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The HorrorBabble Podcast


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The official HorrorBabble podcast: a home for horror classics and rare weird tales. Our Teespring Store for all your HorrorBabble Merchandise https://horrorbabble-merch.creator-spring.com/ Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/horrorbabble Visit the HorrorBabble YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/HorrorBabble
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Knifepoint Horror

Soren Narnia

Chaque mois
Tales of supernatural suspense written and produced by Soren Narnia. The text of these stories is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Also by the author: the podcast 'Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten.'
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The Evolution of Horror

Mike Muncer

Chaque semaine
Welcome horror fans! The Evolution of Horror is a weekly movie discussion podcast that covers the history of horror cinema, one sub-genre at a time. From Universal Monsters to 80s slashers, from Alfred Hitchcock to Jordan Peele, we've got it covered! Each week, host Mike Muncer is joined by a different guest from the world of horror to discuss a movie in depth and its place in horror history.
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Scary Stories Told in the Dark: A Horror Anthology Series

Chilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71

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A multiple story, horror-themed audio storytelling podcast, spun-off from Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and its popular YouTube channel of the same name. The show features master storyteller Otis Jiry and Malcolm Blackwood, and the work of dozens of independent and previously-published contributing authors. Find this and our other great programs at: https://www.simplyscarypodcast.com. We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 For advertising opp ...
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Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. Allen and Katie watch horror movies from all eras and of all qualities and then discuss them in a not-so-academic way (just as the name "Werewolf Ambulance" might imply!) and then discuss and rate them. The episodes do contain spoilers, so please watch the films before listening if that bothers you!
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Horrors, hauntings and mysteries! A collection of scary stories that will have you on the edge of your seat. If you’re a fan of all things spooky, creepy, and thrilling, this is the podcast for you. Want more darkly curious content? Join the Rogue Detecting Society on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/heartstartspounding) for ad-free listening, exclusive bonus content and more! Follow @heartstartspounding on: YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@heartstartspounding/) // TikTok (https://www.tikto ...
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The Horror Virgin

The Horror Virgin

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What’s your favorite scary movie? Are you a fanatic or a fraidy-cat? Either way, we’ve got you covered. Each week, horror fans Mikey and Paige will take Horror Virgin Todd through the encyclopedia of horror one movie at a time. We’ll discuss classics as well as fan favorites, with the occasional new release thrown in for good measure. Mikey will make inappropriate jokes and Todd will scream like a little girl at every jump scare. It’s hilarious. Prepare yourself for spoilers, tangents, and l ...
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Haunting, original horror stories by author and narrator Miles Tritle lurk here, waiting for you to listen. Miles writes highly-rated stories about ghosts and demons, killers, monsters and cryptids, and more. When you are ready, enter The Warning Woods at your own risk. Podcast Website: www.thewarningwoods.com Author's Website: www.milestritle.com
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Horror Hill: A Horror Anthology and Scary Stories Series Podcast

Chilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71

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A multiple story, horror-themed audio storytelling podcast, spun off from Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and its popular YouTube channel of the same name. The show stars voice actor Erik Peabody, and the hand-picked work of dozens of accomplished independent and previously-published contributing authors. For advertising opportunities please email: [email protected] We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 Privacy Policy: https:/ ...
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Koszmarne Horrory

Julian Jeliński

Chaque mois+
Podcast o najpiękniejszym gatunku filmowym - horrorze. Przypominamy nie tylko straszne filmy, ale też te strasznie słabe i straszliwie dziwne. Podcast prowadzi Julian Jeliński (Brody z kosmosu) z gośćmi.
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Experience the thrill of Halloween every week with Weekly Spooky! Dive into explicit scary stories, chilling creepypastas, true tales of terror, and more, all delivered with bone-chilling ambiance that will leave you on edge. This horror anthology is packed with spine-tingling tales and eerie atmosphere, perfect for those who crave the spooky side of life. Warning: Not for younger listeners—these stories are guaranteed to haunt your dreams and send shivers down your spine. Tune in for your w ...
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Decades of Horror 1980s

