Politics Of The European Union public
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show episodes
EuropaVoice c’est votre rendez-vous hebdomadaire avec l’actualité européenne sur SBS. Chaque semaine, Natanael Bloch et Christophe Mallet reviennent sur ce qui a agité le vieux continent: l’actualité institutionnelle de l’Union européenne et une année chargée avec l’installation d’une nouvelle commission européenne à Bruxelles et les dernières élections européennes, le suivi régulier du Brexit avec ses conséquences en Grande Bretagne et en Europe, ou bien encore les élections nationales et l ...
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show series
Thierry Breton, commissaire au Marché intérieur, également en charge de la technologie et de la défense, a annoncé sa démission de la Commission européenne et Rififi dans l’exécutif européen au moment où l’Allemagne rétablit des contrôles à ses frontières, mettant à mal l’esprit de Schengen.
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C’est la première fois qu’un parti d’extrême-droite, Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfF), remporte une élection d’État depuis l’Allemagne nazie. Quelles implications pour le chancelier Scholz, la vie politique allemande, mais aussi pour l’aide à l’Ukraine dont le pays est un des principaux contributeurs? Et au moment où l’Ukraine poursuit sa contre-…
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La nomination d’un Premier ministre et la formation d’un gouvernement devrait coïncider avec la rentrée sociale agitée de septembre. Outre-Manche, et sous l’égide de Keir Starmer, les relations politiques se réchauffent entre les Britanniques et l’Union européenne.
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Les électeurs Français retournent aux urnes pour la troisième fois en un mois. Si le Président Macron espère que ces élections clarifieront les rapports de force à l’Assemblée Nationale, rien n’est moins sûr puisqu’aucun parti (ou alliance) n’est certain d’obtenir une majorité absolue
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Every Friday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio. Simon Usherwood you are Professor at the Open University and chair of our partners UACES, and we are delighted to have you back for the end of the season! When we talked for the opening of the season in Septembe…
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Every Friday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio. The mini-publics are an innovative method we used with the transnational REGROUP project. REGROUP stands for “Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic”. The project is based on the assumption tha…
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Every Friday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio. How nice to have you back on Euradio! You are Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of Surrey, in the UK, and you have already shared with us on several occasions your research on the role of…
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Every Friday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio. Very pleased to have you back with us. You are Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of Augsburg, in Germany. As an expert on the European Parliament, what are your expectations towards the forthcom…
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Every Friday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio. Jannik Jansen, you are Policy Fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre in Berlin, and together with your colleagues, you express serious doubts about the famous anti-green backlash among European voters. Tell us wher…
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Every Friday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio. Nick, You have studied the European far right parties over decades now and you shared your findings several times in our programme, most recently on how these parties respond to the climate crisis. With the Euro…
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Dans cet épisode spécial d'EuropaVoice, rencontre avec Noé Debré, le créateur de la série Parlement. Avec un savant mélange unique de perspicacité politique et d'humour subtil, Noé Debré a réussi à capturer l'essence même des coulisses du pouvoir européen. À travers Parlement, il évoque, avec habileté et humour, les défis et les absurdités auxquels…
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Quasiment plus aucun État membre n’est à l’abri d’une poussée de l’extrême droite aux prochaines élections européennes (6 au 9 juin). Dans son discours de la Sorbonne II, Emmanuel Macron a parlé de l’humanisme européen comme un axe d’avenir pour l’Europe. Pour combien de temps?
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Bonjour, Natasza Styczyńska, very pleased to have you back at Euradio. Today, in 2024, you are Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. But what were you doing when Poland became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004? I was a student, in my fourth year of political science studies! Membership negotiatio…
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Bonjour, Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, you are Jean Monnet Professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University, in the capital of Lithuania. How old were you when your country became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004? In 2004, I was 32 years old, working as an associate pr…
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Rangée derrière le candidat et actuel commissaire luxembourgeois Nicolas Schmit, la gauche européenne espère faire mieux en Europe que ne l’est sa représentation dans les parlements nationaux. Une Europe qui commence à anticiper et calculer le coût d’une entrée de l’Ukraine dans l’Union européenne
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Petr Kaniok, you are professor of political science at the Masaryk University of Brno, beautiful city in the South-East of the Czech Republic. And you recall the moment when your country became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004. May 2004 – that is a long time ago! Twenty years is a small step for mankind, but …
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Bloquées depuis plusieurs années, les négociations en vue d’approfondir les relations bilatérales ont repris sous la houlette de Ursula von der Leyen, en recherche de succès avant les élections européennes de juin prochain. La Présidente de la Commisison européenne est aussi active de l’autre côté de la Méditerranée où l’Union européenne et l’Egypt…
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Simon Usherwood! I’m very pleased to welcome you back on Euradio. Your are professor at the Open University in Britain, and Chair of our partners UACES. Less than three months left until the elections to the European Parliament. What are your expectations? Do you think these elections actually matter? Whether these elections matter is a great quest…
