A podcast to help you learn to talk Tibetan
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Conexões Auspiciosas. Tendrel é a palavra tibetana para "interdependência". Aqui Padma Dorje trata de todo tipo de assuntos ligados ao budismo, bem como responde perguntas.
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This podcast site shares thoughts and perspectives concerning practical notions and methodologies for all -- regardless of level of experience or knowledge -- who are curious, interested or an ongoing student/practitioner of Himalayan (aka Tibetan) Buddhism. These podcasts are products of The Chenrezig Project, a Buddhist study/discussion group located in Boulder County, CO. Mark Winwood, a member of the undergraduate Psychology teaching faculty at Naropa University in Boulder, is the Chenre ...
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Podcasts for Phendeling - Center for Tibetansk Buddhisme
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Tibetan news, music, and culture @ www.wisconsintibetanradio.org
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Please download and have a listen, we really need your help to return little stolen puppy Alice to her home.
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un podcast de budismo en español con diferentes temáticas para el crecimiento espiritual , físico y emocional para vivir una vida plena
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My name is Tenzin Gyaltsen and I'm an independent Tibetan Youtuber. I will be bringing in lots of exciting content for this podcast with many influential people in our community to share their experiences. I would be sharing travel tips and many more. Most importantly I will directly be talking to my favorite people (subscribers)😉.
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Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism
Anne Klein and Harvey Aronson, teachers and co-directors of Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhis
Anne C. Klein, PhD, and Harvey B. Aronson, PhD, are the co-founders of Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism in Houston, Texas. Drawing from more than 80 years of combined experience studying with great lamas, translating written and spoken Tibetan, and practicing and teaching around the world, they offer guided meditations and teachings rooted in Tibetan Buddhist traditions that are accessible to modern Western students of the dharma. Now you can enjoy meditating with them and with the ...
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The Tibetan Graduates Studies Seminar (TGSS) is a weekly series of colloquia and guest lectures at the Oriental Institute. The intended purpose of the TGSS is to give MPhil and DPhil candidates a platform to present their work-in-progress and receive feedback from staff and affiliated scholars of the field. Additionally, the weekly time slot will also allow visiting scholars to present their current research. They are provided with the opportunity to engage in similar ways with both students ...
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LEÇONS DE FRANÇAIS EN TIBÉTAIN ཧྥ་རན་སི་ཁ་སྐད་སློབ་ཚན། French lessons un tibetan ཧྥ་རེན་སི་སྐད་ཐོག་ནས། ལྷ་ས་ཁ་སྐད་ཐོག་གི་འགྲེལ་བཤད།
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Nestled into the side of Lighthouse Hill, the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art is a uniquely peaceful retreat. The museum presents the art and culture of Tibet and the Himalayas to a world audience in order to educate about and to inspire others in the value of this significant cultural heritage. Established in 1945, the Museum was founded by the pioneering American woman Jacques Marchais (1887-1948), an important collector and respected expert on Tibetan art. Designed by Marchais, the ...
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En este exhaustivo trabajo, el maestro de meditación budista y conferenciante internacional Sogyal Rimpoché combina la milenaria sabiduría de Tíbet con la moderna investigación sobre la muerte, los moribundos y la naturaleza del universo. El Libro Tibetano de la Vida y de la Muerte expone con claridad y un rigor sin precedentes la majestuosa visión que nos ofrece el Libro Tibetano de los Muertos. Sogyal Rimpoché presenta unas prácticas sencillas y a la vez poderosas de la tradición tibetana, ...
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'DeepSeek'ing Dharma -- and the Human Touch
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12:51Ongoing advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), most recently -- and explosively -- led by China's DeepSeek scientists, have stunned the tech/financial world in ways splashed about as pivotal 'wake-up' or 'Sputnik' moments. Certainly, we live in rapidly shifting times . . . but perhaps there ARE things more practically meaningful than global/po…
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Visualize a vast railroad terminal resembling New York's Grand Central Station, with freshly deceased people entering all the time, mulling around, eventually trudging from the station waiting room toward the track on which their departure train sits, ready to take them on the journey through the Bardo of Becoming to their next rebirth. Consider: W…
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CUERPO Y MENTE SANA Con : Octavio Lomeli
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30:03En el budismo un cuerpo y mente sana es importante , El influencer- Nutricionista Coach Octavio lomeli Desde Mexico Nos habla de Como mantener un cuerpo sano y mente sana Agradecimiento Especial a Octavio Lomeli desde Bali
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Family, aka Our Holiday 'Dharma Lab'
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16:12This time of year can be difficult for many -- obligatory family gatherings, stress, pressure, stale relationships, contrived cheer, awkward communications, discomfort. But consider: perhaps there's no more fertile setting for meaningful Dharma practice -- and the profound rewards that accompany it -- than with and within our own families. -- Herei…
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Thangka, Buddha and a Meditative Journey . . .
