Chicago Bears analysis from Adam Hoge & The Athletic's Adam Jahns. Subscribe on YouTube for video episodes & The Athletic for more from The Adams. Merch @
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Humor, Observation, Gaining Knowledge
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Välkommen till Högerbyrån! Det här är en podcast om svensk politik. Vi som driver den är två svenskar, utvandrade till Amerika sedan många år tillbaks. Vi jobbar bägge med politik i en eller annan form. I den här podcasten ägnar vi oss åt politisk källsortering. Åsikter som inte går att återanvända skickar vi till ideologisk slutförvaring.
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Välkommen till Sanna Guidetti & Rosanna Charles vardagsrum! Här har vi alltid högt i tak. Nya avsnitt släpps varje torsdag och söndag! Följ Högt i Tak på Instagram: @hogt.i.tak Klipps av Niklas Runsten @niklasrunsten
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Small Men's Bible Study
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Speak English powerfully using the Effortless English system. Learn English with AJ Hoge, "The World's #1 English Teacher". Learn tips and strategies to improve your spoken English. Learn English vocabulary. Learn about American English and American culture. Be a successful English speaker and international leader!
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The boys from the, “What’s Wrong with Wrestling?” podcast give their comedic spin on the entertainment industry. They cover breaking news, rumors, and review the latest blockbuster films and popular tv shows. New episode every Monday morning!
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Christopher Price of the Boston Globe and former Patriots WR Chris Hogan bring you an inside look at the New England Patriots.
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Podcast om tecknade serier
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Podcast by The Hog Sty Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Join comedians Helen Bauer and Catherine Bohart for a weekly dose of chaos & hilarity as they try to solve all your problems whilst barely wrangling their own! Although they may sometimes be disgusting, they are reliable, like true Trusty Hogs. Please give us a follow @trustyhogs on all socials, be sure to subscribe and rate us (unless you don’t like these little piggies - 5 stars only!), and support us at for exclusive bonus content, merch, and more! Find us on other ...
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Welcome to The Folk Hogan Podcast—where we dive deep into the world of Folk Hogan, bringing you band stories, behind-the-scenes action, and everything in between. Whether it’s new music, tales from the road, or exclusive interviews with the band, we’ve got you covered. Thanks for tuning in—let’s get started!
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Traditionsexperten Mattias Axelsson berättar tillsammas med Daniel Carlenfors om svenska högider och traditioner under året. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Rising Republic is a Christian-based talk show about the hot topics that divide America, from a Christian conservative perspective. The host, L. Douglas Hogan, is a USMC vet, retired state employee, where he spent 25 years working in maximum security environments, an author, public speaker, and a part-time police officer.
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In onze kleine podcast vertellen studenten over hun ervaringen op de hogeschool. Misschien is hun verhaal ook een antwoord op jouw vraag. Of twijfelen over je studiekeuze normaal is bijvoorbeeld. Jazeker.
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Hi everyone, my name is Mél Hogan and I’m a critical media studies scholar based in Canada. I’m working on a project called The Data Fix through a series of conversations with scholars, thinkers and feelers. Together we explore the significance of living in a world of data, and especially the growing trend of “digital humans” in the form of chatbots, holograms, deepfakes, ai images and videos, and even tech that revives the dead. The conversations are minimally edited, and serve as an archiv ...
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Welkom bij de podcasts van Marga Hogenhuis!
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The official podcast of the Arkansas Razorbacks. This weekly podcast features some of the best Razorbacks stories from past and present. Three-time Arkansas Sportscaster of the Year Bo Mattingly and the Hogs+ Team produce unique stories featuring current and former student-athletes, coaches, staff members and fans. The podcast takes fans into the heart of the stories that matter to Razorback fans.
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Ivar Arpi i samtal med vänner och fiender. Utan filter eller skygglappar.
