Functional nutrition, Taiji & meditation, love & humanity, poetry & grace- with Kylee Reed Wednesday Artist
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Grief is the experience of loss. We grieve more than just death. The depth of love echoes as sorrow...its your process. Allow it to unfold and heal within you without conditions or judgment.
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A quote from Osho
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In response to a peom written by Emily Rosen. The insecurities that keep women stuck in their inadequacy
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Body talk: navigating wellness
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Wellness is not about will power or restriction; it's about communication, trust and a relationship with your self that serves as a catalyst for positive health behaviours. This episode covers the practice of tuning in to the body to interpret it's messages and discern what is hunger, emotions, illness, etc…
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the mindfulness muscle and food
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mindful eating for optimal health and wellness
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The journey to self is riddled with fear and the creative distractions we use to avoid the pain of the past. A commentary of the truth we share and our need for self intimacy with intuitive readings and messages to encourage you to shine your light through the darkness of your journey.
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a lusty perspective of love, connection, desire, commitment and fantasy with others and self....written by Kylee Reed Wellness Artist
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Kylee Reed Wellness artist discusses Kychi philosophy and humility with intuitive healer and mother of 2, Nita Baird....
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Peonian philosophy, ramblings on love, connection, life and authenticity.... Raw, imperfect and echt... Kychi
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Free yourself from the experiences, ties and beliefs that no longer serve you on your current path. Chose to forgive not only others, but yourself.... With grace, compassion and understanding...and let go
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#squad introduction
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