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Le podcast qui donne la parole aux femmes marocaines Sur ce podcast, nous inviterons des professionnels de la santé pour aborder divers sujets qui vous intéresse mais aussi des femmes qui nous raconteront leur histoires. Ces conseils de professionnels, ces témoignages, ces morceaux de vie sont une manière de vous écouter, vous soutenir et d'être votre plateforme d’échange sans filtres et sans tabous. ______ The podcast that gives to Moroccan women a voice and that helps them to be the best v ...
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Chaque mois
YogaPartout ouvre son micro pour les personnes qui souhaitent parler de Yoga. Depuis 2012 nous avons produit plus de 140 entrevues de fond avec des professeurs localisés un peu partout sur la planète. Nous somme vraiment international! Écrivez-nous un mot via This podcast chanel is all about Yoga. We interview yoga teachers around the world. Perhaps you would like to be our guest? If so, write to Namaste
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Let's bring each other HOME where everything we were looking for was never lost. My name is Roxy and it is so freaking nice to know that you're taking the time to read about this podcast. This one is special, it is about stripping yourself naked so you can finally see through your purest truth. This is a raw and authentic conversation about every relationship we are holding inside of us. We'll talk through EVERY THING : money, sex, power, love, fantasy, family, wisdom, knowledge, business .. ...
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Mind @Work

Coach Zed

Chaque mois
Mind @Work is a podcast that explores the intersection of the mind, work, financial and physical wellbeing. In each episode, we dive into topics related to mindset, productivity, mental health, and the work at large, while also offering insights and strategies for achieving your health and financial goals. Whether you're looking to increase your income, be fit and healthy, or more productive, we've got you covered. Join us as we explore the latest research, talk to experts, and share real-wo ...
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show series
La vie le dit grand-père, citoyen du monde, amoureux des grands espaces, de la pluie du soleil et du grand vent,…L’air du temps le dit parfois physicien, écrivain, conférencier, formateur ou bien encore professeur de Yoga… il se méfie beaucoup de ceux qui disent, des listes à la Prévert, et des cartes d’identités. Grand marcheur, son bâton l'a guid…
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Sujets de discussion lors de l'entrevue Babacar Van Lysbeth Égypte - voyage au Maroc et en Égypte annuellement Ce qui vous attriste, vous fait le plus mal dans votre vie: voir des profs de 55-60 ans qui ont mal aux genoux. A 85 ans vous devriez être en meilleure santé Le yoga est une méditation, pas des postures dynamiques. Ex: Jane Fonda qui a des…
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Madame Poirier, s’est initiée au yoga au début des années ’70 à Vancouver. Elle l’enseigne depuis 1988 et forme maintenant de futurs professeurs de yoga. Elle a œuvré pendant de nombreuses années dans le réseau de la santé, en tant qu’infirmière et gestionnaire, surtout dans le domaine communautaire. De plus, elle a été chargée de cours à l’UQAR, e…
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This episode will guide you through practical strategies to acquire mental discipline. Mental discipline explains the success or failure of most people and most projects. My goal here is to give you concrete practices that you can cultivate to have a strong mindset in concentration, resilience, and productivity in any life aspect you choose: person…
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Cet episode vous guidera à travers des stratégies pratiques à acquérir une discipline mentale. La discipline mentale explique le succès ou l'échec de la plupart des gens et la plupart des projects. Mon objectif ici est de vous donner des pratiques concrètes que vous pouvez cultiver pour avoir une mentalité forte en concentration, résilience et prod…
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Il faut du courage pour réussir. Chaque fois que vous voulez entreprendre quelque chose de substantiel, votre esprit vous joue des tours ; la petite voix intérieure vous donne des raisons de procrastiner, mine vos efforts, amplifie les éventuels aspects négatifs... Pour passer outre cela, il vous faut du courage. Quoi que vous puissiez consentir et…
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Whatever you can consent and accept to be true of you, you can become it. Your life is showing your concept of yourself, whoever you are. What you have, what you have is a reflection of your self concept. Nothing more, nothing less. You are made of your conscious and your subconscious mind. When the goals you set yourself consciously are aligned wi…
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What is an Admin Assist and why we dare to talk about a topic that is not Yoga? In this podcast with Jean-Marc Libs, a System Administrator and Ambassador of ⁠Free Libre Open Source Software⁠, we discover the similarities between Yoga which means 'Union' and the use of Open Web Communities like daniel's presence in this ecosystem and his u…
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Dans cet episode, nous plongeons dans le sujet fascinant de l'optimisation de l'énergie pour des performances optimales et une clarté mentale tout au long de la journée. Si vous visez l'excellence, vous avez besoin d'énergie. Je partagerai avec vous une approche pratique en trois étapes pour vous maintenir énergique avec une clarté mentale. Je démy…
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In this episode, we’ll dive into the fascinating topic of optimizing energy for your peak performance and mental clarity throughout the day. If you want excellence, you need energy. I’ll share with you a simple three-step practical approach to keeping you energized with mental clarity. I’ll debunk the lies; help you set your mind and give you pract…
