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Entrevues avec Marie-Josée Gagnon

Chaque mois
Brave propose une série d’entretiens avec des femmes qui ont du cran. Elles sont interviewées par la conceptrice de Brave, Marie-Josée Gagnon, lors de cocktail-réseautage. Brave is a unique interview series showcasing the bold experiences of women who dared to be brave. Each of the women interviewed by Marie-Josée Gagnon has a powerful and inspiring story to tell – one full of courageous actions and defining moments.
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Finheads & Trends

Sopra Banking Software

Chaque mois
🇫🇷 Au micro de Caroline Béguin (voix française) et de Maya Lawrence (voix anglaise), des experts se succèdent pour commenter, dans ce podcast, les grandes tendances et actualités du secteur de la finance. 🎧 Deux formats majeurs viendront rythmer ce podcast : FinHeads : un format conversationnel qui met à l’honneur le parcours et l’expertise métier d’une tête pensante du secteur de la finance. FinTrends : des experts internes et externes s’exprimant sur les tendances du secteur de la finance ...
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Le podcast qui donne la parole aux femmes marocaines Sur ce podcast, nous inviterons des professionnels de la santé pour aborder divers sujets qui vous intéresse mais aussi des femmes qui nous raconteront leur histoires. Ces conseils de professionnels, ces témoignages, ces morceaux de vie sont une manière de vous écouter, vous soutenir et d'être votre plateforme d’échange sans filtres et sans tabous. ______ The podcast that gives to Moroccan women a voice and that helps them to be the best v ...
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In Confidences

in Confidences

Chaque mois
Welcome to in Confidences, a podcast by 2 sister-friends, one living in Senegal (West Africa), the other in the USA, confiding in each other on personal issues, and inviting other women to free themselves and find fulfillment. Bienvenue sur in Confidences, un podcast présenté par 2 amies, l’une vivant au Sénégal et l’autre aux USA, échangeant des confidences sur des sujets personnels et qui invitent d’autres femmes à se libérer et s’épanouir.
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Level the Paying Field

Pay Equity Office of Ontario

Chaque mois
Welcome to Level the Paying Field where we explore issues related to economics, equity, women, work and money. This series of conversations explores topics impacting women working in Ontario and is published by Ontario’s Pay Equity Office. Part of our inspiration for launching this series was how, in the midst of a global pandemic which disproportionally impacted women around the world, global multilateral organizations came together to inaugurate the first ever International Equal Pay Day o ...
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La Poudre

Lauren Bastide

Chaque mois+
Au micro de Lauren Bastide, écrivaines, artistes, chercheuses et militantes se racontent et prennent le pouls des luttes féministes et antiracistes contemporaines. Depuis 2016, la journaliste reçoit dans La Poudre des femmes artistes, militantes ou politiques pour des conversations intimes et profondes qui ont passionné de millions d’auditeurices. Ces récits, enrichis de documentaires événementiels, de tables rondes, et d’analyses par les plus grandes expertes des luttes pour les droits des ...
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“Without women, no progress is possible”. Driven by this conviction, UNMUTE is a platform amplifying women’s voices who are shaping their future and the world. Because learning from their experiences can inspire us to act, and to speak up. In this first podcast, 20 young women tell us about what perseverance and determination means in science, and how they are committed to improving the lives of millions of people across Africa and the world. The editor Aline Afanoukoé talks to the winners o ...
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🇫🇷 Bonjour! Bienvenue dans "Les Règles du Jeu", le podcast qui permet aux femmes qui travaillent de se dire "je peux le faire!", et de le faire. Je suis Clara Moley, ancienne trader dans un environnement 100% masculin, et je partage ici mes enseignements de "terrain" pour vous permettre à votre tour de surmonter vos challenges du quotidien, un jour, une réunion, une négociation à la fois. S'approprier les bons leviers de réussite, s'affranchir des freins intérieurs, se libérer de la dimensio ...
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Welcome to Her Story Podcast. Expect nuggets of wisdom, candid conversations, and be inspired by the women who share the 'extraordinary' of their ordinary daily lives. Son Histoire à Elle Un balado bilingue qui met en valeur non seulement le succès des femmes du Québec, mais aussi leur vies de tout les jours.
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Explorez des sujets importants en lien avec la culture du hockey et du sport en général, à travers ce balado bilingue présenté par les Canadiens de Montréal et Banque Scotia. « Franc-parler » offre des conversations approfondies avec des joueurs clés du milieu sur des aspects qui comptent : des problématiques vécues par les communautés 2SLGBTQI+ aux enjeux raciaux, en passant par les moyens de développer le hockey féminin. C’est l’heure de parler franchement. ++++ Dig deeper into major topic ...
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Tranquility du Jour

