This is a weekly podcast about Revolutionary Girl Utena, hosted by Panda and Alice. If you like the show, you should support us on patreon! Banner art by Shannon Manor
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Utenriksmagasinet Mir er Studentradioen i Bergens politiske alibi. Hver uke kan du høre utenrikspolitiske analyser, kulturelle reportasjer og diskusjoner om ukjente eller kjente problemstillinger i verden.
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Ute er eventyr er skoleprosjekt for alle mellomtrinn i Norge. Skriv din historie, vi leser den inn, og legger den ut. Da er du blitt en forfatter.
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Randulf Valle prater om friluftsliv i ordets videste forstand. Ofte sammen med en gjest eller to. Noen ganger helt alene. Nye episoder kommer normalt på fredager, men kanskje ikke hver eneste fredag... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM's interviews from The Bill Riley Show, The Drive with Spence Checketts, Utah Utes practices and games.
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Lytt til Den Norske Turistforenings podkast «Utestemmer». Vi intervjuer aktuelle gjester – og lager reportasjer om ulike tema – innenfor natur og friluftsliv. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I denne bokpodcasten bytter Alexander Sandtorv og Kristopher Schau på å gi hverandre lesestoff og inviterer lytterne med inn i lesesirkelen. En bok pr måned. Dette klarer vi! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Uterine Sound is a medical education podcast aimed at Australian & New Zealand trainees preparing for their examinations. We provide a comprehensive overview on topics in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and summarise the most recent literature (you’re welcome!). Whether you’re a doctor, a midwife or a student, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest information in O&G.
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Podcast hosted on by Brian Swinney covering University of Utah athletics
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Utelias mieli on Helsingin yliopiston podcast, jossa puhutaan vain tärkeistä asioista ja tieteestä tunteella. Jokaisessa jaksossa haastatellaan yliopiston tutkijaa, joka kertoo alansa mielenkiintoisimmasta kysymyksestä juuri nyt. Tämä on podcast kaikille, jotka rakastavat tiedettä. Utelias mieli valittiin Grand One -kilpailun podcast-sarjan finalistiksi vuonna 2024. Sarjan on tuottanut Jaksomedia.
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Bare ræl
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Hva er det egentig som skjer i verden, og hvorfor er det sånn? I Utenrikshospitalet forsøker vi å diagnostisere verden én episode av gangen. Podkasten ledes av Ane Teksum Isbrekken, Marie Furhovden eller Therese Leine, og sammen med gode kollegaer ved Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt (NUPI), setter vi ulike hendelser og temaer under lupen. Har du ris eller ros, eller kanskje tips til tema vi burde se nærmere på? Send oss en epost til [email protected] da vel! Vi høres! Hosted on Acast. See acast. ...
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Vi tar upp allt som rör kultur och människor i och med koppling till Göteborg, innehållet är helt och hållet beroende av våra lyssnare. Vill du höra allt om Göteborgs värsta sunkhak, nominera stans sämsta spårvagn, eller att vi går till botten med vad som egentligen händer inne på Röhsska? Ni tipsar – vi pratar.
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Samtaler som forhåpentligvis interesserer flere enn bare meg selv
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Follow this uterus on her journey to figure out how to be an adult in post-modern / pre-apocalyptic America.
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En kirke uten vegger, tro uten religion og kjærlighet uten fordømmelse.
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Mostrarnos, liberarnos de la opresión interiorizada, crear... vivir...
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Det er en jungel der ute. Husk å abonnere da. Instagram: dettelivetmedanders Bonusepisoder på: Youtube:
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Podcast by Frihet Uten Ansvar
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Longtime Deseret News Ute beat writer Dirk Facer leads a weekly discussion into the world of University of Utah athletics.
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Grant me the power to revolutionize the world! Revolutionary Podcast Utena is a podcast where one total newbie and one kind-of expert watch and review the anime series 'Revolutionary Girl Utena'.
