Acquiring a profitable business can be one of the fastest ways to success. However, it can also be quite challenging. Join business acquisition and growth strategist Bruce Whipple as he shares the strategies, tips, and techniques gleaned from 40+ years of experience. If you believe business acquisition is the path to success you want to take, this is the podcast for you!
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How disciplined is your life and how much are you following your goals rather than working someone else's "to do" list? That is what this week's podcast addresses. I also talk about the new Acquisition Advantage Boot Camp that started on February 25, 2025 and is running for six weeks. The first four weeks are available for on demand viewing for mem…
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Being on time is something I am passionate about and also how I judge others. I also talk about the new Acquisition Advantage Boot Camp that started on February 25, 2025 and is running for six weeks. The first three weeks are available for on demand viewing for members and the last three are LIVE. Here are the details.…
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Will Your Passport Outlive You? I hope not but I am not so sure about myself. This was a pretty impactful event for me and what this week's podcast is about. If you want to join us for the March 13th and 14th virtual training as a VIP Mastermind member here are the details.…
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Artificial Intelligence aka AI is a great tool. But you need to be careful with it and know how to use it and its limitations. That is what this week's podcast talks about. If you want a deep dive on "How to Use AI to Supercharge Your Business Acquisition!" Here are the details.…
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I truly believe Integrity is one of the few things worth dying for? Why that is and how important your integrity and reputation is to your ability to do deals is what this week's podcast is all about. I also talk about the new Acquisition Advantage Boot Camp starting on February 25, 2025 and running for six weeks. Here are the details. https://go.b…
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333 - My Most Successful Mentee Reveals The Secret To His Success! Part 2
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24:44Do you think you can learn something from my most successful mentee? I do...if you watch, learn, and take action. That is what this week's podcast covers. This is part 2. Part one is on my you tube channel. Here is that video. To watch the full interview, click here.…
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A lot of mentees pick the wrong Chairperson in their haste to build a Board of Directors. So, how can you pick the right Chairperson? This week's podcast dives into this and how you can pick your Chairperson. If group coaching would help you, check out the new format, which focuses on accountability and building an empire. https://go.brucewhipple.c…
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FEAR is usually False Expectations Appearing Real. Procrastination and Paralysis by analysis kills more dreams than failure ever will. This week's podcast dives into this and how you can drive a stake through the heart of FEAR. If group coaching would help you, check out the new format, which focuses on accountability and building an empire. https:…
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Knowing your why is really critical, so you are working toward your goals and not someone else's? This week's podcast dives into this and how you can make sure your goals are indeed yours. Here are some lessons you can learn and implement to achieve your "Why." If group coaching would help you, check out the new format, which focuses on accountabil…
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Fear is a double-edged sword; it can paralyze or propel. In this week's podcast I give a great example of how fear propelled Taylor Sheridan from $800 to $200 Million in ten years. And lessons you can learn and implement to achieve your "Why." If group coaching would help you, check out the new format, which focuses on accountability and building a…
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Last Friday was "Quitter's Day". That is the second Friday of the New Year when a lot of people abandon their New Year's Resolutions and Plans. But you can't quit if you never started! That is what this week's podcast is about. How to start! If group coaching is something that would help you check out the new group coaching format which focuses on …
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Do you struggle to focus and stay on task? If so the Pomodoro Technique might just be the answer. That is what this week's podcast is about.Par Bruce Whipple
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Every so often I am asked to explain the steps to acquiring a business. That is what this week's podcast is about. My Acquisition Advantage Boot Camp recordings explain the steps in detail and allows you to attend a LIVE group Q&A I do each month. Here are the details.…
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You can listen to what I say about the VIP Mastermind, but this mentee's experience tells it all. That is what this week's podcast is about. Some spots are opening in January. Here are the details. Bruce Whipple
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I am often asked why we cover in the two day VIP Mastermind training events. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to learn more about the VIP Mastermind, here are the details. Bruce Whipple
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How do you separate yourself from the "Bots"? That is what this week's podcast is about. Here are the details on the Seller Finance Mastery Program Bruce Whipple
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I am often asked what we cover in the two day VIP Mastermind training events. That is what this week's podcast is about. Here are the details on the VIP Mastermind. Bruce Whipple
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321 - Philosophies That Changed My Life - A Ratio Will Appear!