Kimberly Wilson

Chaque mois
Your guide to living a full and meaningful life: creativity, entrepreneurship, mindfulness, travel, style, yoga, making a difference and all things tranquility. Hosted by author, therapist and creative entrepreneur Kimberly Wilson, who lives in DC and dreams of Paris.
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show series
While African countries have little to do with what’s causing the climate crisis, they are feeling the brunt of the extreme weather patterns and left footing a climate-mitigation bill they can’t afford. Michael Olabisi is an assistant professor at Michigan State University and studies sustainable development in low-income countries. In this podcast…
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When disaster strikes, the knee-jerk reaction is to seek public funds for support, but private donors have the agility that governments often don’t. And while capital flows to Africa slowed to a trickle during the pandemic, philanthropy and remittances held steady. Una Osili is the Associate Dean for Research and International Programs at Indiana U…
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La présidente et chef de la direction d’Héma-Québec, Nathalie Fagnan a entamé sa carrière chez KPMG avant de se distinguer chez Publicis Groupe, où elle a gravi les échelons jusqu'au poste de v.-p. exécutive et chef de la direction financière pour le Canada. Son parcours inclut un rôle de leadership chez Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton où elle a cont…
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Conflict disrupts lives and economies everywhere, but recent IMF analytical work suggests the economic impact of conflict in the Middle East and Central Asia has proven larger and more persistent than in other regions. In this podcast, Ghassan Salamé (SciencesPo Paris), Mark Malloch-Brown (Open Society Foundations), and Rola Dashti (UNESCWA) discus…
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The World Economic Outlook is more than projected growth rates. The research behind those projections tells the story of how 190 countries, slowly but steadily, found their way through the fog of the past few years to emerge a testament to the resilience of the global economy. Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas is IMF Chief Economist and brings together the…
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Sub-Saharan Africa is slowly emerging from four turbulent years with higher growth expected for nearly two thirds of countries in the region. But while inflation has almost halved and debt has broadly stabilized, economies are still grappling with financing shortages and impending debt repayments. Wenjie Chen is deputy head of the team that publish…
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As inflation slowly subsides and optimism pervades financial markets, the latest Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) warns of potential setbacks. Fabio Natalucci and Jason Wu head the GFSR team. In this podcast, they discuss risks associated with debt and the private credit market, struggling real estate sectors in China and the US, cybersecur…
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IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva kicks off the 2024 IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings from the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, with her customary curtain raiser speech. Go to to follow the Spring Meetings and find all the IMF flagship reports, including the World Economic Outlook, the Global Financial Stability Report, and the Fi…
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Even optimal economic policies create winners and losers, and that’s where politics steps in. Trade liberalization is an example of a policy that can make a country better off as a whole, but what happens to workers who lose out to cheaper goods? Jeffry Frieden says while politics is often messy, it’s how society puts a value on things economists c…
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Adina a derrière elle plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le secteur de la finance et est spécialiste de l’allocation d’actifs. Elle a commencé sa carrière comme trader en produits structurés avant de se lancer dans l’aventure entrepreneuriale puisqu'en 2010 elle cofonde AAA, une société d’ingénierie financière digitale qui conçoit des algorithmes d’i…
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For decades, the standard labor market model has been ruled by supply and demand, but a younger generation of labor economists is questioning that approach. Suresh Naidu is a Professor of Economics and International Public Affairs at Columbia University. He says while the supply and demand model is not wrong, it only tells part of the story. In thi…
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Dans cet épisode, Fanny Rodriguez, Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Secrétaire Générale chez Fintecture mais aussi membre du Berlin Group, nous parle de ses domaines d'expertise. Elle revient notamment sur les anecdotes qui ont marqué sa vie de femme dans le secteur de la finance. Elle nous parle aussi du grand écart qu'elle a réalisé en passant d'u…
