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Das ist der zweisprachige Podcast von ProCoRe. / Voici le podcast bilingue de ProCoRe. ProCoRe ist das nationale Netzwerk für die Rechte von Sexarbeitenden in der Schweiz. In unserem Podcast erzählen uns Sexarbeiter*innen im Gespräch mit Brigitte Hürlimann und Laure Gabus von ihrem Arbeitsalltag und von ihren Wünschen und Sorgen. Let‘s talk about Sex Work will weder romantisieren, noch dramatisieren, sondern einen Beitrag leisten gegen die Stigmatisierung in der Sexarbeit. Twitter: @ProCoRe1 ...
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Desk Russie | Théâtre du Soleil | Théâtre de l'Aquarium | MC93 | Making Waves

Chaque semaine+
Face à la lassitude de nos gouvernants, restons infatigables. Ne lâchons pas l’Ukraine ! Cette série de rencontres, née de la collaboration du Théâtre du Soleil et de Desk Russie, donne à entendre la parole d’experts, de journalistes, d'universitaires et d'auteurs ukrainiens, russes et français. Au programme : réflexions, décryptages, analyses, témoignages, lectures et poésies. Organisation des rencontres : Galia Ackerman | Desk Russie En collaboration avec le Théâtre du Soleil, le Théâtre d ...
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Home with Roxy Valade

