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Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on ElSitioCristiano.com

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc

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The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581
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Dr. Barnhouse the Bible has been making God's Word plain for more than sixty years. His unique style springs from his careful speech, friendly manner, vivid analogies, and most of all from his faithful exposition of the Scriptures. He made the Bible relevant to the modern man. In fact his sermons have grown no less relevant to those who hear them today.Dr. Barnhouse the Bible is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first century church ...
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PowerPoint Ministries is the radio and television broadcast ministry of Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church — a nearly 37,000-member church with three campuses in the Dallas and North Texas region. Through PowerPoint Ministries, Dr. Graham offers practical, biblical steps on how to tap into God's power for successful Christian living. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/395
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New Life Live! on ElSitioCristiano.com

New Life Ministries

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America’s #1 Christian Counseling Call-In Radio Program. Since 1985 New Life Live! has been broadcast as a nationally-syndicated, interactive talk radio program which deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/451
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Every Last Word on ElSitioCristiano.com

Dr. Philip Graham Ryken

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Every Last Word features the expository teaching of Dr. Philip Graham Ryken as he teaches the whole Bible to change your whole life. Each week Dr. Ryken preaces God's Word in a clear, thorough, and authoritative manner that brings people to faith in Christ and helps them to grow in grace.Every Last Word is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the gr ...
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A Travs de la Biblia lleva el oyente a un recorrido a travs de toda la Biblia in un perodo de 5 aos, alternando entre el Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento. Se puede comenzar el estudio en cualquier etapa del estudio. Cuando terminamos con Apocalipsis, regresamos a comenzar de nuevo con Gnesis. El oyente que se queda con nosotros por los 5 aos no perder ninguna parte de la Biblia. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/434
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Sólo Por Gracia on ElSitioCristiano.com

Bryan y Mercedes Marleaux

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A travs de su ministerio Grace World Mission (Misin Mundial Gracia), Bryan y Mercedes han estado realizando trabajo misionero principalmente en Baja California, Mxico por los ltimos quince aos; predicando, enseando, evangelizando y ministrando en el poder del Espritu Santo con muchas seales, prodigios, y milagros. Tambin han ministrado a travs de los aos en tales lugares como Ghana en frica, Suecia, Noruega, Espaa, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Francia, Letonia, Suiza, Argentina, y Japn, adems de var ...
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The Bible Study Hour offers careful, in-depth Bible study, preparing you to think and act biblically. Dr. James Boice's expository style opens the scriptures and shows how all of God's Word points to Christ. Dr. Boice brings the Bible's truth to bear on all of life. The program helps listeners understand the truth of God's Word in life-changing, mind-renewing ways.The Bible Study Hour is a ministry of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.The Alliance exists to call the twenty-first centur ...
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Creation Moments on ElSitioCristiano.com

