The weekly message from Gas Street, we are a church with a vision to be ‘Light for the City’. Lead pastors Tim and Rachel Hughes.
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Becky Drake delivers a Christmas for Everyone message on making room in our lives for Jesus.Par Becky Drake
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Tim Hughes delivers a Christmas message.Par Tim Hughes
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We wrap up our series, ‘The Listening Life,’ and hear from people in our community on what it looks like to cultivate a lifestyle of listening for God’s voice.Par Gas Street Church
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Rachel Hughes shares a message from 2 Corinthians 10; taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ.Par Rachel Hughes
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Ali Herbert continues our series on the ‘Listening Life’. The big picture is that through prophecy God speaks to us directly today, into specific situations, contexts, communities, to us as individuals, to us as a church and sometimes even more broadly than that. As we learn to be ‘Light for the City’ we discover we will need the gift of prophecy t…
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Tim Hughes continues our new series on the ‘Listening Life’ exploring some practical steps we can take into hearing God in our daily lives.Par Tim Hughes
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Tim Hughes shares on what it looks like to live by faith and not by site in all areas of our life. Specifically looking into our faith in prayer, faith in actions and faith in our finances.Par Tim Hughes
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Michael unpacks Romans 12, exploring that as followers of Jesus we can’t just receive the gospel, we have to also share it! We discover that shouldn’t simply come to church to have our spiritual needs met but come to encourage and serve one another.Par Michael Shannon
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Damilola unpacks 1 Corinthians 12, sharing God’s heart for unity and diversity in the body of Christ. God desires that we should have equal concern and honour for one another.Par Damilola Makinde
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These are days where the church needs to wake up and grow in what it means to pray. The challenges around us are intense and real. In moments of trial and opportunity the early church prayed fervently. What holds us back from powerful praying? How do we grow in it? In this talk Tim shares his passion to see the church alive and bold in prayer.…
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Ria from our student community unpacks what it means to stand on faith from 2 Corinthians 5:7. In this message, Ria recounts stories of how trusting God has guided her through life’s challenges.Par Ria Walters
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In Ephesians Paul challenges us to pray at all times in all ways - but when we’re busy people with busy lives, how on earth can do that?! In this Worship for Everyone talk, Martha explores why we should pray and then offers some practical tips on how we can build prayer into our daily lives.Par Martha Goshawk
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This is the final part of our 7-week journey following the travels of Paul the Apostle and we are ending in the mighty city of Rome. Paul is under house arrest for two years and could be frustrated by the limitations he is facing in his ministry - but he decides to write letters, including the letter we look at here: 2 Timothy. His limitation prove…
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Nick Drake explores Acts 27 and what we can learn from Paul’s experience in navigating life’s storms. How we can look to Jesus even in the darkest night when all bearings seem lost.Par Nick Drake
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Tebo Mpanza continues our series in Acts, sharing on the importance of community both in and outside of the church and its importance in aiding in our spiritual growth.Par Tebo Mpanza
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Sometimes being faithful to what Gods called you to do lands you in what feels like failure. Through the story of Paul and Silas in a Philippian prison we learn to rightly frame ‘failure’ and the important lesson that, with God, failure is never the final destination. We explore themes of success and faithfulness, as well as Gods sovereignty and et…
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We all know that decisions have consequences that can impact every aspect of our life. What you decide today, we will see the fruit of that tomorrow. The good news is that decisions are not puzzles to solve but privileges to steward with the guidance of God and as we journey through them the Holy Spirit will partner with us as we navigate life and …
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How do you navigate relational tension or disagreements? They can be a common path of life but often hard to navigate. Join us as we follow Paul and Barnabas to learn from them how to do this well.Par Mike Darbandi
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The world has conditioned us to ‘show our best and hide our worst’ for fear of rejection. Through the story of Saul’s conversion experience on the Damascus road we learn that in order to receive Gods best, we have to bring our worst. We explore themes of sin and grace, fall and redemption through Acts 9:1-8.…
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How do we live out our true identity in Christ and be all that God created us to be. We explore the theme of Kingdom identity through Ephesians 1 and Jesus’ own baptism in Mathew 3. What does it mean to hear the voice of God over our lives, to flourish in our purpose.Par Nick Drake
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Chris Mitton shares a message on what it means for us as followers of Christ to be consecrated.Par Chris Mitton
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We hear from both Ben and Chiara, our GSA students on the theme 'Jesus Is'.Par Ben Obrey/Chiara Luxmoore
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For our all age service, Ife shares a message from Psalm 121 reminding us to look up to God in every situation for He is where our help comes from.Par Ife Obakin
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One of the big misunderstandings about following Jesus is that being a Christian is somehow about ‘being good’. But Christianity isn’t some kind of Behaviour Modification Programme. Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, but to make dead people alive. In John 10:10 Jesus says, ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come tha…
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Tebo Mpanza continues the series on our values with the next one being real.Par Tebo Mpanza
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This talk explores the importance of acknowledging the generosity that we have received, how our giving is a response to a giving God, and the impact living generous lives can have on those around us. It looks to encourage us to reflect on what it means to see those God wants us too, to share what we have with confidence that God provides, and to s…
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How do we avoid having low level expectations of what God can do and who he is in the world? What does it mean to live expectantly, in our own lives, and as a church community? Join Nick as he leans in to Acts chapter 2 and the expectancy of the Apostle Peter.Par Nick Drake
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Meg Lambert shares a message on the Holy Spirit and how God will pour out his spirit on us.Par Meg Lambert
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Cass Langton shares how God meets us in our trials whilst on our walk with Jesus.Par Cass Langton
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Rachel Hughes brings the final part in our Colossians series and speaks about what it means to know Jesus, and to make him known.Par Rachel Hughes
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Where do you find your comfort? This week Mike continues our Colossians series by looking at the dangers of earthly comforts.Par Mike Darbandi
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Ife Obakin shares a message on Colossians 2 and the importance of being rooted in Christ so we are not swayed by the influences of the world.Par Ife Obakin
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Tim Hughes carries on our series on Colossians.Par Tim Hughes
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Ali Herbert shares a message on Colossians 1.Par Ali Herbert
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Tim Hughes shares an Easter message on how God is the only one who can satisfy us.Par Tim Hughes
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Becky Drake shares on how God comes close to us.Par Becky Drake
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Nick Drake shares a message on generosity unpacking Psalm 24.Par Nick Drake
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Rachel Hughes shares how we can step fully into the church.Par Rachel Hughes
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Tim Hughes shares how stepping into the fullness of God will cost us.Par Tim Hughes
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Mike Darbandi shares on some of the problems we might face when evangelising with others and how to overcome them.Par Mike Darbandi
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Clare Jackson shares on how prophecy can lead to transformation.Par Clare Jackson
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Tebo Mpanza shares on how Jesus is with us in our pain.Par Tebo Mpanza
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Rachel Hughes interviews Gary Grant, founder of the Entertainer Toy Store on his faith.Par Gary Grant
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Rachel Hughes talks on letting our lights shine in our lives.Par Rachel Hughes
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Nick Drake launches our new talk series Kingdom In The City.Par Nick Drake
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Reuben Williams shares on how we can best posture ourselves for our prayer life.Par Reuben Williams
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Nick Herbert shares on the power of prayer.Par Nick Herbert
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James Leavy shares a Christmas message.Par James Leavey
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Amy Tan shares on advent and the arrival of Jesus.Par Amy Tan
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