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12:19Wednesday, December 11, 2024 Years ago, a Tibetan craftsman created the Thangka for her, presenting a luminous Gautama Buddha surrounded by empowering deities and Dharma protectors. She's spent abundant meditative hours in the Thangka's presence; fondly sitting with it, adoring and appreciating it as one would a most precious friend. In all their t…
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Pureza do darma, cinismo e devoção
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33:00Algumas formas de pensar humanistas ou seculares não consideram possível uma pessoa atingir a remoção completa de seus defeitos e a expressão completa de suas qualidades, sem falha alguma. As pessoas que guardam essa ideia como dogma, não são bons candidatos ao refúgio budista. E, em particular, provavelmente não são o público alvo do vajrayana. Es…
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Duas realidades e natureza de buda
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1:05:17As duas realidades, a enganosa e a definitiva, podem ser vistas como duas coisas separadas, ou podem ser mescladas de um jeito errado. Como entender a união além dos extremos de separação e união das duas realidades? O que isto implica para o praticante em termos de revelar sua própria natureza de buda? Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org…
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Revaloração de si mesmo e do mundo pelo Darma do Buda
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1:15:25Os grandes professores budistas escondem suas qualidades, qual o sentido disso? O praticante usa as ferramentas que o Buda deixou para abandonar a alquimia da ignorância, que transforma o que já é ouro em cocô. A principal ferramenta é a natureza de buda, encontrada na aspiração de ser como o Buda, nos ensinamentos e na sangha. Encontrar um profess…
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Caminho do meio: o grandioso e o menorzinho
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57:05O que significa “Grande Caminho do Meio”, e como ele se contrapõe a um “pequeno”? O Grande Caminho do Meio que é objeto de defesa e refutação, não é propriamente o grande. Grande significa, neste contexto, igual a realização da sabedoria que reconhece as coisas como elas realmente são, e que de fato, não é diferente da própria natureza das coisas. …
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O que é “transcendental” para o budismo?
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48:25Uma tradução comum para “prajnaparamita” é “conhecimento transcendental”. Embora, estritamente falando, isto esteja tecnicamente correto, nas acepções populares de cada um dos termos, fica soando algo que não é bem correto. Um sobrevoo sobre a etimologia e entendimento do termo “paramita”. Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em …
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Se pegamos duas visões díspares e apenas tentamos fazer com que uma funcione com a outra, nunca vai funcionar. A união no sentido do caminho do meio, é o fato de que vacuidade e aparência são dois aspectos de uma mesma coisa. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#69 ◦ Mipham's Beacon of Certainty (a tradução de…
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Como começar um centro de darma em sua cidade
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54:48Viajar continuamente em busca do darma pode se tornar impossível, então como fazer com que o darma se instale próximo de você? Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tzal.org/como-comecar-um-centro-de-darma-em-sua-cidade/ ◦ Budista de internet, vídeo no Canal Tendrel ◦ Centros de darma que recomendo, página em tzal.org ◦…
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Qual é mesmo a posição da forma mais sofisticada de filosofia budista, a prasangika madhyamaka, o consequencialismo do caminho do meio. Ela realmente não sustenta uma tese/posição? Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#68 ◦ Mipham's Beacon of Certainty (a tradução de John Whitney Pettit na amazon.com.br). ◦ Est…
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O praticante enjoado do budismo
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31:01Enquanto envelhecemos ao praticar o darma, podemos vir a perder algo da inspiração e frescor iniciais. Como se resguardar disto? Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tzal.org/o-praticante-enjoado-do-budismo/ ◦ Tulku Arik biography, no site Treasury of Lives (em inglês) ◦ Conselho de Tromge Tulku Arik, os únicos versos …
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Tanto não afirma que não chega nem mesmo a negar
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1:23:54Encerrando o tópico seis e abrindo o tópico sete. Uma explicação das tabelas do John Pettit e alguns trechos do comentário do Troshul Jamdor. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#67 ◦ Mipham's Beacon of Certainty (a tradução de John Whitney Pettit na amazon.com.br). ◦ Estudo de o Farol da Certeza, anotações e …