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Welcome to the Max ute i kylan podcast, it is about a hockey Guy and his family issues.
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Fun Norwegian podcast with the hosts: Aleksander Uteng & Vidar Higraff
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Anita Krohn Traaseth i ukentlige samtaler med interessante folk om valgene vi tar og meningen det gir.
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Uten Filter er Norges første intervjubaserte podkast. Kvar veke vil ein ny interessant gjest snakke ut om det dei brenn for. Etablerte sanninger vil bli utfordra, meiningsmangfaldet vil bli utvida. Gjer deg klar for å bli tatt med utanfor komfortsonen med Uten Filter, podkasten som spør meir.
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Ute Talk Podcast: Providing unbiased opinions on all things Utah Football and Basketball. Join us weekly as we breakdown games and discuss what lies ahead.
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I denne podkasten vil du få et innblikk i hva som kreves å være en god leder, interessante diskusjoner om dilemmaer i arbeidslivet og lytte til inspirerende gjester. Episodene er for deg som har lyst til å lære noe nytt om HR, ledelse og rekruttering - rått og ekte uten filter! Podcasten ledes av Christel Langebrekke i Personalhuset og Hilde Lekven i Otiga Group.
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Todas as manhãs, de segunda sexta-feira, um poema é lido e dado a conhecer a todos aqueles que já gostam do género mas também a quem acha que não gosta. Por vezes não apenas poemas, às vezes não apenas de manhã. Uma produção Associação de Ideias.
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The Rush is a podcast brought to you by SB Nation and, talking all things UTEP and Conference USA sports.
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I Know This Place is a podcast about the world’s most interesting places, seen through the eyes of the people who know them best. Join travel writer Ute Junker on the road as she talks with chefs, architects, historians and more about the places that are special to them.
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Thomas Anthun Nielsen har jobbet som journalist i Bergensavisen, NRK og 12 år som redaktør i gatemagasinet Megafon. I 2020 jobbet han som reseacher for dokumentarserien "Rus" på NRK1 med Leo Ajkic som programleder. Serien fikk 3 nominasjoner til Gullruten i 2022. Nå jobber han i Kompetansesenter Rus Bergen, som er en del av Helse Bergen. I denne podcasten prater han med dem som har valgt å stå utenfor samfunnet vårt av ulike grunner eller dem som blir holdt utenfor av samfunnet på grunn av v ...
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En podcast om og for utelivsbransjen, servert av Hans Ingi "Hansi" Tryggvason. Hansi har lang fartstid innen serveringsbransjen, er ølekspert og har stort engasjement for bransjen - og er grunnleggende nysgjerrige på hva som rører seg innen utelivet. Utetime spilles inn i Ringnes Brygghus, der Hansi er daglig leder. Ansvarlig utgiver er Ringnes AS.
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En podkastserie med åtte miniportretter av unge mennesker som vil ut. Ut på havet, ut i verdensrommet, ut i yrkeslivet, ut å protestere, ut av mønstre, ut i naturen, ut av stereotypiene, ut i eteren. Kunstprosjektet Til alt ute av Fredrik Høyer og Bendik Baksaas består av et dobbelt musikkalbum og denne podkastserien, som er produsert av Hanna von Bergen og Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen i samarbeid med Filt Oslo ved Peter Daatland. Musikk ved Bendik Baksaas og Jo David Meyer Lysne. Prosjektet er ku ...
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Two brothers (one a true blue BYU Cougars fan, the other a die hard Utah Utes fan) battle it out while discussing BYU and Utah football. Support this podcast:
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Más allá del útero es un espacio donde conversaremos sobre la Salud Mental Perinatal y el desarrollo humano desde una perspectiva que irá más allá del aspecto fisiológico. Porque la gestación, el parto y el posparto no es solo una experiencia física...¡también es emocional!