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18:59Understanding your results and the law of averages is critical as Jim Rohn explains so well. That is what this week's podcast is about. Here is the link to the seller finance boot camp I mentioned. Bruce Whipple
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So why would a seller benefit from seller finance? Good question! That is what this week's podcast is about. Here is the link to the seller finance boot camp I mentioned. Bruce Whipple
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Are you not making the progress you want to? Perhaps these four enemies of success will help change your progress. That is what this week's podcast is about. Here is the link to the seller finance boot camp I mentioned. Bruce Whipple
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Are you afraid of getting bank financing? There is an alternative and yes it is real. Seller Finance. That is what this week's podcast is about. Here is the link to the seller finance boot camp I mentioned. Bruce Whipple
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How do you avoid getting your "head chopped off" and build a team with people you can trust. That is what this week's podcast is about. Here is the link to the seller finance boot camp I mentioned. Bruce Whipple
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Taking action is critical to your success. That sounds easy but how do you do that? That is what this week's podcast explains. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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Choosing the right team and professionals is critical to your business acquisition journey. That is what this week's podcast explains. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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Time and opportunities can slip away. Here are some great examples and how you can avoid them. That is what this week's podcast explains. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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People often are tempted to quit when the going gets tough. So when do you know when that time is. That is what this week's podcast explains. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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312 - Does The Perfect Board Of Directors Exist?
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11:37Last week I did a video on Does the Perfect Chairperson Exist. Here is that video. This week's podcast is Does The Perfect Board Of Directors Exist? If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject.…
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I am often asked why we cover in the two day VIP Mastermind training events. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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How to get past the gatekeeper is a popular question. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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The business acquisition steps are simple but simple isn't the same as easy. So what happens to those that don't follow the steps? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to start conversations, here is a free course on that subject. Bruce Whipple
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How is your work ethic? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking for how to start conversations here is a free course in that subject. Bruce Whipple
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From Four To Forty-Six Deals In Two Years...How Did That Happen? That is what this week's podcast is about. Check out the interviews of successes in the Pantheon Bruce Whipple
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Opportunities are sometimes lost when different actions could have secured them. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking for how to start conversations here is a free course in that subject. Bruce Whipple
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305 -Bulls%$t - Debunking The Myths Of Business Acquisition
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18:45What fears or misconceptions did you have about this business acquisition process? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking for how to start conversations here is a free course in that subject. Bruce Whipple
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This is a great lesson. Hate Is Like Drinking Poison And Hoping The Other Guy Dies! That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking for what can help you talk a spin around Bruce Whipple
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Did You Know You Can Talk To Me? And here's how you can do that. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking for what can help you talk a spin around Bruce Whipple
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Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith. How can you do that? That is what this week's podcast is about.Par Bruce Whipple
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Life and time are fleeting. How much time do you have? That is what this week's podcast is about.Par Bruce Whipple
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Podcast #300 - Time does fly! Communication is important. Here is a great case study! That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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What is your VIP Mastermind Group all about? And what do you cover in the 2-day event? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Why Do Mentees Fail To Use The Tools In Their Toolbox? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Persistence is a key to success. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Do you take action or procrastinate? That is what this week's podcast is about. Remember, PROCRASTINATION is the thief of time! If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Following up is indeed critical. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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What can we learn from momentum That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Is ChatGPT a game changer? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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What do winners do? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Do you and will you have regrets? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help.
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What happens when you don't follow the business acquisition steps? That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help. Bruce Whipple
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Many ask me about the VIP Mastermind. It is not for everyone. I also want to share a very personal experience on how your brain works.. That is what this week's podcast is about. If you are looking to understand how to start the conversations with your prospects this free course can help.…
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