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Radio Lab

European Lab

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European Lab forum propose à travers des conférences, des débats, des projections et des rencontres inspirantes, de décrypter les grandes mutations de notre époque et de connecter les porteurs de projets. Dans une démarche transdisciplinaire et prospective, le forum aborde des thèmes comme : la ville de demain, l’engagement politique de la société civile, la transformation numérique, la place des médias et de la jeunesse dans la reconquête démocratique. European Lab forum a été fondé en 2011 ...
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EuropaVoice c’est votre rendez-vous hebdomadaire avec l’actualité européenne sur SBS. Chaque semaine, Natanael Bloch et Christophe Mallet reviennent sur ce qui a agité le vieux continent: l’actualité institutionnelle de l’Union européenne et une année chargée avec l’installation d’une nouvelle commission européenne à Bruxelles et les dernières élections européennes, le suivi régulier du Brexit avec ses conséquences en Grande Bretagne et en Europe, ou bien encore les élections nationales et l ...
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La transition écologique (transition énergétique ou agroécologique, questions de développement...) est un sujet de politiques publiques. Elles sont complexes, parfois sous-tendues de blocages ou d'incompréhensions. A l’Iddri, nous proposons des pistes de solutions, basées sur la science. Nous les mettons dans le débat démocratique car elles s'adressent aux décideurs politiques et économiques, et à toute la société civile. Dans ces podcasts, les chercheurs de l'Iddri vous présentent leurs pis ...
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S.ROSS Mix Live


Chaque mois
**S ROSS** ( DJ Producteur) Fondateur des soirées "BEARSBOX" et co-fondateur des soirées X-HELL, ce dj influant est la valeur sûre de la scène gay française. Il mixe depuis plus de 10 ans dans les plus grands clubs européens (Anvers, Paris, Barcelone, Londres, Sitges, Torremolinos, Dubai, Ibiza) avec les soirées SUPERSTAR, DELICE et du plus grand Spring Break Gay DELICE DREAM et BEWILD festival en Espagne à Torremolinos dont il est résident, que S.ROSS s’inspire et nous délivre des sets écle ...
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Chaque mois
Bienvenue sur Exitroots, le podcast qui revient sur les plus grands succès de rachat de startup tech et sur l'expérience vécue côté entrepreneur. Dans ce podcast on aborde en détail le ressenti et le retour sur expérience de ces entrepreneurs qui ont décidé de faire le pas et de vendre leur société. Fin d'une première expérience entrepreneuriale ou début d'une nouvelle histoire, mon objectif est de chercher à comprendre comment et surtout pourquoi ces entrepreneurs ont décidé de faire le pas ...
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"En Roues Libres" est une collection du studio de création de podcasts indépendant, ECRAN SONORE Hébergé chez Créatis Media à Paris en 2019 In Free Wheels is a podcast collection belonging toECRAN SONORE STUDIO. It was part of Creatis Media incubator in Paris in 2019 "Alex En Roues Libres" était le premier podcast en immersion dans les festivals et les évènements culturels. Alex En Roues was the first french podcast recorded "in live" condition inside the festivals and all cultural events . ...
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stock europe market

stock market

Tous les jours+
Le stock market, également appelé marché boursier, est un marché où les investisseurs achètent et vendent des actions de sociétés cotées en bourse. Les actions représentent une partie de la propriété d'une entreprise et peuvent être achetées et vendues sur les marchés boursiers. Les marchés boursiers permettent aux entreprises de lever des fonds en vendant des actions aux investisseurs, tandis que les investisseurs peuvent acheter des actions dans l'espoir de réaliser un profit en vendant ce ...