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• Depuis 2020, Mary-Dailey Desmarais occupe le poste de conservatrice en chef au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. Elle valorise et préserve la collection permanente en plus de contribuer aux projets d'expositions et de publications du musée. Engagée dans le milieu artistique, elle a siégé dans des jurys de prix d'art reconnus au Canada et a contri…
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It wasn’t that long ago when retiring in one’s 50s was an achievable goal. But with life expectancy steadily rising and pension systems doomed to fall short, the prospects for an early retirement are fading fast. Olivia Mitchell wrote the book on retirement and modern pension research and has spent her career helping people improve their financial …
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John Maynard Keynes was one of the most influential economists of the 20th century and the father of modern macroeconomics. His novel lectures at King’s College, Cambridge, inspired economists and policymakers of the time and continues to do so a hundred years later. In this podcast, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva delivers a speech insp…
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Economists build models based on basic assumptions of human behavior. But people are complicated, right? Do Germans who grew up on opposite sides of the Berlin Wall make the same financial decisions today? Ulrike Malmendier is a behavioral economist whose innovative research has shown that experiential learning rewires the brain to make decisions b…
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Countless resources and billions of dollars have been directed at poverty alleviation over the decades and yet almost 10 percent of the world’s population is still struggling to survive... not only in developing countries but in rich countries too. Why do so many anti-poverty efforts fall short? Martin Kalisa says there is more to poverty than inco…
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Christophe SORRÉ, CTO de l’industrie des services financiers & de la grande distribution chez IBM France, décrypte la façon dont l’IA générative révolutionne l’industrie bancaire et financière. Découvrez l'ampleur de cette disruption qu'il compare à l'impact du cloud computing comme nouveau paradigme de consommation des services IT, il y a plus de …
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• Geneviève Tanguay est PDG d'Anges Québec, le plus grand réseau d'anges investisseurs canadiens. Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience en investissement, elle a travaillé dans divers secteurs, y compris les sciences de la vie au Fonds de Solidarité. Geneviève a siégé sur plusieurs CA de sociétés privées et d'OBNL, dont l'Institut des administrateurs de…
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Industrial policy had its heyday in the 1950s and 60s when governments moved to boost national competitiveness amid burgeoning global trade. Economists have been predicting the return of industrial policy of late- and there’s no question it’s back, but what does today’s industrial policy look like? Michele Ruta is a trade expert at the IMF, and alo…
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Productivity has been the driving force behind the five- sometimes six-day workweek, but there is a growing body of evidence that shows a shorter week is equally, if not more productive in many respects. Juliet Schor is a champion of the four-day week and led the charge in the early 90s with her book The Overworked American, which studies the pitfa…
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Behind any good policy stands good data. And as the global economy becomes increasingly digitalized, effective policy and regulation are critical to ensure a stable and equitable financial system. Jim Tebrake is Deputy Director and heads the data and methodology efforts in the IMF Statistics Department. In this podcast, Tebrake says the world of di…
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with returning guest Tim Mooney. Hear about our latest passions and challenges, how we’ve made it 20 years, why we’re unmarried and childless by choice, how we navigate living in a tiny space, and more. Plus, we have a BIG announcement! Pour a cuppa tea and tune in! Link in bio. ✨ Direct downloa…
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Après La Poudre, Lauren Bastide présente Folie Douce, le podcast de conversations intimes pour libérer la parole sur la santé mentale. Découvrez Folie Douce gratuitement ici et abonnez-vous ! Pourquoi, quand on nous demande si ça va, la seule bonne réponse est oui ? Pourquoi personne ne dit qu’il ou elle est suivi.e par un psy, pourquoi ça reste ho…
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I share my Year in Review. Hear my top 10 highlights, what went well, what didn't go so well, dreams for 2024, and more PLUS a variety of resources for you! Subscribe in your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon. Visit for more. New to Tranquility du Jo…
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Artificial intelligence has the power to transform society in so many ways, but only a small number of companies in an even smaller number of countries hold the keys to AI’s development. So what happens when a narrow swath of humanity makes choices that will impact everyone else? Stephanie Bell is a Senior Research Scientist at the Partnership for …
