La Jazz Baragge est diffusée en direct sur la Radio et la Tv de DBC, tous les mercredis soirs à partir de 21:30 (GMT+01:00) le coeur du jazz mondial bat au centre de la Suisse.Venez également nous rejoindre sur Second Life dans nos studios virtuels. http://www,
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Best of jam - Keyboard: Sam Barsh, Bass: Essiet Okon Essiet, Drum: Mark McLean, Guitar: Felix UtzingerPar DBC Radio Tv
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Un trio composé de Raphaël Pedroli à la batterie, Colin Vallon au Rhodes et effets et Lorenz Beyeler à la Contrebasse. Johänntgen.http://www.NicoleJohaenntgen.comPar DBC Radio Tv
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If you are a musician and have a Jazz new album, come to Jazzbaragge, play the jam and give us CD, maybe if we like it... we speak about, live !http://www.dbc-tv.comPar DBC Radio Tv
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Solo by Amin Mokdad DBC Radio Tv
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Die JazzBaragge ist der Zürcher Treffpunkt für die aktive Jazzszene. Hier findet jeden Mittwoch eine Jam–Session für den praxisorientierten Meinungsaustausch zwischen lokalen, nationalen und internationalen MusikerInnen, MusikstudentInnen und Musik Interessierten statt.Unser Verein hat das Ziel, die regelmässige Durchführung dieses öffentlichen Jam…
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Reggie Saunders have made beautiful set since a few month in wednesday Jazzbaragge and now he come back to USA ! Special dedicace this week for all marvellous moment with him !Par DBC Radio Tv
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Every wednesday there is around midnight amazing musical moment, this is one of the most beautiful, if you was not here you have miss something....Roy Hargrove C'est Wynton Marsalis qui découvre le premier les talents de Hargrove au cours d'une visite dans son université.Hargrove a enregistré avec un nombre impressionnant de musiciens incluant Herb…
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Gabriel Zufferey piano solo. A l'âge de 12 ans, Gabriel Zufferey commence à se produire en public en piano solo, Il rencontre un orchestre de jazz New-Orleans de Genève et joue pendant deux ans à leurs côtés. by JfR @2009 DBC gmbh - JazzbaraggePar DBC Radio Tv
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Nicole Johänntgen sax solo Jazzbaragge wednesday Jam.http://www.dbc-tv.comhttp://www.jazzbaragge.chIn SL: Suisse 127,190,22Join us on web or inworld, but don't forget that best place is inside the club ;-)Par DBC Radio Tv
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Claude Diallo friends have make the event ...http://www.dbc-blog.nethttp://www.jazzbaragge.netPar DBC Radio Tv
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Don't miss exclusiv picture of Dave ... on ... Piano !!!http://www.dbc-tv.nethttp://www.jazzbaragge.chAll info about dbc events:http://www.dbc-blog.netPar DBC Radio Tv
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Piano: Claude DialloVoice: CatJazzbaragge broadcast live from zurich onweb and inside Metaverse.Video by JfRhttp://www,dbc-tv.nethttp://www,jazzbaragge.chPar DBC Radio Tv
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sax: Dave Feusi bass: Michael Chylewskidrums: Andreas Schnyder piano: Roland KöppelExclusiv broadcast on web and inside virtual studio of DBC. http://www,dbc-blog.comhttp://www,jazzbaragge.chPar DBC Radio Tv
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Jazzbaragge guest star during the nights of JazzNOjazz festival in Zurich.See you next year !Thanks to:- Andreas Greiner - Stall6 -- Roger Rüegger - JazzNoJazz -- Dave Feusi - Jazzbaragge team -- Edwige Diot - Pulp-arts -- Fafa - Laurine - BMW - Garage Epper -©2008 DBC Gmbh - -…
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JAMBAND OKTOBERchristian rösli / gregor müller /christoph stiefel · pianoharald haerter / theo kapilidis · guitarherbert kramis / herbie kopf /dominique girod / rätus flisch · bassandy brugger · drumshttp://www.dbc-blog.nethttp://www.jazzbaragge.chPar DBC Radio Tv
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Two minutes of sax,,, no comment exept it's Dave Feusi... Thx for this.Par DBC Radio Tv
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Drums: Christian NiedererGuitar:Sam MöschingOrgan:Marcel Thomihttp://www.dbc-radio.nethttp://www.jazzbaragge.chPar DBC Radio Tv