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I skyggen av avisoverskriftene, skjuler det seg kriser det aldri ble laget noen nyhetssak om. Kvinner som føder mens krig herjer på åttende året i Jemen. Mennesker som kjemper for livet i en trang gummibåt over Middelhavet. Slangebitt uten motgift. Og verdens verste superspreder av en infeksjonssykdom – meslinger – som stadig bryter ut i DR Kongo. «Det du ikke vet» er er en podkast om disse glemte krisene, fortalt av feltarbeidere som har jobbet i dem. Vi i Leger Uten Grenser mener at færre ...
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Welcome to Hello Uterus — an informative and supportive space to increase your knowledge about female and period health. (Bonus: Improved health literacy has a direct and positive impact on health outcomes!) We promise to shine a spotlight on female health during a weekly show that covers news, clinical research, and chronic conditions–from endometriosis to fibroids to PCOS, and more. Also learn from experts as we take objective deep dives into technologies impacting gynecologic health today ...
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(Dangerous )Tales from the UTE (pick up truck) near death experiences,dangerous travel ,bicycle, cycle touring ,hitchhiking,sailing,illegal border crossing,drugs,guns, corruption, comedy,humour,philosophy ...
Rich Mo
Two blokes from Yorkshire ,England 1995 . Cycle into a 40degree New Delhi day ,east toward Kathmandu,Nepal and South East Asia ,Illegal border crossings, near death by :thugs ,knife bandits ,car ,cyclones and crocodile. After bicycles stolen , hitching ,walking and sailing . Busting guts on a sheep station .No BS , No hype ,just how things really happened.And hopefully inspiring to potential travellers stuck in a rut doing the same same and turning to drink and worse at the weekends to compe ...
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El principio de la existencia surge de un espacio del que todos emergimos. La vida se gesta en el punto medio de la anatomía humana, todo comienza desde las entrañas: en el útero. Este es el piloto de un proyecto ambicioso que surge de la inquietud de una mente alterna, de un trío de álter-egos y de un enjambre de nervios alterados. Todos solos histéricos, todos llegamos a los extremos y autosaboteamos a la realidad.
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The latest on University of Utah football highlights, Pac-12 analysis and locker-room chatter, hosted by The Salt Lake Tribune's award-winning sportswriters.
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Sean Mooney(@JeanJeanDance) on Utes reg. season finale, Alex Jensen hire, Big 12 hoops + more
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19:14Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Plibbimish - Theodor Sandaker
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17:14Hva om hunder kom ramlende ut av frokostblandingspakker? Og hva om din nye hund viste seg å være laget av tyggegummi? Søsknene Olline og Mikronils får en svært spesiell start på dagen da Plibbimish stuper ned i frokostskåla deres – med dykkerutstyr, så klart. Å ha en hund av tyggegummi byr ikke bare på utfordringer, men også på eventyr: Han setter …
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Tyson @TyEwing2 on Utah WBB reg. season, Big 12 tourney exit + more
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13:33Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Bill Riley on Alex Jensen coming home to coach the Runnin Utes, Saturday's rivalry game at BYU + more
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20:18The Voice of the Utes on the Utes hiring Alex Jensen as the next Runnin Utes head coach, Rivalry game Saturday at BYU, Stephen A. Smith making more everyone in entire sports leagues + morePar Broadway Media
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Par Broadway Media
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Yngst alene til Sydpolen – med Karen Kyllesø
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1:27:40Da Karen Kyllesø nådde Sydpolen 13. januar 2025 etter 54 dager alene på ski gjennom Antarktis isøde, satte hun samtidig rekord som den yngste som noen gang har gjennomført turen alene og uten etterforsyninger. Vi prater oss gjennom hele dette gigantprosjektet fra forberedelser og trening til gjennomføring og ettertanker. Som Langturkompis eller Eks…
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Jason @J_Batacao on Utes officially hiring Alex Jensen, Spring FB ahead + more
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16:54Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Det er spennende tider i verden! Du har nok allerede hørt om Donald Trump og Europa, men har du hørt om alt som skjer i Serbia, Vatikanet og Nord-Korea? Utenriksmagasinet MIR holder deg som alltid oppdatert, og i studio i dag er Christian Jakob Allers, Thea Mostraum og Sondre Klokkerud Hella. Produsent er Astrid Halstvedt.…
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Gabe Madsen on the coaching change, Being the new 3 point king at Utah, Saturday rivalry game at BYU + more
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10:49The Runnin Utes star guard on the season they've had, The coaching change, Being the new career 3 point leader for the Runnin Utes, Going for a sweep over BYU Saturday + morePar Broadway Media