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Podcast by Högstadiepodden
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Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis discuss the happenings of their rural Indiana county week to week. The Boss Hog of Liberty is a local show with a national impact because everyone in the world lives in a county similar to theirs. The crew details their lives and gives interview opportunities to the world's top experts in politics, policy, economics, and anything else they find interesting! Listen today, and support the show on Patreon at Part of the We Are Liber ...
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Várkuti Gézaés Polyánszky Attila podcastja. Elemzések, oktatás, tippek, tanácsok, Forex-, részvény-, index-, nyersanyag- és cryptodeviza-kereskedéshez. Csak úgy fundamentális, mint technikai alapon. Konkrét kereskedési setupokkal, piacra lépés, stop és célár meghatározása. A kézi kereskedés mellett külön hangsúlyt fektetünk a robotok használatára. Várkuti Géza 35 éves tapasztalatával már veteránnak számít a szakmában. Ő írta az első magyar nyelvű Forex könyvet, melyet ma is sokan a kezdők "b ...
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Welcome to the Wheelie Hogs podcast! Here, you’ll find a world of wholesome, heartwarming stories perfect for little ones to enjoy anytime – whether it’s naptime, story time, bathtime, or bedtime. Every episode is crafted to spark your child’s imagination and bring smiles to their day. Our podcast is the perfect companion for parents who love giving their kids enriching and delightful tales without screen time. Get the Wheelie Hogs book? Each storybook comes with a magical QR code that unloc ...
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Wir lesen dir aus der Welt von Harry Potter zum Einschlafen vor... Mach's dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner: CC BY-SA 4.0 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to the home of the 'Hogwash' podcast: Music, Movies, Hookah, the Cosmos, and thinking outside of the box—all with a Crude Sense of Humor!
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Welcome to Hogan’s Alley, the Crokinole UK Podcast where the discs fly, and the banter is as sharp as our 20s! Join Terry Brown, Ryan Anthony, and a cast of friends from the Crokinole UK scene as they spin tales of tournaments, dissect the quirks of the game in the UK and further afield, and toss in a few cheeky shots of their own. Whether you’re a seasoned board-slinger or a rookie aiming for your first 20, we promise a fun-filled ride through the glorious madness that is Crokinole. Tune in ...
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Join myself and our talented readers as we transport you into the fantastical wizarding world of Harry Potter! Join us on Facebook at HogsRead. Share your experience with the beloved series. Share your Patronus! Share your House! Love and respect! If you would like to support the Bros. With Benefits Team, you can become a Patron on Patreon at
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HOG-POD - Harley-Davidson Owner & Riding in the UK & Ireland
Harley-Davidson Owners & Riders in the UK
HOG-POD is a podcast for all Harley owners in the UK & Ireland, whether you ride solo, or as part of a group, including the Harley Davidson Riders Club, H.O.G members and H.O.G Chapter members throughout England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland & Northern Ireland. It is the first podcast of it’s kind for the owners of the worlds finest motorcycles right here in the UK & Ireland. Now into it's 4th season, new episodes will release throughout the month and we would love for you to join us.
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é sobre encontrar-se e encantar-se com sua própria existência!
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Listen to James and Niko talk about everything about nothing. Critically acclaimed "Super-Awesome" and "Pretty Hilarious," James and Niko are unofficially the most outrageous podcasting duo out there. Listening is guaranteed to make you squeal!
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Washington Redskins / Football Team / Commanders football through the eyes of three of their fans: Aaron, Josh, and John. Write us at: Join our discord: Hail to the Redskins!
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A weekly podcast where we discuss a variety of subjects. Each week we talk about a different topic, from literature to travel and everything in between. Our episodes strive to be both conversational and informational, and our occasional interviews are (hopefully) entertaining.
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Wrestling Talk.
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From the "Land Down Under" comes a podcast about the oldest sport in the World - Curling! Launching 20 kilo rocks down frozen sheets of ice may not be your first image when it comes to Australia - you were probably thinking of blistering hot summers, swimming at Bondi Beach, and chucking another shrimp on the barbie. Well, some of those are almost correct, but don't let that fool you, the "Roaring Game" as it's called is here and growing rapidly. This magazine style podcast will feature curl ...
