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show episodes

DJ Ari's style

Sylvain Arini

Tous les jours
DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit. After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari made a triumphant return, not to the clubs, but to the airwaves, where his passion for music continues to flourish. Now a resident DJ at several ...
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France Musique

Chaque mois
Du jazz qui brasse, qui buzz, qui s'embrase, du jazz en braise. Une programmation qui décoiffe ! Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Creativity Shots is a quick podcast about how artists get creative. Each week, artists describe their process, how to build an audience in the social media era, and the journey of a new artist. Creativity Shots is not meant as a course about how to get creative. However, it will hopefully inspire people to do just so: it is full of helpful tips from creatives with various levels of success. I, Acee, will be sharing the steps of my own journey as well, and insights to how creativity works for me.
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BIO & DISCOGRAPHIE (In Progress ) AXEL BAMPTON is a French House DJ/Producer & AudioMixer based in Paris and New York since the end of 2018. Whoever quickly sees music as a world apart from his childhood, will never leave this vibrant universe. Soul, Funk, Disco, Pop, New-Wave, Dance Music are just as many registers that dominate in his musical tastes. He quickly discovers the "DJ-ing". From the simple hobby is born a real passion. This craze is reflec ...
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"Maboule Super Health Explorers" Podcast is a super-duper cool show all about staying healthy, made just for kids like you 😁! We talk about how to take care of our bodies and feel strong and happy. We have awesome tips to beat the bad guys like too much sitting and being overweight. But don't worry, we make it fun and exciting while we learn together! So join us and let's have a blast while we become superheroes of health! Stay Maboule 😜😉!!!
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AXOPEN, c’est des podcasts tous les mois sur le dĂ©veloppement et les nouvelles technologies. Partage d'expĂ©riences, tips, nouveautĂ©s, frameworks, best practices
 Tout cela, rĂ©alisĂ© par des techos passionnĂ©s qui dĂ©fendent leurs idĂ©es ! CertifiĂ© sans langue de bois et toujours dans la bonne humeur :) HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Mandala's Podcast

Martin Miguet

Tous les jours+
Voici le nouveau podcast de Mygus : "Mandala Podcast". Chaque Mandala contient une énergie, tout comme chaque morceau de musique en contient une. Mis bout-à-bout ils peuvent créent une histoire, une humeur, un ressenti, une nouvelle énergie... Voici donc mes histoires sous forme de mix dans différents genres : Techno / Deep Techno / Electronica / Tech House / Installez vous confortablement et laissez la musique faire le travail... Retrouvez toutes les infos sur Mygus sur son siteweb : ...
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show series
Le petit monde de la FrenchTech est en Ă©moi depuis que Jean de la Rochebrochard s'est fait dĂ©gager de New Wave, le fonds qu'il avait co-fondĂ© avec Pia d'Iribarne. (Presque) tout le monde y est allĂ© de son petit 💙 pour soutenir Jean mais on avait Ă  coeur dans Silicon Carne de revenir sur cette affaire digne d'un Ă©pisode de Dallas pour rappeler qui e

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On debunk l'émission C Politique du 14 avril 2024, on vous fait la démo des Meta AI Glasses qu'on adore dans Silicon Carne, on revient aussi sur l'actu de l'IA avec tout plein d'annonces et on commente les réusltats trimestriels de Tesla, Meta, Microsoft et Alphabet. Cela fait maintenant plusieurs années que les journalistes de presse traditionnell

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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Au sommaire de Silicon Carne cette semaine, le 40Ăšme anniversaire de TED 🎉. On revient avec Michel Levy Provençal sur l'Ă©dition 2024 de la confĂ©rence qui a eu lieu Ă  Vancouver. TED est l'occasion de faire le point sur les grands mouvements qui bousculent le monde 🌍. Cette annĂ©e, on a parlĂ© de sujets comme l'hyperpolarisation de nos sociĂ©tĂ©s, la nĂ©c

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DJ Ari comes from the vibrant French Riviera, a place as lively and colorful as his music. From a young age, Ari was enchanted by the rhythms that define house music and its subgenres. He honed his skills playing at various local venues, quickly becoming a beloved figure on the regional DJ circuit.After facing significant health challenges, DJ Ari 

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Philippe, Nathan et Arthur vous partagent leur dĂ©finition du clean code et leurs conseils pour produire du code propre et maintenable, sans perdre en productivitĂ©. Chacun a sa propre conception de ce qu'est un code propre, mais qu'en est-il rĂ©ellement ? Faut-il toujours s’efforcer a crĂ©er du clean code quitte Ă  perdre en productivitĂ© ? Dans ce podc

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Il y a comme ça des gens que vous aimez sans avoir besoin de bien les connaĂźtre. Ils vous font du bien. Ils crĂ©ent comme une parenthĂšse dans le fracas du quotidien. C’est le cas de MarylĂšne Delbourg, notre invitĂ©e cette semaine dans Silicon Carne. Je connais MarylĂšne depuis 15 ans, on se croise rĂ©guliĂšrement et Ă  chaque fois c’est intelligent, chic

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you like house music you like tech house you like techno house so listen and you will be transported to the house music planet vous aimez la house vous aimez la tech house vous aimez la techno house alors ecoutez et vous serrez transporte sur la planete house musicPar Sylvain Arini
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