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Philippians 4:1-9 encourages believers to stand firm in faith, resolve conflicts, rejoice in the Lord, be gentle, and not be anxious but pray with thanksgiving. God's peace will guard their hearts. Focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Pradeep Daniel Script…
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Philippians 3:17-21 urges believers to follow Paul's example and to avoid those who live as enemies of the cross, focused on earthly things. Paul contrasts their destiny with the believers', whose citizenship is in heaven, where they await Christ who will transform their bodies to be like His glorious body. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: R…
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Philippians 3:12-14 emphasizes perseverance and focus on spiritual goals. Paul acknowledges he hasn't yet achieved perfection but is committed to pressing on, forgetting past failures, and striving toward his heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. This passage encourages believers to persistently pursue their faith journey with determination. Series: Pa…
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In Philippians 3:7-11, Paul declares that he considers all his former gains as loss compared to knowing Christ. He values being found in Christ, having righteousness through faith, not the law. His goal is to know Christ, the power of His resurrection, share in His sufferings, and attain resurrection from the dead. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Sp…
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In Philippians 3:1-6, Paul warns against placing confidence in the flesh and boasts of his own credentials: circumcised on the eighth day, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, a Pharisee, zealous in persecuting the church, and faultless in legalistic righteousness. Despite this, he places no confidence in these achievements. Series: Paul'…
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In Philippians 2:25-30, Paul commends Epaphroditus, a fellow worker and messenger from the Philippians, who risked his life to serve Paul and bring him aid. Epaphroditus became seriously ill, nearly dying, but God healed him. Paul urges the Philippians to honor him and others who serve faithfully. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Revanth T S…
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In Philippians 2:19-24, Paul hopes to send Timothy to the Philippians soon to bring back encouraging news. He praises Timothy's genuine concern for their welfare and his proven character in serving the gospel. Paul himself plans to visit them but will send Timothy first, trusting in the Lord for his own visit later. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles S…
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Philippians 2:12-18 encourages believers to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, as God works in them. They should do everything without grumbling or arguing, shining like stars in the universe as they hold firmly to the word of life, bringing joy to Paul in the day of Christ. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Pradeep Daniel Scri…
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Philippians 2:5-11 emphasizes humility and exalts Jesus Christ as the ultimate model of selflessness. It highlights Christ's voluntary incarnation, obedient life, and sacrificial death, leading to his exaltation by God. Believers are encouraged to adopt Christ's humble attitude, serving others with love and humility. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles …
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Numbers 11:1-10 reveals Israel's complaints for meat in the wilderness, leading to God sending quail but punishing their ingratitude. Moses struggles with feeding them. Verses 31-35 narrate the quail incident's aftermath. Psalm 78:25-31 recounts God's provision of manna and quail, despite Israel's unfaithfulness, showcasing His enduring mercy. Seri…
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Philippians 2:1-4 urges believers to embody humility and unity, prioritizing others' interests above their own. It emphasizes fostering harmony and selflessness within Christian communities, mirroring Christ's example of humility and service. Believers are encouraged to be like-minded, empathetic, and considerate, fostering love and unity in their …
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In Philippians 1:27-30, Paul urges believers to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel, emphasizing unity and steadfastness amidst challenges. He encourages them to stand firm in faith, not intimidated by adversaries, viewing suffering as a privilege granted by God, a sign of their salvation and unity in Christ. Series: Paul's Prison E…
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In Philippians 1:19-26, Paul expresses his assurance of deliverance through the Philippians' prayers and the Spirit's help. He sees life and death as opportunities to glorify Christ, torn between departing to be with Christ or remaining for the sake of the Philippians' progress and joy in faith. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Benjamin Math…
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In Philippians 1:12-18, Paul expresses joy despite imprisonment, as his situation advances the gospel. He asserts that his chains inspire confidence in others, leading some to preach with pure motives while others do so out of rivalry. Nonetheless, he rejoices that Christ is proclaimed, regardless of the speaker's intent. Series: Paul's Prison Epis…
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Philippians 1:9-11 highlights Paul's prayer for the Philippian believers, expressing his desire for their love to abound in knowledge and discernment, enabling them to prioritize what truly matters. He prays they may be filled with righteousness, producing fruit of good character through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. Series: Paul's …
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Philippians 1:3-8 expresses gratitude and affection. Paul thanks God for the Philippians' partnership in spreading the gospel. He fondly remembers them, praying with joy for their spiritual growth. He reflects on their mutual love and encourages them in their faith, confident that God will complete the good work begun in them. Series: Paul's Prison…
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Philippians, authored by the apostle Paul during his imprisonment, is a letter of joy and encouragement to the Christian community in Philippi. In its opening verses (1:1-2), Paul expresses gratitude, addressing believers with love and extending grace and peace from God and Jesus Christ, fostering unity and fellowship. Series: Paul's Prison Epistle…