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show series
Building collaborative, resilient communities is at the core of a strong independent media landscape in Europe. For this, new ways of doing journalism need to be designed and discussed. The Circle is a first answer to the sector’s renewal. It is a new approach to cross-border journalism and collaboration. By bringing together creatives, journalists…
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On parle parfois du marché carbone, alors que que c’est une notion qui s’utilise en pluriel. Ces marchés carbone sont des systèmes, régulés ou volontaires, d’échange de carbone, sous forme de quotas, de crédits ou de certificats. Chacun de ces marchés, fondé sur l’offre et la demande, fonctionne avec ses propres règles, mais ils sont de plus en plu…
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The reading oscillates between a wish to share and convey the authors voices and another one to archive them for their memory to be shared. The selection of texts wishes to underline the cultural and political ties between several decolonial contexts. The texts will convey the voices of, cultural workers, journalists and story-tellers and commented…
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The European media space could use some good design. The intersection between journalism and design is there to be explored. New media projects need better good designed set-ups, models and inclusive approaches, meant to be accessible to all, without technical, structural, and societal barriers. The new creed of Are We Europe – Designing Europe’s M…
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The digital scene is no exception to the strong concentration observed in the media landscape. Once a space of diverse opinions, the internet is now deeply influenced by Tech Giants, who, through major acquisitions, wield considerable power over key platforms of democratic discourse (for example, Twitter, which has become X). Technology has become …
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Dive into the rich tapestry of European storytelling at our Radio Lab, an integral part of our crossborder collaboration-focused media event. Immerse yourself in the diverse world of European podcasts through captivating presentations, riveting extracts, and exclusive mini-interviews with the brilliant minds behind the shows. Join us in exploring t…
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Bonjour, Natasza Styczyńska, very pleased to have you back at Euradio. Today, in 2024, you are Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. But what were you doing when Poland became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004? I was a student, in my fourth year of political science studies! Membership negotiatio…
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"The world could be facing new viruses even more powerful than the coronavirus". This is the warning issued by the French scientific council, COVARS, which submitted its conclusions to the French government at the beginning of April. The COVID-19 pandemic was a stark reminder of the undeniable links between human, animal and environmental health is…
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Bonjour, Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, you are Jean Monnet Professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University, in the capital of Lithuania. How old were you when your country became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004? In 2004, I was 32 years old, working as an associate pr…
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Rangée derrière le candidat et actuel commissaire luxembourgeois Nicolas Schmit, la gauche européenne espère faire mieux en Europe que ne l’est sa représentation dans les parlements nationaux. Une Europe qui commence à anticiper et calculer le coût d’une entrée de l’Ukraine dans l’Union européenne
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Petr Kaniok, you are professor of political science at the Masaryk University of Brno, beautiful city in the South-East of the Czech Republic. And you recall the moment when your country became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004. May 2004 – that is a long time ago! Twenty years is a small step for mankind, but …
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Protests from the farming community have taken place in several European Union countries in the last few months. In the Netherlands, these protests began in 2019, following the government's desire to drastically reduce the excessive production of nitrogen and therefore the Dutch livestock population. What are the root causes of this crisis? And wha…
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Bloquées depuis plusieurs années, les négociations en vue d’approfondir les relations bilatérales ont repris sous la houlette de Ursula von der Leyen, en recherche de succès avant les élections européennes de juin prochain. La Présidente de la Commisison européenne est aussi active de l’autre côté de la Méditerranée où l’Union européenne et l’Egypt…