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Buy In Group, Save Money Together!... Teachab dot com
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Homeschool encouragement and podcast
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Podcast by Daniel Höglund Werngren
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Welcome to DJ Hogan, where amazing things happen.
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Podcasts och annat från Högskolan för scen och musik vid Göteborgs universitet
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Saludos, escucharás temas de interés social.
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Join host Connor Goodson as he offers his insight and opinion on all things Arkansas Razorbacks.
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News and Hunting on the Worldwide Wild Hog Problem
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Hög av Film är en bokcirkel fast med film fast i ljudform där programledare Anton Bjurvald med gäster pratar om ett specifikt filmtema eller filmskapare, mer eller mindre löst sammanhängande, varannan vecka.
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Talking Chicago Bears, Chicago Sports, and Sportswriting with Mark Potash
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1:09:56Mark Potash joins the show for a fun and insightful episode filled with Bears takes and stories from different eras of Chicago sports. From memorable moments to behind-the-scenes insights, Potash brings his unique perspective to the conversation. Plus, Hoge and Jahns wrap things up with a cliffhanger preview of the big shows coming next week—stay t…
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Ep179. KIELL SMITH-BYNOE / Gambling, Guinness & Gravy
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1:04:51Hot of the heels of St Patrick's Day, we welcome back to the podcast the brilliant KIELL SMITH-BYNOE (Ghosts, Taskmaster, Great British Sewing Bee)! We talk breakfasts, Costco and secret gambling successes... FOLLOW KIELL: @klayzeflaymz NEW MERCH: Thank you so much for listening! Support us at for…
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When Little Wee stumbles upon a young crow struggling to fly, he knows just what to do, lend a helping wheel! With its siblings already soaring through the skies, this little crow feels left behind… but not for long! Determined to help his new feathered friend, Little Wee comes up with a brilliant plan, using his speedy wheels to give the crow a li…
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276. Kelsi Musick: The Beginning
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29:13Kelsi Musick has been named the 10th women's basketball coach at the University of Arkansas! Bo Mattingly sits down with her as she arrives on campus to discuss her incredible rise from small-town Oklahoma to coaching in the SEC. Hear how being raised on a farm shaped her, what she learned from coaching 13 seasons in DII, and why she will take the …
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Håller svensk höger på att förlora förståndet?
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1:00:25I dagens extra långa avsnitt undrar vi vad som håller på att hända med den svenska högern. De vill sluta vara pro-amerikanska—men vad är deras ideologiska alternativ? Vi är genuint oroliga för vad högern i Sverige håller på med, och vart de är på väg.
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386: Changing Laws; Tariffs direct impact on Indiana's 30 Billion Dollar Industry
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1:22:25Episode 386 of Boss Hog of Liberty is out! Jeremiah Morrell and Zach Burcham are the host voices. Rusty and Ken Eckstein are our guests. They owned Mt Comfort RV in Hancock County, and recently sold the dealership to Camping World. Ken is active in the industry and recently worked to craft a bill with the Indiana General Assembly that will change h…
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Hog Story #423 – Beige Fagslaugh
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1:34:49Story #423 – Beige Fagslaugh – Exec. Prods, nodebit, voidzero, Baron Spudthemitey, Lala – Fletcher talks to Lala about holes, rocks, whales and much more! Skittletits NOTES Whale Brush Arizona Haze…
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Kläms europeisk höger mellan Trump och Putin, Mattias Karlsson?
