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Podcast oficial da APMT - Agência Presbiteriana de Missões Transculturais. Um canal que vai inspirar e motivar você e sua igreja a se engajarem com missões transculturais.
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Dr. Benjamin Zeier

Chaque mois+
Lena und ich erzählen dir in jeder neuen Folge aus unserem Leben in Peru. 2020 sind wir mit unseren 5 Kindern nach Peru ausgewandert. Ich arbeite hier in einem der größten Missionshospitäler Südamerikas, Diospi Suyana. Meine Arbeit ist ehrenamtlich. Danke für deine Hilfe, die sicher in Peru ankommt! Vereinigte deutsche Missionshilfe e.V. Verwendungszweck „AC490000 Zeier“ IBAN DE33 2916 7624 0012 5776 00 BIC GENODEF1SHR Du findest noch mehr Info unter www.missionsarzt.de.
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Mission Implausible


Chaque semaine
As former high-level CIA operatives, John Sipher and Jerry O'Shea would create fake conspiracies around the world. Now, with the help of experts, they execute their own fun and fearless investigation into conspiracy theories past and present to assess what's real. And how. And why. - Executive Producers: Adam Davidson, John Sipher, Jerry O'Shea & Jonathan Stern - Associate Producer: Rachel Harner - A production of Honorable Mention and Abominable Pictures
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Missio Dei Fellowship - Sermons

Missio Dei Fellowship

Chaque semaine
Missio Dei Fellowship is a multi-campus, Southern-Baptist church in Southeastern Wisconsin. We are devoted to God's Word, and thus - the exegetical and expositional preaching of it. Pastored by Matthew Henry (Kenosha) and Matt Miller (Oak Creek).
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Moments for Missions

Dr. J.B. Godfrey

Tous les jours
Moments for Missions is a five-minute daily Monday through Friday radio program produced by Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI). It is provided free of charge to any radio station that will broadcast it without charge to BIMI. The programs typically share missions-related messages, missionary prayer needs, or interviews with BIMI missionaries.
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Mission Rejected

The Porch Room

Chaque mois
The story of the world's most secret agents...the backups. For the first time in his career, Special Agent Chet Phillips has discovered that he can choose NOT to accept a mission! That means there's no choice but to send in the "B Team": A nervous pencil pusher promoted to the field, a computer hacker working off her sentence, a fading former sitcom star and a recently reassigned White House intern. A full cast comedy audio adventure with a new episode debuting each month!
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Reisewarnung - mit missio München unterwegs

missio München / Michaelsbund

Chaque mois+
Für die Regionen, in die die Redakteure von missio München reisen, gibt es oft eine Reisewarnung. Für das „missio magazin“ berichten die Redakteure, was die Menschen dort bewegt – ihre Sorgen und Nöte, Krieg und Konflikt - aber auch den ganz normalen wunderbaren Alltag. Da, wo der Staat nicht mehr funktioniert, sind die Netzwerke der kirchlichen Einrichtungen häufig die einzigen Anlaufstellen, die überhaupt noch da sind. In „Reisewarnung“ erzählen die Reporterinnen und Reporter, was sie auf ...
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Martyrs And Missionaries

Martyrs and Missionaries

Chaque mois
Ever wanted to know more about the Christians who came before us? The ones who answered the call and went to the far reaches of the globe, many paying the ultimate price? Elise takes you on a journey, following the lives of our Great Cloud of Witnesses.
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Mission Community Church

Chaque mois+
Mission Community Church is a Christian church in Gilbert, AZ that leads people to find thriving life in Jesus. This podcast is the weekend message feed with regular teaching by Lead Teaching Pastor Landon MacDonald and others.
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Missio Dei Church

Justin Gruber

Chaque semaine
Missio Dei Church is a church located in Glassboro, NJ. Our church has 3 core focuses: growing closer to Jesus together as a church, preaching the Bible faithfully as often as we gather, and loving and serving our local community. We invite you to learn more at our website, or contact us at info@missiodeinj.com
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Mission Chats

Jon Crowe

Chaque mois+
Engaging conversations with members of the evangelical Christian missions community about their experiences and insights on mission work Hosted by Jon Crowe who has a background in global missions and marketing.
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The SEND938 Missions Podcast

Baptist Mid-Missions

Chaque mois+
The SEND938 Missions Podcast encourages, equips, and inspires the next generation of missionary servants and the churches who send them. Listen in as Steve Anderson and his guests uncover fresh insights into missions, ministry, and church life. As a leader in global missions, Baptist Mid-Missions empowers churches and their missionaries for missions in today’s complex world: www.bmm.org. Email:Send938@bmm.org
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Your Money. Your Mission.

