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Le vrai ou faux


Tous les jours
Tous les jours, le fact-checking des manipulations, fake news et inexactitudes qui circulent sur le web et les réseaux sociaux et dans les déclarations publiques Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Fit und Faul

Boris von Sychowski und Steffen Schulz

Chaque mois+
Der Fitness-Podcast für faule. Ein Fitnesstrainer und ein Drehbuchautor. Der eine ist extrem fit, der andere extrem faul. #fitundfaul #teamfit #teamfaul
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Faux Départ

Recursyve Solutions

Chaque mois
“Faux Départ” - Un podcast dédié à l’exploration du parcours d’entrepreneurs. Chaque épisode est une fenêtre sur des histoires uniques, offrant des perspectives neuves et stimulantes. Rejoignez une communauté de passionnés d’entrepreneuriat et de récits inspirants, et plongez dans des discussions qui enrichissent, divertissent et émeuvent.
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Far Out With Faust (FOWF)

Far Out With Faust

Chaque semaine
Faust Checho dives down the rabbit hole with a menagerie of mind blowing humans from authors to mystics, physicists, futurists, technologists, ufologists and everyone in between... pulling back the veil of a brave new world.
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The Faulkner Show

Harrison Faulkner

Chaque mois+
The Faulkner Show focuses on the stories that the legacy media doesn’t want you to know about. Your host Harrison Faulkner sits down with experts from various industries to give you an in-depth understanding of the issues that matter most to you.
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Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner

Maverick Broadcasting Network

Chaque semaine
Dustin Faulkner breaks down current events from a Conservative perspective. Additionally, there is a lot of investigative journalism in exposing what's truly going on in our country... much of which will shock you! Tune in every Sunday evening for a LIVE episode of Battlefront: Frontline
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Ben Fauske is invested in serving leaders so that great teams thrive. He is a confidence researcher and discovered a pattern followed by world-class influencers. This pattern has allowed him to help thousands of leaders find their own confidence transformations. Join Ben as he discovers the confidence journeys of CEOs and leaders.
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All Our Faults

Tabletop Talespinners Network

Chaque mois+
In the city of Chester's Chasm, four teenagers grapple with lives divided between the mundane and supernatural: Crispin yearning to escape a zealous cult, Michael indulging his vampiric nature, Saline pursued by creatures from the Fae, and Solomon, a lone wild werewolf in a big city. All Our Faults is a Monsterhearts 2 actual play podcast produced by the Tabletop Talespinners Network.
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Le faux dans l'info

Africa Check

Chaque mois
"Le faux dans l'info" est le podcast d'Africa Check pour comprendre l'écosystème de la désinformation et du fact-checking. Africa Check est la première organisation indépendante de fact-checking en Afrique. "Le faux dans l'info" est produit par son équipe francophone basée à Dakar, au Sénégal. Visitez notre site web ici : http://africacheck.org/fr
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Mari mendengarkan Buku Catatan Harian Santa Faustina secara mendalam dan menghayatinya hari demi hari selama 365 hari bersama bersama di podcast kami. Setiap episode akan memperdengarkan beberapa nomer catatan yang mempermudah kalian dalam memahaminya. Bagikan juga podcast ini kepada saudara-saudari kita yang mengalami kesulitan dalam membaca, maupun melihat (disabilitas visual), juga para lansia agar mereka turut mendapatkan berkat Firman Tuhan dari Buku Catatan Harian Santa Faustina ini. K ...
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Faultiers Fünf - Nerd News


Chaque semaine
Jeden Sonntag gibt es eine neue Folge Faultiers Fünf Nerd News im Podcast Format. Hier könnt ihr mich unterstützen. Kaffeekasse: Paypal: https://paypal.me/technikfaultier Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/technikfaultier Technikfaultier Blog: http://technikfaultier.com Technikfaultier auf Twitter: http://twitter.com/technikfaultier Technikfaultier Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Technikfaultier Technikfaultier auf Instagram: http://instagram.com/technikfaultier #technik #news #aktuell #woch ...
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Faut qu’on en parle est un podcast animé par Laurie Bourassa et Rosalie Béland visant à ouvrir les discussions sur les diverses problématiques sociales. Sachant que l’authenticité et la vulnérabilité d’une personne ont le pouvoir d’inspirer et de redonner espoir, nous recevrons des invités qui livreront des partages sur différents enjeux sociaux. Des échanges inspirants, sans tabous et exempts de jugements! Bonne écoute!
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'Dangerously reasonable' analysis on politics, science, and particularly the bit where they bump into each other. I aim to give an independent, fact-focused, non-ideological take on the issues that matter.
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MESS with Sydnee Washington & Marie Faustin

