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Ashley and Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show

Tous les jours
Ashley and Brad bring upbeat fun and laughs, and the best in pop culture to you every week day. The show features funny bits, trivia, and popular guest interviews, along with humorous conversation, and the latest in entertainment and music news. Ashley and Brad both have children. Ashley has two girls, and Brad is married and has two boys. Both are pet lovers, and own dogs. Together Ashley & Brad deliver laughs and entertainment, while sharing their life with you!
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The Erick and Brad Show

Erick Beavers and Brad Robertson

Chaque mois
Erick and Brad get together (on the internet) every week and discuss all things happening in this crazy world. Music, movies, random things they find interesting, and stuff from their everyday lives! Check it out!
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The Brad Cesmat Show

The Brad Cesmat Show

Chaque semaine+
Watch The Brad Cesmat show Live! Join Brad Cesmat, Eric Sorenson, and the Sports360AZ team every day Monday – Friday from 10am-12pm as they they talk the latest in Arizona sports, as well as national headlines. Stream LIVE here or listen to previous episodes below.
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The Brad Weisman Show

Brad Weisman, Realtor

Chaque semaine
Welcome to The Brad Weisman Show, where we dive into the world of real estate, real life, and everything in between with your host, Brad Weisman! Join us for candid conversations, laughter, and a fresh take on the real world. Get ready to explore the ups and downs of life with a side of humor. From property to personality, we've got it all covered. Tune in, laugh along, and let's get real! #TheBradWeisman #Show #RealEstateRealLife
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Brad & Kyle Show

Brad and Kyle

Chaque mois
Welcome to the Brad & Kyle Podcast. We are two professional bowlers living the grind that is the PBA Tour. Check out our insight into what we go through on a weekly basis along with other bowlers as well.
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The Brad Bogner Show

