Je m'appelle Ben, je vis à Londres et je vous propose d'apprendre l'anglais en utilisant l'actu ! Learn English With News. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Émission de culture générale. Chaque semaine, un nouvel invité (académicien, chercheur, etc) apporte des éclairages approfondis et nuancés sur un sujet tiré de sa spécialité.
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Apprenez des proverbes (et expressions) avec Julien & Julien, grâce à des explications détaillées et des mises en situation, sans être trop sérieux ! Un livre est aussi disponible, en format papier ou PDF ici: Vous pourrez découvrir un nouveau proverbe chaque semaine au cours de l'année 2020. Si vous voulez nous soutenir et accéder aux épisodes non-édités, considérez souscrire à notre compte patreon: Enfin, abonnez-vous a ...
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Cheick souleymaneSore Ibn Alhaji Abdullah Sore Muslim Soufi Tijani respectant l'opinion de chaque musulman. Le Cheikh est né le 5/5 / 1977 dans le village de Sham, dans l'État de Bobo Delasso. Puis Cheikh prend une leçon de son père Alhaji Khalid Sore, Sheikh voyage à travers le Burkina Faso pour une connaissance, de là, Sheikh s'est rendu au Niger et au Nigéria pour apprendre, apprendre et apprendre de nombreux cheikhs et a écrit de nombreux livres, certains des noms de livres sont , Kawati ...
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"28 Lettres : l'arabe en podcast" est plus qu'une émission. C'est un moment suspendu dédié aux francophones 🇨🇵 qui apprennent l'arabe 🇸🇦 ou qui sont curieux de l'être. On y interroge les motivations d'un tel apprentissage, selon les parcours et profils, et donne avec malice des conseils et astuces pour y arriver. ✍️ La langue arabe forme-t-elle un bloc uniforme ? Te sens-tu perdu parmi les différents qualificatifs : arabe standard, classique, moderne, littéral ? Par où commencer pour t'y ini ...
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Histoires d'Asie, c 'est le podcast qui vous offre tous les récits , historiques, littéraires,musicaux et cinématographiques du monde asiatique. Ce sont 4 émissions pour découvrir, voir, écouter et apprendre ; HIstoires d'Asie où un.e en SHS nous présente son travail historique sur cette aire géographique. Ciné d'Asie où nous chroniquons films et series selon l actu et nos coups de coeur Lectures d'Asie pour découvrir le meilleur de la littérature. Musiques d'Asie pour mettre de ...
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Le podcast qui n'a pas cessé de vous en apprendre. Histoire, musique, insolite et culture G; écoutez-nous pendant votre quart d'heure de libre de la semaine ! Dans les transports, en chemin, en cuisinant ou en faisant du sport, ce podcast est fait pour toutes les occasions ! Lien Deezer : Découvrez tous les compléments gratuits sur notre site : Disponible sur toutes vos plateformes ! Retrouvez notre page dédiée ...
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Autour d’un café et dans la bonne humeur, retrouvez notre émission Café Brioche! Une discussion entre deux potes d'enfance (parfois avec invité), sur des thèmes de sociétés divers et variés. L'idée c'est de pouvoir débattre, tout en vous partageant nos connaissances & des anecdotes croustillantes, qui sauront vous faire vibrer. 💡 Le rendez-vous, c'est un Dimanche sur deux à 11h, alors préparez-vous un bon espresso pour pouvoir vivre l’expérience ultime… 🔥 ☕️x🍞 Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acas ...
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L'argent fait, le bonheur c'est autre chose. Suivez moi sur TIK TOK : Suivez moi sur instagram : Suivez moi sur YouTube : Tous les liens importants : La RADIO CAPEACH : Bienvenue sur mon podcast, Si vous êtes entrepreneur, agent immobilier, chef d'entreprise, manager, commercial, ce podcast est pour vous. Ma seule motivation c'est de part ...
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A city council in the US has requested that people stop putting googly eyes onto sculptures around the city. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreo…
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Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs could soon be caught using groundbreaking AI camera technology. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Pat…
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Pourquoi fêtons-nous Noël ?