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I share a holiday message and a preview of what's coming in 2024 (hello, Substack, a reimagined Coterie, a Year of Tranquility digital course). Grab your journal, a cuppa tea, and settle in for this heartfelt musing. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon. Visit k…
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Il y a un mois, le 15 novembre, on a vécu un moment totalement exceptionnel à Verdragon, le lieu collectif de l’association Front de mères. On n’exagère même pas : c’était l’enregistrement de cet épisode de La Poudre, le deuxième avec Vandana Shiva, qui est un peu le top du féminisme. C’était en public, gratuit, et il y avait tellement de monde qu’…
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Why move from Open Banking to Open Finance? Join Bruno Cambounet, Head of Research at Sopra Banking Software, on this podcast journey as he unravels the limitations of Open Banking and the necessity to transition towards Open Finance. FinTrends, a podcast series by Sopra Banking Software, brings you insightful discussions on the hottest topics in t…
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Dive into the dynamic world of Open Finance as it carves out its space within the banking landscape. While Open Banking’s definition remains elusive, Europe has adeptly outlined the contours of Open Finance. With this paradigm shift, we’re not just defining finance; we’re sculpting a future where finance serves both individuals and businesses. It’s…
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FinTrends is a podcast series launched by Sopra Banking Software to delve into the hot topics of the finance sector. And right now, Open Banking is the talk of the town… While we've been tossing around the term 'Open Banking' for about a decade, it's evolved into a multifaceted subject, far from being crystal clear in its essence. So, what's really…
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Artificial intelligence is changing the way we work and for many it’s scary. But for teachers in India’s million-plus schools, AI is a welcome partner in solving the learning poverty problem. Shankar Maruwada is the Co-founder and CEO of EkStep Foundation, which develops AI to help improve the public education system. In this podcast, Maruwada and …
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with returning guest Britt Bravo about creating, clarifying, and living our Big Vision. Learn the components of a Big Vision, how to bring yours to life, tips to help make you Big Vision real, and much more! Grab your journal, a cuppa tea, and tune in! Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #621: …
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The pace at which artificial intelligence is transforming jobs is astounding, but while it boasts higher productivity AI is also increasing wage inequality. When workers are replaced by machines, real wages decline, and the owners of capital prosper. So who owns AI and how should its benefits be distributed? In this podcast, the IMFs Andrew Berg an…
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[De nombreux épisodes de La Poudre ont été cités dans cet épisode (ce n’est pas un hasard) : Marine Turchi, Kaoutar Harchi, Michelle Perrot, Sandrine Rousseau, Rachel Kéké] Cet épisode de La Poudre est très spécial, on ne peut pas encore vous dire pourquoi, mais vraiment, on vous conseille d’écouter cette conversation entre Lénaïg Bredoux, codirect…
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There’s no question that Artificial Intelligence will increase productivity- but at what cost? What happens when systems out-perform not only factory workers but society’s most esteemed professions? Daniel Susskind has written two thought-provoking books on how AI is changing the nature of work and what tomorrow’s labor market will look like. Sussk…
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Global warming is wreaking havoc on so many levels, but climate action is costly and presents policymakers with difficult tradeoffs. High debt, rising interest rates, and weaker growth prospects make public finances harder to balance and climate goals harder to achieve. This is where fiscal policy and climate mitigation meet and why the IMF Fiscal …
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I do a bit of looking back and take you along on the journey. Sharing a play by play of 2023's unfolding (full "Year in Review" still to come), reflection on a comment about how "we've grown up together," and a preview of what's coming in 2024 (hello, Substack, a reimagined Coterie, a Year of Tranquili…
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Compositrice, arrangeuse musicale et cheffe d’orchestre, Uèle Lamore n’aime pas les fioritures et se définit surtout comme une musicienne (7:20). Au micro de Lauren Bastide, Uèle Lamore retrace son parcours marqué par l’ambivalence : née d’un père américain et d’une mère française aux racines centrafricaines (16:52), son enfance s’est faite au croi…
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