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The best way to get started with something is to quit talking because ‘’Talking doesn’t fly a plane’’. This seems easy at first glance, but moving from words to actions is usually where a lot of us get stuck. Whatever you want to achieve, this is the kick in the pants you need to get to where you truly want to be It’s doing that makes the difference. DO IT. How to Quit Talking and Begin Doing? Step 1. Stop talking. Step 2. Start planning. Step 3. Set milestones. Step 4. Start doing. Step 5. ...
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Home with Roxy Valade

Roxy Valade

Chaque semaine+
Let's bring each other HOME where everything we were looking for was never lost. My name is Roxy and it is so freaking nice to know that you're taking the time to read about this podcast. This one is special, it is about stripping yourself naked so you can finally see through your purest truth. This is a raw and authentic conversation about every relationship we are holding inside of us. We'll talk through EVERY THING : money, sex, power, love, fantasy, family, wisdom, knowledge, business .. ...
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show series
Send us a text Support the show CLIQUEZ SUR LIEN D'ABONNEMENT ( - POUR $5.00/mois en raison de 8 podcasts, soit 2 podcasts par semaine avec BONUS ABONNEZ-VOUS À MES CHAÎNES Paulin Blaise Ngweth | LinkedIn JUSTFACTS506 (@justfacts506) | TikTok …
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Send us a text Découvrez comment de simples gestes peuvent transformer votre vie sans effort herculéen. Imaginez bâtir une entreprise prospère ou réaliser vos rêves les plus fous, un petit pas à la fois. Dans cet épisode captivant, nous plongeons dans l'univers des mini-habitudes et leur capacité à métamorphoser votre quotidien. En nous appuyant su…
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Send us a text La présidence de Trump a-t-elle remodelé le paysage économique et politique mondial ? Notre invité spécial propose une perspective fascinante sur l'impact considérable de Donald Trump, expliquant comment ses décisions audacieuses ont provoqué une onde de choc mondiale. Les économistes, politiciens et citoyens ont tous ressenti l'impa…
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Send us a text Pourquoi les soignants fuient-ils notre province, et que pouvons-nous faire pour stopper l'hémorragie? Plongeons au cœur de la crise sanitaire qui sévit dans notre région, révélant la souffrance des infirmières et infirmiers, épuisés par le stress et l'épuisement professionnel. Les primes financières, comme celle de 10 000 dollars de…
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Send us a text Découvrez comment l'échec contrôlé peut devenir votre plus grand atout entrepreneurial avec notre invité exceptionnel, Paul Mblaise. Auteur et expert en entrepreneuriat, Paul défend l'idée audacieuse de provoquer l'échec dans un environnement sécurisé pour transformer les erreurs en véritables tremplins vers le succès. En partageant …
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Send us a text Peut-on vraiment échouer en toute sécurité et en tirer profit? Découvrez les secrets de l'échec sécurisé, une stratégie qui peut transformer votre approche face aux erreurs. Nous partageons des techniques puissantes qui consistent à tester vos idées à petite échelle et à provoquer des échecs calculés. Des géants comme la NASA, Google…
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Send us a text COMMENT ÉCHOUER EN TOUTE SÉCURITÉ? Support the show CLIQUEZ SUR LIEN D'ABONNEMENT ( - POUR $5.00/mois en raison de 8 podcasts, soit 2 podcasts par semaine avec BONUS ABONNEZ-VOUS À MES CHAÎNES Paulin Blaise Ngweth | LinkedIn JUS…
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Send us a text La crise de confiance politique au Nouveau-Brunswick s'intensifie depuis plus d'un demi-siècle. Pourquoi cette situation perdure-t-elle malgré les rencontres de haut niveau, comme celle récente entre le Premier ministre Trudeau et Susan Hall, la Première ministre provinciale ? Ce podcast explore les promesses non tenues et l'absence …
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Send us a text Paul-Henri Blaise Guita, un écrivain audacieux en pleine ascension, nous offre une perspective revigorante sur la façon dont l'échec, souvent redouté, peut devenir un levier puissant pour le succès. À travers son prochain livre, "Des idées folles et insensibles qui génèrent des profits et transforment les entreprises", Paul-Henri nou…
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Send us a text Le holtisme marque-t-il le début d'une nouvelle ère politique au Nouveau-Brunswick ? Rejoignez-nous pour une exploration fascinante de ce mouvement inédit, né le 26 octobre 2024, avec la présence de Suzanne Rolp et son équipe, la "holtie". Nous vous promettons une immersion dans les implications de ce néologisme, tout en partageant u…
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Send us a text La politique au Nouveau-Brunswick est en pleine effervescence après l'élection de Mme Hold comme première ministre. Nous affirmons qu'une réforme institutionnelle et une transparence financière sont incontournables pour répondre aux attentes des citoyens, frustrés par un système qu'ils jugent injuste et éloigné de leurs réalités. Ins…
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Send us a text Croire en un changement positif, même lorsque celui-ci semble hors de portée, peut transformer notre monde. Rejoignez-nous pour célébrer l'élection de Madame Hold en tant que première ministre, un pas important pour notre société, et rendons hommage au dévouement indéfectible de l'ancien Premier ministre Hicks envers le Nouveau-Bruns…
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Send us a text Voter avec un cœur lourd, c'est un sentiment que beaucoup partagent face à une scène politique souvent décevante. Je vous raconte mon propre parcours, entre désillusion et devoir citoyen, alors que je m'efforce de croire en un avenir meilleur pour nos enfants. Malgré les promesses non tenues et les discours vides, il est essentiel de…
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Send us a text Croire est une chose formidable, ce n'est jamais une question d'argent. Quand vous avez des idées, franchement vous pouvez changer le monde. Et quand nous mettons nos idées ensemble, nous pouvons changer le monde. Il faut des leaders, hommes d'affaires, enseignants, toutes les couches sociales etc.. Support the show CLIQUEZ SUR LIEN …