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Na visão budista, é muito fácil nascer animal ou em pior circunstância, sem nenhuma chance de ser capaz de reconhecer ou praticar o Darma do Buda. E se nascemos humanos, é muito difícil ter o mérito de encontrar, ver valor e oportunidade de se engajar no darma como praticante. A chance de ter um nascimento dotado das liberdades e vantagens na próxi…
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O corpo de sabedoria da expansão da pureza primordial
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51:21A vastidão da igualdade da pureza primordial livre do embaraço de provar ou refutar é onde desaguam todas as visões produzidas pelos diversos caminhos e escolas. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#66 ◦ Mipham's Beacon of Certainty (a tradução de John Whitney Pettit na amazon.com.br). ◦ Estudo de o Farol da C…
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É preciso respeitar todas as tradições espirituais autênticas, ainda que mantendo o compromisso com a pureza inerente do que realmente importa. Algumas pessoas só têm interesse em conversar sobre religião, ou esperam ser convertidas. No supermercado espiritual do mundo de hoje, o déficit de atenção parece preferir uma mistura de tudo que aparece, t…
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União livre de parcialidades e extremos
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1:02:42Para entender como os seres nas diferentes classes percebem uma mesma coisa de modos diferentes, é preciso reconhecer a união de vacuidade e aparência, livre de parcialidades e extremos. Isto também é necessário para funcionar bem no mundo, e atingir a realização. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#65 Mipham…
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Os reinos budistas realmente existem?
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36:58Uma das perguntas mais comuns é se os reinos budistas realmente existem. A tentação é dizer que são meros estados psicológicos, mas será mesmo assim? Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tzal.org/os-reinos-budistas-realmente-existem/ ◦ Evento com Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche no Brasil, de 15 a 24 de novembro de 2024 ◦ Li…
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Asian Territorial Deity Cosmologies as Vehicles for the Transmission of Buddhadharma (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series)
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40:51Robert Mayer's analysis of Guru Chowang's enduring connection between territorial deity cosmologies and the preservation of hidden teachings in Tibetan Buddhism Academic scholars are accustomed to understanding gter as sacred texts often associated with Padmasambhava, within a cult deriving historically from ancient imperial burials. Yet the great …
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Nāgas and relic treasures in the Mahāvaṃsa (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series)
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41:46Kristin Scheible uncovers the hidden role of nāgas in defining Buddhist treasures and explores their surprising significance in safeguarding sacred relics through early texts Much of the literature on nāgas in Indian Buddhist monasticism has focused on their rain-making and monastery-protecting duties. However, early Buddhist texts are full of narr…
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O budismo é contra os direitos humanos?
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38:08É óbvio que o budismo é a favor de direitos humanos, como poderia ser diferente? Porém, atualmente surge um discurso anticolonialista no budismo que desafia a noção de direitos humanos, como é isso? Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tzal.org/o-budismo-e-contra-os-direitos-humanos/ ◦ Evento com Dzongsar Khyentse Rinp…
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"What Is Enlightenment? Is it for Me?"
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11:01Call it what you will: enlightenment, realization, awakening, illumination, profound maturity, sageness, bliss . . . noble and empowering . . . brilliant and humble . . . courageous and practical . . . the 'stuff' of poetry. Cultivating the enlightening mind is, for those who venture in its direction with diligence and authenticity, an adventurous …
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Continuamos o exame da teoria de conhecimento budista a partir do Pramanavartika de Dharmakirti, determinando a relação entre conhecimento e conhecedor. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#64 Mipham's Beacon of Certainty https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/0861711572/?tag=tzal-20 Este podcast também está disponível …
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Kleshas: Like Highway Robbers . . .