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À quel moment la date du 25 décembre a-t-elle été choisie pour célébrer Noël ? Pourquoi Jésus est-il au cœur de cette fête ? D’où vient la tradition des cadeaux ? Autant de questions qui trouvent leurs réponses dans l’histoire fascinante d'un jour et d'une nuit à part. À l’approche du réveillon, L’Envie de savoir vous propose une émission spéciale …
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Indian teenager Gukesh Dommaraju has made history by becoming the youngest-ever world chess champion. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: patr…
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A humpback whale has undertaken one of the longest and most extraordinary migrations ever recorded. Read the episode transcript and test your understanding with a comprehension quiz by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts and quizzes for every episode of Apprendre L'Anglais Avec L'Actu, plus other bonus cont…
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Meet Gout Gout, the 16 year old sprint sensation who just broke Australia’s six-decade long 200m record
His time establishes him as the fastest 16-year-old ever over 200m. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For …
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The new plastic offers a potential solution to the long-standing issue of plastic pollution in the ocean. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: …
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Ulysse, le héros qui choisit d’être mortel : l’épopée d’une identité
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Cette semaine, L'Envie de savoir vous propose de marcher sur les traces d’Ulysse, héros mythique de L’Odyssée, œuvre fondatrice de la littérature occidentale. Ulysse, malgré ses qualités extraordinaires, reste un héros profondément humain : faillible, orgueilleux, nostalgique… Ces traits éclairent en creux le regard que le monde païen portait sur l…
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The couple went outside to search for their dogs when they encountered the bear in their driveway. Read the episode transcript and test your understanding with a comprehension quiz by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit …
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Producers hope that the recognition will spark renewed global and domestic interest in the traditional rice wine. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. P…
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A Russian woman is being held in Paris after managing to get through security and board a flight from New York without a ticket. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and…
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A Melbourne woman made an unexpected and terrifying stop on the motorway after discovering a deadly tiger snake slithering up her leg. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more informati…
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Orcas in the Northwest Pacific have revived a peculiar behaviour last seen nearly 40 years ago—wearing dead salmon on their heads. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information a…
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French President Emmanuel Macron described the project as “impossible” yet successfully realized. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: patreon.…
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Qui est Robert Dautray, génie discret derrière la bombe H française ?
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Inconnu du grand public, Robert Dautray a pourtant marqué l’histoire par un parcours hors norme. Rescapé de la rafle du Vel d’Hiv, il a connu l’exil comme berger avant de briller dans les plus prestigieuses institutions scientifiques françaises. Major de Polytechnique, artisan clé de la bombe H sous l’impulsion du général de Gaulle, ce génie discre…
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More than 30 pilot whales were rescued after being stranded on a beach. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - …
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Police in southern Netherlands uncovered an unusual find during a drug search: a nearly 2kg (4lb) garden gnome made entirely of MDMA. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more informatio…
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The piece of art shows a banana duct-taped to a wall. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For transcripts, c…
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An Argentinian football club is facing backlash after starting a popular YouTuber in a top-tier match. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: pat…
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Leaked emails show staff warning host venues to remove all bananas before her arrival. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon:…
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Notre-Dame de Paris : au croisement du divin, du pouvoir et du savoir
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Le week-end des 7 et 8 décembre prochain, après cinq années de travaux colossaux, la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris rouvrira enfin ses portes au grand public. Ravagée par un incendie en 2019, qui avait suscité une onde de choc mondiale, puis au cœur de débats passionnés sur sa restauration, elle s’apprête à retrouver sa splendeur universelle. Mais …
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Four people have been arrested for allegedly staging fake insurance claims, pretending that a bear damaged three luxury cars. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to…
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Daisy the 'elderly grandma' is turning the tables on scammers. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For trans…
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The mystery of a harness-wearing beluga whale spotted off Norway's coast may finally have an explanation. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: …
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Pourquoi redécouvrir François Guizot, inventeur de la « politique de l’esprit », aujourd’hui ?