Brad Bogner

Chaque mois
Brad Bogner hosts “The Brad Bogner Show�, a variety, guest based program aimed at giving listeners access to a range of figures and points-of-view. The podcast introduces listeners to an array of topics where experts in their field stop by to talk history, entertainment, politics, and sports. Among other things… Brad is also a recovering bag boy.
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show series
News; birthdays/events; life upgrades you didn't know you needed; word of the day. News; game: mind the gap part 1; game: mind the gap part 2; when someone famous has an autobiography or biopic do you want to see it or not? News; least visited national parks; fashion faux pas for men; what are your ingredients for a perfect day? News; game: Elton J…
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Hi This is Brad Weisman - Click Here to Send Me a Text Message Stephanie Taormina returns to the podcast to discuss her upcoming solo art exhibition at the Yocum Institute, featuring her "Magic Series" of abstract expressionist paintings and ceramic sculptures. This full-circle moment brings her back to the very institution where she took art class…
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News; birthdays/events; besides your car...what other modes of transportation do you commony use?; word of the day. News; have you ever mixed friends and business...did it work out?; game: quiz; game: feud. News; best places for stargazing; terms/phrases that were invented from tv shows/movies; when you were a kid...did you ever have to sit at the …
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News; birthdays/events; old school life lessons that are "trendy" now; word of the day. News; gen z/gen alpha slang words; game: can you tell the song by the drums?; what defines 'good customer service' for you? News; do you pick up habits from your spouse/co-workers/friends?; game: classic TV show quotes; traveling ammenties...what must your hotel…
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News; birthdays/events; do you participate in office sports pools? what about other workplace wager opportunities?; word of the day. News; what if sweats/yoga pants looked like jeans...would that be more work/public appropriate?; great sayings to keep your outlook on life in check; game: Mister Rogers trivia. News; there are a lot of issues in the …
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News; birthdays/events; are you "fashionably late"?; word of the day. News; what bad table manners have you seen?; game: Teenage Mutant NinjaTturtles Day; do you "task mask" at work? News; game: saxaphone songs; best food cities in the world; mushrooms and beets are considered superfoods...but so is cricket flour...would you eat/use these products?…
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News; birthdays/events; half of Americans don't know where this specific item is in the office, what's the item? find out...; word of the day. News; how close do you check your credit card statement? Ashley just got a surprise with her new 'same as cash' card (from the tire store); game: NHL hockey trivia; Buzzfeed list: popular beliefs in society …
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News; birthdays/events; St Patty's things to do; word of the day. News; how do you handle it when you drive (as a passenger) with someone who drives really bad?; what the weirdest thing you've gone to urgent care for? Ashley has a 3 week old splinter; funny stories of famous people that don't get recognized...and one funny story of someon…
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News; birthdays/events; have you (or do you know anyone) who got ordained online to officiate a wedding? LOTS of Hollywood actors/singers have!!; word of the day. News; do you take care of the outside of your house?; game: Are You As Smart As a 5th grader?; phrases used to manipulate people. News; remember 'smell-o-vision'? now there's e-taste; gam…
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News; birthdays/events; which musician would you pay to be an assistant for?; word of the day. News; leg cramps in the middle of the night; greatest TV characters/performances of the 21st century (will give 5 of the top 10); game: fill in the famous movie quote. News; HR Pufnstuf and other bizarre shows; judicial terms we should all know (Buzzfeed …
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Hi This is Brad Weisman - Click Here to Send Me a Text Message The wealth-building power of real estate compared to stock market investments takes center spotlight in this data-rich episode. Brad Weisman, and our Monthly Guest, Pete Heim unpack some truly jaw-dropping statistics: while real estate and stocks showed comparable 5-year returns (57% vs…
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News; birthdays/events; game: what year was it?; word of the day. News; how much of a homebody are you?; game: mindtrap; Wallethub's 'happiest cities in America'...who made the list this time? News; have you heard of these "life laws" (i.e. Murphy's Law etc)?; game: speak out; spring break ideas. News; selfie 'near miss' stories; foods that used to…
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News; birthdays/events; who do you think would make a great Bond?; word of the day. News; weird gift shops; patients don't like waiting in Dr. waiting rooms...but doctors don't like when their patients do this; game: outburst. News; we give our kids too much praise; do you think that what you wear can effect how you feel? game: fill in the 80's son…
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News; birthdays/events; are we "over holiday-ed"?; word of the day. News; game: quiz; game: feud; do you watch animal baby cams? News; Denmark will no longer deliver mail...what?!?!; the game Monopoly is getting rid of this iconic character; will you ever admit defeat when you can't "fix it myself"!? News; game: calendar trivia; if you could time t…
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News; birthdays/events; if the airlines change their bag policies...would you still fly?; word of the day. News; we like to brag about how much we save on vacations...what other kinds of deals do you brag about?; game: the office trivia game; songs you don't want to admit that "get you out of your funk". News; 3 words to live by; game: classic tv s…
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News; birthdays/events; sfa...boomer saves the day; word of the day. News; game: The Sound of Music movie trivia; what's a grandma stand?; jobs u.s. presidents had before they became president. News; game: I should have known that; would you use a.i. to be a neutral party in a dispute you're having?; if you've ever won an award or gotten a plaque a…
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Hi This is Brad Weisman - Click Here to Send Me a Text Message Ready to finally understand the complexities behind your shoulder pain? In this insightful episode, we invite Dr. Nate Tiedeken back to explore everything from common shoulder issues to the fictional narratives we create around pain. Get ready to unravel the intricate web of shoulder he…
