Sermons preached at Grace Church of Tallahassee, where the Word of God has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct and is sufficient for all matters of life and godliness.
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John 20:19-23 There are at least eleven encounters with Jesus after his death and resurrection recorded in the Bible. Pastor Rod Bunton focuses on the fifth appearance, to the disciples that were hiding in fear of what would happen next. The post The Appearance of Jesus to the Disciples appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Pastor Doug Link continues our study of Christology, showing how Jesus is not only the focus of the New Testament, but the Old Testament as well. The post The Promised One appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 20:1-18 Mary Magdalene, a faithful disciple of Christ, arrived at the tomb early on Sunday and discovered that Jesus’ body was gone. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the confusion that followed and the eventual unexpected realization that he had been resurrected even though he had already told them it would happen. The post The Resurrection of Jesus…
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Pastor Doug Link explains what Christ’s obedience looks like and what it means to Christians. The post The Obedience of Christ appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 19:31-42 Jesus finished the purpose for which he was born as a babe in Bethlehem and died at the hands of the Roman soldiers under the influence of the Jewish leaders. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the events that followed — proving that Jesus was truly dead and buried in a tomb — and shows that even in death, God was divinely orchestrating the ev…
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Pastor Ben Khazraee tackles the second topic related to Christ’s dual nature. Handout (PDF) The post Truly Man: Christ’s Human Nature appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 19:15-30 Following the trials of Jesus, where they could not prove any guilt and yet declared him so, he is immediately taken outside the city and crucified. Pastor Rod Bunton takes us through the most important event in human history, when Jesus went willingly to the wonderful cross. The post The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus appeared first …
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Pastor Ben Khazraee tackles the first topic in our study of Christology. Handout (PDF) The post Truly God: Christ’s Divine Nature appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 19:1-15 The Jewish leaders were so determined to punish Jesus for blasphemy that they forced the Roman government to rush through six trials with a predetermined outcome. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the final three trials that could not prove guilt, but still resulted in a guilty verdict. The post The Final Trials of Jesus appeared first on Gra…
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Pastor Ben Khazraee introduces a new series that seeks to determine what the Bible says about Christ’s identity and his work. Handout (PDF) The post Introduction to Christology appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 18:13-40 Having arrested Jesus at the encouragement of the Jewish leaders, the Romans begin a series of trials to prove his guilt. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the details of the first three of these trials, some in violation of Roman law, but all desperate to find something that would satisfy the Jewish leaders. The post The Trials of Jesus app…
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Pastor Charlie Greenwell gives us a reminder of the ways that we can have our eyes fixed on Christ. Handout (PDF) The post Jesus said, “I am…” / Scripture says “He is…” appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 18:1-12 Moving into Chapter 18, we begin the final section of the book of John where we experience the passion of Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton describes the betrayal by Judas, the arrest of Jesus by the Roman soldiers, and gives us an overview of the trials that will follow. The post The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus appeared first on Grace Church …
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If the first session on this topic, Pastor Doug Link discussed a definition of lying and we learned that it is never right to lie. What about passages in the Bible where lies are told and it seems that God approves? The post Speaking the Truth – Part 2 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 17:20-26 In Genesis, we learned about the fall of man that resulted in our separation from God and each other. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us how, in this final section of Jesus’ prayer to the Father, he requests restoration of unity for all believers. The post The High Priestly Prayer – Part 5 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Philippians 4:4 Pastor Charlie Greenwell starts with this well known verse to examine what it means and why we should obey this command from the Lord. The post Rejoice in the Lord Always appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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Matthew 18:15-20 Church discipline is clearly laid out by Jesus in Matthew 18 and faithfully following these steps is one of the tests of a true church. Pastor Rod Bunton carefully describes each step and the goal of properly executing them. The post The Test of a True Church – Part 2 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Pastor Doug Link tackles the topic of liars and truth telling in the Bible. The post Speaking the Truth appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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Matthew 18:15-20 Early church reformer, Martin Luther, laid out three things that serve as criteria for a true church. Pastor Rod Bunton draws our attention to one of those: the practice of church discipline. The post The Test of a True Church – Part 1 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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Joshua 24 Pastor Ben Khazraee completes the study of the book of Joshua. Handout (PDF) The post Serve the Lord appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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Matthew 6:25-34 In this contemporary culture with hyper-awareness of world-wide events and societal complexity, we are prone to worry about possibilities and choices that may never occur. Pastor Doug Link leans on the words of Jesus to remind us that God knows what we need and will provide for us. The post Do Not Be Anxious appeared first on Grace …
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Luke 2:25-35 Luke’s Gospel records the account of a man named Simeon who was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before seeing the Christ child. Pastor Ben Khazraee visits this passage and shows why we, like Simeon, should be looking forward to the coming savior. The post Anticipating the Savior appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahass…
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Matthew 2:1-12 Well known in contemporary culture as three wise men or three kings, the Bible’s account of the visiting magi is quite different. Pastor Rod Bunton walks us through the story of the wise men who sought to worship the rightful king of the Jews, born in Bethlehem. The post The Visit of the Magi appeared first on Grace Church of Tallaha…