Big Money Players Network and iHeartPodcasts

Chaque mois
Comedians Sydnee Washington and Marie Faustin return to their podcast thrones with MESS, a weekly podcast where they dive into the mess that is life on earth and try to make it make sense. Hilarity ensues as opinions fly, realizations are made, and the mess is cleaned up. Well, until next week.
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"Le vrai du faux numérique" est un rendez-vous qui débusque les rumeurs, hoax et fakes sur le web et les réseaux sociaux, conduit par le journaliste de franceinfo Antoine Krempf. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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FLAN - Faut L'ANimer

Pauline, naglaglasson, Élabète

Chaque mois+
Faut L'ANimer, c'est votre podcast sur les films d'animation ! L'objectif ? Déterminer si un film est oui ou non... du FLAN. Pour y parvenir, Pauline et nagla (et Curien pour les premiers épisodes), mais aussi leurs invité(e)s, discuteront du film en question en échangeant sur les éléments qui les ont marqués dans le film, sur le contexte dans lequel il a été créé et est sorti, des anecdotes et tout ce qu'il paraîtra important de souligner. Les prédictions météo annoncent de la mauvaise foi ...
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Hosted by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. and Megan Hunter, MBA, It’s All Your Fault! High Conflict People explores the five types of people who can ruin your life—people with high conflict personalities and how they weave themselves into our lives in romance, at work, next door, at school, places of worship, and just about everywhere, causing chaos, exhaustion, and dread for everyone else. They are the most difficult of difficult people — some would say they’re toxic. Without them, tv shows, movies, ...
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Et si l'on dépassait les clichés sur les jeux vidéo pour s'intéresser à ce qu'ils racontent ? Chaque semaine, une balade sonore dans l’univers d’un jeu, ouverte aux experts du joypad comme aux novices de la manette. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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EJ Shehata

Chaque mois
A look at the occult, radical left politics, pop culture, & news through a street-level lens. Hosted by writer, comedian, and activist Brother Faust (EJ Shehata).
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Faut Pas Pousser Les ISO

Arthur Azoulay - Vincent Trujillo - Benjamin Favier

Tous les jours
Faut Pas Pousser Les ISO est le podcast indépendant entièrement dédié à l’image pour tous les passionnés de photo et de vidéo. Toutes les semaines, retrouvez une émission présentée par Arthur Azoulay et Benjamin Favier avec de nombreux invités. Dans Faut Pas Pousser Les ISO on parle évidemment d'image au sens large avec des sujets Matos, Techniques et Inspirations. 🎧 Bonnes écoutes ... Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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The Lord’s “Secretary of Divine Mercy,” St. Faustina, wrote what has become a modern-day spiritual classic — a blueprint for living a sacramental life in union with Jesus Christ. For anyone who may think the Diary is too thick and formidable, Most Rev. Joe Roesch, MIC, has the solution. Join him for a few minutes each day as he reads from the Diary and offers commentary. Over the span of one year, you will have “read" the Diary, beginning to end, and by the grace of God, absorbed its rich te ...
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Le Dé Faussé

Vaisseau Hyper Sensas

Chaque semaine
Le Dé Faussé est un podcast sur les jeux de société. Alex', Zephiriel, et parfois leurs invité.e.s explorent chaque semaine un jeu choisi par l'un.e d'entre eux.elles. Et pendant 20 minutes iels s'expliquent, jouent, s'affrontent, se serrent les coudes puis règlent leurs comptes. Entre délires et rivalités et dans la passion du jeu de société sous toutes ses formes.
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faucet failure

Taylor McMeins

Chaque mois
we’re just guys being dudes. just dudes being bros. our podcast is called faucet failure because our flow never stops. see you on the flip side! lol -Jada, Jessa, Taylor, Christina
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Pista Galgodromo

Tous les jours+
Mexico City. A multiple homicide. No clues. No suspects. Nothing. This is the story. (Based on true facts) Written and produced by Fernando Benavides Adaptation and voice: Dave Galasso
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God's Fault Podcast

Leslee Nyjah

Chaque mois+
Welcome to the "God's Fault Podcast," the ultimate sanctuary online for the resilient and triumphant—the home where comeback kids find solace and strength. Here, we embrace the truth that it's not about the fall; it's about the rise. And we're here to celebrate every ascent, every victory, every day. Join us as we navigate the journey from struggle to triumph, sharing stories of resilience, courage, and perseverance. From the shadows of adversity emerge the brightest lights of purpose, and i ...
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New@FAU (QHD 1920)

unbekannt unbekannt

Chaque mois
Mehr als 570 Professorinnen und Professoren forschen und lehren an den fünf Fakultäten und den verschiedenen Einrichtungen der FAU - und jedes Semester kommen neue dazu. Wer sind die neuen Köpfe in den Labors, Büros und Studienräumen? In dieser Reihe geben die Professorinnen und Professoren selbst eine Antwort darauf: Wer sie sind, wo sie arbeiten, mit was genau sie sich den ganzen Tag beschäftigen und warum es sich ihrer Meinung nach lohnt, an der FAU zu studieren.
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Renanda Sevirajati