Johnson Financial Group

Chaque mois
The show that helps you maximize your wealth by turning complex financial situations into actionable advice. On Your Money. Your Mission., we answer the questions you’ve been asking about -- financial planning, investing, retirement and everything in between. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of the market or looking for the best ways to save or spend your money, tune in to hear from experienced financial advisors with JFG. Walk away from each episode with savvy tips and financial t ...
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Mission Matters

Paul Feith

Chaque mois+
This is the Mission Matters podcast, where we feature successful, mission-driven leaders committed to creating a positive change in the world. Our mission with this channel is to inspire other leaders by providing industry insights, new ideas, and inspiring stories from the pros!
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Mission Money

powered by FOCUS MONEY

Chaque semaine
Auf der Suche nach mehr Wissen, Geld und Erfolg: Wir sind Peter und Matthias, zwei Wirtschaftsredakteure von FOCUS MONEY – und das ist unsere Mission! Wir befragen für dich jede Woche die besten Finanz- und Wirtschafts-Experten zu aktuellen Themen rund um dein Geld. powered by FOCUS MONEY
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Inside Missions

Maranatha Volunteers International

Chaque mois
An in-depth look at the people, cultures, and countries where Maranatha is working. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe, rate and review, and share!
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Missions on Point


Chaque semaine
Missions on Point is the ”propempo” perspective on church and missions. The New Testament term ”propempo” captures the local church-centered philosophy of missions. Missions on Point communicates paradigm-changing aim, vision, and practical implementation strategies for sending workers to the challenging, Gospel-neediest people on earth for long-term service for God‘s glory. ”Missions on Point” is a ministry of Propempo International with MissioServe Alliance, a registered 501(c)(3) charitab ...
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show series
As we journey through this series, we are exploring the vision and calling we believe God has placed on our community for 2025: Extending Our Table. This phrase is more than just an image; it is a posture, an invitation to expand our hospitality, embrace discomfort, and welcome the unexpected. In this guide, we will reflect on how Jesus models tabl…
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Verses Used: Acts 28:13-30 Ecclesiastes 3:11 Luke 10:16 2 Timothy 4:7-8 Takeaways: God has a Plan God’s plan was to rescue lost people in Rome, and God’s plan is to rescue lost people, using you. The plan God has for all of his followers is to be a representation of the kingdom through our words and actions. Engaging with Not Yet Believers Paul use…
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Often Christians look at themselves, their abilities and opportunities andthink little of it. They compare themselves to others and their effect seems to matter little. Butthis is simply not true. In this message we see how God saved, calls and equips all of us for Hispurposes. The size or effect is unimportant.…
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Nach Assads Sturz ist die Lage der Minderheiten im Land völlig offen Syriens Diktator Assad stürzte am 9. Dezember, und die Menschen jubelten. Jetzt sind Islamisten die neuen Machthaber. missio-Redakteurin Kristina Balbach steht in Kontakt mit Projektpartnern im Land. Die ersten Ängste haben sich gelegt – die Sorgen aber bleiben. Die Übergangsregie…
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Steven Hassan was once sucked into The Moonies. He broke free and has devoted the subsequent 50 years to becoming and expert on mind control and cults and then using that knowledge to help others escape cults and rejoin their lives. Cults take many forms, but their tactics are very similar. Which brings us to MAGA. Does it fit the definition of a c…
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I am sick. I am alone. I am rejected by my family. God, I’ve never smoked or drank. My mother had never gone hungry when I had money. Why is this situation happening to me? ---------------- Today’s story is told by Gabriella Lincoln of the Sahara Project in West Africa. Subscribe and leave us a review if you enjoyed listening to today’s story!…
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Long-time Maranatha mission trip leader, Loretta Spivey, shares her journey to the mission field, from becoming the first Seventh-day Adventist in her family as a result of a visit from a literature evangelist, to a year-long missionary assignment in Indonesia. She’s been heavily involved with Maranatha’s mission trip for high schoolers, Ultimate W…