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Simon Usherwood! I’m very pleased to welcome you back on Euradio. Your are professor at the Open University in Britain, and Chair of our partners UACES. Less than three months left until the elections to the European Parliament. What are your expectations? Do you think these elections actually matter? Whether these elections matter is a great quest…
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La Commission européenne propose d’ouvrir les négociations d’adhésion à l’Union européenne avec la Bosnie-Herzégovine. Un espoir pour les pays des Balkans qui patientent toujours dans l’antichambre de l’UE. Au même moment, le Parlement européen a adopté la première loi encadrant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle.…
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Biodiversity should not be endangered in the name of the energy transition. This is what former Finnish Minister for the Environment Sirpa Pietikäinen’s advocates, as she expresses disapproval about recent European legislation which encourages the creation of new mines at the risk of damaging biodiversity, in the name of strategic autonomy. Yet the…
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Emmanuel Macron a du retrousser les manches pour négocier avec les agriculteurs présents à la 60ᵉ édition du Salon de l’Agriculture. Au niveau européen, la Politique Agricole Commune, mais aussi l’Ukraine et le plan de relance feront partie des sujets majeurs pour Ursula Von der Leyen, candidate à sa propre succession à la tête de la Commission.…
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Bonjour, Emilija Tudzarovska, you are Lecturer in Contemporary European Politics at Charles University, in Prague, and your research focuses on the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. How do you evaluate it today? Let me start with going back to the economic crisis that struck the world in 2008. This crisis revealed deeper problems plaguin…
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Les activités des entreprises ont très souvent un impact sur la biodiversité. Elles ont donc une responsabilité particulière dans son érosion, mais aussi une capacité à agir pour sa préservation. Depuis une dizaine d’années, des entreprises ont commencé à en prendre conscience et à travailler sur cette question : par secteurs, par coalitions, notam…
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It has learnt some painful lessons, but I also think there is hope in this learning process. To start with, it was forced to rediscover that war is not a faint memory or a minor disturbance that happens in some distant countries on other continents. And the war that has been raging for two years now in its immediate neighbourhood brought with it a …
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Camila Villard Duran, you are a law professor at ESSCA School of Management, and as a lawyer, you would like to take the defence of a not very popular “suspect”. Yes, I would like to speak in defence of the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. You realise that many European farmers are protesting against such an agreement right …
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In this podcast episode led by Éloise Bodin, Marcin Korolec, a former Polish Minister in charge of the Environment in Donald Tusk's previous government, discusses the European Union’s industrial strategy. Pursuing ambitious environmental objectives and in the face of fierce competition coming from the United States and China, how can the EU and its…
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Le Président américain a mis en cause le principe de solidarité au sein de l’OTAN, au moment même où la réalité de la guerre n’a jamais été aussi présente aux portes de l’Europe. Une alliance atlantique rejointe récemment par la Finlande après 30 ans de non-alignement, et qui vient d’élire un nouveau Président.…
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La crise énergétique qui frappe l’Union européenne depuis plus de deux ans a entraîné une augmentation très importante des prix de l’électricité, dans presque tous les États membres. Pourtant, il s’agit d’abord d’une crise des énergies fossiles et ses origines, profondes, sont parfois ignorées par les débats politiques. Pourquoi le marché européen …
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Dorina Baltag, you are researcher at the Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance of Loughborough University, in London. And you speak to us about Moldova today, our future EU partner we know so little about. Yes, it’s a historic moment for Moldova. Together with Ukraine, it is now taking part in accession negotiations initiated by the …
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Les agriculteurs européens manifestent, pris en étau entre inflation normative de l’Union européenne et peur de la multiplication des accords de libre-échange. C’est dans ce contexte tendu, et sur fond d’aide ukrainienne, que se tient un nouveau sommet des vingt-sept à Bruxelles ce 1er février.