Chaque mois
Hi! you're listening to Faults, a podcast that expand the knowledge on geological science hosted by Renanda Sevirajati. Please send me your feed back by DM me on instagram @renandajati thanks!
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show series
Some J6 Prisoners Remain While Others Still Have No Rights Given Back | Trump Administration Ignites Leftist Opposition as America First Begins | The Truth About Diabetes and What It Causes | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Joe Biggs Dustin Faulkner breaks down current events from a Conservative perspective. Additionally, there is a lot of investigative journal…
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"My daughter, consider the rule and the vows which you have offered to Me. You know how highly I value them," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here.…
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Coffee fund:Paypal: https://paypal.me/technikfaultierPatreon: Patreon: technikfaultierBTC: 37iaM7mxRjgPy27BLaRadDgBPHSWGi51YXTechnikfaultier Blog: http://technikfaultier.comTechnikfaultier on Twitter: Twitter: technikfaultierTechnikfaultier Facebook: Facebook: TechnikfaultierTechnikfaultier on Instagram: Instagram: technikfaultierTechnikfaultier on…
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Send us a text “Enjoy this episode? Please share it with at least ONE friend who you think needs to hear it!” In this Far Out Forensics episode, host Faust Checho uncovers a shocking reality: Some of the world’s most powerful figures have secretly used astrology to amass wealth, influence governments, and shape history. While the masses are told it…
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"My daughter, consider the life of God which is found in the Church for the salvation and the sanctification of your soul." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here.…
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"When I went to Church for the evening devotions, I saw the Lord Jesus during the litany. My daughter, we are beginning the retreat." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here.…
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When Trump announced his extraordinary vision for the future of the Gaza Strip, many dismissed it as just a madcap idea. But while the enormity of what it would represent has been sinking in, a number of people have started to see how this fits into a negotiating model for the current state of play, based on some of the presumptions that made the A…
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"Be adored, O God, in the work of Your mercy, Be blessed by all faithful hearts On whom Your gaze rests, In whom dwells Your immortal life." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries he…
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Dans cet épisode, on reçoit Louis-Simon Lamontagne, thanatologue et entrepreneur, qui nous partage sa vision unique d’un métier souvent mal compris. Au programme : ⚰️ Son parcours dans le monde funéraire et la reprise de l’entreprise familiale 🌈 Comment il brise les codes traditionnels avec une approche différente et plus humaine 📺 Son expérience d…
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durée : 00:02:41 - Le vrai ou faux - Donald Trump et Elon Musk veulent fermer l'Agence américaine de développement international (Usaid) qu'ils accusent de gaspiller et d'abuser de l'argent public. Depuis cette annonce, l'agence est visée par une campagne de désinformation sur les réseaux sociaux.Par franceinfo
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Welcome Judge Cohen: A Fresh Perspective on Family Court Join Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter as they welcome retired Judge Bruce R. Cohen to the High Conflict Institute team. This episode explores the human side of family court proceedings through Judge Cohen's unique lens, developed over 24 years as a family law attorney and nearly 20 years on the ben…
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This week Sydnee and Marie are joined by comedian Mateo Lane. The trio share their MESSy stories, from ripped pants and late-night nail salon visits to memorable first dates and unexpected encounters. Their topic of the week? Messy white women! And as always, the tree tackle your MESSages! Don’t forget to write in your messy stories at messthepodca…
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Ben Fauske talks with Evan Walter who is the Village Manager of Burr Ridge, IL. They talk about how to keep your #motivation even when you have achieved a lot of success and know your job is safe. Also the improtance of coaches for the #coaches . Welcome to the Authentic Confidence Podcast with Ben Fauske. Our mission is to help you find, coach, an…
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"Be adored, O God of mercy, Because You have deigned to descend from heaven to earth. Most humbly we adore You For Your having vouchsafed to exalt all mankind." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Suppo…
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"May You be adored, O merciful God of ours, O All-powerful Lord and Creator. In deepest humility, we give You praise, Plunging ourselves into the ocean of Your Godhead." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.o…
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TW. Cet épisode traite d'exploitation et de violence sexuelle. Si vous ou l'un de vos proches êtes victimes d'une situation en ce sens, des ressources sont là pour vous aider. Vous pouvez consulter le : https://www.quebec.ca/famille-et-soutien-aux-personnes/violences/exploitation-sexuelle/aide-ressources Cette semaine, on a la chance de s’entreteni…