Ian T. Taylor & Mark W. Cadwallader

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Founded in 1963, Creation Moments remains committed to building up the Church and enlightening the world to the wonders of God's creation. For more than sixty years, this ministry has proclaimed the truth of biblical creation and provided irrefutable evidence that the Bible can be trusted from the very first verse to the last. In addition to its international creation-evangelism and radio outreach, Creation Moments offers hundreds of free resources on the Bible and science at its website: Cr ...
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Desde 1963, Momentos de la Creacin ha presentado evidencia cientfica de la creacin bblica y otras verdades cientficas de la Biblia de una manera que todos puedan entender. Nuestro programa de radio de dos minutos, "Momentos de la Creacin", le ayudar a obtener una comprensin ms profunda de la gloriosa creacin de Dios. Cada episodio fortalecer su fe y llenar su corazn de asombro ante el gran poder creativo y la genialidad de Dios! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsiti ...
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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Salvation comes only from God. But He uses his followers to bring others to salvation. Paul argues that in order for people to believe in Christ, they have to hear him. In order to hear Him, there has to be preaching. In order for there to be preaching, those preachers have to be sent. So what is our role in this process?To support this ministry fi…
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Topics:Christian Walk,Borderline,Adult Children,Emotional Abuse,Separation,Reconciliation,Aging ParentsHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Jim Burns,Dr. Sheri KefferCaller Questions More:1. Dr. Jim talks about finishing well; pray to break the strongholds that are entangling you, love God, do the right thing, and repeat every day.2. How do I have empathy for my …
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In tackling the topic of socialism, Pastor Jack Graham tells us that the Bible clearly shows socialism is fundamentally at odds with the Christian faith and with the people of faith ultimately seeking to suppress and control all people of faith.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/395/29…
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Las personas y los mamíferos tienen un sistema inmunológico múltiple. Cuando una infección bacterial es detectada, las células empiezan a liberar óxido nítrico, que mata las bacterias, y empiezan una cascada de otras estrategias de defensa. Por último se producen los anticuerpos que directamente atacan a un invasor…To support this ministry financia…
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The glass knifefish uses its unique nervous system to emit and process up to 700 electrical impulses per second, functioning much like a radar system to navigate its surroundings. Its brain utilizes parallel processing, a technique also used in advanced computing, to manage these rapid and complex signals. This extraordinary design reflects the ing…
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You know some times it’s hard to love the people we like. If our friends and family can drive us crazy, how can we expect to love people with we don’t want to be around? We all know many people who have this problem. Jesus commands us though to love in this seemingly impossible way. How can we follow Jesus Christ’s example of loving our enemies?To …
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Aquellos que han visitado el Gran Cañón pueden recordar decir a los guías del parque que tomó millones de años para que el agua talle el Cañón. Hemos visto ejemplos de formaciones rápidas de cañones en previos programas y hoy tenemos un ejemplo más. En el año de 1926, un canal en el desierto de Walla Walla, cerca de Washington, se obstruyó con arbu…
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Topics:Trust,Fear,Medical Issues,Racism,Depression,Hope,Unhoused,Disability,Parenting,DisciplineHosts:Brian Perez, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc CameronCaller Questions More:1. Dr. Alice discusses our self-serving bias to blame others rather than giving others the benefit of the doubt.2. Is it normal that I don’t fear my potentially serious medical diagno…
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There are many cultural wars we are fighting today, and at the heart of this battle is the sanctity of life, Pastor Jack Graham teaches in his message titled Life Giver. The womb ought to be the most sacred and the safest place on earth, and Christians should not relent in the fight for the voiceless, he teaches.To support this ministry financially…
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Pyramids, obelisks, sculptures and gravestones all serve to focus our memories on a person or event from the past. We need memorials. They help us remember important things in our history. On The Bible Study Hour, Dr. James Boice talks about memorials to the power of God - memorials we can see right now.To support this ministry financially, visit: …
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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The Bible teaches that God did not intend for the world to have death, suffering, or disease. His original creation was perfect, with direct and joyful communication between God and man. However, human sin introduced death and suffering as consequences for turning away from God, and only through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection can we have sal…
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Shame is a concept that has all but dropped out of our cultural vocabulary. It hasn’t, however, dropped out of the vocabulary of the Bible. While it’s often used in reference to the consequence of our sin, it doesn’t always have to mean guilt. Shame is used in quite a different way when talking about the gospel.To support this ministry financially,…
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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Join Reverend Eric Alexander for a compelling examination of the human condition as illustrated in the story of Cain and Abel. Discover sin’s destructive impact on our relationships to God, each other, and nature. Ponder the stark reality of disobedience and the goodness of God that leads us to repentance in Hear the Word of God.To support this min…
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The Aspilia shrub has traditionally been used for treating wounds and stomachaches, but when researchers observed chimpanzees eating the leaves, further discoveries on the Aspilia’s antibiotic properties to fight bacteria, fungi, and worms were made. The chimps’ remarkable behavior raises the question of how these animals discovered the plant’s med…
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In the powerful new series, Don’t Blink, Pastor Jack Graham addresses what the Bible says about some of the most critical moral, cultural and political issues of our time. As believers, this is a time to know our faith and to live a bold faith, Pastor Graham teaches, never compromising God’s truth.To support this ministry financially, visit: https:…
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Topics:Betrayal,Suicide,Adult Children,Estrangement,Addictions,Boundaries,Sexual IntimacyHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Sheri Keffer,Dr. Jim BurnsCaller Questions More:1. Dr. Sheri shares what we can learn from the hedgehog effect and prickly quills.2. My 32yo nephew lived with me and attempted suicide in my house; my daughter blames me and has cut off comm…
