One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest. Broadcast daily, it is the adventure of a lifetime.
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Le capr broadcast est un espace de dialogue et d'enseignement concernant tout ce qui passe dans la vie et qui partage sur notre site. Profitez pleinement!
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Poinch est le premier portail et télévision musicale multimédia Suisse destinée à faire sortir de l'ombre les musiciens locaux, tous styles confondus. Vous êtes un diffuseur TV ou autre, contactez-nous car tous les reportages sont en format broadcast aussi (génériques inclus)! Soutenez nos musiciens locaux, diffusez les reportages Poinch et bien sûr les musiciens locaux et leurs musiques! :-)
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From 1994 to 2006, Da Club House was the best houzy radioshow from rBs 91.9 fm radio station in Strasbourg (France). During those 12 years, the dj's Jayffe, Vinicious, Don Lorenzo & Little Ghost have weekly supply and broadcast House Mixes. Since 2005, You can now check da sound on Podcast !!! Love, Peace & Housemusic......
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BIO & DISCOGRAPHIE (In Progress ) AXEL BAMPTON is a French House DJ/Producer & AudioMixer based in Paris and New York since the end of 2018. Whoever quickly sees music as a world apart from his childhood, will never leave this vibrant universe. Soul, Funk, Disco, Pop, New-Wave, Dance Music are just as many registers that dominate in his musical tastes. He quickly discovers the "DJ-ing". From the simple hobby is born a real passion. This craze is reflec ...
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ergo360média avec la Solution, créer et produit du Brand Content et des Radios pour vos évènements. Le contenu de marque, c’est créer du lien, raconter votre histoire et communiquer sur vos valeurs. La solution de Brand Content Radio popUP-radio permet de : Favoriser l’engagement, Partager et développer la conversation, Interagir avec votre cible et Répondre à vos objectifs… Nous sommes producteurs d’émissions et de contenus RADIO. Nous valorisons ces contenus en apportant un ...
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Each month, MICO C mixes for you all the latest hits and remixes ! IN PARTY WITH MICO C Mico C also has a proven track record as a composer, producer and remixer. Be it under the name "Swindlers" with his music partner Julien, or under his own pseudonym "Mico C", he has been offered to produce for some of the most successful artists, such as Mylène Farmer, Akon, Snoop Dog, Carly Rae Jepsen, Jermaine Jackson, TYP, Inna, Flo Rida, Martin Solveig, Antoine Clamaran, Mathieu Bouthier, Muttonheads ...
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**Bonjour ou bonsoir à tous et toutes Mon nom est David Dj Ds Egalement connu sous le nom de DJ DS Je suis né à Lille Le 14 Juillet 1972 Je résides sur Lille Dans le Nord de la France **Je suis un ancien Animateur Radio Fm et Dj Disco Mobile J'ai une passion indéfinie pour la musique sous diverses influences musicales J'ai commencer à m'intéresser à celle ci dès mon plus jeune âge Pour être précis à 8 ans Cet amour pour la musique m'a emmener dans un premier temps à acheter mes 45t ,33t Puis ...
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Platine portative à la main, micro dans l'autre, je m'incruste poliment chez des passionnés de microsillons, que je ne connaissais pas ou peu jusqu'alors, pour chiner les anecdotes et les disques vinyles qui dessinent leur vie de mélomane. Mes hôtes sont des amateurs, amatrices anonymes, des artistes, des bookeurs, des dj’s, des mixeuses, des disquaires à qui je rend visite à leur domicile, à leur boutique ou à leur stand lors de convention... Peu m’importe la taille des collections, les sty ...