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Il a fait ses premiers pas dans le journalisme à 22 ans, salué par Chateaubriand. À 25 ans, il enseignait déjà un cours d’histoire à la faculté de lettres, mais il en voulait davantage. Figure tutélaire de la Monarchie de Juillet (1830-1848), François Guizot a contribué, à travers des réformes structurelles, à transformer profondément la France du …
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The hungry cyclists blocked roads and caused chaos. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For transcripts, com…
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Gus journeyed across the Southern Ocean from the Antarctica to a beach in Western Australia. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon:…
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A seventeen year old has been caught in a controversy after being disqualified from an international maths competition. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join …
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This concept suggests that given infinite time, even unlikely events become probable. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon:…
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Julie Doorne wants stricter regulations on fireworks in the UK. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: - For tran…
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A previously unknown waltz by Frédéric Chopin has been discovered, marking the first discovery of a new Chopin piece in nearly a century. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more inform…
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Scientists have reconstructed the face of a 400-year-old woman, suspected of being a “vampire,” who was buried with restraints to prevent her from “rising from the dead.” Read the episode transcript and test your understanding with a comprehension quiz by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and q…
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A Russian court is fining Google two undecillion roubles for restricting Russian state media channels on YouTube. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. P…
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Archaeologists have uncovered a significant ancient Maya city in Mexico’s Campeche state. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon:…
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Timothée Chalamet surprised fans by appearing at a lookalike contest in his honour at New York City's Washington Square Park. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to…
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Comment les États-Unis perçoivent-ils le reste du monde en 2024 ?
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Dans quelques jours, le peuple américain choisira son nouveau président ou sa nouvelle présidente, pour les quatre prochaines années. Cette campagne, minutieusement scrutée, est considérée comme l’une des plus serrées de la décennie. Si le résultat de ce vote demeure encore incertain aujourd’hui, ses répercussions sur la scène internationale seront…
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A 12-year-old girl from Sunderland, Grace Liddle, was thrilled to learn that her message in a bottle, thrown into the sea nearly a year ago, had been discovered in Sweden. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit…
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Dunedin International Airport in New Zealand has imposed a new rule limiting goodbyes to a three-minute hug in its drop-off zone. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information an…
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Police in western Germany have raided a pizzeria that allegedly offered customers cocaine alongside their food orders. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join n…
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A young woman endured a seven-hour ordeal after falling between two boulders while trying to retrieve her mobile phone. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join …
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Les secrets du Berceau, chef-d'œuvre impressionniste de Berthe Morisot
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Une scène ordinaire, mais empreinte de douceur : une jeune femme veille sur un enfant dans son berceau. L’intérieur de la chambre est bourgeois et paisible. Le voile du berceau isole la mère et l’enfant des spectateurs et du reste du monde. Derrière la délicatesse des coups de pinceau de Berthe Morisot, Le Berceau, peint en 1872, fige un instant de…
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An amateur historian has uncovered a long-lost short story by Bram Stoker. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon:…
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Researchers in the US and Australia are working on a project that could bring the Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, back from extinction. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more informati…
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Les chatbots de demain pourront-ils nous apprendre à être plus libres ?
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Dans la pièce de théâtre Qui a hacké Garoutzia ?, un chatbot repousse les limites de l’intelligence artificielle. Cet agent conversationnel sophistiqué se distingue par sa mémoire et sa maîtrise du langage des émotions, transcendant ainsi le rôle habituel des assistants virtuels. Garoutzia, « celle qui n’était qu’un chatbot » s’imprègne des expérie…
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A German town has banned cacti from municipal buildings, including schools and nurseries, after a man injured his arm on a cactus in a school. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more i…
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The World Conker Championships is investigating claims that one of its 2024 winners, David Jakins, may have cheated. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more information and to join now…
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A 16-year-old from the US has become the first known person to reset the classic video game Tetris to level 0 after beating it. Read the episode transcript and test your understanding with a comprehension quiz by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. Visit for more information and to join now. Patreon: patreon…
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The family of British climber Andrew "Sandy" Irvine, who disappeared on Mount Everest nearly 100 years ago, never expected to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit…
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A Dutch museum recently recovered a piece of artwork resembling two discarded beer cans after a staff member mistakenly threw it away. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit for more informati…
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A new species of moth has been discovered in South Wales after an improbable journey spanning 4,500 miles from the tropical jungles of Guyana in South America. Read the episode transcript by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. You'll get access to transcripts, tutorials and quizzes, plus other bonus content. Visit…
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