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Normalmente, las langostas del desierto mencionadas en la Biblia son tímidas y solitarias y son de color verde. ¿Qué es los que las torna en un ejército multicolor que barre a lo largo de la tierra y que devora toda hoja a la vista? Incluso el libro de Proverbios se maravilla de cómo las langostas, sin ningún líder, se comportan como un ejército de…
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You know some times it’s hard to love the people we like. If our friends and family can drive us crazy, how can we expect to love people with we don’t want to be around? We all know many people who have this problem. Jesus commands us though to love in this seemingly impossible way. How can we follow Jesus Christ’s example of loving our enemies?To …
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Topics:Self-Care,Christian Walk,Alcohol,Father Issues,Sexual Integrity,Adult Children,Divorce,Betrayal,GriefHosts:Brian Perez, JJ West,Dr. Jill HubbardCaller Questions More:1. JJ talks about why we should invest in training our soul, growing in godliness, and not just physical training.2. What can I do to help my dad stop drinking?3. I loved Every …
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In the Amazon rainforest, mixed-species bird flocks are led by the ant-shrike who warns the flock of bird-eating hawks. Interestingly, the ant-shrike often gives false alarms to distract other birds and steal their food, yet the flock tolerates this behavior due to its value as a vigilant hawk watcher. While such actions are natural for birds, huma…
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In the closing message for the powerful Essential Gospel series, Pastor Jack Graham reminds us that Jesus is the Gospel. There is no other Gospel apart from Him. Pastor Graham teaches that we were made for the glory of God; knitted in our mother’s womb to give glory to God all the days of our lives.To support this ministry financially, visit: https…
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Mientras más aprende la ciencia acerca del universo, algunos sugieren que se observen los principios matemáticos básicos donde está fundamentado todo. Este principio, que un científico ha llamado “autómata celular” podría ser la raíz de todo, desde la astronomía hasta la zoología…To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocrist…
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What is the true gospel? Many so-called evangelists are spreading a self-help gospel. Other preachers are teaching a prosperity gospel, leading to greater wealth, more power, and better health. But the Bible doesn’t support any of these. Instead, the bible gives a gospel that saves, because it is the grace of God reaching into our sinfulness.To sup…
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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As we near the close of the Essential Gospel series studying the wisdom of the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans, Pastor Jack Graham brings the message Crushing Satan. God has given us a prophecy and a promise that one day Satan will be totally and completely crushed, destroyed, broken, devoured.To support this ministry financially, visit: https:/…
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Se han observado, pocas veces, la comunicación entre dos especies totalmente distintas de animales en estado salvaje, con excepción de mensajes básicos tales como la agresión. Sabemos que muchos animales dentro de la misma especie dan advertencias específicas acerca de un peligro inminente…To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.el…
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When the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, he delayed his baptism until he was on his death bed. He was apparently afraid that his sin or the circumstances of earthly life could cause him to fall from a state of grace and separate him from God. But there is no circumstance or situation in life that can separate the believer from …
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We often find it hard to tell people that Jesus Christ is our Lord. We argue that our lives ought to speak louder than our words. Yes, our lives should show that Jesus is our lord. But the Bible teaches the necessity of making a verbal statement as well.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/81/29…
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The fungus that causes mummy-berry disease in blueberries mimics flowers by producing nectar-like substances, releasing a flower-like perfume, and reflecting ultraviolet light to attract bees. These unsuspecting bees, thinking they're gathering nectar, inadvertently spread the fungus to healthy plants, enabling its reproduction.To support this mini…
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Topics:Dating,Attachment,Childhood Trauma,Accusations,Fear,Getting Unstuck,ReframeHosts:Brian Perez, Marc Cameron, Dr. Alice BentonCaller Questions More:1. Marc discusses some of the worst relationship advice that he’s ever heard.2. Did I handle my adult son’s childhood memory the best way? He is having a false memory that I molested him.3. I went …
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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There’s a tragic tendency on the part of human beings to forget the goodness of God, and that was certainly the case with the Israelites. As they contemplated the Jordan, God gave some instructions for that crossing to help them remember Who it was that was going before them. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he points us to…
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When the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, he delayed his baptism until he was on his death bed. He was apparently afraid that his sin or the circumstances of earthly life could cause him to fall from a state of grace and separate him from God. But there is no circumstance or situation in life that can separate the believer from …
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La obra de nuestro Creador refleja algunas de sus increíbles creatividades inventivas. En Mateo 6:30, Jesús nos recuerda cómo Dios provee para todas las necesidades de todas Sus criaturas. Cada criatura está perfectamente ajustada para su vida, aún si esto requiere de una especial creatividad de Dios…To support this ministry financially, visit: htt…
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Demonstrating Dr. Barnhouse’s acute understanding of Romans and his heart for effective preaching, these messages skillfully and reverently expound even the most difficult passages in a clear way. Dr. Barnhouse's concern for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels this series and invites all listeners into a deeper understanding of the life-c…
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Topics:Social Anxiety,Adult Children,Video Games,Childhood Trauma,Self Worth,Codependency,Pornography,Dating,DisclosureHosts:Brian Perez,Dr. Jill Hubbard, Chris WilliamsCaller Questions More:1. Dr. Jill warns us that the more we opt out of social activities, the worse social anxiety gets.2. Any advice on helping our 24yo son launch? He lives at hom…
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Winding down the Essential Gospel series a passage-by-passage, Scripture-by-Scripture, study of the book of Romans Pastor Jack Graham points out that Romans 16 is often skimmed over because it is filled with unpronounceable names. But he teaches that every person on the list played a vital part in what he calls Team Jesus.To support this ministry f…
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