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"Numbers 11" recounts Israelites' complaints in the wilderness, lamenting the lack of meat. Moses, overwhelmed, seeks divine help. God provides quail but also punishes their ingratitude with a plague. Moses appoints seventy elders to share leadership responsibilities. The chapter highlights faith, provision, and consequences.Series: Topical SermonS…
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Ephesians 6:21-24 is the concluding passage of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. It contains personal greetings from Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister, and Paul's farewell blessings for the Ephesians, emphasizing God's grace, love, and peace for those who love the Lord Jesus Christ. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Revanth T Sc…
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Ephesians 6:18-20 emphasizes the importance of prayer and spiritual vigilance. Believers are called to pray in the Spirit, using all kinds of prayers, and to stay alert, praying for fellow believers and for the proclamation of the gospel. They are also encouraged to pray for boldness in sharing the good news. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker:…
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Ephesians 6:10-17 illustrates the importance of spiritual fortitude, urging believers to equip themselves with God's armor to withstand spiritual battles. It highlights various components of this armor, emphasizing the need for readiness and perseverance in facing spiritual challenges. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Revanth T Scripture: Ep…
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Ephesians 6:5-9 advises slaves to obey their earthly masters with sincerity, as if serving Christ. Masters are urged to treat their slaves fairly, remembering they have a Master in heaven. Both are reminded that in God's eyes, there is no partiality; all are accountable for their actions. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Benjamin Mathew Scri…
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Ephesians 6:1-4 instructs children to honor and obey their parents, promising blessings for obedience. Fathers are urged not to provoke their children but to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. This passage emphasizes family harmony, respect, and the importance of parental guidance in nurturing children. Series: Paul's Pris…
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Ephesians 5:22-33 emphasizes mutual love and submission in marital relationships. Wives are called to submit to their husbands as the church does to Christ. Husbands are instructed to love their wives sacrificially, reflecting Christ's love for the church. This passage highlights the profound union between Christ and His church, mirroring marital u…
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Ephesians 5:15-21 advises wise living by making the most of time, understanding God's will. It urges believers to avoid foolishness and drunkenness, instead being filled with the Spirit, expressing gratitude, and engaging in mutual submission, worship, and harmony, reflecting Christ-centered relationships. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Ki…
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Caleb, among twelve spies, exhibited steadfast faith in God's promise despite others' fear. His distinct spirit and allegiance earned commendation. God pledged Caleb land inheritance due to his unwavering trust, highlighting the reward for resolute faith and wholehearted commitment to divine promises in adversity. Series: Topical Sermon Speaker: Be…
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Ephesians 5:7-14 advises believers to live as children of light, avoiding dark deeds. They're urged to embrace goodness, righteousness, and truth, shining Christ's light. They're called to discern, awaken from spiritual slumber, and let Christ's light illuminate their lives, exposing and avoiding deeds of darkness. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Sp…
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Ephesians 5:1-6 urges believers to imitate God's love, avoiding immoral behavior like impurity, greed, and obscenity. It emphasizes holy living and warns that those engaging in such actions won't inherit God's kingdom. Christians are urged to walk in love and righteousness, honoring God with their conduct. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Jo…
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Ephesians 4:25-32 advises truthfulness, kindness, forgiveness, and unity among believers, urging them to discard negative behaviors and embrace positive attributes in their interactions and relationships.Series: Paul's Prison EpistlesSpeaker: Job Sam KoshyScripture: Ephesians 4:25-32Sermon : 12 Notes:!AtZn-btopJYtvT0XESXIWe3_9Dt…
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In this next section of, verses 7-16, we are going to look deeper into how Christ has made this high calling possible for all believers. First, what has been given to the church? Second, How have these gifts been given to the church? Third, What is the purpose of these gifts? And fourth, What does it look like when these gifts are properly used?Ser…
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In this next section of, verses 7-16, we are going to look deeper into how Christ has made this high calling possible for all believers. First, what has been given to the church? Second, How have these gifts been given to the church? Third, What is the purpose of these gifts? And fourth, What does it look like when these gifts are properly used? Se…
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In this portion, from 4:1 Paul begins to transition from the mystery of the gospel to the working out of the mystery of the gospel all the way through chapter 6. And inasmuch as these Ephesians were called with an holy calling, he entreats them, if they had any regard for him as a prisoner of Christ, that they would walk worthy of it, and directs t…
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This passage is the last part of Paul’s parenthesis. In Ephesians 3:1, Paul began to tell his readers something, but then he got sidetracked onto a rabbit trail, which is found in Ephesians 3:2-13. The main idea of Paul’s parenthesis is the mystery that was revealed to him. Ephesians 3:1-5 explains that Paul was a Prisoner of the mystery, and in Ep…