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12:02Ignorance, Anger, Confusion, Greed, Jealousy, Arrogance, Cynical Doubt, Laziness, Wrong Views, Low Self Esteem, Fear. In Buddhism these are known as Kleshas, mental hindrances that cloud our mind, setting the stage for unwholesome (i.e., self-centered) intentional actions. They are stubborn -- sneaky, lurking -- like highway robbers, always ready t…
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Recalibrating the Perspective on Tibetan and Himalayan History: Identity- and Nation-Building in Bhutan (Transcript)
In this talk, Dr. Dagmar Schwerk presents the work-in-progress of her current research project, an investigation into identity- and nation-building in eighteenth-century Bhutan In this talk, Dr. Dagmar Schwerk presents the work-in-progress of her current research project, an investigation into identity- and nation-building in eighteenth-century Bhu…
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Recalibrating the Perspective on Tibetan and Himalayan History: Identity- and Nation-Building in Bhutan
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42:52In this talk, Dr. Dagmar Schwerk presents the work-in-progress of her current research project, an investigation into identity- and nation-building in eighteenth-century Bhutan In this talk, Dr. Dagmar Schwerk presents the work-in-progress of her current research project, an investigation into identity- and nation-building in eighteenth-century Bhu…
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Como prática formal e informal interagem, uma discussão sobre terminologia e alguns aspectos da prática budista em geral e do vajrayana em específico. Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tzal.org/pratica-formal-e-informal/ ◦ O Buda que há em você (Livro de Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche)https://www.makara.com.br/produtos/o-b…
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Conclusión - Cap. 21 El proceso universal
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51:56"Os he mostrado el camino a la liberación, ahora os toca a vosotros recorrerlo".
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Capítulo 20: La experiencia de proximidad a la muerte: Una escalera al cielo?
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56:41En Occidente nos hemos familiarizado mucho con la experiencia de proximidad a la muerte, nombre que se da a la gama de experiencias descrita por personas que han sobrevivido a un incidente de muerte clínica o proximidad a la muerte...
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‘Treasures’ (gter ma) and treasure-finders in Yungdrung Bön: a Tibetan tradition spanning a thousand years (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series)
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50:58This talk presents an outline of the Yungdrung Bön ’Treasure’ tradition The Tibetan Bön religion, often called Yungdrung (‘Eternal’) Bön by its adherents, arose in Central Tibet at the same time as the ‘Latter Propagation’ (phyi dar) of Buddhism, i.e. in the 10th-11th century CE. In fact, it shares many traits with the Latter Propagation, and may b…
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Some Thoughts on Mindfulness Practice
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17:25We often cannot change our external environment. We certainly cannot change many (or most) of the people we encounter. But Mindfulness practice can lead us to clearly 'see' -- and help us to genuinely understand -- what is happening in the present moment (i.e., as it is happening) rather than being confused and/or lost in our thoughts, opinions and…
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Yoginīs, Revelation, and Hidden Knowledge in Tantric Śaivism (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series)
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33:52This presentation examines Śākta transformations of conceptions of revelation and the transmission of esoteric knowledge in Mantramārga Śaivism This presentation examines Śākta transformations of conceptions of revelation and the transmission of esoteric knowledge in Mantramārga Śaivism. In particular, the presentation focuses on representations of…
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Nectar, Water, or Blood? A Buddhist History of Perceptual Relativism
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46:03In this talk, Jacob Fisher presents his research on a history of the Buddhist discussions surrounding perceptual relativism, in India and Tibet Indian and Tibetan epistemologists have spent millennia grappling with the central philosophical questions of relativism and intersubjectivity. This talk will present my ongoing DPhil research that attempts…
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A Chorus of Voices Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po’s Commentary on the Nāmasaṅgīti, and Its Indian Sources
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53:54Nicola Bajetta takes us through Rongzom Chökyi Zangpo's commentary on the Nāmasaṅgīti, a hymn of praise dedicated to Mañjuśrī Among the circa thirty-two extant works by the seminal rNying-ma scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po (11th–12th cent.), his Explanation in Three Points (rNam gsum bshad pa) is one of the earliest autochthonous Tibetan comment…
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From a divine 17th century French Canadian cathedral . . . to a young couple presenting Medicine Buddha-oriented offerings in the midst of northern Colorado's 'Rawah Wilderness' -- a tale of bountiful faith and practice touching distant times and realms. (Length: 14 minutes) Written and shared here by Mark Winwood of the Chenrezig Project (mwinwood…
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Continuamos o exame da teoria de conhecimento budista em termos do relativo e definitivo. No âmbito relativo, usamos juízos exclusivo e inclusivo para determinar a relação entre conhecimento e conhecedor. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#63 Mipham's Beacon of Certainty https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/08617115…