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Send us a text Paul M Blaisbeth, l'auteur audacieux derrière "Nouveau-Brunswick, un état de mort cérébrale, un coma arrive très bientôt", nous révèle une analyse percutante de la situation politique au Nouveau-Brunswick. En mettant en lumière les promesses non tenues des politiciens et les blessures émotionnelles des citoyens, Paul critique sévèrem…
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Send us a text Paul-Henri Blaise-Guit vous invite à explorer les recoins fascinants de la littérature et de la politique au Nouveau-Brunswick. Que cache le succès de son ouvrage "Le Nouveau Bronze Week, l'état de mort cérébrale" qui a séduit des lecteurs du monde entier, y compris une Française et sa mère ? Plongez dans ses réflexions sur la scène …
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Send us a text La foi superficielle et l'incrédulité bloquent-elles les miracles dans vos vies? Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion fascinante où nous analysons les obstacles spirituels qui nous empêchent de recevoir pleinement les œuvres divines. En nous inspirant de l'exemple de Jésus et de son retour dans sa contrée natale, nous explorons les eff…
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Send us a text Comment lutter contre les faiblesses spirituelles qui nous habitent et nous empêchent de vivre pleinement notre foi? Dans cet épisode captivant, nous avons eu le privilège de recevoir le pasteur Paul-Henri Blaise-Gouet de l'église de la Grâce, qui partage avec nous son propre combat contre la paresse spirituelle. Il nous encourage à …
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Send us a text Quel est le corps étranger qui habite en toi et qui te rend spirituellement malade? Cette semaine, nous plongeons dans la guérison divine par Jésus au sein de notre communauté chrétienne francophone à Dieppe, au Nouveau-Brunswick. En nous réunissant chaque dimanche à l'école Carrefour l'Acadie, nous nous penchons sur l'histoire inspi…
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Send us a text Peut-on vraiment trouver la guérison par la foi? Dans cet épisode, nous explorons l'histoire incroyable d'un jeune homme, boiteux depuis sa naissance, dont la vie a été transformée par un miracle. Pierre et Jean, disciples de Jésus, lui ont offert bien plus que des pièces de monnaie : la capacité de marcher pour la première fois. Ce …
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Meet the Soul-led Entrepreneur, Kristen Stuart, otherwise known in her world as She who leads in her divinity. A Midwife of Awakening, Ascension Guide and Activator of Divine Feminine Power, her practice is based in the heart of the Canadian Rockies which has allowed her to connect with the elements of nature; all whilst navigating incredible chall…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Jenn Kennedy is an elementary school teacher turned 7 figure creator. She’s a leading mentor in shifting worldly dynamics for women as it relates to richness and leadership. Her work is centered around redefining rich and activating new levels of power within and through her various programs, experiences, and retreats, she guides women to become th…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Jak is a 7 Figure mentor + channel, who leads visionaries in quantum energetics + divine feminine activation. She’s known for taking her clients to the depths of their knowing, to their most intimate truth, where they are able to activate their authentic voice. Through her work clients quantum leap, develop a deep trust within themselves, and elimi…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Nikky Doualle is the Founder of Nikky Doualle « Maison Internationale » with 23 years of experience in the Coaching Industry . She is a Strategic and Energetic Business Mentor & Public Speaker, host of the Podcast "Nikky Doualle, Maison Internationale" She is on a mission to guide 1 million of awakened Leaders and Entrepreneurs to create impactful …
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Shoshanna helps heart-centered entrepreneurs step into their authentic feminine leadership & build thriving online businesses. In line with her mission to help end stigma and reclaim the power it takes from us, Shoshanna speaks openly about HSV and encourages others to use vulnerability as a super-power. She's here to guide you with a blend of soul…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Melanie Ann Layer is the founder of the Alpha Femme™ Brand. She is known for her unique approach to feminine leadership and wealth energetics.⁣ She celebrates her clients who calibrate to 6 figures and millions every day, but beyond that, she celebrates their lives, their evolution, their sovereignty, their womanhood. Together with her clients, The…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Echo is a divine feminine leader who mentors high achieving women to help them build empires without the hustle and burnout. She focuses on creating a legacy with women that they can be proud of from a Soul aligned place for massive expansion. Echo’s zone of genius is in guiding women through unblocking limiting beliefs and helping them activate th…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Dr. Andrea Grund is a Higher Dimensional Channel for the Light Realms, and an Architect for Heaven on Earth. From closing her private practice to moving her business online to creating 7- Figure MONTHS in less than a year; Andrea is a 6 & 7 Figure per Month Mentor & Activator who guides Business Leaders to Pure Bliss Consciousness in Life, Business…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Freespirited, brightminded, lighthearted, space holder, dream whisperer, subconscious reprogrammer out here representing Big Dreams and your capacity to dream bigger, imagine more and go all in. Jana’s work is creating the energetic elixir for your entrepreneurial dreams. Walking with you as you achieve (strategically) and attune (energetically) to…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Victoria Pippo is a 7 figure psychic business and a brand mentor for sensitive entrepreneurs and high performers. She is an energy healer and intuitive channel to assist with humanities turning of Age and works closely with her clients to develop their spiritual gifts, scale their businesses, and build the life of their dreams. In this episode, we …
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