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The prophets give us a message and themselves as messengers to teach the church about its role in confronting the nations in a prophetic way with the gospel. Amos preaches about the Day of the Lord, a day of gloom and darkness for Israel, but a day of hope for the Gentiles. Hosea preaches about a faithful husband and father who adopts children who …
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約翰福音12:12-19 12 第 二 天 , 有 許 多 上 來 過 節 的 人 聽 見 耶 穌 將 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 13 就 拿 著 棕 樹 枝 出 去 迎 接 他 , 喊 著 說 : 和 散 那 ! 奉 主 名 來 的 以 色 列 王 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 ! 14 耶 穌 得 了 一 個 驢 駒 , 就 騎 上 , 如 經 上 所 記 的 說 : 15 錫 安 的 民 ( 原 文 作 女 子 ) 哪 , 不 要 懼 怕 ! 你 的 王 騎 著 驢 駒 來 了 。 16 這 些 事 門 徒 起 先 不 明 白 , 等 到 耶 穌 得 了 榮 耀 以 後 才 想 起 這 話 是 指 著 他 寫 的 , 並 且 眾 人 果 然 向 他 這 樣 行 了 。 17 當 耶 穌 呼 喚…
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【約翰福音12:1-11】 1 逾越節前六日、耶穌來到伯大尼、就是他叫拉撒路從死裏復活之處。 2 有人在那裏給耶穌豫備筵席.馬大伺候、拉撒路也在那同耶穌坐席的人中。 3 馬利亞就拿著一斤極貴的真哪噠香膏、抹耶穌的腳、又用自己頭髮去擦.屋裏就滿了膏的香氣。 4 有一個門徒、就是那將要賣耶穌的加略人猶大、 5 說、這香膏為甚麼不賣三十兩銀子賙濟窮人呢。 6 他說這話、並不是掛念窮人、乃因他是個賊、又帶著錢囊、常取其中所存的。 7 耶穌說、由他罷、他是為我安葬之日存留的。 8 因為常有窮人和你們同在.只是你們不常有我。 9 有許多猶太人知道耶穌在那裏、就來了、不但是為耶穌的緣故、也是要看他從死裏所復活的拉撒路。 10 但祭司長商議連拉撒路也要殺了. 11 因有好些猶太人、為拉撒路的緣故、回去信了耶…
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Após muitos anos de ministério na Índia, o missionário da APMT (Ashok) recebeu esta carta que muito o encorajou e desejamos que sua vida também seja abençoada e desafiada com este testemunho, pois há muitos Kabir que estão recebendo o Evangelho ao redor do mundo pela instrumentalidade dos missionários da APMT. Conheça os missionários da APMT: https…
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【約翰福音11:45-57】 45 那些來看馬利亞的猶太人、見了耶穌所作的事、就多有信他的. 46 但其中也有去見法利賽人的、將耶穌所作的事告訴他們。 47 祭司長和法利賽人聚集公會、說、這人行好些神蹟、我們怎麼辦呢。 48 若這樣由著他、人人都要信他.羅馬人也要來奪我們的地土、和我們的百姓。 49 內中有一個人、名叫該亞法、本年作大祭司、對他們說、你們不知道甚麼。 50 獨不想一個人替百姓死、免得通國滅亡、就是你們的益處。 51 他這話不是出於自己、是因他本年作大祭司、所以豫言耶穌將要替這一國死。 52 也不但替這一國死、並要將 神四散的子民、都聚集歸一。 53 從那日起他們就商議要殺耶穌。 54 所以耶穌不再顯然行在猶太人中間、就離開那裏往靠近曠野的地方去.到了一座城、名叫以法蓮、就在那…
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Robert Habeck will zur Rettung der Sozialkassen an das Geld der Sparer. Kritik hagelt es aus allen Ecken. Prof. Bernd Raffelhüschen, Professor für Finanzwissenschaft und Direktor des Forschungszentrums Generationenverträge an der Uni Freiburg attestiert im exklusiven Interview dem Wirtschaftsminister komplette Unkenntnis des deutschen Steuergesetze…
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約翰福音11:36-44 36 猶 太 人 就 說 : 你 看 他 愛 這 人 是 何 等 懇 切 。 37 其 中 有 人 說 : 他 既 然 開 了 瞎 子 的 眼 睛 , 豈 不 能 叫 這 人 不 死 麼 ? 38 耶 穌 又 心 裡 悲 歎 , 來 到 墳 墓 前 ; 那 墳 墓 是 個 洞 , 有 一 塊 石 頭 擋 著 。 39 耶 穌 說 : 你 們 把 石 頭 挪 開 。 那 死 人 的 姐 姐 馬 大 對 他 說 : 主 阿 , 他 現 在 必 是 臭 了 , 因 為 他 死 了 已 經 四 天 了 。 40 耶 穌 說 : 我 不 是 對 你 說 過 , 你 若 信 , 就 必 看 見 神 的 榮 耀 麼 ? 41 他 們 就 把 石 頭 挪 開 。 耶 穌 舉 目 望…
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SHOW NOTES: In this episode of the Meehan Mission Podcast, Dr. David Brownstein shares his journey from conventional medicine to holistic and integrative practices. He discusses the limitations of traditional medical education, the importance of functional biochemistry, and the transformative impact of lifestyle changes on health. Dr. Brownstein em…
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Sr. Anthony Veilleux is the Director of Mission Integration at St. Patrick's Residence, a nonprofit organization providing care for the aged and infirm in Naperville, Illinois. A member of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm for 50 years, she has played a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for residents through compassion and ded…
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At Missio Dei, we believe God is always calling us to something new while rooting us in His mission of renewal. This year, we sense an invitation to extend our table—to practice radical belonging, break down barriers, and witness to the hospitality of Jesus. But in a divided world, how do we gather and stay together? Join us as we explore what it m…
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In dieser Episode bringen wir euch auf den neuesten Stand der Dinge. Neben Wasserschaden, Stromunfall, Todesfall und OPs wird es zwischenzeitlich sehr persönlich. Bei allen Herausforderungen: Das Leben ist endlich, die Ewigkeit unendlich. Manchmal hilft der Perspektivwechsel, um die Herausforderungen des Lebens in eine richtige Relation zu setzen. …
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Guide de référence rapide

Écoutez cette émission pendant que vous explorez