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News; birthdays/events; how much would you pay to get to the front of the line? (or would you?); word of the day. News; game: Blues Brothers trivia; clocks change this you have clocks you manually have to change?; do you get "upsold" when you go out?...what about "downsold"? News; game: 3 word movie titles; great ways to use ice cube t…
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News; birthdays/events; if you could have an grown up sleepover in any store...which one? word of the day. News; Oscars/scmoscars...the real buzz was Saturday night!' game: who are these celebrity authors?; favorite and least favorite board/card games? News; sick of beef and chicken? give "taste of the wild outdoors" a chance; game: just over $900 …
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News; birthdays/events; Ashley might be turning into her grandmother (sfa); word of the day. News; game: quiz; game: feud; if you could make one thing illegal...what would it be? News; what would you do if someone stole your credit card but something good came from it?; what personality type are you? A,B,C,orD?; game: calendar trivia. News; indestr…
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News; birthdays/events; feel good story of the day; word of the day. News; how do you feel about advanced technology in sports?; game: battle of the sexes part 1; game: battle of the sexes part 2. News; have you ever crashed a wedding (or a funeral...or some other gathering?); what's in this year's Oscar goodie bag?; not all celebrity clothing make…
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News; birthdays/events; what's the oldest thing you own?; word of the day. News; game: scattergories; are there too many of the same type of show on tv...(law shows/medical shows) etc?; do you hang on to concert ticket or movie ticket stubs? travel brochures? etc? News; game: movie password; really bad product designs (list of 3 things); did you ev…
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Hi This is Brad Weisman - Click Here to Send Me a Text Message Are you tired of waiting for "luck" to strike? Join us in this enlightening episode as we explore the fascinating concept of the "Science of Luck" with Nicole Perrone, a seasoned banker and entrepreneur. Nicole shares her insights on how luck is not just a random occurrence—it's a skill…
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News; birthdays/events; would you give a company like Fyre Fest a second chance?; word of the day. News; game: internet acryomn game; inventions that never really caught the "Hula Chair"; best revenge songs (Hub pages list). News; Webster's Dictionary accidentally included a 'ghost word' and didn't take it out for 5 years!; Harris poll/ha…
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News; birthdays/events; Glen Whitman says every industry can be boiled down into "2 words"; word of the day. News; do you care if baseball players have beards? what about other professions?; game: world wide wrestling trivia; how much personal space do you need at the office? News; ever move next door (or within a few houses) to family or close fri…
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News; birthdays/events; the newest trend for 2025...according to the wall street journal; word of the day. News; actors with small parts that stole the show (or movie)...Buzzfeed list; game: quiz; game: feud. News; what is "leisure/work synergy"?; fast food restaurants don't "stay in their lane" so why should streamers. (what Netflix wants to start…
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News; birthdays/events; was there a teacher you gave lots of grief to?; word of the day. News; Buzzfeed list of roles that basically ruined an up and comers acting career; game: password, when you're sick do you want to be left alone or doted on? News; what's the next holiday you're looking forward to? (Ashey's dad loved April Fool's Day); game: mi…
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News; birthdays/events; when was the last time you printed a picture? (1 hour photo rarely exists); word of the day. News; game: slogan game; if you could make a guest appearance on any TV show (current or past show) which one and what character would you like to play?; instead of using money...would you ever barter? what would you trade? News; gam…
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Hi This is Brad Weisman - Click Here to Send Me a Text Message Imagine facing a defining moment where a lifelong dream slips through your fingers, yet finding the strength to pivot and redefine success. Meet Nina Sossaman-Pogue, affectionately known as the "resilience queen," as she recounts her journey from aspiring Olympian to esteemed news ancho…
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News; birthdays/events; U.S. cities with the worst drivers; word of the day. News; if you're Catholic...what are you giving up for lent and if you're not Catholic...what could you give up for a month?; game: who are these celebrity autobiographies?; is it helpful or stressful when parents make specific requirements for their kids b-day party/presen…
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News; birthdays/events; would you rent a chicken?; word of the day. News; game: John Hughes film trivia; would you want to 'jump scare' yourself into paying attention at work?; how do movie characters get their names? sometimes it's paying homage..Buzzfeed has a cute list. News; game: just over $1,000 pyramid; McDonald's discontinued menu items peo…
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News; birthdays/events; we judge people on the condition of their you?; word of the day. News; game: quiz; game: feud; crazy but true things caught on camera (kayaker/whale) News; people whose names have been ruined by pop culture (Karen); job description of a "stewardess" in 1954 (actual ad in the paper); how you decorate your office says…
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News; birthdays/events; how often do you change jobs? word of the day. News; game: famous couples; worst Valentine's day gift people have received; long weekend plans. News; Buzzfeed weird house rules; game: word ladder; any thing happen in your life that at first seemed overwhelming...but turned out to be a blessing in disguise? News; Brad's parki…
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News; birthdays/events; game: prison commissary price is right; word of the day. News; why are people wearing Apple watches/fitness watches on their ankles?; game: 1985 song lyrics; there's the Butterball hotline, the National Academy of Sciences hotline for filmmakers...what kind of hotline would make your day better? News; no matter where you liv…
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