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Jazz just jazz...http://www.jazzbaragge.chhttp://www.dbc-tv.netPar DBC Radio Tv
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What else...http://www.jazzbaragge.chhttp://www.dbc-tv.comPar DBC Radio Tv
continue reading and, every wednesday live on web and inside Second Life from Zurich Switzerland. Try it !Par DBC Radio Tv
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Around midnight, sometimes faraway from, you can spend nice time inside club with Dave Feusi and friends or watching live at See yu ;-)Par DBC Radio Tv
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Eiko, Dave Feusi, Frank Rosaly... Live on DBC Radio Tv
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Live from Zurich the Jazzbaragge the best place to discover new talent of european jazz.. Live on second life and on and http://www.jazzbaragge.chPar DBC Radio Tv
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Jazz jam session with: Sax: Dave FEUSI - Trumpet: Philippe THOMAS -Thrombin; Rene MOSELE - Piano: Stefan Rusconi - Guitar:Sam MÖSCHING - Bass Doninique GIROD - Drums: Christian NIEDERER - Percussion: BOOXYPar DBC Radio Tv
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Don't forget the amazing end of season 27 ' night, tribute to James Brown... Brodcast live on, and inside the studio in Second Life, But ! the best place ! is in the club at Zurich ! Join us !Par DBC Radio Tv
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Christoph Irniger au sax et Christian Niederer à la batterie, ne ratez pas ce podcast !Par DBC Radio Tv Jazz
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The goal of this experimentation is to permit to all people who participate through the web all around the world, to meet together and to recreate the ambiance of the club on the famous virtual world Based on the Swiss land, the show is broadcast by DBC in real and virtual world, live inside the Radio Tv studio, and the S…
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Willy Kotoun Kurzbiografie (*1953) Percussion / Percussionensemble / Rhythmus und Bewegung /Körper-Tanz-RhythmusAusbildung: Studium am "Instituto Superior de Arte", Habana/Kuba. Bevorzugte Stilrichtungen: Jazz,Latin,Afro, R&B,Flamenco, freie Musik. Künstlerische Tätigkeiten: Spielte 6 Jahre bei Nina Corti; engagiert sich stark für die Pekussionsmus…
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willy kotoun / david stauffacher · percussion Edouardo costa - drums Ignacio Julio Piano- The hot jazz-brazil ambiance with sun inside the club ! and every wednesday live from Zurich.Par DBC Radio Tv Jazz
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The last session of Mars (sorry for the delay) with See you on t'chat every wednesday at or for french people ! But the "must" is inside the club, come to make a "live hello !" Thanks to Fabrice Dunand for his help on this session this guys do a lot for music in switzerland wi…
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Two podcast this week !! this one is a big jam with: EIKO, Dave Feusi, Marcus Hauser,Esther Bächlin, Beat Ramseier, Marc Hemantha Hutschmind, Bernard Vidal. More info about phenomenal EIKO at don't miss this dragon and a queen mix ¨¨!!! !¨ Stay tune the next podcast is made by Fabrice Dunand from …
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Mercredi 21h30 en direct sur internet sur http://dbc-radio.netEvery wednesday 21:30 live on http://www.jazzbaragge.chDer Verein JazzBaragge fördert den musikalischen Austausch zwischen jungen und erfahrenen Jazzmusi-kerInnen aus der Schweizer Musik-szene. Deshalb veranstaltet der Verein jeden Mittwoch die Wednesday Jams, zu denen natürlich alle Jaz…
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JazzBaragge@ mehrspur Waldmannstrasse 12 8001 Zürich -- Wednesday Jam20.30 Uhr - 2.00 Uhr - SBahn bis StadelhofenTram #2,4,5,8,9,11,15 /Bus #912,916 bis BellevueParkplätze beimOpernhaus / Hirschengraben Parkhaus Hohe Promenadehttp://www.jazzbaragge.chhttp://www.dbc-radio.netPar DBC Radio Tv Jazz
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sx: Bardia Chariaf dr: Serge Beresovski for a short but nice live best off this weekhttp://www.jazzbaragge.chhttp://www.dbc-radio.netPar DBC Radio Tv Jazz
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Nice jam set with Dave Feusi, Chris Wiesandanger, Dominik Burkhalter, Marco Müller and guest. Don't miss the end, sometimes Jazz Baragge is a crazy place ...Par DBC Radio Tv Jazz
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