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Lev 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Ps 36:1-12, Pr 10:1-2Par DAB French
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Lev 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Ps 35:17-28, Pr 9:13-18Par DAB French
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Ex 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Ps 35:1-16, Pr 9:11-12Par DAB French
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Ex 37:1-38:31, Matt 28:1-20, Ps 34:11-22, Pr 9:9-10Par DAB French
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Ex 35:10-36:38, Matt 27:32-66, Ps 34:1-10, Pr 9:7-8Par DAB French
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Ex 34:1-35:9, Matt 27:15-31, Ps 33:12-22, Pr 9:1-6Par DAB French
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Ex 32:1-33:23, Matt 26:69-27:14, Ps 33:1-11, Pr 8:33-36Par DAB French
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Ex 30:11-31:18, Matt 26:47-68, Ps 32:1-11, Pr 8:27-32Par DAB French
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Ex 29:1-30:10, Matt 26:14-46, Ps 31:19-24, Pr 8:14-26Par DAB French
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Ex 28:1-43, Matt 25:31-26:13, Ps 31:9-18, Pr 8:12-13Par DAB French
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Ex 26:1-27:21, Matt 25:1-30, Ps 31:1-8, Pr 8:1-11Par DAB French
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Ex 23:14-25:40, Matt 24:29-51, Ps 30:1-12, Pr 7:24-27Par DAB French
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Ex 21:22-23:13, Matt 24:1-28, Ps 29:1-11, Pr 7:6-23Par DAB French
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Ex 19:16-21:21, Matt 23:13-39, Ps 28:1-9, Pr 7:1-5Par DAB French
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Ex 17:8-19:15, Matt 22:34-23:12, Ps 27:8-14, Pr 6:27-35Par DAB French
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Ex 15:19-17:7, Matt 22:1-33, Ps 27:1-7, Pr 6:20-26Par DAB French
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Ex 13:17-15:18, Matt 21:23-46, Ps 26:1-12, Pr 6:16-19Par DAB French
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Ex 12:14-13:16, Matt 20:29-21:22, Ps 25:12-22, Pr 6:12-15Par DAB French
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Ex 10:1-12:13, Matt 20:1-28, Ps 25:1-11, Pr 6:6-11Par DAB French
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Ex 7:25-9:35, Matt 19:13-30, Ps 24:1-10, Pr 6:1-5Par DAB French
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Ex 5:22-7:24, Matt 18:21-19:12, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 5:22-23Par DAB French
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Ex 4:1-5:21, Matt 18:1-20, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 5:15-21Par DAB French
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Ex 2:11-3:22, Matt 17:10-27, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 5:7-14Par DAB French
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Gen 50:1-Ex 2:10, Matt 16:13-17:9, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 5:1-6Par DAB French
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Gen 48:1-49:33, Matt 15:29-16:12, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 4:20-27Par DAB French
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Gen 46:1-47:31, Matt 15:1-28, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 4:14-19Par DAB French
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Gen 44:1-45:28, Matt 14:13-36, Ps 18:35-50, Pr 4:11-13Par DAB French
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Gen 42:18-43:34, Matt 13:47-14:12, Ps 18:16-34, Pr 4:7-10Par DAB French
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Gen 41:17-42:17, Matt 13:24-46, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 4:1-6Par DAB French
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Gen 39:1-41:16, Matt 12:46-13:23, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 3:33-35Par DAB French
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Gen 37:1-38:30, Matt 12:22-45, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 3:27-32Par DAB French
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Gen 35:1-36:43, Matt 12:1-21, Ps 15:1-5, Pr 3:21-26Par DAB French
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Gen 32:13-34:31, Matt 11:7-30, Ps 14:1-7, Pr 3:19-20Par DAB French
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Gen 31:17-32:12, Matt 10:24-11:6, Ps 13:1-6, Pr 3:16-18Par DAB French
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Gen 30:1-31:16, Matt 10:1-23, Ps 12:1-8, Pr 3:13-15Par DAB French
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Gen 28:1-29:35, Matt 9:18-38, Ps 11:1-7, Pr 3:11-12Par DAB French
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Gen 26:17-27:46, Matt 9:1-17, Ps 10:6-18, Pr 3:9-10Par DAB French
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Gen 24:52-26:16, Matt 8:18-34, Ps 10:1-5, Pr 3:7-8Par DAB French
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Gen 23:1-24:51, Matt 8:1-17, Ps 9:13-20, Pr 3:1-6Par DAB French
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Gen 20:1-22:24, Matt 7:15-29, Ps 9:1-12, Pr 2:16-22Par DAB French
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Gen 18:16-19:38, Matt 6:25-7:14, Ps 8:1-9, Pr 2:6-15Par DAB French
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Gen 16:1-18:15, Matt 6:1-24, Ps 7:1-17, Pr 2:1-5Par DAB French
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Gen 13:5-15:21, Matt 5:27-48, Ps 6:1-10, Pr 1:29-33Par DAB French
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Gen 11:1-13:4, Matt 5:1-26, Ps 5:1-12, Pr 1:24-28Par DAB French
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Axel Bampton Pres -Smok'in Beats 146 (Recorded live @Glass Bar Cannes Fr.)
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1:33:27in this Podcast Special NYE party (recorded live @Glassbar Cannes Fr), find My Set special NYE 2025Par Smok'in Beats
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2:00:26**Hi sweet peeps around the world❤🤗😊 I wish you and also for yours one awesome new year full to good things like health ,happiness ,joy ,love ,peace ,respect , blessings and hugs ❤️🤗to #france❤️ I proposed you to discover my new #mixshow #radiomixshow #djmixset SOULFUL GENERATION L'ÉMISSION on HOUSESTATIONRADIO.COM the first #livemixshow to this ye…
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Gen 8:1-10:32, Matt 4:12-25, Ps 4:1-8, Pr 1:20-23Par DAB French
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Gen 5:1-7:24, Matt 3:7-4:11, Ps 3:1-8, Pr 1:10-19Par DAB French
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Gen 3:1-4:26, Matt 2:13-3:6, Ps 2:1-12, Pr 1:7-9Par DAB French
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Gen 1:1-2:25, Matt 1:1-2:12, Ps 1:1-6, Pr 1:1-6Par DAB French
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