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On this episode of the It's All Your Fault podcast presented by Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee, Jeremy K. Gover and Emma Lingan discuss: Is it time? Is it time to start selling? Have we run out of words to describe the 2024-25 Nashville Predators? Should Nashville trade Ryan O’Reilly? Is this just who the Preds are? Is it too convenient to just…
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President Trump has bashed America's close allies Canada and Mexico in return for stuff they were already doing anyway. He has threatened the EU with likewise, and pummelled Colombia into instant submission. And that's before he decides whether he wants to invade Greenland for real. What we're seeing is the abandonment of any valuing of what was te…
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durée : 00:02:22 - Le vrai ou faux - Le député RN de l'Aude Frédéric Falcon dénonce les restrictions imposées aux logements classés F ou G, considérés comme des passoires thermiques, et assure que les travaux ne permettent pas à la majorité de ces logements d'améliorer leur performance énergétique.Par franceinfo
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Quel est le point commun entre une relation père-fils dans une France d'après-guerre et un navigateur canadien célèbre pour avoir fait le tour du monde en solitaire à la voile ? Pour le savoir, regardez Slocum et Moi. Pauline a eu la chance d'être invitée à une projection du dernier film du réalisateur français Jean-François Laguionie, sorti au cin…
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"O God, who are happiness in Your very self and have no need of creatures to make You happy, because of Yourself You are the fullness of love" St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries …
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durée : 00:04:35 - La faute aux jeux vidéo - par : Olivier Bénis - Cette semaine, on donne à nouveau la parole à un créateur de jeux... Et pas n'importe lequel, puisqu'il s'agit de Gareth Damian Martin, qui a créé en solo "Citizen Sleeper", dont le deuxième épisode vient tout juste d'arriver. On a parlé lancers de dés, littérature et précarité.…
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Welcome to God's Fault n this episode, Comebackking77 is joined by a special guest—his queen, the mother of his children, and the love of his life, Miss Lovely Lee. Together, they dive into a candid and thought-provoking conversation about relationships, marriage, and the dynamics between men and women, especially within the Black community. The di…
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"O virgin, lovely flower, You will not remain much longer in this world. Oh, how beautiful your loveliness, My pure bride!" St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here.…
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Diese Woche mit: Apple und Microsoft mit ZahlenDeepSeek Microsoft mit Intel Surface Pro und Laptop Nothing Phone (3a) Reihe angekündigt Xiaomi 15 Reihe samt Ultra incoming Pebble Comeback? Das iPad wird 15GOG mit Dreamlist Remake Unterhaltung der Woche: TKKG LiveNeues TKKG Shirt GOG Dreamlist: https://www.gog.com/dreamlistKaffeekasse:Paypal: https:…
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Send us a text “Enjoy this episode? Please share it with at least ONE friend who you think needs to hear it!” Former Army officer turned personal sovereignty advocate Alec Zeck @TheWayFwrd uncovers the hidden agendas behind government overreach, mass censorship, medical propaganda, and the illusion of institutional authority in episode 190 of Far O…
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"Write: I am Thrice Holy, and I detest the smallest sin. I cannot love a soul which is stained with sin; but when it repents, there is no limit to My generosity toward it." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMerc…
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"During Holy Mass, I came to know that a certain priest does not affect much in souls because he thinks about himself and so is alone." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here.…
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At Reagan National Airport in Washington DC, we have seen a major tragedy with the mid-air collision of a passenger airliner and a military helicopter. Almost immediately, the public space has been awash with a blame game. Trump kicked it off, but the mainstream media chose to make his DEI comments the main story. Others hit back, saying the crash …
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"The Lord answered me, Your prayers are accepted for other intentions. I cannot take away this cross until they recognize its meaning." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org. Support our Ministries here.…
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durée : 00:02:08 - Le vrai ou faux - Le président de la république a annoncé mardi 28 janvier la rénovation du Louvre et le déplacement de la Joconde dans une nouvelle salle. Les idées les plus extravagantes circulent sur les réseaux sociaux, en France et à l'étranger. Non, la Joconde n'est pas à vendre et sa restitution à l'Italie n'est pas à l'or…
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www.fitundfaul.com Der Fitness-Podcast für Faule 00:00 - Der Pando 00:30 - Die Sache mit den Keksen 01:15 - Abends mit der Familie kochen 02:07 - Intervallfasten 02:59 - Fastenurlaub ist teuer 04:34 - Mindset wie Triathleten 05:29 - Fasten ist Regeneration 06:52 - Richtige Vorbereitung ist alles 07:10 - 16/8 oder 14/10 08:17 - Alternativen zum Inte…
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This week Sydnee and Marie dive into their everyday messes, featuring guest Liza Trager, The trio covers a range of topics, including their love for gossip, handling messy relationships, and their thoughts on celebrity behaviors and tipping, and of course -- your MESS! Don’t forget to write in your messy stories at [email protected], or call…
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