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37:46This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit I dagens podd pratar jag med Mattias Karlsson, landsbygdspolitisk talesperson för Sverigedemokraterna och partiets internationella sekreterare. Dessutom grundare av den konservativa tankesmedjan Oikos, vilket vi pratar en del om. Men vi börjar i USA. Den amerikanska hög…
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Freddie och Anders har ett flödande samtal om bland annat lyckade releasefester, fina priser till serieskapare, Allan Kämpe/Eugen Semitjov och Will Eisner vars 108-årsdag sammanfaller med inspelningen. Diskussioner om vad vi sett och läst varvas med tips ur senaste Marvelkatalogen. Något av det som nämns: ”Daredevil: Born Again”, ”Daredevil: Cold D…
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154. Allt om giftemålet
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1:04:39Instagram: @hogt.i.tak
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Checking In with NFC North Experts: Insight on the Vikings & Packers
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51:06Alec Lewis and Matt Schneidman of The Athletic share their expert insights on the Vikings' and Packers' offseason moves. They break down where each team stands heading into the 2025 season and what it means for the NFC North. Don't miss this deep dive into the Bears' biggest division rivals! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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The guys welcome former Patriots' tight end Christian Fauria to the show to talk about the offseason, Travis Hunter, Josh McDaniels, and much more
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32:491:00: Fauria’s view on the offseason so far. “I don’t want to do the whole grade thing, but I will. I give them an A. An A-plus.” 2:45: Hogan: “There are a couple of more additions that should be made. You look at the wide receiver room, specifically.” 4:00: Fauria on Milton Williams. “That guy is almost unblockable.” 4:30: Fauria: “The offense, I …
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Varför äter vi våfflor 25 mars?
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17:57Mattias och Daniel reder ut varför vi äter våfflor just 25 mars, hur länge färdig våffelsmet har funnits och hur Cajsa Warg lagade sina våfflor 1755. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Judicial overreach, Schumer makes threats on PBS and The View to go after Trump and his supporters, and woke-ism continues to destroy the Box Office.
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Together, with Collin Bjork
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58:38Collin Bjork and I discuss the double (triple?) meaning of "extractive AI". Collin explains -- an AI powered voice-to-text transcription software, and the capitalist logics that enable it -- vs. Maori-led Te Hiku Media, based on principles of stewardship, community and collaboration. Collin also explains how rhetoric is about togetherness …
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153. Att skilja sig offentligt
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16:52Instagram: @hogt.i.tak
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Dein Harry Potter-Podcast zum Einschlafen... Mach's dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner: Hier geht's zum Fandom-Artikel. Der Artikel wurde redaktionell überarbeitet: CC BY-SA…
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18. Geldzorgen en toch studeren, hoe doe je dat?
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16:28Verder studeren is duur. Kan je dat betalen, alleen? Bij wie kan je terecht als de financiële puzzel niet klopt?Par Karel de Grote Hogeschool
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19. Schoolmoe in ‘t middelbaar? Tóch naar de hogeschool!
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21:43Jezelf naar school slepen in het middelbaar en toch kiezen om verder te studeren? Het kan én met succes.Par Karel de Grote Hogeschool
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17. Studeren met een visuele beperking, lukt dat?
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26:23Hoe inclusief is het hoger onderwijs voor mensen met een visuele beperking? Is er voldoende ondersteuning? Luister mee.Par Karel de Grote Hogeschool
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Discussing the Bears' Offseason Moves with Kevin Fishbain
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52:31Kevin Fishbain joins Hoge & Jahns to talk about the Bears' latest free agency signings in an entertaining fashion. Plus, with the NCAA Tournament tipping off today, the guys share their March Madness picks and predictions. Stay tuned next week as they check in with other teams in the NFC. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Chris talks to Andrew Krammer of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune about New England's addition of Garrett Bradbury, as well as the Patriots' apparent wooing of former Minnesota wide receiver Stefon Diggs
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25:341:15: What kind of guy are the Patriots getting in Garrett Bradbury? 2:30: Why was Bradbury available? 4:25: At 6-3 and 300 pounds, he’s a bit undersized. How does he maybe make up for that in other facets of his game? 5:50: Why were his PFF grades so up and down over the last few years? 7:45: Does he have any positional versatility? 9:05: It feels…