Gruesome Magazine

Chaque mois+
From the grue-crew behind Horror News Radio, Decades of Horror 1980s covers the horror, sci-fi and fantasy films from the Eighties. Classics from John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, Wes Craven, David Cronenberg and more.
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Chilling Tales for Dark Nights is a horror fiction anthology podcast, with each weekly episode featuring several creepy tales from talented authors, brought to life by professional voice actors, and accompanied by SFX and music. For advertising opportunities please email [email protected] We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy.
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Edited by Wendy N. Wagner, NIGHTMARE is a critically-acclaimed digital magazine of horror and dark fantasy. In its pages, you will find all kinds of horror and dark fantasy, from zombie stories and haunted house tales, to visceral psychological horror. Every month NIGHTMARE will bring you a mix of original short stories and flash fiction, and featuring a variety of authors: from the bestsellers and award-winners you already know to the best new voices you haven't heard of yet. When you read ...
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Dirty Little Horror

Charles Rockhill, Reed Black & Christopher Downs

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Dirty Little Horror is a weekly gay horror podcast where Charles & Reed dissect a new movie each episode and find all the LGBT subtext they can while making spooky dick jokes. Find us on Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Letterboxd!
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Horror Movie Talk

Horror Movie Talk: Horror Movie Review

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An opinionated and accidentally funny horror movie review show. Each week, this horror movie podcast covers a new release in theaters or an older flick on streaming/VOD. New episodes come out every Wednesday.
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Neon Brainiacs is a retro horror movie podcast with hosts and independent filmmakers Ben and Lance (and former co-host Gregg). Your heroes break down the movie's plot, remember the good times, and get lost in plenty of humorous diversions. From fan-favorite films to obscure deep cuts of the '70s, '80, '90s, and 2000s, no stone is left unturned regarding retro horror movies.
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Two childhood friends get together to dissect, mutilate, dismember & butcher all of your favorite and NOT so favorite horror movies and other cult classic films. Every week Joe and Sean will visit horror from the past and present with their own unique comedic style.
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Castle of Horror Podcast

Castle Bridge Media

Chaque semaine+
On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/castleofhorrorpodcast, a panel show on horror movies, vampire movies, and all around awesomeness. With "Alex Van Helsing" and "Ben 10" comic creator Jason Henderson, "Halloween Man" comic creator Drew Edwards, "Psy-comm" and "Clockwerx" manga creator and "Deserts of Mars" frontman Tony Salvaggio, and attorney Julia Guzman. (Formerly "Castle Dracula Horror Movie Podcast.") Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/castle-of-ho ...
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Eine Stunde Horror

Antje Wessels, Thilo Gosejohann

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In Eine Stunde Horror sprechen die Horrorfilmliebhaber:innen Antje Wessels und Thilo Gosejohann einmal im Monat eine Stunde lange (oder manchmal auch länger) über einen oder mehrere brandaktuelle Horrorfilme. Frei von der Leber weg, mit Spoilern und unter der Schirmherrschaft von Ghostface höchstpersönlich.
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Fábrica de Horrores

Chaque mois+
Um podcast sobre o mundo do horror criado por dois amantes do gênero, Davi Cardoso e Viviane Rodrigues, onde ambos conversarão bastante acerca do que esse universo horripilante tem a nos oferecer.
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Devils & Demons - Der Horrorfilm-Podcast

Christian Finck, André Hecker, Teresa, Laura Freialdenhoven, Pascal Worreschk, PodRiders Netzwerk

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Chris, Teresa, André und Laura präsentieren euch jeden Freitag Einblicke in die Welt des Horrorfilms. Vom koreanischen Found Footage Grusel, über italienische Gialli bis zu den neuesten Slasher im Kino, analysieren wir für euch wöchentlich einen ausgewählten Horrorfilm oder gar eine komplette Filmreihe. In weiteren regelmäßigen Formaten wie Alt + FE4R und Recent Scares besprechen wir außerdem Horrorgames und die neuesten Heimkino-Releases. Wenn ihr damit etwas anfangen könnt, seid ihr bei un ...
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Doc Rotten and The Black Saint from Horror News Radio recap and review the best and worst horror films from the 1970s. Grindhouse. Blacksploitation. Hollywood Blockbusters. B Movies. Films like Exorcist | The Car | Phantasm | Halloween | The Incredible Melting Man | The Manitou | Beyond the Door | Vampire Circus | Dawn of the Dead
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Step into the eerie world of true horrors with Horror Story, where urban legends, haunted places, ghost stories, and paranormal mysteries come to life once a week. Each episode brings you dark stories that actually happened, blurring the line between reality and the supernatural. Join our host, Edwin Covarrubias, a seasoned storyteller from other popular shows on Scary FM, as he guides you through the dark corners of folklore and shares the stories that haunt our world.
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Imported Horror

