? Has He prepared heaven for thee? Has He prepared thee for heaven? Has He written …
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21 de outubro.O amor de Cristo nos constrange. (2 Coríntios 5.14) Quanto você deve ao meu Senhor? Quanto Ele já fez por você? Perdoou os seus pecados? Ele o vestiu com um manto de justiça? Colocou os seus pés sobre a rocha? Ele tem estabelecido os seus caminhos? Preparou o céu para você? Preparou você para o céu? Escreveu o seu nome no Livro da Vid…
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“Keep not back.” — Isaiah 43:6 Although this message was sent to the south, and referred to the seed ofIsrael, it may profitably be a summons to ourselves. Backward we arenaturally to all good things, and it is a lesson of grace to learn to go forwardin the ways of God. Reader, are you unconverted, but do you desire totrust in the Lord Jesus? Then …
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“Grow up into Him in all things.” — Ephesians 4:15 Many Christians remain stunted and dwarfed in spiritual things, so as to present the same appearance year after year. No up-springing of advanced and refined feeling is manifest in them. They exist but do not “grow up into Him in all things.” But should we rest content with being in the “green blad…
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20 de outubro. Cresçamos em tudo naquele que é a cabeça, Cristo. (Efésios 4.15) Muitos crentes permanecem raquíticos e atrofiados nas coisas espirituais de forma que mostram a mesma aparência ano após ano. Não são manifestados neles, sentimentos avançados e refinados. Eles existem mas não crescem em tudo naquele que é a cabeça, Cristo. Todavia, dev…
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“God, my Maker, who giveth songs in the night.” — Job 35:10 Any man can sing in the day. When the cup is full, man draws inspiration from it. When wealth rolls in abundance around him, any man can praise the God who gives a plenteous harvest or sends home a loaded argosy. It is easy enough for an Aeolian harp to whisper music when the winds blow — …
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“Babes in Christ.” — 1 Corinthians 3:1 Are you mourning, believer, because you are so weak in the divine life: because your faith is so little, your love so feeble? Cheer up, for you have cause for gratitude. Remember that in some things you are equal to the greatest and most full-grown Christian. You are as much bought with blood as he is. You are…
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19 de Outubro. Crianças em Cristo. (1Coríntios 3.1) Você está lamentando porque é muito fraco em sua vida espiritual? Está lamentando porque a sua fé é tão frágil e seu amor tão pequeno? Anime-se, pois você tem motivo de gratidão. Lembre-se: em algumas coisas você é igual ao crente mais forte e adulto. Você e ele foram comprados com o mesmo sangue.…
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“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.” — 1 Samuel 15:22 Paul had been commanded to slay utterly all the Amalekites and their cattle. Instead of doing so, he preserved the king, and suffered his people to take the best of the oxen and of the sheep. When called to account for this, he declared that he did it with a view of offering sacrifice to …
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“Thy paths drop fatness.” — Psalm 65:11 Many are “the paths of the Lord” which “drop fatness,” but an especial one is the path of prayer. No believer, who is much in the closet, will have need to cry, “My leanness, my leanness; woe unto me.” Starving souls live at a distance from the mercy- seat, and become like the parched fields in times of droug…
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18 de Outubro. As tuas pegadas destilam fartura. (Salmos 65.11) Muitas são as pegadas do Senhor que II destilam fartura", porém uma de suas pegadas especiais é a oração. Nenhum crente que gasta bastante tempo em oração terá necessidade de clamar: "Definho, definho, ai de mim!" (Isaías 24.16.) Almas famintas vivem distante do trono de misericórdia e…
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“He shall gather the lambs with His arm.” — Isaiah 40:11 Our good Shepherd has in His flock a variety of experiences, some are strong in the Lord, and others are weak in faith, but He is impartial in His care for all His sheep, and the weakest lamb is as dear to Him as the most advanced of the flock. Lambs are wont to lag behind, prone to wander, a…
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“And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul.” — 1 Samuel 27:1 The thought of David’s heart at this time was a false thought, because he certainly had no ground for thinking that God’s anointing him by Samuel was intended to be left as an empty unmeaning act. On no one occasion had the Lord deserted His servant; he h…
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17 de Outubro. Disse, porém, Davi consigo mesmo: Pode ser que algum dia venha eu a perecer nas mãos de Saul. (1Samuel 27.1) O pensamento do coração de Davi, nesta ocasião, era falso. Certamente ele não tinha razão para pensar que a unção de Deus sobre ele tinha o propósito de ser abandonada como um ato vazio e sem significado. Em nenhum momento, o …
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“With Thee is the fountain of life.” — Psalm 36:9 There are times in our spiritual experience when human counsel or sympathy, or religious ordinances, fail to comfort or help us. Why does our gracious God permit this? Perhaps it is because we have been living too much without Him, and He therefore takes away everything upon which we have been in th…
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“Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine.” — John 21:12 In these words the believer is invited to a holy nearness to Jesus. “Come and dine,” implies the same table, the same meat; ay, and sometimes it means to sit side by side, and lean our head upon the Saviour’s bosom. It is being brought into the banqueting-house, where waves the banner of redeemin…
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16 de outubro. Disse-lhes Jesus: Vinde, comei. (João 21.12) Nestas palavras, o crente é chamado à intimidade santa com o Senhor Jesus. "Vinde, comei" implica participar da mesma mesa e da mesma comida. Às vezes, elas significam assentar-se lado a lado com o Senhor e reclinar a cabeça no seu ombro. É ser trazido à sala do banquete onde a bandeira de…
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“But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck.” — Exodus 34:20 Every firstborn creature must be the Lord’s, but since the ass was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means. God admits of no e…
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15 de outubro.Quem poderá suportar o dia da sua vinda? (Malaquias 3.2) A primeira vinda de Jesus aconteceu sem qualquer pompa ou demonstração de poder visíveis. Mas, na verdade, houve poucos que foram capazes de suportar o poder testador dessa vinda. Herodes e toda a Jerusalém ficaram agitados com a notícia do maravilhoso nascimento. Aqueles que im…
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