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Participer à l’éclosion d’un nouveau contrat social, c’est un champ de travail novateur qui s’ouvre à l’Iddri, mobilisant largement les sciences sociales. Si la notion remonte au XVIIème siècle et à Hobbes, il est nécessaire aujourd’hui de la moderniser, et donc de ré-inventer un contrat social, en phase avec les nouveaux questionnements environnem…
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Daniele Saracino, good to have you back in our programme! You are lecturer in European Studies at the University of Essex, working on migration, asylum and solidarity. We can say that these three topics have given rise to much contention for almost a decade now. During the migratory movements to Europe in 2015/2016, the dysfunctionality of the so-c…
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Lisa Janssen, you are a PhD candidate at Ghent University, and you are working on a topic that is of crucial importance in a year that is full of elections in democracies around the globe. That’s right. And one crucial element of a democratic election is “loser’s consent”, the losing party’s willingness to voluntarily accept the election result, ev…
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Compenser les émissions de carbone est une démarche volontaire pour les entreprises privées et les particuliers. Cela consiste à financer ailleurs des réductions de carbone dont on peut ensuite se revendiquer pour les soustraire à ses propres émissions. Comment fonctionne ce système de compensation ? Est-il fiable et solide et permet-il des réducti…
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Eva Saeva, You are researcher at Newcastle Law School, in the UK, and a specialist in cybersecurity. Tell us about this area of research. It is a fascinating field of study that I have researched for over 6 years now. Let me focus today on the European Union's legal approach to cybersecurity. It’s been 10 years since the EU adopted its first Cybers…
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Gesine Weber, you are PhD candidate at King's Collège in London, and researcher for the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund. And you have followed closely the recent EU-China summit in Beijing. Yes, the first in-person summit since 2019, which took place on December 7 and 8. From the beginning, expectations were low: the relations between the …
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Kathryn Cassidy, You are professor at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle, and currently working on a project analysing the response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis, especially with regard to the “Temporary Protection Directive”. That’s correct. As a quick reminder, the European Union introduced the Temporary Protection Directive in 2001, fo…
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A spotlight talk into the local grassroots scenes of Budapest and Vilnius. From festivals, music releases and community radio, this panel brings together active players to both draw parallels between these cities and what the role cross-border collaboration can offer for the distribution of music on the margins.With:Nerijus Damasevicius aka SHN (Mi…
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The panel discussion will explore how the media influence the image of Eastern Europe, focusing on the challenges of Russian-centric narratives and bias. It will delve into how Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine is potentially leading to a redefinition of narratives about Russia's imperial policy as well as Eastern European countries. In this co…
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In a context of mass media and concentration landscape, media and culture structures tend to be owned by a few big companies, leading to a homonagised representation of culture. This concentration restricts global culture and stifles emerging voices and perspectives. By decentralizing cultural media, it can ensure pluralism in cultural content and …
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As independent festivals thrive worldwide, some add another string to their bow by creating a media focused on topics they care about. These festival extensions or communication platforms provide additional content, maintaining year-round engagement, delving deeper into subjects and artists showcased at the festival. Festivals with a strong identit…
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Over the last five years, the issue of journalism has become increasingly important within the European institutions. From the democratic backsliding, online harassment, market concentration, self-censorship, the algorithms of social media, it seems that now the media ecosystem is being seen more and more as a European matter. But so far, it seems,…
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The media often adopt a local or national approach to news. Yet many subjects need to be studied at a transnational level, particularly at European level. How can we document economic and financial, political, migration or environmental issues by stopping at borders? To carry out these investigations on a European scale, new transnational structure…
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Between growing capitalistic tendencies in the sector and the increasingly obvious political interference of certain States, the European media landscape is going through a series of crises. Many independent media are evolving in this context, continuing to operate despite these threats. The Sphera network, which brings together a number of them, i…
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How do podcasts incorporate alternative and independent points of view? Do they help to improve the quality of information in the European media landscape? The round table will look at a number of specific case studies, presented by a diverse panel of professionals from media organisations.With:Alexander Damiano Ricci (Bulle Media I IT)Evi Kiorri (…
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What role does environmental and ecological journalism play in the current context of global media coverage of climate and environmental issues? Closely linked to activism, independent green media advocate a politicizing approach to ecological discourse.With:Afsaneh Angelina Rafii (Icarus Complex Magazine I UK)Sarah Freres (Imagine Magazine I BE)Sa…
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Francesco Spera, your research, at the University of Salento, in Lecce, looks, among other things, at the legal framework of the EU collective memory. Yes, we all know that collective memory in the European Union has always been built on the ethical lessons of World War II. From the start, EU institutions have capitalised on a moral commitment to o…
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