Barking Cat Studios

Chaque mois+
Previews of upcoming international horror movies and shows on American streaming services. Reviews of our favorites. New, spoiler-free episodes every Friday morning.
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Horror Stories

Dennis Humphrey

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Horror Old Time Radio goes into the world of the unknown which is sure to creep you out! Turn the lights off and enter the real of the supernatural world of Horror.
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Halloweenies® is a weekly horror franchise podcast. Each season, co-hosts Justin Gerber, Dan Caffrey, McKenzie Gerber, Rachel Reeves, and Michael Roffman slice and dice through an iconic series -- one movie at a time. In the past, they've covered Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Scream, The Evil Dead, Chucky, and Alien. This year? The Universal Monsters! Produced by Michael Roffman. Edited by Mae Shults. Music by The Most/Charlie Laurence and Billy Yost/The Kickback.
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show series
In this episode, Charles (@charlesrockhill), Reed (@reedblackcomics), and Christopher (@chrisopotamia) discuss Fright Night (1985), dream teenage jobs, a good boardwalk, and seeing a new kind of pornography for the first time. Follow us: Socials & Email [email protected] Please leave a rating/review if you have a moment. It's a fre…
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Narrowly Avoided Being Murdered - Listener Submission From Chelse - Voices in the Canopy - Listener Voicemail from Kai - This is Disturbed. Featuring narrations by: Paul Brown Meghan Barylak Smith Gregory James Submit your true, horrifying experience to hear it on the podcast: disturbedpodcast.com/submit Voicemail: hotline.disturbedpodcast.com Stat…
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The latest installment in the Crystal Jennings saga...Stay tuned for part two coming next week! Although this story can be enjoyed on its own, I recommend first listening to The Owl (2023 Halloween Special) and the story titled The Warning Woods from earlier this year. View this post for all episodes that follow the greater storyline. Enjoy! Patreo…
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Some nightmares refuse to fade… Some horrors refuse to die. In this milestone 350th episode of Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, host Geoff Sturtevant is joined by special guest Felipe Ojeda to guide you through an evening of relentless terror. Three chilling tales await—each one unraveling a mystery where the past lingers, unseen forces stir, and th…
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Dentist by day, con man and serial killer by night. Glennon Englelman manipulated the woman around him to kill their loved ones in a get rich quick scheme, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. TW: References to sexual abuse Subscribe on Patreon for bonus content and to become a member of our Rogue Detecting Society. Patrons have access to bo…
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Omawiamy film: Tammy and the T-Rex (1994) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Koszmarne Horrory na YouTube⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Autorem podcastu jest Julian Jeliński, Ola Tomaszewska Juliana znajdziecie na kanale: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Brody z Kosmosu⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Olę znajdziecie na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagramie⁠…
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A new Angel of Death, with supernatural strength, a mystical sword, and a thirst for justice, hunts criminals. Detective Drake Kazmierczak won’t let history repeat itself. Who is she? What secrets does she hold? Can she be stopped before her crusade darkens? An Angel Rises by Rob Fields 🎧 Listen now and subscribe for more horror! 🎉 Unlock bonus con…
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Finish that whole steak on your fork and keep an eye on that Top 50 list because we're continuing our theme month of doubles and doppelgängers in Daniel Goldhaber's 2018 gem Cam! Tagging in for the conversation is horror author Ariel Powers-Schaub. Join us as we praise Madeline Brewer's fearless lead performance, as well as the exceptionally authen…
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This week we’re reviewing SCARY MOVIE, a spoof of 90s slashers and more. Here to defend 90s humor with me is David Day, stay tuned. Synopsis A masked killer stalks a group of dumb teenagers a year after they accidentally kill a man. Borrowing from the major plot lines and scenes of Scream and I know what you did last summer, this slapstick raunchy …
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Born in darkness. Sworn to justice. This week Amanda Waltz is BACK to help cover 1997's SPAWN as Superhero inSanity month continues! Killed and reborn as a Hellspawn, betrayed marine Al Simmons must wrestle with his haunting past and the dark deal that binds him to a demonic purpose. His journey builds to a decisive showdown that could alter his fa…