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The question of whether you should start a business right after finishing your studies (school or university) is crucial if you are interested in entrepreneurship. You want to become a boss, you are a future leader. You can achieve it, but how? There is no universal path, but there are approaches that simplify the process. Therefore, the answer to …
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La question de savoir si tu dois créer une entreprise dès la fin de tes études (scolaires ou universitaires) est essentielle si tu t'intéresses à l’entreprenariat. Tu veux devenir patron, tu es un leader en devenir. Tu peux le devenir, mais comment. Il n’y a pas de trajectoire universelle, mais il y a des approches qui simplifient le processus. Ain…
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Quel privilège que se dire à soi-même: J'ai rencontré, j'ai pris une formation, j'ai suivi les enseignements d'un maître qui a lui-même étudié avec le fils de T. K. V. Desikachar, fils de Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Voilà la présentation de cette entrevue avec Bernard Bouanchaud, ami de toutes et de tous. Dans cette entrevue, Monsieur Bouanchaud vie…
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The search of the first job may seem an undomptable task. However, there are some tips to exponentially multiply your chance of getting it faster, better. In this episode, I breakdown the process to make it manageable and successful for you.Whether you know what you want as a job; or you don’t know exactly; but want to explore the job market, it’s …
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La recherche du premier emploi peut sembler être une tâche insurmontable. Cependant, il existe des astuces pour multiplier de manière exponentielle tes chances de l'obtenir plus rapidement et mieux. Dans cet épisode, je vais décomposer le processus pour te le rendre gérable et réussi. Que tu saches ce que tu veux comme travail ou que tu ne saches p…
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En tant que jeune professionnel, tu peux vouloir une promotion, être en quête d'une reconversion professionnelle ou d'un meilleur revenu. Tu peux être à la recherche d'un emploi bien rémunéré sans savoir comment en obtenir un. Dans cet épisode, je te donnerai des conseils sur la manière de développer une mentalité, des compétences et une connaissan…
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Meet the Soul-led Entrepreneur, Kristen Stuart, otherwise known in her world as She who leads in her divinity. A Midwife of Awakening, Ascension Guide and Activator of Divine Feminine Power, her practice is based in the heart of the Canadian Rockies which has allowed her to connect with the elements of nature; all whilst navigating incredible chall…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Jenn Kennedy is an elementary school teacher turned 7 figure creator. She’s a leading mentor in shifting worldly dynamics for women as it relates to richness and leadership. Her work is centered around redefining rich and activating new levels of power within and through her various programs, experiences, and retreats, she guides women to become th…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Jak is a 7 Figure mentor + channel, who leads visionaries in quantum energetics + divine feminine activation. She’s known for taking her clients to the depths of their knowing, to their most intimate truth, where they are able to activate their authentic voice. Through her work clients quantum leap, develop a deep trust within themselves, and elimi…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Nikky Doualle is the Founder of Nikky Doualle « Maison Internationale » with 23 years of experience in the Coaching Industry . She is a Strategic and Energetic Business Mentor & Public Speaker, host of the Podcast "Nikky Doualle, Maison Internationale" She is on a mission to guide 1 million of awakened Leaders and Entrepreneurs to create impactful …
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Shoshanna helps heart-centered entrepreneurs step into their authentic feminine leadership & build thriving online businesses. In line with her mission to help end stigma and reclaim the power it takes from us, Shoshanna speaks openly about HSV and encourages others to use vulnerability as a super-power. She's here to guide you with a blend of soul…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Melanie Ann Layer is the founder of the Alpha Femme™ Brand. She is known for her unique approach to feminine leadership and wealth energetics.⁣ She celebrates her clients who calibrate to 6 figures and millions every day, but beyond that, she celebrates their lives, their evolution, their sovereignty, their womanhood. Together with her clients, The…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Echo is a divine feminine leader who mentors high achieving women to help them build empires without the hustle and burnout. She focuses on creating a legacy with women that they can be proud of from a Soul aligned place for massive expansion. Echo’s zone of genius is in guiding women through unblocking limiting beliefs and helping them activate th…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Dr. Andrea Grund is a Higher Dimensional Channel for the Light Realms, and an Architect for Heaven on Earth. From closing her private practice to moving her business online to creating 7- Figure MONTHS in less than a year; Andrea is a 6 & 7 Figure per Month Mentor & Activator who guides Business Leaders to Pure Bliss Consciousness in Life, Business…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Freespirited, brightminded, lighthearted, space holder, dream whisperer, subconscious reprogrammer out here representing Big Dreams and your capacity to dream bigger, imagine more and go all in. Jana’s work is creating the energetic elixir for your entrepreneurial dreams. Walking with you as you achieve (strategically) and attune (energetically) to…
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