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John 17:13-19 Jesus was praying to the Father for protection of the eleven disciples whom he would be leaving. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the various ways that Jesus asked they be protected and the source of that protection. The post The High Priestly Prayer – Part 4 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 23 Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Joshua 23, wherein the old and advanced-in-years Joshua gives instruction to the nation. The post Be Very Careful to Love the Lord Your God appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 17:6-12 As Jesus was praying to his Father, he turned his petition towards the eleven apostles. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus’ request for divine protection applied to the apostles that were with him and, also, anyone else that the Father has given to the Son. The post The High Priestly Prayer – Part 3 appeared first on Grace Church of …
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Joshua 22 Pastor Doug Link covers Chapter 22 wherein the tribes on the East side of the Jordan complete their responsibilities in a promise made to Moses, but quickly find themselves in the middle of a controversy. Handout (PDF) The post A Farewell to the Transjordan Tribes appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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John 17:2-5 As Jesus continued his prayer to his father, he was also teaching that salvation brings glory to God. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches us three things about the glory of salvation that we should understand from Jesus’ prayer. The post The High Priestly Prayer – Part 2 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 20-21 Pastor Ben Khazraee covers the final allotments to the people of Israel and explains why the Levites are like Wi-Fi. Handout with Map (PDF) The post Allotments for Justice and Ministry appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 17:1-2 Jesus, having just finished addressing his disciples, turns his attention to his father. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a series of messages regarding Jesus, our high priest, and his prayer to God the Father in light of the current hour. The post The High Priestly Prayer – Part 1 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 16-19 Pastor Doug Link covers the chapters that describe the distribution of the promised land to the remaining tribes of Israel. The post Allotment of the Remaining Land appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 16:25-33 The more that Jesus talked about leaving them, the more the disciples’ hearts became troubled. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how Christ began to speak more plainly to them so that they could understand and be encouraged. The post I Have Overcome the World appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 13-15 Pastor Ben Khazraee covers a passage that seems to have very little to teach us; however, there are important lessons to be learned. Handout (PDF) The post Inheriting the Promised Land, Illustrating Faith appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 16:16-24 Jesus told his disciples that in “a little while” they would no longer see him and then in “a little while” they would see him again. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that, although the disciples were confused and many even today are unclear about what he meant, the meaning is quite clear if we take Jesus’ words literally and in the context…
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Joshua 10:6-12:24 Pastor Ben Khazraee recounts the overwhelming series of victorious battles that the Israelites experienced after setting into the promised land. Handout (PDF) The post The Lord Gave Israel Victory (and the Land) appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 16:8-14 Jesus was teaching the disciples about the Holy Spirit that would come to help them after Jesus’ departure. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the four essential roles of the Holy Spirit that Jesus revealed in his teaching. This video has been replaced with the correct one. The post Essential Roles of the Holy Spirit appeared first on Grace Chu…
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Jonah 9-10:15 Pastor Doug Link teaches about Israel’s treaty with the Gibeonites . Handout (PDF) The post An Ill-Advised Treaty with the Gibeonites appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 16:4-10 Jesus, teaching the eleven disciples about his upcoming departure, explained why this was a good thing. Pastor Rod Bunton starts a look into the work that the Holy Spirit does after he comes. This video has been replaced with the correct one. The post The Work of the Holy Spirit appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 8 Pastor Doug Link teaches from Joshua Chapter 8. Handout (PDF) The post The Downfall of Ai appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 15:18-27 Jesus, preparing the disciples he was about to leave, taught them about the persecution they would face because of their relationship to him. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching from this passage and reminds us that God has a solution to this problem. The post The Persecuted Church, Part 2 appeared first on Grace Church of Tallah…
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Joshua 7 Josh Hollingsworth teaches from Joshua Chapter 7. Handout (PDF) The post Sin in the Camp appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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Jonah God is not only sovereign over all creation, he is also merciful and gracious. Pastor Doug Link concludes his survey of the book of Jonah, where God’s mercy is on display despite the sinful behavior of this prophet. The post The Mercy of God in Jonah appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 5-6 Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Joshua chapters 5 and 6, covering the fall of Jericho. Handout (PDF) The post Whose Side Are You On? Siding with the Lord by Faith appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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Psalm 32 For a Christian, this is what we know: forgiveness is a free gift of God and is, therefore, a blessing. Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Psalm 32 where David reminds us that confession and walking in the way of God’s word leads to the joy of being forgiven. The post The Joy of Being Forgiven appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Pastor Charlie Greenwell teaches from Philippians 3 and reminds us that we must “press on toward the goal” and conform our walk to be worthy of our citizenship in Heaven. Handout (PDF) The post Walk as Citizens of Heaven appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 15:18-20 As Jesus continued to prepare the disciples he was about to leave, he taught them why the “world” would hate them. Pastor Rod Bunton continues to teach about the persecuted church, explaining the warning, the why, and the wrong way to try to attract the world. The pre-sermon video referenced by Rod is this: This video was shown just b…
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Jonah God has complete control over all aspects of creation, including weather, seemingly random events, human choices, and even animals. Pastor Doug Link takes us through a survey of the book of Jonah, where God’s sovereignty is on display throughout the book that we know so well. The post The Sovereignty of God in Jonah appeared first on Grace Ch…
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Joshua 3-4 Josh Hollingsworth teaches from Joshua chapters 3 and 4. Handout (PDF) The post Crossing the Jordan appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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John 15:16-18 Jesus wanted to prepare the eleven disciples for what would happen to them after he left. Pastor Rod Bunton begins an exploration of this passage where Jesus explains that being a friend to Jesus means that they will be hated by the world. The post The Hatred of the World appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.…
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Joshua 2 Pastor Doug Link teaches from Chapter 2 of Joshua. Handout (PDF) The post Two Spies and a Surprising Ally appeared first on Grace Church of Tallahassee.Par Grace Church of Tallahassee
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