Roxy Valade

Chaque semaine+
Let's bring each other HOME where everything we were looking for was never lost. My name is Roxy and it is so freaking nice to know that you're taking the time to read about this podcast. This one is special, it is about stripping yourself naked so you can finally see through your purest truth. This is a raw and authentic conversation about every relationship we are holding inside of us. We'll talk through EVERY THING : money, sex, power, love, fantasy, family, wisdom, knowledge, business .. ...
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"Maboule Super Health Explorers" Podcast is a super-duper cool show all about staying healthy, made just for kids like you 😁! We talk about how to take care of our bodies and feel strong and happy. We have awesome tips to beat the bad guys like too much sitting and being overweight. But don't worry, we make it fun and exciting while we learn together! So join us and let's have a blast while we become superheroes of health! Stay Maboule 😜😉!!!
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show series
Une semaine par mois, Aurore quitte Paris pour venir travailler dans un bar fribourgeois qui fait aussi office de salon. Dans le podcast „Let’s talk about Sex Work“, elle explique à la journaliste Noémie Guignard son parcours, son approche du travail du sexe, ses stratégies ainsi que les différences de pratiques entre la Suisse et la France. Sans t…
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Judith Aregger hat in den 90er Jahren mit der Sexarbeit begonnen. Heute ist sie Sexualbegleiterin, Erwachsenenbildnerin, Übersetzerin und NGO-Mitarbeiterin. Sie ist Mitglied der Eidgenössischen Kommission für sexuell übertragbare Infektionen und im Vorstand von ProCoRe aktiv. In dieser Spezialausgabe spricht sie live am suisse podcast festival mit …
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Depuis plus de dix ans, Kelly travaille illégalement comme travailleuse du sexe en Suisse. Elle souhaiterait trouver une autre activité pour subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de ses (petits-) enfants - mais « sans papiers », elle fait face à de multiples obstacles. Dans le podcast « Let's talk about Sex Work », elle parle avec la journaliste Noémie …
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Wer in der Schweiz legal in der Sexarbeit tätig sein will, muss komplexe bürokratische Auflagen erfüllen. Sexarbeit unterliegt zudem der Steuerpflicht. Arbeitsrechtlich geschützt und sozial abgesichert sind Sexarbeitende hingegen kaum. Hinzu kommt in vielen Fällen ein grosses Machtgefälle zwischen Arbeiter*innen und Club-Betreibenden. In der aktuel…
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Hey there, Silly Squad!🌟 Let's Talk About Feeling Worried! 🌈🚀 Today, we're going on a magical journey to understand what #FeelingWorried is all about. Have you ever had butterflies in your tummy or felt like something is bothering you? Well, that's what being worried can feel like! But guess what? It's totally normal, and we're going to learn all a…
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Hey there, Silly Squad!🎙️ Join us on a whimsical journey as we unravel the mystery behind kids' worries! 🦋 Let's explore together why those fluttery butterflies in our tummies appear! It's time to turn worry into joy and embrace our brave and adventurous hearts! 🌟 Are you ready to find out why do kids worry? Hit play and let the adventure begin! 🎧🚀…
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Hey there, Silly Squad! Welcome to "Maboule Super Health Explorers" (meaning "crazy super health explorers")! This is the trailer of this upcoming podcast. Woohoo! It aires on Sundays at 4:00 PM in Montreal time. How cool is that? 😁 It's part of the awesome programming provided by "Perd La Boule" (meaning "losing one's mind" or "going crazy")! "Mab…
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Quelle est la représentation du travail du sexe dans l’art, la culture et les médias aujourd'hui? Dans cet épisode, nous en discutons avec deux membres du Collectif occasionnel, qui a organisé l’exposition Argent facile début 2022 à Genève, Charlotte et Constance.Par ProCoRe
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Meet the Soul-led Entrepreneur, Kristen Stuart, otherwise known in her world as She who leads in her divinity. A Midwife of Awakening, Ascension Guide and Activator of Divine Feminine Power, her practice is based in the heart of the Canadian Rockies which has allowed her to connect with the elements of nature; all whilst navigating incredible chall…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Jenn Kennedy is an elementary school teacher turned 7 figure creator. She’s a leading mentor in shifting worldly dynamics for women as it relates to richness and leadership. Her work is centered around redefining rich and activating new levels of power within and through her various programs, experiences, and retreats, she guides women to become th…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Jak is a 7 Figure mentor + channel, who leads visionaries in quantum energetics + divine feminine activation. She’s known for taking her clients to the depths of their knowing, to their most intimate truth, where they are able to activate their authentic voice. Through her work clients quantum leap, develop a deep trust within themselves, and elimi…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Nikky Doualle is the Founder of Nikky Doualle « Maison Internationale » with 23 years of experience in the Coaching Industry . She is a Strategic and Energetic Business Mentor & Public Speaker, host of the Podcast "Nikky Doualle, Maison Internationale" She is on a mission to guide 1 million of awakened Leaders and Entrepreneurs to create impactful …
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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If you want to up level your relationship with your Truth, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ❤️‍🔥 This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… may your inner self be revealed to you.…
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Shoshanna helps heart-centered entrepreneurs step into their authentic feminine leadership & build thriving online businesses. In line with her mission to help end stigma and reclaim the power it takes from us, Shoshanna speaks openly about HSV and encourages others to use vulnerability as a super-power. She's here to guide you with a blend of soul…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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«Ich mache Leute glücklich», sagt Electra Elite über ihre Arbeit an der Langstrasse in Zürich. Sie ist trans Frau und arbeitet seit 12 Jahren als Sexarbeiterin in der Schweiz. In ihrem Herkunftsland Serbien ist Electra eine berühmte Sängerin und Aktivistin. Sie setzt sich dort für die Legalisierung der Sexarbeit ein. Denn in Serbien ist die Sexarbe…
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Sam et Camille ont la vingtaine et ont commencé à exercer le travail du sexe pendant leurs études d’abord seul.e.x.s, puis en couple. Sam est non-binaire, Camille est une personne trans. Dans le podcast "Let's Talk About Sex Work", iels s'entretiennent avec Laure Gabus à propos de leur travail, leur relation, les rôles genrés et du rôle du désir et…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Melanie Ann Layer is the founder of the Alpha Femme™ Brand. She is known for her unique approach to feminine leadership and wealth energetics.⁣ She celebrates her clients who calibrate to 6 figures and millions every day, but beyond that, she celebrates their lives, their evolution, their sovereignty, their womanhood. Together with her clients, The…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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Echo is a divine feminine leader who mentors high achieving women to help them build empires without the hustle and burnout. She focuses on creating a legacy with women that they can be proud of from a Soul aligned place for massive expansion. Echo’s zone of genius is in guiding women through unblocking limiting beliefs and helping them activate th…
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If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE. ⚡ This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.🤍 I love you… …
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