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Podcast a blog společnosti se zaměřuje na předávání zkušeností s investicemi do nemovitostí. Témata jsou dražby, exekuce, insolvence, hlídání nemovitostí a insolvencí, práce s katastrem nemovitostí.
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You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave. As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians. For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started w ...
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Using the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology content outline for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam, starting with the most high yield, Dr. O'Leary has created this podcast for anyone interested in CAPS and also to help him study for the boards. Enjoy! Let Dr. O'Leary know what you think by going to and filling out the form there.
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Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH)

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

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We focus on bridging the gap between rigorous research and best practice relating to children's mental health. We hold a body of knowledge and act as information hub for sharing best practice to benefit all of those who work with children. Visit our website ( for a host of free evidence-based mental health resources.
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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

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Each month JAACAP highlights a selected article found within the pages of the Journal by providing a podcast interview with the author. Tune in regularly to this feature of JAACAP, where we strive for a relaxed 'fireside chat' atmosphere in which authors can share aspects of their science that we are less often privy to. Podcasts are typically 15 to 20 minutes in length.
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Sonho Adolescente é um podcast de conversa. Apresento por mim Maurício, aonde conto as minhas histórias, vivências e pensamentos em sua maioria caóticos. Gosto de pensar que é uma conversa e uma troca de experiência com vocês, como uma fofoca do café da tarde. Além disso conto com os meus convidados maravilhosos. Venha refletir sobre esses Sonhos Adolescentes. Redes sociais : @sonhoadl
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Two life long friends, embark on an embarrassing journey called adolescence. They grow and push through all the ambiguous crap that comes with being a college student in 2019. They share experiences from their past and present, as well as keep up with current events.
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Listen to The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

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With a strong clinical focus, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health will be an independent journal with an international perspective. The monthly journal will present the most influential and innovative practice-changing original research, as well as authoritative reviews and insightful opinion pieces to promote the health of the whole child, from the fetal period through to young adulthood.
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Los Adoloridos

Nuestra Historia GRC

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“Los Adoloridos” Es el espacio donde surge una batalla entre el amor y el odio, lugar indicado para todas las personas que padecemos un mal de amores. Podrás comunicarte y dar un detalle a esa persona que tanto extrañas o en su defecto amas con locura.
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Depois de várias temporadas a mostrar aos pais como cuidar do seu bebé, viramos a página para dar os melhores conselhos aos pais com filhos adolescentes. SARA RODI regressa ao estúdio do S+ com novos convidados, para identificar e responder aos desafios com que pais e teenagers se deparam. Vamos abordar todas as temáticas associadas ao “Generation Gap” típico destas fases, como as mudanças físicas e psicológicas, comportamentos de risco, a importância dos pares, sexualidade e tecnologia.
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Abc Del Adolescente

Andrés Obispo

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Con ABC del adolescente busco hablar de adolescente a adolescente, contar diferentes experiencias y como fueron resueltas para que te des cuenta de que no solo tu tienes estos problemas a demás de que siempre existe una solución. La razón de este podcast es apoyarte y que tengas una etapa plena, la adolescencia es cuando construyes tu carácter y quiero acompañarte para que logres construir un carácter seguro y honesto, .
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Moral Adolescente

Juan Ignacio Muñoz

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Abordamos las temáticas actuales mas controversiales, analizamos los posibles futuros y aprendemos como fue la historia entre pares. Subimos episodios explicativos de historia todos los lunes. Y los miércoles tenemos entrevistas con profesionales y jóvenes sobre esos temas. Somos jóvenes con ganas de aprender y crecer en conocimiento. Debates enriquecedores, monólogos explicativos, conversaciones con profesionales, y mucho mas en “Moral Adolescente”.
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Editors at The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy. A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from the effects of climate change to gender equity in young people’s sexual and reproductive health rights, violence against children to allergies, and more.
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Museo Civico di Blera Gustavo VI Adolfo di Svezia

Twiceout per il Museo Civico di Blera

Tous les jours+
La serie di podcast "Il Cavallo e l’Uomo", un progetto realizzato dal Museo Civico di Blera Gustavo VI Adolfo di Svezia con il sostegno della Regione Lazio per Biblioteche, Musei e Archivi - Piano annuale 2023, L.R. 24/2019, racconta il millenario rapporto tra l’uomo e il cavallo, esplorandone l’evoluzione biologica, culturale e simbolica. Questo viaggio in 15 episodi ci porterà indietro nel tempo, dall’antico Hyracotherium dell’Eocene, fino al contatto con l'uomo e alla domesticazione. Espl ...
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Global Child and Adolescent Health