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La Commission européenne propose d’ouvrir les négociations d’adhésion à l’Union européenne avec la Bosnie-Herzégovine. Un espoir pour les pays des Balkans qui patientent toujours dans l’antichambre de l’UE. Au même moment, le Parlement européen a adopté la première loi encadrant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle.…
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Emmanuel Macron a du retrousser les manches pour négocier avec les agriculteurs présents à la 60ᵉ édition du Salon de l’Agriculture. Au niveau européen, la Politique Agricole Commune, mais aussi l’Ukraine et le plan de relance feront partie des sujets majeurs pour Ursula Von der Leyen, candidate à sa propre succession à la tête de la Commission.…
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Bonjour, Emilija Tudzarovska, you are Lecturer in Contemporary European Politics at Charles University, in Prague, and your research focuses on the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. How do you evaluate it today? Let me start with going back to the economic crisis that struck the world in 2008. This crisis revealed deeper problems plaguin…
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It has learnt some painful lessons, but I also think there is hope in this learning process. To start with, it was forced to rediscover that war is not a faint memory or a minor disturbance that happens in some distant countries on other continents. And the war that has been raging for two years now in its immediate neighbourhood brought with it a …
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Camila Villard Duran, you are a law professor at ESSCA School of Management, and as a lawyer, you would like to take the defence of a not very popular “suspect”. Yes, I would like to speak in defence of the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. You realise that many European farmers are protesting against such an agreement right …
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Le Président américain a mis en cause le principe de solidarité au sein de l’OTAN, au moment même où la réalité de la guerre n’a jamais été aussi présente aux portes de l’Europe. Une alliance atlantique rejointe récemment par la Finlande après 30 ans de non-alignement, et qui vient d’élire un nouveau Président.…
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Dorina Baltag, you are researcher at the Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance of Loughborough University, in London. And you speak to us about Moldova today, our future EU partner we know so little about. Yes, it’s a historic moment for Moldova. Together with Ukraine, it is now taking part in accession negotiations initiated by the …
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Les agriculteurs européens manifestent, pris en étau entre inflation normative de l’Union européenne et peur de la multiplication des accords de libre-échange. C’est dans ce contexte tendu, et sur fond d’aide ukrainienne, que se tient un nouveau sommet des vingt-sept à Bruxelles ce 1er février.
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Daniele Saracino, good to have you back in our programme! You are lecturer in European Studies at the University of Essex, working on migration, asylum and solidarity. We can say that these three topics have given rise to much contention for almost a decade now. During the migratory movements to Europe in 2015/2016, the dysfunctionality of the so-c…
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Lisa Janssen, you are a PhD candidate at Ghent University, and you are working on a topic that is of crucial importance in a year that is full of elections in democracies around the globe. That’s right. And one crucial element of a democratic election is “loser’s consent”, the losing party’s willingness to voluntarily accept the election result, ev…
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Eva Saeva, You are researcher at Newcastle Law School, in the UK, and a specialist in cybersecurity. Tell us about this area of research. It is a fascinating field of study that I have researched for over 6 years now. Let me focus today on the European Union's legal approach to cybersecurity. It’s been 10 years since the EU adopted its first Cybers…
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Gesine Weber, you are PhD candidate at King's Collège in London, and researcher for the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund. And you have followed closely the recent EU-China summit in Beijing. Yes, the first in-person summit since 2019, which took place on December 7 and 8. From the beginning, expectations were low: the relations between the …
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Kathryn Cassidy, You are professor at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle, and currently working on a project analysing the response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis, especially with regard to the “Temporary Protection Directive”. That’s correct. As a quick reminder, the European Union introduced the Temporary Protection Directive in 2001, fo…
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Francesco Spera, your research, at the University of Salento, in Lecce, looks, among other things, at the legal framework of the EU collective memory. Yes, we all know that collective memory in the European Union has always been built on the ethical lessons of World War II. From the start, EU institutions have capitalised on a moral commitment to o…
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Very pleased to welcome you back on Euradio. Simon Usherwood, you are Professor at the Open University, and Chair of our partners UACES. A few days ago, you co-organised a conference in London on the state of EU-UK relations. But who still speaks about Brexit? That’s the big question. While a lot of people think that Brexit is ‘done’, it is clear t…
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Depuis son adhésion à l’OTAN, la Finlande devient de plus en plus hostile pour son voisin russe, au point que les deux pays pourraient fermer totalement la frontière commune dans les prochaines semaines. En Pologne, Donald Tusk se prépare à remettre la Pologne au centre des discussions européennes.
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ery pleased, Amelia Hadfield, to welcome you back on “Ideas on Europe”. It’s been already four years since you launched the “Centre for Britain and Europe” at the University of Surrey. That’s right. And in the meantime, we have been granted a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, which has allowed us to develop our activities further, form strong bonds…
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Filiz, you have been working for several years on the security of the European Union, first for your doctorate, and now as guest researcher, at Leiden University, in the Netherlands. Security has always been one of the most complex and critical issues for the EU. After decades of remarkable success in promoting peace, stability and prosperity on a …
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