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Wesley and Hesperious argue while the rest of the team tries to understand what happened. Join us on Discord! Follow us on Twitter at @maeltopia Want additional perks like extra lore, stories, art, and more? Check out our Patreon at: www.patreon.com/maeltopia Want unique art and animations to go along with your Maeltopia episodes? Check out our You…
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Alt + FE4R 026 - Slenderman mit Marvin Grollius Zu Beginn der 2010er Jahre betrat eine neue Horrorfigur den Bildschirm junger Leute: der Slenderman. Gemeinsam mit Marvin bespricht Teresa, wie sich der Slenderman als popkulturelles Phänomen im Videospiel und außerhalb entwickelt hat. Außerdem philosophieren die beiden über die, warum sich heute so g…
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Get 25% off the Magic Mind gummies here: https://magicmind.com/HORRORGM You can also use my code HORROR25 , directly on their website #magicmind #gummies In this episode, Sean and Joe delve into Mick Garris' TV movie 'Quicksilver Highway' as part of 'March Garris.' The underappreciated anthology covers Stephen King’s 'Chattering Teeth' and Clive Ba…
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Every New York apartment has its imperfections Approachability: 4/10 ( Argento-level blood/gore/style ) Content Warnings: Jump scares; Stylized blood/gore; Animal cruelty; Animal death; Next Week’s Film RandomHorror9 T-Shirts! Hosts: Jeffrey Cranor & Cecil Baldwin (Find more of our work on Welcome to Night Vale) Logo: David Baldwin Random Horror 9 …
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Some cures come at a cost. Some experiments never really end. And some nightmares begin with a single dose. In this week’s episode of Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, host Steve Taylor invites you to explore the thin line between healing and horror. When an opportunity for survival presents itself, the question isn’t just whether you’ll take it—but …
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With Tricks and Treats, the Halloweenies answer your questions. In this installment -- their first in nearly a year, mind you -- the gang shares their favorite horror movies per decade, which new monster whould be added to the Universal Monster crew, Oscar what-ifs for horror, and more.Par The Losers' Club LLC
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In this week's episode, Nicolas Cage is perhaps at his Nicolas Cagiest in the 2024 horror/crime thriller "Longlegs" and what a treat he is. You can catch him in practically 20% of the movies we've covered on this show, so watch some Maika Monroe instead. She's in Episode 26- "It Follows" and Episode 279- "The Guest." The regular lineup of links! Yo…
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Delve into the legendary true crime tale of the Golem of Prague, a mystical clay guardian created to protect a persecuted community. But was this supernatural entity truly a hero, or did it become a monster beyond control? Join us as we explore the chilling history, folklore, and real-life implications of this ancient tale. We're telling this story…
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The Ghost Story Guys is hosted by author Brennan Storr and Paul Bestall. Brennan and Paul tell true life stories of the strange and unusual, then try to make sense of them using a combination of humor and humanism. Though both hosts have had their own experiences with the paranormal, belief in it is not required - all you need is a love of good sto…
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Stories in this episode: His Plans Escalated to Murder | Anonymous (0:40) Followed on the Sketchy Side of Town | No_Career_2880 (12:19) Don't Go to the Gas Station at Night | Important-Self-6311 (20:05) A Stranger Entered My Apt When I Was 10 | Spoon (23:28) The Fireman's Widow | zeburom (30:26) The Man in the Tent | trampolini69 (34:26) The Vacuum…
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"Climb, girl, climb!" This weeks scariest movie is.... Night of the Demons. This movie has everything, A funeral home with a terrible backstory, a Spooky Strobe light Burlesque, and a hidden compartment you never saw coming. So grab your boombox, avoid mirrors, and for the love of God—CLIMB, GIRL, CLIMB! Help Support our HV Family: www.Patreon.com/…
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Some rules are meant to be followed. Others exist for reasons you’ll never fully understand. But one thing is certain—ignoring them comes at a cost. In this chilling episode of Scary Stories Told in the Dark, Otis Jiry and Malcolm Blackwood present five terrifying tales where the rules aren’t just guidelines… they’re the only thing keeping the dark…
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Fala cambada de John Does!! Estamos de volta com o Fábrica de Horrores, o SEU podcast sobre FILMES DE TERROR! E no programa de hoje, eu trouxe meu amigo Felipe Pimenta para conversar sobre o filmaço do diretor David Fincher "SEVEN - OS SETE CRIMES CAPITAIS", que completa 30 anos em 2025. CLIQUE AQUI PARA PARTICIPAR DO GRUPO DO FÁBRICA A quarta temp…
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In this episode, we delve into the haunting tale titled "The Listener," a story that captures the feeling of isolation, fear, and the dark twists of the human psyche. Set in a remote cottage in rural New England, the tension and suspense unfold as we meet Ellen Richards, a woman approaching sixty, who sits alone and fearful, haunted by the memory o…