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In today's passage, Paul hints at his state and condition as a prisoner, and at the afflictions he endured for the sake of the Gospel; and whereas he knew these would be objected to his ministry, and be discouraging to the saints, he chiefly insists on these two things; namely, to assert his office of apostleship, and observe the knowledge of divin…
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In today’s passage. Paul begins to address a practical matter within the church, the tensions between Jewish and gentile believers. Because we are saved by grace and because we are saved for good works, our attitudes and behavior toward one another ought to change. Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Job Sam Koshy Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-22 S…
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In today’s passage Paul helps the Ephesians firmly grasp their identity in Christ. He does so by helping them remember who they were before knowing Christ (1-3), who they are in Christ (4-6,8-9), and why they were saved (7,10). Series: Paul's Prison Epistles Speaker: Benjamin Mathew Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10 Sermon : 4 Notes: ⁠…
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The apostle Paul has spent the first part of his letter to the Ephesians telling them who they are in Christ. Paul has described the many spiritual blessings that are found in Christ. You are chosen, adopted, redeemed, and sealed. Paul now moves forward in this section to describe to us what God wants us to have and what God wants us to know. So we…
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Ephesians 1:3-14 is a celebration of God, who from the beginning of times wrote the script and melody of human life, as well as the natural order of things. Creation’s music and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ reveals something of the attributes of God’s mystery. The mystery summons people to live together as siblings because Christ’s de…
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Ephesians, more than any other book, presents the purpose and plan of God for the church. This book sets forth one of the clearest presentations on the relation between positional truth and experiencing positional truth in one’s life. We see something of the supremacy of Christ in God’s eternal plan.Ephesians emphasizes God’s sovereign grace in the…
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As Paul closes the letter to the Ephesians in Ephesians 6, he speaks of a great struggle that lies before every believer. Christian life is a struggle, a battle, a wrestling match, as Paul calls it in Ephesians 6:12, and so we literally exist as believers in a life-and-death struggle. Series: Topical Sermon Speaker: Dr. Jerry George Scripture: Ephe…
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Luke concludes the book of Acts with Paul a prisoner in Rome, yet still “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance” (Acts 28:31). Though he was held captive by Rome, and many of his hearers were held captive by unbelief, he knew that God’s word was not bound; and Paul was willing…
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The 27th chapter of Acts is the story of this long storm experience in Paul’s life. As we read Acts chapter 27 and on into chapter 28, it seems like the storm and adversity will never end. Though it seemed at times that they would not survive and that this storm would never end and that Paul would never reach his destination, through it all, Paul s…
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In this portion, Paul speaks on his own defense having been mobbed by the Jews, arrested in the Temple, accused of being a plague, acting as a ringleader, starting a riot and been persecuted by Ananias. – Here, in legal proceedings he is responding to Tertullus, the High Priest’s prosecution attorney. He sets out to his adjudicator his devotion to …
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In this portion Paul, his heart so moved, so burdened for his people, is so desirous of reaching them, so intent upon bringing about that great day when Israel would be a nation exercising faith in Jesus Christ, knowing and accepting their Messiah, that he seeks to carry out this purpose at whatever the cost. The end result, as the Holy Spirit had …
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Today's text relates Paul’s testimony to the angry mob of Jews in Jerusalem who were in the process of beating him to death, until he was rescued by the Roman soldiers. It is the second of three times that the story of Paul’s conversion is told in Acts. Perhaps second only to the resurrection of Jesus, Paul’s conversion stands as an impressive test…
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In this portion,Paul is passing the baton to the elders at Ephesus. He’s on his way to Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit has told him that he is going to face hardship. And even though he has yet to write the letter to the Ephesians, this is the last time he will see them in person again. Here as he sprints towards Jerusalem, he wants to pass the ministry…
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In the first part of this passage when Paul gets to Ephesus he runs into twelve men whom he calls disciples. Which is great except for one thing. The problem surrounding these men was similar to that of Apollos when he first came to Ephesus. These men don’t really know Jesus because they haven’t been baptized by the Holy Spirit. But this brings up …
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As we continue our study of Acts into the eighteenth chapter we see the Apostle Paul leaving Athens, the intellectual capital of the Roman world, and coming into Corinth, the center of sensuality. These two cities are symbols of the twin evils which, in every day and every generation, trap and enslave the hearts of people: intellectual pride and se…
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In this portion, while waiting for his missionary companions to join him in Athens, the Apostle Paul was deeply concerned that the people of Athens were idolatrous and didn’t understand the true nature of God. To help the Athenians understand and draw closer to God, Paul taught the gospel of Jesus Christ in the synagogues and marketplaces. Philosop…
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In Acts 17 the gospel begins to spread in Macedonia. Paul and Silas are undoubtedly still bruised and battered from the beating they received in Philippi, but they press on to the city of Thessalonica, the capital of Macedonia. Series: The Acts Of Christ And The Apostles Speaker: Jerry Williams Scripture: Acts 17:1-15 Notes:!AtZ…
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