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Kyle Whittingham on spring ball, offseason roster-building, CFB landscape + more
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15:07Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Scott Mitchell's reaction to Utah expecting to hire Alex Jensen as the Runnin Utes head coach + more
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10:43The Utah FB legend & Former NFL QB on his alma mater expecting to hire Alex Jensen as the next men's basketball head coach + morePar Broadway Media
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3-5-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell- ESPN 700 - Hour 1
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50:45Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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3- 5- 25 - Dr. John Mattihas - Criminal Pyscholigist joins The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell
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26:02Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Par Broadway Media
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Reese Ross on the Utah women's basketball entering Big 12 tournament play, Maty Wilke's buzzer beater vs BYU + more
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15:06The Utah Women's basketball player on the team preparing for the Big 12 Tournament, Maty Wilke's halfcourt buzzer beater against BYU + morePar Broadway Media
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3-4-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell- ESPN - Hour 1
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48:43Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Spence Checketts reacting to ESPN 700's report that Alex Jensen will be the next Runnin Utes head coach
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15:54The host of The Drive's reaction to the news that Alex Jensen is going to take the Runnin Utes head coaching job, What it means for the future of the program + morePar Broadway Media
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The @JoshEilert Coaches Show - Talking @UtahMBB, his interim role, W over ASU + more
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46:56Utah's #1 sports talk and home University of Utah Athletics!Par Broadway Media
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Tyson Ewing on the thrilling win over BYU for Utah women's basketball, Maty Wilke's halfcourt buzzer beater, Previewing Big 12 tourney + ...
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25:05The Voice of Utah women's basketball on the epic rivalry game win, Maty Wilke's halfcourt buzzer beater, Maty Wilke's game winner, Big 12 tourney this week + morePar Broadway Media
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Scott Mitchell on the ACC nearing a settlement that would bring unequal revenue sharing, NFL Combine reaction + more
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20:42The Utah FB legend & Former NFL QB on the ACC nearing a settlement that would bring unequal revenue sharing, NFL combine fallout + morePar Broadway Media
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3-3-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700- Hour 1
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49:12Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Episode 20 - Ranking Ikuhara Industrial Realisms
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1:02:40This is a quintessential episode of Mawaru Penguindrum.Par Imagine Me & Utena
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Par Broadway Media
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32. The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
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1:11:21Live fra Flammen kulturhus Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Bill Riley on the Runnin Utes, Alumni Night vs ASU, Head Coaching Search, The NIL money it takes to compete in Big 12 + more
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18:35The Voice of the Utes on the Runnin Utes hosting ASU, The head coaching search, The NIL money it takes to succeed in the Big 12 + morePar Broadway Media
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🐱⚠️ Crazy cat ladies, raw steak lovers, and soon-to-be parents—listen up! 🍼🔬 In this episode of The Uterine Sound, Anne, Mel, and Carla dive into the mysterious world of toxoplasmosis—the "T" in TORCH infections. From cat litter to beef tartare, we uncover how this sneaky parasite spreads, why France has a higher rate of congenital cases, and wheth…
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2-28-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700- Hour 1
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49:24Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Norge rundt – med Vetle Dahle og Fredrik Dahle Klocke
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1:58:04Norge er et fantastisk turland, noe søskenbarnene Vetle Dahle og Fredrik Dahle Klocke fikk erfare til fulle i løpet av ni måneder på tur. De startet på ski fra Snåsa med kurs for Rjukan. Derifra fulgte de vannveiene til kysten med kano før de byttet til seilkajakk og tilbakela hele strekningen til Austertana i Finnmark. Etter en ferd til fots og me…