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Ep178. Stomping, Sub-letting & School Fundraisers
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56:32NEW MERCH: Thank you so much for listening! Support us at for exclusive bonus content, merch, and more! Trust us with your own problems and questions... Please give us a follow @TrustyHogs on all socials Be sure to subscribe and rate us (unless you don’t like these little pigg…
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Cancelled Shows, Stories of old Crazy Promoters, etc - EP22
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44:22Tales from canceled shows, wild promoters, and our one off Beatles tribute set.Par Folk Hogan
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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152. Katrin Z vs Sanna & Storbråk på restaurang
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1:01:10Instagram: @hogt.i.tak
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The guys discuss leadership, the release of David Andrews, and which players could end up being captains in 2025
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34:271:20: David Andrews has been released. Hogan’s favorite David Andrews’ memory: “What did he mean to the locker room as a player and as a person?” 3:55: How the new guys — Spillane, Hollins, Moses — can fill that leadership void. “They’ll expect a lot from the younger players in the locker room.” 4;25: “It’s sad. … It’s tough to see all those guys m…
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Forex és tőzsde Podcast 03/18 | Gazdagság és pénzügyi tudatosság
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57:14🎙️ Forex és tőzsde Podcast 2025.03.18. Csatlakozz az ingyenes webinárunkhoz! 🔥 Jelentkezés itt: 🚀 A podcastban Várkuti Géza és Polyánszky Attila a gazdagság elérésének stratégiáit, a tőkebefektetések fontosságát és a piaci kockázatok kezelését vitatták meg. Hangsúlyozták a hosszú távú célok kitűzésének és a stratégiák …
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Q&A Episode: NFL Draft Talk, Coaching Staff & More
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1:02:03In this Q&A episode, Hoge & Jahns answer your questions about the Bears NFL Draft Picks, the newest coaching additions and what we could expect in the upcoming season. Tune in for their insights and plenty of Bears talk! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Athletic
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285. Jonas Aidoo: From Setback to Surge
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30:41Jonas Aidoo’s journey hasn’t been easy. From his rise as an elite basketball player to making an impact at Tennessee, he brought NCAA Tournament experience to Arkansas with high expectations. But a serious foot injury threatened to derail his season. In this episode, Aidoo opens up about the grueling recovery process, the doubts he faced, and how h…
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Elon Musk, Space X, space missions, the clamorous left, and chickens!
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When Nana wakes up dreaming about herding ducks, Little Wee knows it’s going to be one of those adventurous mornings! Together, they set off to the local park, but what starts as a peaceful visit quickly turns into a feathered fiasco! Ducks everywhere! Quacking, flapping, waddling in all directions, chaos! But Nana’s got a trick up her sleeve (or r…
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Deskill, with Hagen Blix
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1:04:59In this episode Hagen Blix and I talk about how the fear of AI, from the non-billionaire CEO class, comes from the threat of deskilling workers. Recorded Mar 5, 2025. Released March 17, 2025. Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords by Hagen Blix and Ingeborg Glimmer Why …
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Kraven the Hunter Review
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1:19:54Bonus episodes at Bleav + Andrew Pisano
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FROM THE VAULT Oliver Miller: The Big O
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51:26In this special rerelease of The Hog Pod, we honor the life and legacy of Oliver Miller, one of the most beloved Razorbacks of all time. Known for his larger-than-life personality, elite passing, shot-blocking, and unwavering love for Arkansas basketball, Miller left an unforgettable mark on the program and its fans. In this conversation, Oliver re…
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Northvolt, porrskådisar, och spådamer
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50:30Det kan man använda dina skattepengar till. Vad annat gör politikerna med dina surt förvärvade kronor? Vi har tittat närmare på slöseriet inom den ofantliga sektorn.
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151. Sannas arga morgonhumör
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21:28Instagram: @hogt.i.tak
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The Bears & NFL Free Agency: An Inside Look at Joe Thuney and Dayo Odeyingbo
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1:13:26Athletic writers James Boyd and Nate Taylor join the show to break down the latest free agency moves. They share insights on these newest additions, coming from the Indianapolis Colts and Kansas City Chiefs, and how they will impact the team in the upcoming season. Full Video Episode: Learn more about your ad choices. V…
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