Melbourne Children’s Global Health

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The Global Child and Adolescent Health podcast is brought to you by Melbourne Children’s Global Health. The podcast is a series of conversations with leaders in research, education, and global child and adolescent health. These conversations place children and adolescents at the center of sustainable development.
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show series
DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13660 In this Papers Podcast, Associate Professor Magnus Nordmo discusses his co-authored JCPP Advances paper ‘The diminishing association between adolescent mental disorders and educational performance from 2006–2019’. There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice. Learning Objectiv…
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Watch the video at Description In this episode, Inside the Teen Brain: Just Be Yourself, Professor Deborah Christie joins Dr. Jane Gilmour to discuss the complexities of identity formation during adolescence. Professor Christie explores how…
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Let me know what you think! - In the last episode, I introduced behaviorism, which took a strikingly different approach to human learning and development by basically assuming that everything we are on the inside is somehow learned from the environment, except for some of the most basic things we need for survival. Our inner life and the reasons we…
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Jak vydělat 50.000 Kč měsíčně a dosáhnout 25% ročního výnosu bez stresu, zaměstnanců a zbytečných komplikací? 📈 Stačí chytrý podnikatelský model a ziskové podnikání nemusí být složité. Využití moderních technologií a jednoduchých řešení přináší efektivní cestu, jak proměnit investici v pasivní příjem, který skutečně funguje. Oldřich Platil a jeho p…
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Let me know what you think! - I have so far discussed some of the early psychosexual, psychosocial and cognitive approaches to child development, but I would be remiss if I did not also mention a group of theorists who attempted to study humanity by completely ignoring the fact that they have thoughts and emotions. The behavioralists tried to simpl…
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Let me know what you think! - In episode 8, I started discussing temperament theory with an introduction to Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess. They first developed a temperamental formulation by following 141 children longitudinally and proposed 9 dimensions of temperament that can be reduced to three basic categories: Easy, Difficult, or Slow-to-w…
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JAACAP January 2025: Contributing Editor Dr. Apurva Bhatt interviews Dr. Anne E. de Leeuw on a study that found women with a migration background reported more stress during pregnancy and more autistic traits in their children six years later than mothers without a migration background.Par Various
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Let me know what you think! - While it may seem quaint today, the radical contribution that Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess made to child development was to look at children as unique individuals with very different innate approaches to the world that were present at birth. While processes like attachment and their psychosocial context help to de…
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Budování osobního brandu na sociálních sítích – proč je to dnes tak důležité a jak začít? 🔥 V dnešním rozhovoru se podíváme do světa osobního i firemního brandingu s Filipem Slachem, který nám odhalí: - Proč je osobní brand na sociálních sítích klíčem k úspěchu. - Jak překonat strach z kamery a začít tvořit autentický obsah. - Proč negativní koment…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13594 In this Papers Podcast, Professor Jennifer Hudson and Lizél-Antoinette Bertie discuss their co-authored JCPP Editorial Perspective ‘Extending IPDMA methodology to drive treatment personalisation in child mental health’. There is an overview of the paper, key findings, and implications for practice. Learning Objectives 1. D…
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Let me know what you think! - Attachment theory began when John Bowlby rebelled from the psychoanalytic establishment by, for the first time, observing families interacting in order to understand individuals. Bowlby was later joined by Mary Ainsworth who developed on of the most iconic clinical tools in the history of child psychology: The Strange …
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Z investora realiťákem? 🏘️ Milan Bartoň vybudoval investiční portfolio úplně sám – bez zkušeností, peněz i kontaktů! 💪 Prozradil konkrétní příklady velmi ziskových flipů z insolvencí 📈💰, odhalil drsné momenty s finančním úřadem a sdílel i náročné zážitky z rekonstrukcí svépomocí. 🔨 A proč nakonec skončil jako realitní makléř? 🤔 Pokud chcete získat …
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With our children being our future and our long-term societal wellbeing depending on them, Professor Kate Pickett and Professor Richard Wilkinson provide insight into their recent CAMH journal Editorial ‘Socio-economic inequality and child and adolescent mental health’. Richard and Kate are co-authors of the bestselling and award winning The Spirit…
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¿Sabes qué tienen en común Singapur, Irlanda, Mónaco o Qatar? En el monográfico "Países ultrarricos", viajamos a estos países para saber cómo el petróleo y el gas han convertido a Qatar en uno de los más ricos en tiempo récord, o por qué Irlanda pasó de ser un país con una economía deprimida a ser un número uno.…
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Amy Slogrove, Senior Editor for The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health delves into the groundbreaking LEAPS trial with Dr. Saima Siyal from Aga Khan University and Dr. Aisha Yousafzai from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Discover how this innovative program trained young women to deliver early childhood care and education in rural Pakist…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13575 In this In Conversation podcast, Professor Sam Wass is joined by Dr. Celia Smith to discuss the science-facing findings of their JCPP Annual Research Review “‘There, the dance is – at the still point of the turning world’ – dynamic systems perspectives on coregulation and dysregulation during early development” and the imp…
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Let me know what you think! - Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development focuses on the social and emotional aspects of human growth. A child’s cognitive development underlies what Erikson describes and arguably, without the cognitive skills described by Piaget, the psychosocial stages that Erikson describes would not be possible. Erikson's …
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Professor Akash Deep joins Josefine Gibson in conversation about paediatric acute liver failure and when a critically ill child is unsuitable for liver transplantation. Continue this conversation on social! Follow us today at... https://l…
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"Free read Art and Flair of Mary Blair, The-Updated Edition: An Appreciation (Disney Editions Deluxe) Hardcover – May 20, 2014 COPY LINK : An illuminating biography reconstructing the life and legacy of a unique king in world history and the most famous emperor in South Asian history “Mr. Olivel…
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"free read One Nation Under Blackmail – Vol. 2: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein Vol. 2 (2) Paperback – October 22, 2022 COPY LINK : An iconoclastic philosopher revives Socrates for our time, showing how we can answer?and, in the first p…
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"kindle Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Dover Thrift Editions: Black History) Paperback – Unabridged, August 1, 2016 COPY LINK : An extraordinary collaboration . . . A profound achievement . . . Downs is a superb, even lyrical writer. ?David W. Blight, Los Angeles TimesA Chicago Tri…
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Maternal Disapproval of Friends: Impact on Peer Status and Child Conduct Problems In this Papers Podcast, Professor Goda Kaniušonytė and Professor Brett Laursen discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Maternal disapproval of friends in response to child conduct problems damages the peer status of pre- and early adolescents’. There is an overview of t…
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Let me know what you think! - Jean Piaget's description of cognitive development is markedly different from psychosexual and psychoanalytic approaches. He was concerned primarily with cognitive abilities. Instead of basically just making up a complex inner life and mode of relating to mommy’s breast, he described the kinds of cognitive tasks childr…
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