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Sean Mooney on the Runnin Utes head coaching search, Josh Eilert interim coach, The loss at No. 22 Arizona + more
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12:30The Runnin Utes Analyst on the program's head coaching search, Josh Eilert now the interim coach, The loss at #22 ArizonaPar Broadway Media
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2-27-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700- Hour 1
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50:11Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Par Broadway Media
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Utah WBB | Utes @ #18 West Virginia Mountaineers -Head Coach Gavin Petersen Postgame Interview
Hear from Utah WBB Head Coach Gavin Petersen followingthe loss to #18 West VirginiaPar Broadway Media
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2-26-25- Voice of the Utah Utes Bill Riley Joins The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell
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29:19Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Scott Mitchell on Luka Dončić's Health and Why Dončić Was Traded, His Views on Player Health, NFL Combine + More
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27:47Ute Legend and Host of Down and Dirty Scott Mitchell joins the show to discuss how he views Luka Dončić's health and his actions, his reaction to why he was traded, his views on player health at the pro level, Quarterbacks at the NFL Combine, and More!Par Broadway Media
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2-26-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700 - Hour 1
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50:43Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Hun er kanskje mest kjent som forbrukerøkonom i tv-programmer som «Luksusfellen» og «I lomma på Silje». Da Silje Sandmæl også dukket opp i den populære tv-serien «Vokteren» høsten 2024 – og konkurrerte om å komme seg til topps på Norges nasjonalfjell Stetind – skjønte vi alle hvor glad Silje er i natur og friluftsliv. I denne episoden av Utestemmer…
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Bill Riley on Runnin' Utes coaching move, Josh Eilert debut @ Arizona + more
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22:20Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Sean Mooney(@JeanJeanDance) on Runnin' Utes coaching change, potential candidates, Josh Eilert era + more
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23:30Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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2-25-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700 - Hour 1
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50:48Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Tony Jones(@TJonesOnTheNBA) on Utes moving on from Smith, replacement candidates Jensen/Bryant/Miller + more
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21:37Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Former Utes/NBA F Josh Grant on Craig Smith dismissal, Utah MBB next move(?) + more
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26:09Catch “The Drive with Spence Checketts” from 2 pm to 6 pm weekdays on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM. Produced by Porter Larsen. The latest on the Utah Jazz, Real Salt Lake, Utes, BYU + more sports storylines.Par Broadway Media
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Scott Mitchell on the NFL combine beginning this week, Surprising 40 yard dash time at his combine + more
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18:10The Utah Football legend & Host of the new Down & Dirty on the NFL combine including surprising some teams with his 40 yard dash time when he participated + morePar Broadway Media
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The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700 - Hour 1
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56:07Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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Par Broadway Media
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Hear from Head Coach Gavin Petersen after the Utes win against the Cincinnati Bearcats!Par Broadway Media
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Bill Riley on the Runnin Utes sweep of the Kansas schools, Gabe Madsen's place in program history, Reaction to 4 Nations Face Off + more
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16:16The Voice of the Utes on the Runnin Utes sweep of the Kansas schools, Sunday vs UCF, Gabe Madsen's place in program history, Reaction to the 4 Nations Face Off Championship + morePar Broadway Media
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2-21-25 - The Down and Dirty with Scott Mitchell - ESPN 700 - Hour 1
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47:38Have you ever wondered what would happen if you give a former NFL QB 2 hours of radio in one dau? This show makes that happen with former 12-Year NFL Veteran Scott Mitchell from 10-11am on ESPN 700 & 92.1 FM and 1-2pm on 103.9 & 98.3 ESPN The Fan. Scott wPar Broadway Media
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