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Sūtra in Early Buddhist Treasure Texts (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series)
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50:51Reinier Langelaar’s talk on early Tibetan treasure literature’s influences, inspirations, and narrative themes Early Tibetan treasure literature was pivotal in the development of a distinctly Buddhist vision of Tibetan history. In formulating such narratives, two influential early works, the Ma-ṇi-bka’-‘bum and the Bka’-chems-ka-khol-ma, appear to …
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Vacuidade em poucas palavras
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35:50Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tzal.org/vacuidade-em-poucas-palavras/ Para receber informações sobre a produção de Padma Dorje: https://tzal.org/boletim-informativo/ Por favor ajude esse canal: https://tzal.org/patronagem/ Lista completa de conteúdos no canal tendrel, com descrição: https://tzal.org/tendrel-lista…
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20:55Sound therapy with Tibetan singing bowls is an ancient form of regeneration. The sound of Tibetan singing bowls and the gong harmonizes and allows deep relaxation , After sound therapy emotions are calm and the mind clearer, and the sound vibrations have effect on the body after the singing bowls have been played on it. * This episode was recorded …
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Onde estabelecemos a substância da não substância como mera aparência. E também falamos sobre mahayana e vajrayana em termos de visão e resultado, e chegamos até mesmo a tocar em terceiro excluído. Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#62 Mipham's Beacon of Certainty https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/0861711572/?tag…
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Einstein teria dito que o budismo é a religião do futuro. Será mesmo que ele disse isso? E se disse, será que o budismo a que ele tinha acesso podia ser entendido além de um viés colonialista? Além disto, o que ele pensava realmente sobre ciência e religião é compatível mesmo com o budismo? O que o hype com a inteligência artificial tem a ver com t…
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Early Teachings on the Four Phurpas and the Relationship between the Revelatory and Transmitted Textual Tradition (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series)
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41:30Early teachings on the Four Phurpas in the light of the Eightfold Buddha Word, Embodying the Sugatas (bka' brgyad bde gshegs 'dus pa) revelation of Myang ral Nyi ma 'od zer (1124-1192), and the relationship between the Revelatory (gter ma) and Transmitted Myang ral's twelfth century revealed corpus of the Eightfold Buddha Word, Embodying the Sugata…
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Turn Suffering Into Compassion -- A Tonglen Meditation
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45:27"Tonglen" is a Tibetan term that implies 'exchanging oneself with others’. It refers to a meditation practice found in Himalayan/Mahayana Buddhism which allows the awakening of genuine compassion. "Tong" translates as 'giving or sending', and "len" as 'receiving or taking.' Tonglen practice is experiential; it gradually wears away our habitually ob…
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Onde começamos a analisar os dois extremos, de acreditar que o lastro da cognição válida, e os critérios de invalidade, pertencem a um objeto independente, seja ele externo ou interno (mente). Estudo de o Farol da Certeza https://tzal.org/estudo-de-o-farol-da-certeza/#61 Mipham's Beacon of Certainty https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/0861711572/?tag=tzal…
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Trees, Indra’s Net and the Unfolding Archaeology of All that Is
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14:24Reflections on Buddhist Dharma, Indra’s Jewel Net and the Trees with which we share our planet . . . as metaphor for the vast intra-connectedness of phenomena, ideas and life. Since all things are intimately -- and infinitely -- intertwined with one another, every action is echoed throughout time and space, creating a butterfly effect across the co…
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O respeito, algumas vezes até excessivo, por todas as coisas referentes ao darma, é um treinamento da mente essencial à prática budista, e faz parte do voto de refúgio. Como as exigências desse respeito, e do agir com propriedade, se extendem até nosso quotidiano na modernidade? Este podcast também está disponível em formato de vídeo em https://tza…
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Exploring relationships between theory of practice and practice by looking at the Abhisamayālaṃkāra in Gelukpa scholasticism
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51:58Chandra Ehm's investigation into the foundations of the Geluk monastic curriculum The commentarial corpus of the Abhisamayālaṃkāra, as we find it in the scholarship of the gelukpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, clearly outlines soteriological paths on how to achieve the religious goal of enlightenment. These scriptures are studied, debated, and con…
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The Transformation of Nyingma Identity: Some Key Developments in Contemporary Nyingma Monastic Education
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45:51Nicholas Hobhouse on Developments in Contemporary Nyingma Monastic Education This presentation, which draws upon the speaker’s ongoing PhD research, will examine some of the key developments that have taken place in Nyingma monastic education, both in ‘exile’ and inside Eastern Tibet, since the ruptures brought about by the Maoist invasion of the 1…
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