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A youthful lark across the states takes a man into the heart of an awful anomaly. Music: “Outside Your Grace” by Denhollander, all rights reserved. All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written, produced, and edited by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'Se…
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There are shark movies and there are shark movies. Ninja vs Shark (Japan, 2023) is definitely the former - a bonkers Power Rangers-y shark flick that gets derailed by tone deaf plotlines and an irredeemable protagonist. Also, two folk horror flicks drop this week: the somber Starve Acre (United Kingdom, 2024) on Shudder and the part-Japanese, part-…
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“Where’s Eddie?” “Eddie split.” March is here, and that means it’s time to March Into the Dark! This month, we’re diving deep into the severely underrated Blumhouse horror anthology, Into the Dark (Hulu). This week, Henrique and David take us to Chicago to break down one of the biggest surprises from Season 1—a tense, unpredictable horror thriller …
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368 Dead Ringers (1988) David Cronenberg inszenierte 1988 mit Jeremy Irons in einer Doppel-Hauptrolle den Psychohorrorfilm Dead Ringers. Laura und Teresa erklären euch in der neuen Folge, warum der Film nicht die übliche, stereotypische Zwillingsgeschichte ist, sondern ein ernstzunehmender Film, der durchaus nachhallt. Hier gibt es Tickets für unse…
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In this episode it is Josh's pick and he finally suggested a movie the crew has talked about watching for forever, 1990's "SYNGENOR"! This kinda sideways sequel to the 1980's "Scared to Death" shares the same monster design and lack of money as the original but that is about it. Josh was so excited and couldn't wait to talk about this one so Jef an…
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Tonight we’re chatting with the co-creators of a new graphic novel project called THE MATRON, co-authors David Bowles and Drew Edwards and artist Monica Gallagher. They all have amazing resumes and I have spoken many times with David, who besides being an Eisner-nominated comic creator and author of some forty books, presently serves as the preside…
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There are forces in this world we cannot see—forces that lurk in the spaces between reality and nightmare, waiting for the right moment to make themselves known. Some arrive in the guise of an innocent discovery, whispering temptation to those who dare to pry. Others lie just beyond the veil of the ordinary, pulling the lost and weary into places t…
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Wow, is it just me, or was February busier than usual this year? It’s been like a month since we’ve had a moment to sit down and talk about Smile 2. Smile 2 (2024) follows pop star Skye Riley, who begins experiencing terrifying hallucinations and a sinister smiling entity after witnessing a traumatic event. As the curse spreads, Skye must uncover t…
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In this episode, Charles (@charlesrockhill), Reed (@reedblackcomics) & Christopher (@chrisopotamia) discuss The Monkey (2025), Noah's junk, floor coffee and school buses. Follow us: Socials & Email [email protected] Please leave a rating/review if you have a moment. It's a free way to help the show grow! Dirty Little Horror is an L…
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Date invited me to a fake barbecue and then wouldn’t let me leave, house had a ‘soundproof music studio’ in the basement - Scariest Ghost Encounter I Have Ever Had - This is Disturbed. Featuring narrations by: Catherine Restivo Terra Ashe Submit your true, horrifying experience to hear it on the podcast: disturbedpodcast.com/submit Voicemail: hotli…
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The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous jewels in the world, but its beauty hides a chilling past. From its origins in India to its journey through the hands of kings, queens, and the wealthy elite, this mysterious blue gem has been followed by a legacy of misfortune. Some say it’s cursed—bringing ruin to those who possess it. But is it just bad…
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A young family moves into a neighborhood without realizing it is plagued by an ancient legend... Patreon: patreon.com/thewarningwoods/ Merch: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thewarningwoods.myshopify.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Written and narrated by Miles Tritle Subscribe for more creepy horror stories released every Thursday at 12:00 AM CST! NOTE: The Warning Woods co…
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There are places in this world where the familiar twists into something unrecognizable. Roads that lead somewhere they shouldn't. Trains that carry passengers to destinations unknown. Towns where the people smile a little too wide and time moves at a pace it was never meant to. In this episode of Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, we invite you to ste…
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