top posts of the week in <10minutes!
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Discussions Progressive React List of open source React Production Codebases How to use WordPress with React Beginners guide to route level auth RFC: createElement changes and surrounding deprecations Projects Asperitas - a barebones Full-stack Reddit Clone react-spotify-api Collection of 300+ React Hooks React Resources ReactN - state management N…
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Discussions This benchmark is indeed flawed Early demo of the new React DevTools React DevTools v4 will allow inspectable complex hook values useDarkMode Video-tutorial about performance profiling using Profiler and Chrome Performance Tab Creating a File Upload Component with React Projects Shards Dashboard React VSCode React Refactor Windows 95 bu…
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Discussions React 16.8 - the one with Hooks Do you still need Redux with the new Hook APIs Should I ever use classes now? What React Hooks can do for you? Typescript, GraphQL, Nextjs youtube series Firebase + React Hooks Authentication Projects github history react RPG Diamonds Editor Linaria v1.0 React Hooks Contest Listen til the end for a easter…
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Discussions React 16.8 (The One Hopefully with Hooks) planned for Feb 4 Weekend Reads: React Docs on Hooks React as a UI Runtime React-Redux Roadmap: v6, Context, Subscriptions, and Hooks Projects Nice and smooth! I’ve created a collection of animated burgers (HTML/CSS + React) Fully functional WhatsApp Clone using React (Hooks+Suspense), GraphQL, …
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3 - Hooks, FP, Building Youtube, and the Top Post of All Time Discussions Hooks are now merged and enabled - release coming soon 9 y/o React Developer Revel Carlberg West talks about React Hooks How to get team of java developers comfortable with ReactJs? An Intro to Functional Programming Projects Tour, a drag-drop-based travel planning app Build …
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Hooks support added in DevTools v3.6 Tech Choices I Regret at Spectrum React Best Practices A Pokedex using PokeAPI
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0. TypeScript, UI Engineering, and FBT
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10:55Typescript: ||| React Kawaii: ||| UI Engineering: ||| FBT…
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